From 66712dbf83b5c267f86064c1480c5835685783a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Delaigue <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 16:03:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Mise au propre des noms de variables

 src/frun_GR1A.f |  63 +++++++------
 src/frun_GR2M.f | 121 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/frun_GR4H.f | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/frun_GR4J.f | 230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/frun_GR5J.f | 184 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/frun_GR6J.f | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 6 files changed, 562 insertions(+), 476 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/frun_GR1A.f b/src/frun_GR1A.f
index f9d34dae..62668b20 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR1A.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR1A.f
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR1A(
-     &                             LInputs      , ! [numeric] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [numeric] input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [numeric] input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [numeric] number of model parameter
-     &                             Param        , ! [numeric] parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [numeric] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [numeric] state variables used when the model run starts (none here)
-     &                             NOutputs     , ! [numeric] number of output series
-     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [numeric] indices of output series
+     &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double] input series of total precipitation [mm/year]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double] input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/year]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
+     &                             Param        , ! [double] parameter set
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double] state variables used when the model run starts (none here)
+     &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
+     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
-     &                             Outputs      , ! [numeric] output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [numeric] state variables at the end of the model run  (none here)
+     &                             Outputs      , ! [double] output series
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double] state variables at the end of the model run (none here)
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr1a
       Implicit None
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
       !parameter values
-      !Param(1) : fonction parameter [mm]
+      !Param(1) : PE adjustment factor [-]
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
+        !model run on one time step
         CALL MOD_GR1A(Param,P0,P1,E1,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR4H model
+C Calculation of streamflow on a single time step with the GR1A model
 C Inputs:
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mm]
-C       P0     Value of rainfall during the previous time-step [mm]
-C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E1     Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters (Param(1) [-])
+C       P0     Value of rainfall during the previous time step [mm/year]
+C       P1     Value of rainfall during the current time step [mm/year]
+C       E1     Value of potential evapotranspiration during the current time step [mm/year]
 C Outputs:
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the current time step [mm/year]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm]
       Implicit None
@@ -101,14 +101,19 @@ C**********************************************************************
+      DOUBLEPRECISION tt ! speed-up
 C Runoff
-      Q=P1*(1.-1./(1.+((0.7*P1+0.3*P0)/Param(1)/E1)**2.)**0.5)
+      ! speed-up
+      tt = (0.7*P1+0.3*P0)/Param(1)/E1
+      Q=P1*(1.-1./SQRT(1.+tt*tt))
+      ! Q=P1*(1.-1./(1.+((0.7*P1+0.3*P0)/Param(1)/E1)**2.)**0.5)
+      ! fin speed-up
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E1            ! PE     ! [numeric] potential evapotranspiration  [mm/year]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] total precipitation  [mm/year]
-      MISC( 3)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] outflow at catchment outlet [mm/year]
+      MISC( 1)=E1            ! PE     ! [numeric] observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/year]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] observed total precipitation [mm/year]
+      MISC( 3)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/year]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR2M.f b/src/frun_GR2M.f
index b70245c0..2a15353c 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR2M.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR2M.f
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR2M(
-     &                             LInputs      , ! [numeric] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [numeric] input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [numeric] input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [numeric] number of model parameter
-     &                             Param        , ! [numeric] parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [numeric] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [numeric] state variables used when the model run starts (reservoir levels [mm])
-     &                             NOutputs     , ! [numeric] number of output series
-     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [numeric] indices of output series
+     &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm/month]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/month]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
+     &                             Param        , ! [double]  parameter set
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm])
+     &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
+     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
-     &                             Outputs      , ! [numeric] output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [numeric] state variables at the end of the model run  (reservoir levels [mm])
+     &                             Outputs      , ! [double]  output series
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm])
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr2m
       Implicit None
@@ -33,31 +33,31 @@
       !parameters, internal states and variables
       integer NMISC
       parameter (NMISC=30)
-      doubleprecision X(2)
+      doubleprecision St(2)
       doubleprecision MISC(NMISC)
       doubleprecision P,E,Q
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
-      !initilisation of model states to zero
-      X=0.
+      !initialization of model states to zero
+      St=0.
       !initilisation of model states using StateStart
-      X(1)=StateStart(1)
-      X(2)=StateStart(2)
+      St(1)=StateStart(1)
+      St(2)=StateStart(2)
       !parameter values
       !Param(1) : production store capacity [mm]
-      !Param(2) : groundwater exchange coefficient [mm/month]
+      !Param(2) : groundwater exchange coefficient [-]
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialisation made in R
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
         E =InputsPE(k)
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
-        CALL MOD_GR2M(X,Param,P,E,Q,MISC)
+        !model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR2M(St,Param,P,E,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
       !model states at the end of the run
-      StateEnd(1)=X(1)
-      StateEnd(2)=X(2)
+      StateEnd(1)=St(1)
+      StateEnd(2)=St(2)
@@ -94,28 +94,28 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR4H model
+C Calculation of streamflow on a single time step (month) with the GR2M model
 C Inputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mixed units]
-C       P      Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters (Param(1) [mm]; Param(2) [-])
+C       P      Value of rainfall during the time step [mm/month]
+C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm/month]
 C Outputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm/month]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm]
       Implicit None
       PARAMETER (NParam=2)
       DOUBLEPRECISION Param(NParam)
       DOUBLEPRECISION TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ C Production store
  	  ! speed-up
 	  TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-	  S1=(X(1)+Param(1)*TWS)/(1.+X(1)/Param(1)*TWS)                 
+	  S1=(St(1)+Param(1)*TWS)/(1.+St(1)/Param(1)*TWS)                 
 	  ! S1=(X(1)+Param(1)*tanHyp(WS))/(1.+X(1)/Param(1)*tanHyp(WS))                 
   	  ! fin speed-up
-	  P1=P+X(1)-S1                  
+	  P1=P+St(1)-S1                  
@@ -138,54 +138,43 @@ C Production store
       ! S2=S1*(1.-tanHyp(WS))/(1.+(1.-S1/Param(1))*tanHyp(WS))  
  	  ! fin speed-up
+	  AE = S1 - S2
 C Percolation
  	  ! speed-up
 	  Sr = S2/Param(1)
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr * Sr + 1.
-      X(1)=S2/Sr**(1./3.)
+      St(1)=S2/Sr**(1./3.)
       ! X(1)=S2/(1+(S2/Param(1))**3.)**(1./3.)         
  	  ! fin speed-up
-      P2=S2-X(1)  
+      P2=S2-St(1)  
 C QR calculation (routing store)
-      R1=X(2)+P3
+      R1=St(2)+P3
 C Water exchange
-      R2=Param(2)*R1  
+      R2=Param(2)*R1
+	  EXCH = R2 - R1
 C Total runoff
 C Updating store level
-      X(2)=R2-Q
+      St(2)=R2-Q
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! [numeric] potential evapotranspiration  [mm/month]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] total precipitation  [mm/month]
-      MISC( 3)=X(1)          ! Prod   ! [numeric] production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=X(2)          ! Rout   ! [numeric] routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-      MISC( 5)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] outflow at catchment outlet [mm/month]
-C       MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! potential evapotranspiration  [mm/d]
-C       MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! total precipitation  [mm/d]
-C       MISC( 3)=X(2)          ! Prod   ! production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-C       MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]
-C       MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm]
-C       MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm]
-C       MISC( 7)=X(8)          ! Q9     ! outflow from HU1 (Q9) [mm/d]
-C       MISC( 8)=X(8+NH)       ! Q1     ! outflow from HU2 (Q1) [mm/d]
-C       MISC( 9)=X(1)          ! Rout   ! routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-C       MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/d]
-C       MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/d]
-C       MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/d]
-C       MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from HU2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/d]
-C       MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! outflow at catchment outlet [mm/d]
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! [numeric] observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/month]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] observed total precipitation  [mm/month]
+      MISC( 3)=AE            ! AE     ! [numeric] actual evapotranspiration [mm/month]
+      MISC( 4)=P2            ! P2     ! [numeric] percolation (P2) [mm/month]
+      MISC( 5)=P3            ! P3     ! [numeric] P3=P1+P2 [mm/month]
+      MISC( 6)=EXCH          ! EXCH   ! [numeric] groundwater exchange (EXCH) [mm/month]
+      MISC( 7)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! [numeric] production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 8)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! [numeric] routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC( 9)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/month]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR4H.f b/src/frun_GR4H.f
index 773bdd47..3c473319 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR4H.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR4H.f
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR4H(
-     &                             LInputs      , ! [numeric] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [numeric] input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [numeric] input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [numeric] number of model parameter
-     &                             Param        , ! [numeric] parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [numeric] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [numeric] state variables used when the model run starts (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
-     &                             NOutputs     , ! [numeric] number of output series
-     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [numeric] indices of output series
+     &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm/hour]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/hour]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
+     &                             Param        , ! [double]  parameter set
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
+     &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
+     &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
-     &                             Outputs      , ! [numeric] output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [numeric] state variables at the end of the model run  (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             Outputs      , ! [double]  output series
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr4h
       Implicit None
@@ -31,43 +31,53 @@
       doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs) :: Outputs
       !parameters, internal states and variables
-      integer NPX,NH,NMISC
-      parameter (NPX=14,NH=480,NMISC=30)
-      doubleprecision X(5*NH+7),XV(3*NPX+5*NH)
+      integer NH,NMISC
+      parameter (NH=480,NMISC=30)
+      doubleprecision St(2), StUH1(NH), StUH2(2*NH)
+      doubleprecision OrdUH1(NH), OrdUH2(2*NH)
       doubleprecision MISC(NMISC)
       doubleprecision D
       doubleprecision P1,E,Q
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
-      !initilisation of model states to zero
-      X=0.
-      XV=0.
+      !initilization of model states using StateStart
+      St=0.
+      StUH1=0.
+      StUH2=0.
-      !initilisation of model states using StateStart
-      DO I=1,3*NH
-      X(I)=StateStart(I)
+      !initialization of model states using StateStart
+	  St(1) = StateStart(1)
+	  St(2) = StateStart(2)
+      DO I=1,NH
+      StUH1(I)=StateStart(7+I)
+      ENDDO
+      DO I=1,2*NH
+      StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+I+NH)
       !parameter values
       !Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm]
-      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange constant (X2 - CES) [mm/h]
+      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES) [mm/hour]
       !Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm]
-      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [h]
+      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [hour]
-      !computation of HU ordinates
+      !computation of UH ordinates
+	  OrdUH1 = 0.
+	  OrdUH2 = 0.
-      CALL HU1_H(XV,Param(4),D)
-      CALL HU2_H(XV,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH1_H(OrdUH1,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH2_H(OrdUH2,Param(4),D)
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialisation made in R
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -79,16 +89,21 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
         E =InputsPE(k)
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
-        CALL MOD_GR4H(X,XV,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
+        !model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR4H(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
       !model states at the end of the run
-      DO K=1,3*NH
-      StateEnd(K)=X(K)
+	  StateEnd(1) = St(1)
+	  StateEnd(2) = St(2)
+      DO K=1,NH
+      StateEnd(7+K)=StUH1(K)
+      ENDDO
+      DO K=1,2*NH
+      StateEnd(7+NH+K)=StUH2(K)
@@ -105,25 +120,31 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR4H model
+      SUBROUTINE MOD_GR4H(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,
+     &MISC)
+C Run on a single time step with the GR4H model
 C Inputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mixed units]
-C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       OrdUH1 Vector of ordinates in UH1 [-]
+C       OrdUH2 Vector of ordinates in UH2 [-]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters [various units]
+C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time step [mm]
+C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm]
 C Outputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm]
       Implicit None
-      PARAMETER (NPX=14,NH=480,NMISC=30)
+      PARAMETER (NH=480,NMISC=30)
       PARAMETER (NParam=4)
       DOUBLEPRECISION Param(NParam)
@@ -134,19 +155,27 @@ C**********************************************************************
       DATA B/0.9/
+      DOUBLEPRECISION TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
-C Production store
+C Interception and production store
       IF(P1.LE.E) THEN
-      ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
+	  ! speed-up
+		TWS = tanHyp(WS)
+		Sr = St(1)/A
+		ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+      ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
+	  ! fin speed-up  
-      IF(X(2).LT.ER) AE=X(2)+P1
-      X(2)=X(2)-ER
+      St(1)=St(1)-ER
@@ -154,68 +183,97 @@ C Production store
-      PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
+	  ! speed-up
+		TWS = tanHyp(WS)
+		Sr = St(1)/A
+		PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS)
+      ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
+	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(2)=X(2)+PS
+      St(1)=St(1)+PS
 C Percolation from production store
-      IF(X(2).LT.0.)X(2)=0.
-      PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(21./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
-      X(2)=X(2)-PERC
+      IF(St(1).LT.0.)St(1)=0.
+	  ! speed-up
+	  ! (21/4)**4 = 759.69140625
+ 	  Sr = St(1)/Param(1)
+	  Sr = Sr * Sr
+	  Sr = Sr * Sr
+      PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/759.69140625)))
+	  ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(21./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
+	  ! fin speed-up
+      St(1)=St(1)-PERC
+C Split of effective rainfall into the two routing components
-C Unit hydrograph HU1
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+K)=X(8+K)+XV(3*NPX+K)*PRHU1
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH1
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH1(K)=StUH1(K+1)+OrdUH1(K)*PRHU1
-      X(7+NH)=XV(3*NPX+NH)*PRHU1
+      StUH1(NH)=OrdUH1(NH)*PRHU1
-C Unit hydrograph HU2
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+NH+K)=X(8+NH+K)+XV(3*NPX+NH+K)*PRHU2
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PRHU2
-      X(7+3*NH)=XV(3*NPX+3*NH)*PRHU2
+      StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PRHU2
 C Potential intercatchment semi-exchange
-      EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3))**3.5
+	  ! speed-up
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
+      EXCH=Param(2)*Rr*Rr*Rr*SQRT(Rr)
+      ! EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3))**3.5
+	  ! fin speed-up
 C Routing store
-      IF((X(1)+X(8)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-X(1)-X(8)
-      X(1)=X(1)+X(8)+EXCH
-      IF(X(1).LT.0.)X(1)=0.
-      QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
-      X(1)=X(1)-QR
+      IF((St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-St(2)-StUH1(1)
+      St(2)=St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH
+      IF(St(2).LT.0.)St(1)=0.
+	  ! speed-up
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
+	  Rr = Rr * Rr
+	  Rr = Rr * Rr
+      QR=St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
+      ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
+	  ! fin speed-up
+      St(2)=St(2)-QR
 C Runoff from direct branch QD
-      IF((X(8+NH)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-X(8+NH)
-      QD=MAX(0.,X(8+NH)+EXCH)
+      IF((StUH2(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-StUH2(1)
+      QD=MAX(0.,StUH2(1)+EXCH)
 C Total runoff
       IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0.
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! [numeric] potential evapotranspiration  [mm/h]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] total precipitation  [mm/h]
-      MISC( 3)=X(2)          ! Prod   ! [numeric] production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! [numeric] actual evapotranspiration [mm/h]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! [numeric] percolation (PERC) [mm]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! [numeric] PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm]
-      MISC( 7)=X(8)          ! Q9     ! [numeric] outflow from HU1 (Q9) [mm/h]
-      MISC( 8)=X(8+NH)       ! Q1     ! [numeric] outflow from HU2 (Q1) [mm/h]
-      MISC( 9)=X(1)          ! Rout   ! [numeric] routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! [numeric] potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/h]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! [numeric] actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/h]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! [numeric] outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/h]
-      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! [numeric] outflow from HU2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/h]
-      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] outflow at catchment outlet [mm/h]
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! [numeric] observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! [numeric] observed total precipitation [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! [numeric] production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! [numeric] actual evapotranspiration [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! [numeric] percolation (PERC) [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! [numeric] PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 7)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! [numeric] outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 8)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! [numeric] outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/hour]
+      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! [numeric] routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! [numeric] potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/hour]
+      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! [numeric] actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/hour]
+      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! [numeric] outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/hour]
+      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! [numeric] outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/hour]
+      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! [numeric] simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/hour]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR4J.f b/src/frun_GR4J.f
index 8db23f83..29302aeb 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR4J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR4J.f
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR4J(
      &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameter
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm/day]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/day]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
      &                             Param        , ! [double]  parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
      &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
      &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
      &                             Outputs      , ! [double]  output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run  (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr4j
       Implicit None
@@ -31,43 +31,53 @@
       doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs) :: Outputs
       !parameters, internal states and variables
-      integer NPX,NH,NMISC
-      parameter (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
-      doubleprecision X(5*NH+7),XV(3*NPX+5*NH)
+      integer NH,NMISC
+      parameter (NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      doubleprecision St(2), StUH1(NH), StUH2(2*NH)
+      doubleprecision OrdUH1(NH), OrdUH2(2*NH)
       doubleprecision MISC(NMISC)
       doubleprecision D
       doubleprecision P1,E,Q
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
-      !initilisation of model states to zero
-      X=0.
-      XV=0.
+      !initialization of model states to zero
+      St=0.
+      StUH1=0.
+      StUH2=0.
-      !initilisation of model states using StateStart
-      DO I=1,3*NH
-      X(I)=StateStart(I)
+      !initialization of model states using StateStart
+	  St(1) = StateStart(1)
+	  St(2) = StateStart(2)
+      DO I=1,NH
+      StUH1(I)=StateStart(7+I)
+      ENDDO
+      DO I=1,2*NH
+      StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+I+NH)
       !parameter values
       !Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm]
-      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange constant (X2 - CES) [mm/d]
+      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES) [mm/day]
       !Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm]
-      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [d]
+      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [day]
-      !computation of HU ordinates
+      !computation of UH ordinates
+	  OrdUH1 = 0.
+	  OrdUH2 = 0.
-      CALL HU1(XV,Param(4),D)
-      CALL HU2(XV,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH1(OrdUH1,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH2(OrdUH2,Param(4),D)
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialisation made in R
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -79,16 +89,21 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
         E =InputsPE(k)
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
-        CALL MOD_GR4J(X,XV,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
+        !model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR4J(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
       !model states at the end of the run
-      DO K=1,3*NH
-      StateEnd(K)=X(K)
+	  StateEnd(1) = St(1)
+	  StateEnd(2) = St(2)
+      DO K=1,NH
+      StateEnd(7+K)=StUH1(K)
+      ENDDO
+      DO K=1,2*NH
+      StateEnd(7+NH+K)=StUH2(K)
@@ -105,25 +120,31 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR4J model
+      SUBROUTINE MOD_GR4J(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,
+     &MISC)
+C Run on a single time step with the GR4J model
 C Inputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mixed units]
-C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       OrdUH1 Vector of ordinates in UH1 [-]
+C       OrdUH2 Vector of ordinates in UH2 [-]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters [various units]
+C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time step [mm/day]
+C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm/day]
 C Outputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm]
       Implicit None
-      PARAMETER (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      PARAMETER (NH=20,NMISC=30)
       PARAMETER (NParam=4)
       DOUBLEPRECISION Param(NParam)
@@ -133,126 +154,117 @@ C**********************************************************************
       INTEGER K
       DATA B/0.9/
       DOUBLEPRECISION TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
-C Production store
+C Interception and production store
       IF(P1.LE.E) THEN
-		EN=E-P1
-		PN=0.
-		WS=EN/A
-		IF(WS.GT.13)WS=13.
+      EN=E-P1
+      PN=0.
+      WS=EN/A
+      IF(WS.GT.13)WS=13.
 	  ! speed-up
-		TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-		Sr = X(2)/A
-		ER=X(2)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+      TWS = tanHyp(WS)
+      Sr = St(1)/A
+      ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
       ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up  
-		AE=ER+P1
-		IF(X(2).LT.ER) AE=X(2)+P1
-		X(2)=X(2)-ER
-		PR=0.
+      AE=ER+P1
+      St(1)=St(1)-ER
+      PR=0.
-		EN=0.
-		AE=E
-		PN=P1-E
-		WS=PN/A
-		IF(WS.GT.13)WS=13.
+      EN=0.
+      AE=E
+      PN=P1-E
+      WS=PN/A
+      IF(WS.GT.13)WS=13.
 	  ! speed-up
-		TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-		Sr = X(2)/A
-		PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS)
+      TWS = tanHyp(WS)
+      Sr = St(1)/A
+      PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS)
       ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-		X(2)=X(2)+PS
+      PR=PN-PS
+      St(1)=St(1)+PS
 C Percolation from production store
-      IF(X(2).LT.0.)X(2)=0.
+      IF(St(1).LT.0.)St(1)=0.
 	  ! speed-up
 	  ! (9/4)**4 = 25.62891
- 	  Sr = X(2)/Param(1)
+ 	  Sr = St(1)/Param(1)
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
-      PERC=X(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62891)))
+      PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62891)))
 	  ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(9./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(2)=X(2)-PERC
+      St(1)=St(1)-PERC
+C Split of effective rainfall into the two routing components
-C Unit hydrograph HU1
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1)))
-		X(7+K)=X(8+K)+XV(3*NPX+K)*PRHU1
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH1
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH1(K)=StUH1(K+1)+OrdUH1(K)*PRHU1
-      X(7+NH)=XV(3*NPX+NH)*PRHU1
+      StUH1(NH)=OrdUH1(NH)*PRHU1
-C Unit hydrograph HU2
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1)))
-		X(7+NH+K)=X(8+NH+K)+XV(3*NPX+NH+K)*PRHU2
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PRHU2
-      X(7+3*NH)=XV(3*NPX+3*NH)*PRHU2
+      StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PRHU2
 C Potential intercatchment semi-exchange
 	  ! speed-up
-	  Rr = X(1)/Param(3)
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
       ! EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3))**3.5
 	  ! fin speed-up
 C Routing store
-      IF((X(1)+X(8)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-X(1)-X(8)
-      X(1)=X(1)+X(8)+EXCH
-      IF(X(1).LT.0.)X(1)=0.
+      IF((St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-St(2)-StUH1(1)
+      St(2)=St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH
+      IF(St(2).LT.0.)St(2)=0.
 	  ! speed-up
-	  Rr = X(1)/Param(3)
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
-      QR=X(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
+      QR=St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
       ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(1)=X(1)-QR
+      St(2)=St(2)-QR
 C Runoff from direct branch QD
-      IF((X(8+NH)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-X(8+NH)
-      QD=MAX(0.,X(8+NH)+EXCH)
+      IF((StUH2(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-StUH2(1)
+      QD=MAX(0.,StUH2(1)+EXCH)
 C Total runoff
       IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0.
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! potential evapotranspiration  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! total precipitation  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 3)=X(2)          ! Prod   ! production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm]
-      MISC( 7)=X(8)          ! Q9     ! outflow from HU1 (Q9) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 8)=X(8+NH)       ! Q1     ! outflow from HU2 (Q1) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 9)=X(1)          ! Rout   ! routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/d]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/d]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/d]
-      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from HU2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/d]
-      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! outflow at catchment outlet [mm/d]
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
+      MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR5J.f b/src/frun_GR5J.f
index b8fb3d02..3dacbb39 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR5J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR5J.f
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR5J(
      &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameter
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm/day]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/day]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
      &                             Param        , ! [double]  parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
      &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
      &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
      &                             Outputs      , ! [double]  output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run  (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr5j
       Implicit None
@@ -31,44 +31,49 @@
       doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs) :: Outputs
       !parameters, internal states and variables
-      integer NPX,NH,NMISC
-      parameter (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
-      doubleprecision X(5*NH+7),XV(3*NPX+5*NH)
+      integer NH,NMISC
+      parameter (NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      doubleprecision St(2), StUH2(2*NH)
+      doubleprecision OrdUH2(2*NH)
       doubleprecision MISC(NMISC)
       doubleprecision D
       doubleprecision P1,E,Q
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
       !initilisation of model states to zero
-      X=0.
-      XV=0.
+      St=0.
+      StUH2=0.
       !initilisation of model states using StateStart
-      DO I=1,3*NH
-      X(I)=StateStart(I)
+	  St(1) = StateStart(1)
+	  St(2) = StateStart(2)
+      DO I=1,2*NH
+      StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+I)
       !parameter values
       !Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm]
-      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange constant (X2 - CES1) [mm/d]
+      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES1) [mm/d]
       !Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm]
-      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [d]
-      !Param(5) : intercatchment exchange constant (X5 - CES2) [-]
+      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [day]
+      !Param(5) : intercatchment exchange threshold (X5 - CES2) [-]
       !computation of HU ordinates
+	  OrdUH2 = 0.
-      CALL HU1(XV,Param(4),D)
-      CALL HU2(XV,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH2(OrdUH2,Param(4),D)
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialisation made in R
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -80,16 +85,18 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
         E =InputsPE(k)
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
-        CALL MOD_GR5J(X,XV,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
+        !model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR5J(St,StUH2,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
       !model states at the end of the run
-      DO K=1,3*NH
-      StateEnd(K)=X(K)
+	  StateEnd(1) = St(1)
+	  StateEnd(2) = St(2)
+      DO K=1,2*NH
+      StateEnd(7+K)=StUH2(K)
@@ -106,57 +113,56 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR5J model
+      SUBROUTINE MOD_GR5J(St,StUH2,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,
+     &MISC)
+C Run on a single time step with the GR5J model
 C Inputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mixed units]
-C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       OrdUH2 Vector of ordinates in UH2 [-]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters [various units]
+C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time step [mm]
+C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm]
 C Outputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the end of the time step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm/day]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm or mm/day]
       Implicit None
-      PARAMETER (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      PARAMETER (NH=20,NMISC=30)
       PARAMETER (NParam=5)
       DOUBLEPRECISION Param(NParam)
       INTEGER K
       DATA B/0.9/
       DOUBLEPRECISION TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
-C Production store
+C Interception and production store
       IF(P1.LE.E) THEN
 	  ! speed-up
 	  TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-	  Sr = X(2)/A
-      ER=X(2)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+	  Sr = St(1)/A
+      ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
       ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up  
-      IF(X(2).LT.ER) AE=X(2)+P1
-      X(2)=X(2)-ER
+      St(1)=St(1)-ER
@@ -164,92 +170,86 @@ C Production store
 	  ! speed-up
 	  TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-	  Sr = X(2)/A
+	  Sr = St(1)/A
       ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(2)=X(2)+PS
+      St(1)=St(1)+PS
 C Percolation from production store
-      IF(X(2).LT.0.)X(2)=0.
+      IF(St(1).LT.0.)St(1)=0.
 	  ! speed-up
 	  ! (9/4)**4 = 25.62890625
- 	  Sr = X(2)/Param(1)
+ 	  Sr = St(1)/Param(1)
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
-      PERC=X(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62890625)))
+      PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62890625)))
 	  ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(9./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(2)=X(2)-PERC
+      St(1)=St(1)-PERC
-      PRHU1=PR*B
-      PRHU2=PR*(1.-B)
-C Unit hydrograph HU1
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+K)=X(8+K)+XV(3*NPX+K)*PRHU1
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PR
-      X(7+NH)=XV(3*NPX+NH)*PRHU1
+      StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PR
-C Unit hydrograph HU2
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+NH+K)=X(8+NH+K)+XV(3*NPX+NH+K)*PRHU2
-      ENDDO
-      X(7+3*NH)=XV(3*NPX+3*NH)*PRHU2
+C Split of unit hydrograph first component into the two routing components
+      Q9=StUH2(1)*B
+      Q1=StUH2(1)*(1.-B)
 C Potential intercatchment semi-exchange
-      EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3)-Param(5))
+      EXCH=Param(2)*(St(2)/Param(3)-Param(5))
 C Routing store
-      IF((X(1)+X(8)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-X(1)-X(8)
-      X(1)=X(1)+X(8)+EXCH
-      IF(X(1).LT.0.)X(1)=0.
+      IF((St(2)+Q9+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-St(2)-Q9
+      St(2)=St(2)+Q9+EXCH
+      IF(St(2).LT.0.)St(2)=0.
 	  ! speed-up
-	  Rr = X(1)/Param(3)
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
-      QR=X(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
+      QR=St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
       ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(1)=X(1)-QR
+      St(2)=St(2)-QR
 C Runoff from direct branch QD
-      IF((X(8+NH)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-X(8+NH)
-      QD=MAX(0.,X(8+NH)+EXCH)
+      IF((Q1+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-Q1
+      QD=MAX(0.,Q1+EXCH)
 C Total runoff
       IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0.
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! potential evapotranspiration  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! total precipitation  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 3)=X(2)          ! Prod   ! production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm]
-      MISC( 7)=X(8)          ! Q9     ! outflow from HU1 (Q9) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 8)=X(8+NH)       ! Q1     ! outflow from HU2 (Q1) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 9)=X(1)          ! Rout   ! routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/d]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/d]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/d]
-      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from HU2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/d]
-      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! outflow at catchment outlet [mm/d]
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
+      MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=Q9            ! Q9     ! outflow from first branch (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=Q1            ! Q1     ! outflow from second branch (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR6J.f b/src/frun_GR6J.f
index 06ac8253..df27a4cd 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR6J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR6J.f
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
       SUBROUTINE frun_GR6J(
      &                             LInputs      , ! [integer] length of input and output series
-     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm]
-     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series PE [mm]
-     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameter
+     &                             InputsPrecip , ! [double]  input series of total precipitation [mm/day]
+     &                             InputsPE     , ! [double]  input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/day]
+     &                             NParam       , ! [integer] number of model parameters
      &                             Param        , ! [double]  parameter set
-     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables used for model initialising
-     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             NStates      , ! [integer] number of state variables
+     &                             StateStart   , ! [double]  state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
      &                             NOutputs     , ! [integer] number of output series
      &                             IndOutputs   , ! [integer] indices of output series
      &                             Outputs      , ! [double]  output series
-     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run  (reservoir levels [mm] and HU)
+     &                             StateEnd     ) ! [double]  state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
-      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr6j
       Implicit None
@@ -31,45 +31,56 @@
       doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs) :: Outputs
       !parameters, internal states and variables
-      integer NPX,NH,NMISC
-      parameter (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
-      doubleprecision X(5*NH+7),XV(3*NPX+5*NH)
+      integer NH,NMISC
+      parameter (NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      doubleprecision St(3), StUH1(NH), StUH2(2*NH)
+      doubleprecision OrdUH1(NH), OrdUH2(2*NH)
       doubleprecision MISC(NMISC)
       doubleprecision D
       doubleprecision P1,E,Q
       integer I,K
-      !Initialisations
+      !Initializations
       !initilisation of model states to zero
-      X=0.
-      XV=0.
-      !initilisation of model states using StateStart
-      DO I=1,3*NH
-      X(I)=StateStart(I)
+      St=0.
+      StUH1=0.
+      StUH2=0.
+      !initialization of model states using StateStart
+	  St(1) = StateStart(1)
+	  St(2) = StateStart(2)
+	  St(3) = StateStart(3)
+      DO I=1,NH
+      StUH1(I)=StateStart(7+I)
+      ENDDO
+      DO I=1,2*NH
+      StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+I+NH)
       !parameter values
       !Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm]
-      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange constant (X2 - CES1) [mm/d]
+      !Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES1) [mm/day]
       !Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm]
-      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [d]
-      !Param(5) : intercatchment exchange constant (X5 - CES2) [-]
-      !Param(6) : time constant of exponential store (X6 - EXP) [d]
+      !Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [day]
+      !Param(5) : intercatchment exchange threshold (X5 - CES2) [-]
+      !Param(6) : time constant of exponential store (X6 - EXP) [day]
       !computation of HU ordinates
+	  OrdUH1 = 0.
+	  OrdUH2 = 0.
-      CALL HU1(XV,Param(4),D)
-      CALL HU2(XV,Param(4),D)
-      !initialisation of model outputs
+      CALL UH1(OrdUH1,Param(4),D)
+      CALL UH2(OrdUH2,Param(4),D)
+      !initialization of model outputs
       Q = -999.999
       MISC = -999.999
-c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialisation made in R
-c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
+c      StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R
+c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialization made in R
@@ -81,16 +92,22 @@ c      Outputs = -999.999  !initialisation made in R
         E =InputsPE(k)
 c        Q = -999.999
 c        MISC = -999.999
-        !model run on one time-step
-        CALL MOD_GR6J(X,XV,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
+        !model run on one time step
+        CALL MOD_GR6J(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC)
         !storage of outputs
         DO I=1,NOutputs
       !model states at the end of the run
-      DO K=1,3*NH
-      StateEnd(K)=X(K)
+	  StateEnd(1) = St(1)
+	  StateEnd(2) = St(2)
+	  StateEnd(3) = St(3)
+      DO K=1,NH
+      StateEnd(7+K)=StUH1(K)
+      ENDDO
+      DO K=1,2*NH
+      StateEnd(7+NH+K)=StUH2(K)
@@ -107,25 +124,31 @@ c###############################################################################
-C Run on a single time-step with the GR6J model
+      SUBROUTINE MOD_GR6J(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,
+     &MISC)
+C Run on a single time step with the GR6J model
 C Inputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the beginning of the time-step [mm]
-C       Param  Vector of model parameters [mixed units]
-C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time-step [mm]
-C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       OrdUH1 Vector of ordinates in UH1 [-]
+C       OrdUH2 Vector of ordinates in UH2 [-]
+C       Param  Vector of model parameters [various units]
+C       P1     Value of rainfall during the time step [mm]
+C       E      Value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm]
 C Outputs:
-C       X      Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       XV     Vector of model states at the end of the time-step [mm]
-C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time-step [mm]
-C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time-step [mm]
+C       St     Vector of model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH1  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       StUH2  Vector of model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm]
+C       Q      Value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm]
+C       MISC   Vector of model outputs for the time step [mm]
       Implicit None
-      PARAMETER (NPX=14,NH=20,NMISC=30)
+      PARAMETER (NH=20,NMISC=30)
       PARAMETER (NParam=6)
       DOUBLEPRECISION Param(NParam)
@@ -136,7 +159,6 @@ C**********************************************************************
       DATA B/0.9/
       DATA C/0.4/
       DOUBLEPRECISION TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up
@@ -151,14 +173,13 @@ C Production store
 	  ! speed-up
 	  TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-	  Sr = X(2)/A
-      ER=X(2)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
+	  Sr = St(1)/A
+      ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS)
       ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up  
-      IF(X(2).LT.ER) AE=X(2)+P1
-      X(2)=X(2)-ER
+      St(1)=St(1)-ER
@@ -169,72 +190,73 @@ C Production store
 	  ! speed-up
 	  TWS = tanHyp(WS)
-	  Sr = X(2)/A
+	  Sr = St(1)/A
       ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS))
 	  ! fin speed-up  
-      X(2)=X(2)+PS
+      St(1)=St(1)+PS
 C Percolation from production store
-      IF(X(2).LT.0.)X(2)=0.
+      IF(St(1).LT.0.)St(1)=0.
   	  ! speed-up
 	  ! (9/4)**4 = 25.62890625
- 	  Sr = X(2)/Param(1)
+ 	  Sr = St(1)/Param(1)
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
 	  Sr = Sr * Sr
-      PERC=X(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62890625)))
+      PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/25.62890625)))
       ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(9./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25))
 	  ! fin speed-up  
-      X(2)=X(2)-PERC
+      St(1)=St(1)-PERC
+C Split of effective rainfall into the two routing components
-C Unit hydrograph HU1
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+K)=X(8+K)+XV(3*NPX+K)*PRHU1
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH1
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH1(K)=StUH1(K+1)+OrdUH1(K)*PRHU1
-      X(7+NH)=XV(3*NPX+NH)*PRHU1
+      StUH1(NH)=OrdUH1(NH)*PRHU1
-C Unit hydrograph HU2
-      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1)))
-      X(7+NH+K)=X(8+NH+K)+XV(3*NPX+NH+K)*PRHU2
+C Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2
+      DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.)))
+      StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PRHU2
-      X(7+3*NH)=XV(3*NPX+3*NH)*PRHU2
+      StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PRHU2
 C Potential intercatchment semi-exchange
-      EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3)-Param(5))
+      EXCH=Param(2)*(St(2)/Param(3)-Param(5))
 C Routing store
-      IF((X(1)+X(8)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-X(1)-X(8)
-      X(1)=X(1)+(1-C)*X(8)+EXCH
-      IF(X(1).LT.0.)X(1)=0.
+      IF((St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH1=-St(2)-StUH1(1)
+      St(2)=St(2)+(1-C)*StUH1(1)+EXCH
+      IF(St(2).LT.0.)St(2)=0.
 	  ! speed-up
-	  Rr = X(1)/Param(3)
+	  Rr = St(2)/Param(3)
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
 	  Rr = Rr * Rr
-      QR=X(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
+      QR=St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr)))
       ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.))
 	  ! fin speed-up
-      X(1)=X(1)-QR
+      St(2)=St(2)-QR
 C Update of exponential store
-      X(6)=X(6)+C*X(8)+EXCH
-      AR=X(6)/Param(6)
+      St(3)=St(3)+C*StUH1(1)+EXCH
+      AR=St(3)/Param(6)
-      QR1=X(6)+Param(6)/EXP(AR)
+      QR1=St(3)+Param(6)/EXP(AR)
       GOTO 3
@@ -246,34 +268,34 @@ C Update of exponential store
-      X(6)=X(6)-QR1
+      St(3)=St(3)-QR1
 C Runoff from direct branch QD
-      IF((X(8+NH)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-X(8+NH)
-      QD=MAX(0.,X(8+NH)+EXCH)
+      IF((StUH2(1)+EXCH).LT.0) AEXCH2=-StUH2(1)
+      QD=MAX(0.,StUH2(1)+EXCH)
 C Total runoff
       IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0.
 C Variables storage
-      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! potential evapotranspiration  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! total precipitation  [mm/d]
-      MISC( 3)=X(2)          ! Prod   ! production store level (X(2)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm]
-      MISC( 7)=X(8)          ! Q9     ! outflow from HU1 (Q9) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 8)=X(8+NH)       ! Q1     ! outflow from HU2 (Q1) [mm/d]
-      MISC( 9)=X(1)          ! Rout   ! routing store level (X(1)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/d]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/d]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/d]
-      MISC(13)=QR1           ! QR1    ! outflow from exponential store (QR1) [mm/d]
-      MISC(14)=X(6)          ! Exp    ! exponential store level (X(6)) (negative) [mm]
-      MISC(15)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from HU2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/d]
-      MISC(16)=Q             ! Qsim   ! outflow at catchment outlet [mm/d]
+      MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
+      MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
+      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=QR1           ! QR1    ! outflow from exponential store (QR1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=St(3)         ! Exp    ! exponential store level (St(3)) (negative) [mm]
+      MISC(15)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(16)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]