From 5702ffd16d0efe32ba6d4ef13613c4c01b9b051f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Delaigue Olivier <olivier.delaigue@irstea.priv>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 15:37:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] v1.4.0.0 NEW: add a RunModel_GR5H fun #13

 DESCRIPTION       |   4 +-           |   2 +-
 R/RunModel_GR5H.R | 113 ++++++++++++++
 src/frun_GR5H.f   | 372 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 488 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 R/RunModel_GR5H.R
 create mode 100644 src/frun_GR5H.f

index 61be0e69..793c7f85 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: airGR
 Type: Package
 Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
-Date: 2019-12-02
+Date: 2019-12-04
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1503-6204")),
   person("Olivier", "Delaigue", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7668-8468"), email = ""),
diff --git a/ b/
index 08bd8a4c..23a55f3e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-### Release Notes (2019-12-02)
+### Release Notes (2019-12-04)
 #### New features
diff --git a/R/RunModel_GR5H.R b/R/RunModel_GR5H.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65d4cc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/RunModel_GR5H.R
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+RunModel_GR5H <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
+    NParam <- 5;
+    FortranOutputs <- .FortranOutputs(GR = "GR5H")$GR
+    IsIntStore <- inherits(RunOptions, "interception")
+    ##Arguments_check
+      if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'InputsModel'") }  
+      if(inherits(InputsModel,"hourly"     )==FALSE){ stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'hourly'     ") }  
+      if(inherits(InputsModel,"GR"         )==FALSE){ stop("'InputsModel' must be of class 'GR'         ") }  
+      if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions"  )==FALSE){ stop("'RunOptions' must be of class 'RunOptions'  ") }  
+      if(inherits(RunOptions,"GR"          )==FALSE){ stop("'RunOptions' must be of class 'GR'          ") }  
+      if(!is.vector(Param) | !is.numeric(Param)){ stop("'Param' must be a numeric vector") }
+      if(sum(!!=NParam){ stop(paste("'Param' must be a vector of length ",NParam," and contain no NA",sep="")) }
+      Param <- as.double(Param);
+      Param_X1X3_threshold <- 1e-2
+      Param_X4_threshold   <- 0.5
+      if (Param[1L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
+        warning(sprintf("Param[1] (X1: production store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X1 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
+        Param[1L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
+      }
+      if (Param[3L] < Param_X1X3_threshold) {
+        warning(sprintf("Param[3] (X3: routing store capacity [mm]) < %.2f\n X3 set to %.2f", Param_X1X3_threshold, Param_X1X3_threshold))
+        Param[3L] <- Param_X1X3_threshold
+      }
+      if (Param[4L] < Param_X4_threshold) {
+        warning(sprintf("Param[4] (X4: unit hydrograph time constant [h]) < %.2f\n X4 set to %.2f", Param_X4_threshold, Param_X4_threshold))
+        Param[4L] <- Param_X4_threshold
+      }     
+    ##Input_data_preparation
+      if(identical(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,as.integer(0))){ RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp <- NULL; }
+      IndPeriod1   <- c(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp,RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run);
+      LInputSeries <- as.integer(length(IndPeriod1))
+      if("all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){ IndOutputs <- as.integer(1:length(FortranOutputs)); 
+      } else { IndOutputs <- which(FortranOutputs %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim);  }
+    ##Output_data_preparation
+      IndPeriod2     <- (length(RunOptions$IndPeriod_WarmUp)+1):LInputSeries;
+      ExportDatesR   <- "DatesR"   %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
+      ExportStateEnd <- "StateEnd" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim;
+    ##Use_of_IniResLevels
+      if(!is.null(RunOptions$IniResLevels)){
+        RunOptions$IniStates[1] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[1]*Param[1];  ### production store level (mm)
+        RunOptions$IniStates[2] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[2]*Param[3];  ### routing store level (mm)
+        if(IsIntStore){
+          RunOptions$IniStates[4] <- RunOptions$IniResLevels[4]*RunOptions$Imax;  ### interception store level (mm)
+        }
+      }
+    ##Call_fortan
+      RESULTS <- .Fortran("frun_gr5h",PACKAGE="airGR",
+                 ##inputs
+                     LInputs=LInputSeries,                             ### length of input and output series
+                     InputsPrecip=InputsModel$Precip[IndPeriod1],      ### input series of total precipitation [mm/h]
+                     InputsPE=InputsModel$PotEvap[IndPeriod1],         ### input series potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
+                     NParam=as.integer(length(Param)),                 ### number of model parameter
+                     Param=Param,                                      ### parameter set
+                     NStates=as.integer(length(RunOptions$IniStates)), ### number of state variables used for model initialising
+                     StateStart=RunOptions$IniStates,                  ### state variables used when the model run starts
+                     IsIntStore=as.integer(IsIntStore),                ### use of interception store
+                     Imax=RunOptions$Imax,                             ### maximal capacity of interception store
+                     NOutputs=as.integer(length(IndOutputs)),          ### number of output series
+                     IndOutputs=IndOutputs,                            ### indices of output series
+                 ##outputs
+                     Outputs=matrix(as.double(-999.999),nrow=LInputSeries,ncol=length(IndOutputs)),  ### output series [mm or mm/h]
+                     StateEnd=rep(as.double(-999.999),length(RunOptions$IniStates))                  ### state variables at the end of the model run
+                     )
+      RESULTS$Outputs[ round(RESULTS$Outputs ,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
+      RESULTS$StateEnd[round(RESULTS$StateEnd,3)==(-999.999)] <- NA;
+      if (ExportStateEnd) {
+        RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] <- ifelse(RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L] < 0, 0, RESULTS$StateEnd[-3L]) ### remove negative values except for the ExpStore location
+        RESULTS$StateEnd <- CreateIniStates(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR5H, InputsModel = InputsModel,
+                                            ProdStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[1L], RoutStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[2L], ExpStore = NULL,
+                                            IntStore = RESULTS$StateEnd[4L],
+                                            UH1 = NULL, UH2 = RESULTS$StateEnd[(1:(40*24))+(7+20*24)],
+                                            GCemaNeigeLayers = NULL, eTGCemaNeigeLayers = NULL,
+                                            verbose = FALSE)
+      }
+    ##Output_data_preparation
+      ##OutputsModel_only
+      if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
+        OutputsModel <- lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]);
+        names(OutputsModel) <- FortranOutputs[IndOutputs];      }
+      ##DatesR_and_OutputsModel_only
+      if(ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==FALSE){
+        OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
+                           lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]) );
+        names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs]);      }
+      ##OutputsModel_and_StateEnd_only
+      if(ExportDatesR==FALSE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE){
+        OutputsModel <- c( lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
+                           list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
+        names(OutputsModel) <- c(FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd");      }
+      ##DatesR_and_OutputsModel_and_StateEnd
+      if((ExportDatesR==TRUE & ExportStateEnd==TRUE) | "all" %in% RunOptions$Outputs_Sim){
+        OutputsModel <- c( list(InputsModel$DatesR[RunOptions$IndPeriod_Run]),
+                           lapply(seq_len(RESULTS$NOutputs), function(i) RESULTS$Outputs[IndPeriod2,i]),
+                           list(RESULTS$StateEnd) );
+        names(OutputsModel) <- c("DatesR",FortranOutputs[IndOutputs],"StateEnd");      }
+    ##End
+      rm(RESULTS); 
+      class(OutputsModel) <- c("OutputsModel","hourly","GR");
+      if(IsIntStore) {
+        class(OutputsModel) <- c(class(OutputsModel), "interception")
+      }
+      return(OutputsModel);
diff --git a/src/frun_GR5H.f b/src/frun_GR5H.f
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8728e49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frun_GR5H.f
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+!    Subroutines relative to the annual GR5H model
+! TITLE   : airGR
+! PROJECT : airGR
+! FILE    : frun_GR5H.f
+! Original code: N. Le Moine, A. Ficchì
+! Cleaning and formatting for airGR: L. Coron
+! Further cleaning: G. Thirel
+! Creation date: 2006
+! Last modified: 26/11/2019
+! Ficchì, A., Perrin, C., and Andréassian, V. (2019). Hydrological modelling at 
+! multiple sub-daily time steps: model improvement via flux-matching, Journal 
+! of Hydrology, 575, 1308-1327,
+! Le Moine, N. (2008). Le bassin versant de surface vu par le souterrain : une 
+! voie d'amélioration des performances et du réalisme des modèles 
+! pluie-débit ? PhD thesis (French), UPMC, Paris, France. 
+! Pushpalatha, R., C. Perrin, N. Le Moine, T. Mathevet, and V. Andréassian 
+! (2011). A downward structural sensitivity analysis of hydrological models to 
+! improve low-flow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 411(1-2), 66-76. 
+! doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.09.034.
+! Quick description of public procedures:
+!         1. frun_gr5h
+!         2. MOD_GR5H
+      SUBROUTINE frun_gr5h(LInputs,InputsPrecip,InputsPE,NParam,Param,
+     &                     NStates,StateStart,IsIntStore,Imax,NOutputs,IndOutputs,
+     &                     Outputs,StateEnd)
+! Subroutine that initializes GR5H, get its parameters, performs the call 
+! to the MOD_GR5H subroutine at each time step, and stores the final states
+! Inputs
+!       LInputs      ! Integer, length of input and output series
+!       InputsPrecip ! Vector of real, input series of total precipitation [mm/hour]
+!       InputsPE     ! Vector of real, input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/hour]
+!       NParam       ! Integer, number of model parameters
+!       Param        ! Vector of real, parameter set
+!       NStates      ! Integer, number of state variables
+!       StateStart   ! Vector of real, state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
+!       IsIntStore   ! Integer, whether we should use the interception store [1] or not [0]
+!       Imax         ! Real, fixed capacity of the interception store [mm] (used only if IsIntStore=1)
+!       NOutputs     ! Integer, number of output series
+!       IndOutputs   ! Vector of integer, indices of output series
+! Outputs      
+!       Outputs      ! Vector of real, output series
+!       StateEnd     ! Vector of real, state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
+      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr5h
+      Implicit None
+      !! dummies
+      ! in
+      integer, intent(in) :: LInputs,NParam,NStates,NOutputs
+      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs), intent(in) :: InputsPrecip
+      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs), intent(in) :: InputsPE
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NParam),  intent(in) :: Param
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NStates), intent(in) :: StateStart
+	  doubleprecision, intent(in) :: Imax ! interception capacity (fixed parameter) used only if IsIntStore=1
+      integer, intent(in) :: IsIntStore ! 1 if interception store is used, 0 otherwise
+      integer, dimension(NOutputs),        intent(in) :: IndOutputs
+      ! out
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NStates), intent(out) :: StateEnd
+      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs), 
+     & intent(out) :: Outputs
+      !! locals
+      logical :: IsIntStoreBool         ! TRUE if interception store is used, FALSE otherwise
+      integer :: I,K
+      integer, parameter :: NH=480,NMISC=30
+      doubleprecision, dimension(3)     :: St
+      doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH)  :: StUH2, OrdUH2
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NMISC) :: MISC
+      doubleprecision :: D,P1,E,Q
+      IF (IsIntStore .EQ. 1) IsIntStoreBool = .TRUE.
+      IF (IsIntStore .EQ. 0) IsIntStoreBool = .FALSE.
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Initializations
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! initialization of model states to zero
+      St=0.
+      StUH2=0.
+      ! initialization of model states using StateStart
+      St(1) = StateStart(1)
+      St(2) = StateStart(2)
+      IF (IsIntStoreBool .EQ. .TRUE.) St(3) = StateStart(4)
+      DO I=1,2*NH
+        StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+NH+I)
+      ENDDO
+      ! parameter values
+      ! Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm]
+      ! Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES1) [mm/h]
+      ! Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm]
+      ! Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [hour]
+      ! Param(5) : intercatchment exchange threshold (X5 - CES2) [-]
+      !computation of HU ordinates
+      OrdUH2 = 0.
+      D=1.25
+      CALL UH2_H(OrdUH2,Param(4),D)
+      ! initialization of model outputs
+      Q = -999.999
+      MISC = -999.999
+!      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+!      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! Time loop
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      DO k=1,LInputs
+        P1=InputsPrecip(k)
+        E =InputsPE(k)
+!        Q = -999.999
+!        MISC = -999.999
+        ! model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR5H(St,StUH2,OrdUH2,Param,IsIntStoreBool,Imax,P1,E,Q,MISC)
+        ! storage of outputs
+        DO I=1,NOutputs
+          Outputs(k,I)=MISC(IndOutputs(I))
+        ENDDO
+      ENDDO
+      ! model states at the end of the run
+      StateEnd(1) = St(1)
+      StateEnd(2) = St(2)
+      StateEnd(4) = St(3)
+      DO K=1,2*NH
+        StateEnd(7+NH+K)=StUH2(K)
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN
+      SUBROUTINE MOD_GR5H(St,StUH2,OrdUH2,Param,IsIntStoreBool,Imax,P1,E,Q,
+     &MISC)
+! Calculation of streamflow on a single time step (hour) with the GR5H model
+! Inputs:
+!       St     Vector of real, model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+!       StUH2  Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm/h]
+!       OrdUH2 Vector of real, ordinates in UH2 [-]
+!       Param  Vector of real, model parameters [various units]
+!       IsIntStoreBool  Logical, whether interception store is used
+!       Imax   Real, value of interception store capacity, fixed parameter [mm]
+!       P1     Real, value of rainfall during the time step [mm/h]
+!       E      Real, value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm/h]
+! Outputs:
+!       St     Vector of real, model states in stores at the end of the time step [mm/h]
+!       StUH2  Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the end of the time step [mm/h]
+!       Q      Real, value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm/h]
+!       MISC   Vector of real, model outputs for the time step [mm or mm/h]
+      Implicit None
+      !! locals
+      integer, parameter :: NParam=5,NMISC=30,NH=480
+      doubleprecision :: A,EN,ER,PN,PR,PS,WS,tanHyp,EI
+      doubleprecision :: PERC,EXCH,QR,QD,Q1,Q9
+      doubleprecision :: AE,AEXCH1,AEXCH2
+      integer :: K
+      doubleprecision, parameter :: B=0.9
+      doubleprecision, parameter :: stored_val=759.69140625
+      doubleprecision :: expWS, TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
+      !! dummies
+      ! in
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NParam), intent(in)  :: Param
+      logical, intent(in) :: IsIntStoreBool
+      doubleprecision, intent(in) :: P1,E,Imax
+      doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH), intent(inout) :: OrdUH2
+      ! inout
+      doubleprecision, dimension(3), intent(inout)    :: St
+      doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH), intent(inout) :: StUH2
+      ! out
+      doubleprecision, intent(out) :: Q
+      doubleprecision, dimension(NMISC), intent(out)  :: MISC
+      A=Param(1)
+! Interception and production store
+      IF (IsIntStore .EQ. .TRUE.) THEN
+      ! MODIFIED - A. Ficchi
+      ! Calculation of interception fluxes [EI] and throughfall [PTH] 
+      ! & update of the Interception store state, St(3)
+      ! Interception store calculation, with evaporation prior to throughfall
+        EI=MIN(E, P1+St(3))
+        PN=MAX(0., P1-(Imax-St(3))-EI)
+        St(3)=St(3)+P1-EI-PN
+        EN=MAX(0., E-EI)
+        ! Production (SMA) store, saving the total actual evaporation including evaporation from interception store (EI)
+        IF(EN.GT.0) THEN
+          WS=EN/A
+          IF(WS.GT.13)WS=13.
+          expWS=exp(2.*WS)
+          TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.)
+          Sr = St(1)/A
+          ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+          St(1)=St(1)-ER
+          AE=ER+EI
+        ELSE
+          AE=EI
+        ENDIF
+        IF(PN.GT.0.) THEN
+          WS=PN/A
+          IF(WS.GT.13) WS=13.
+          expWS=exp(2.*WS)
+          TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.)
+          Sr = St(1)/A
+          PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS)
+          PR=PN-PS
+          St(1)=St(1)+PS
+        ELSE
+          PS=0.
+          PR=0.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      IF (IsIntStore .EQ. .FALSE.) THEN
+        IF(P1.LE.E) THEN
+          EN=E-P1
+          PN=0.
+          WS=EN/A
+          IF(WS.GT.13.) WS=13.
+          ! speed-up
+          expWS=exp(2.*WS)
+          TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.)
+          Sr = St(1)/A
+          ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+          ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
+          ! end speed-up  
+          AE=ER+P1
+          EI = P1
+          St(1)=St(1)-ER
+          PS=0.
+          PR=0.
+        ELSE
+          EN=0.
+          AE=E
+          EI = 0.
+          PN=P1-E
+          WS=PN/A
+          IF(WS.GT.13.) WS=13.
+          ! speed-up
+          expWS=exp(2.*WS)
+          TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.)
+          Sr = St(1)/A
+          PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS)
+          ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
+          ! end speed-up
+          PR=PN-PS
+          St(1)=St(1)+PS
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+! Percolation from production store
+      IF(St(1).LT.0.) St(1)=0.
+      ! speed-up
+      ! (21/4)**4 = 759.69140625 = stored_val
+      Sr = St(1)/Param(1)
+      Sr = Sr * Sr
+      Sr = Sr * Sr
+      PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/stored_val)))
+      ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(21./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
+      ! end speed-up
+      St(1)=St(1)-PERC
+      PR=PR+PERC
+! Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+        StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PR
+      ENDDO
+      StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PR
+! Split of unit hydrograph first component into the two routing components
+      Q9=StUH2(1)*B
+      Q1=StUH2(1)*(1.-B)
+! Potential intercatchment semi-exchange
+      EXCH=Param(2)*(St(2)/Param(3)-Param(5))
+! Routing store
+      AEXCH1=EXCH
+      IF((St(2)+Q9+EXCH).LT.0.) AEXCH1=-St(2)-Q9
+      St(2)=St(2)+Q9+EXCH
+      IF(St(2).LT.0.) St(2)=0.
+      ! speed-up
+      Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
+      Rr = Rr * Rr
+      Rr = Rr * Rr
+      QR = St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
+      ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
+      ! end speed-up
+      St(2)=St(2)-QR
+! Runoff from direct branch QD
+      AEXCH2=EXCH
+      IF((Q1+EXCH).LT.0.) AEXCH2=-Q1
+      QD=MAX(0.d0,Q1+EXCH)
+! Total runoff
+      Q=QR+QD
+      IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0.
+! Variables storage
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/h]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/h]
+      MISC( 3)=St(3)         ! Interc ! interception store level (St(3)) [mm]
+      MISC( 4)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 5)=PN            ! Pn     ! net rainfall [mm/h]
+      MISC( 6)=PS            ! Ps     ! part of Ps filling the production store [mm/h]
+      MISC( 7)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/h]
+      MISC( 8)=EI            ! EI     ! evapotranspiration from rainfall neutralisation or interception store [mm/h]
+      MISC( 9)=AE-EI         ! AE-EI  ! evapotranspiration from production store [mm/h]
+      MISC(10)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/h]
+      MISC(11)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/h]
+      MISC(12)=Q9            ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/h]
+      MISC(13)=Q1            ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/h]
+      MISC(14)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(15)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/h]
+      MISC(16)=AEXCH1        ! AExch1 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 1 (AEXCH1) [mm/h]
+      MISC(17)=AEXCH2        ! AExch2 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 2 (AEXCH2) [mm/h]
+      MISC(18)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/h]
+      MISC(19)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/h]
+      MISC(20)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/h]
+      MISC(21)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/h]