From eb3f809f86414c791f7624710dbe4004d1dc4a80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Delaigue <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 15:59:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Renommage des fonctions avec le suffixe HBAN

 ...alibration_HBAN.R => Calibration_Michel.R} |   8 +-
 ..._HBAN.R => DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R} |   2 +-
 man/Calibration_HBAN.Rd                       | 128 -----------------
 man/Calibration_Michel.Rd                     | 130 ++++++++++++++++++
 ...BAN.Rd => DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.Rd} |  12 +-
 ...on_HBAN.R => example_Calibration_Michel.R} |   4 +-
 6 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
 rename R/{Calibration_HBAN.R => Calibration_Michel.R} (98%)
 rename R/{DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.R => DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R} (99%)
 delete mode 100644 man/Calibration_HBAN.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/Calibration_Michel.Rd
 rename man/{DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.Rd => DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.Rd} (91%)
 rename tests/{example_Calibration_HBAN.R => example_Calibration_Michel.R} (95%)

diff --git a/R/Calibration_HBAN.R b/R/Calibration_Michel.R
similarity index 98%
rename from R/Calibration_HBAN.R
rename to R/Calibration_Michel.R
index 152ac7a5..20600c56 100644
--- a/R/Calibration_HBAN.R
+++ b/R/Calibration_Michel.R
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #' @references
 #'   Michel, C. (1991),
 #'        Hydrologie appliquée aux petits bassins ruraux, Hydrology handout (in French), Cemagref, Antony, France.
-#' @example tests/example_Calibration_HBAN.R
+#' @example tests/example_Calibration_Michel.R
 #' @seealso \code{\link{Calibration}}, \code{\link{Calibration_optim}},
 #'          \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam_GR4J}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}},
 #'          \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, 
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 #'          \emph{$CritBestValue}  \tab   [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
 #'          }
-Calibration_HBAN <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,quiet=FALSE){
+Calibration_Michel <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_MOD,FUN_CRIT,FUN_TRANSFO=NULL,quiet=FALSE){
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Calibration_HBAN <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_
     if(inherits(RunOptions,"RunOptions")==FALSE){ stop("RunOptions must be of class 'RunOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }  
     if(inherits(InputsCrit,"InputsCrit")==FALSE){ stop("InputsCrit must be of class 'InputsCrit' \n"); return(NULL); }  
     if(inherits(CalibOptions,"CalibOptions")==FALSE){ stop("CalibOptions must be of class 'CalibOptions' \n"); return(NULL); }  
-    if(inherits(CalibOptions,"HBAN")==FALSE){ stop("CalibOptions must be of class 'HBAN' if Calibration_HBAN is used \n"); return(NULL); }  
+    if(inherits(CalibOptions,"HBAN")==FALSE){ stop("CalibOptions must be of class 'HBAN' if Calibration_Michel is used \n"); return(NULL); }  
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Calibration_HBAN <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,InputsCrit,CalibOptions,FUN_
     if("StartParamDistrib" %in% names(CalibOptions)){ PrefilteringType <- 2; } else { PrefilteringType <- 1; }
     if(PrefilteringType==1){ NParam <- ncol(CalibOptions$StartParamList); }
     if(PrefilteringType==2){ NParam <- ncol(CalibOptions$StartParamDistrib); }
-    if(NParam>20){ stop("Calibration_HBAN can handle a maximum of 20 parameters \n"); return(NULL);  }
+    if(NParam>20){ stop("Calibration_Michel can handle a maximum of 20 parameters \n"); return(NULL);  }
     HistParamR    <- matrix(NA,nrow=500*NParam,ncol=NParam);
     HistParamT    <- matrix(NA,nrow=500*NParam,ncol=NParam);
     HistCrit      <- matrix(NA,nrow=500*NParam,ncol=1);
diff --git a/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.R b/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
similarity index 99%
rename from R/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.R
rename to R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
index 7a5354b6..8b001bb1 100644
--- a/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.R
+++ b/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #'            \emph{$ZLayers             }  \tab  [numeric] vector of median elevation for each layer                              \cr
 #'          }                                                                                                                  
-DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN <- function(DatesR,Precip,TempMean,TempMin=NULL,TempMax=NULL,ZInputs,HypsoData,NLayers,quiet=FALSE){
+DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery <- function(DatesR,Precip,TempMean,TempMin=NULL,TempMax=NULL,ZInputs,HypsoData,NLayers,quiet=FALSE){
diff --git a/man/Calibration_HBAN.Rd b/man/Calibration_HBAN.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 924f74cf..00000000
--- a/man/Calibration_HBAN.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/Calibration_HBAN.R
-\title{Calibration algorithm which minimises the error criterion using the Irstea-HBAN procedure}
-Calibration_HBAN(InputsModel, RunOptions, InputsCrit, CalibOptions, FUN_MOD,
-\item{InputsModel}{[object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details}
-\item{RunOptions}{[object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details}
-\item{InputsCrit}{[object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details}
-\item{CalibOptions}{[object of class \emph{CalibOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}} for details}
-\item{FUN_MOD}{[function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)}
-\item{FUN_CRIT}{[function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)}
-\item{FUN_TRANSFO}{(optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined}
-\item{quiet}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE}
-[list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
-         \tabular{ll}{
-         \emph{$ParamFinalR  }  \tab   [numeric] parameter set obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
-         \emph{$CritFinal    }  \tab   [numeric] error criterion obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
-         \emph{$NIter        }  \tab   [numeric] number of iterations during the calibration \cr
-         \emph{$NRuns        }  \tab   [numeric] number of model runs done during the calibration \cr
-         \emph{$HistParamR   }  \tab   [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: parameter values \cr
-         \emph{$HistCrit     }  \tab   [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: criterion values \cr
-         \emph{$MatBoolCrit  }  \tab   [boolean] table giving the requested and actual time steps when the model is calibrated \cr
-         \emph{$CritName     }  \tab   [character] name of the calibration criterion \cr
-         \emph{$CritBestValue}  \tab   [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
-         }
-Calibration algorithm which minimises the error criterion. \cr
-The algorithm is based on a local search procedure. 
-First, a screening is performed using either a rough predefined grid or a list of parameter sets
-and then a simple steepest descent local search algorithm is performed.
-A screening is first performed either from a rough predefined grid (considering various initial 
-values for each paramete) or from a list of initial parameter sets. \cr
-The best set identified in this screening is then used as a starting point for the steepest 
-descent local search algorithm. \cr
-For this search, the parameters are used in a transformed version, to obtain uniform           
-variation ranges (and thus a similar pace), while the true ranges might be quite different. \cr
-At each iteration, we start from a parameter set of NParam values (NParam being the number of 
-free parameters of the chosen hydrological model) and we determine the 2*NParam-1 new candidates 
-by changing one by one the different parameters (+/- pace). \cr
-All these candidates are tested and the best one kept to be the starting point for the next    
-iteration. At the end of each iteration, the pace is either increased or decreased to adapt    
-the progression speed. A diagonal progress can occasionally be done.                        \cr
-The calibration algorithm stops when the pace becomes too small.                            \cr
-To optimise the exploration of the parameter space, transformation functions are used to convert
-the model parameters. This is done using the TransfoParam functions.
-## load of catchment data
-## preparation of InputsModel object
-InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,DatesR=BasinObs$DatesR,
-                                 Precip=BasinObs$P,PotEvap=BasinObs$E)
-## calibration period selection
-Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR,format="\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="01/01/1990 00:00"),
-               which(format(BasinObs$DatesR,format="\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="31/12/1999 00:00"))
-## preparation of RunOptions object
-RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,InputsModel=InputsModel,IndPeriod_Run=Ind_Run)
-## calibration criterion: preparation of the InputsCrit object
-InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT=ErrorCrit_NSE,InputsModel=InputsModel,
-                               RunOptions=RunOptions,Qobs=BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
-## preparation of CalibOptions object
-CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_HBAN)
-## calibration
-OutputsCalib <- Calibration_HBAN(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,
-                                 InputsCrit=InputsCrit,CalibOptions=CalibOptions,
-                                 FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,FUN_CRIT=ErrorCrit_NSE)
-## simulation
-Param <- OutputsCalib$ParamFinalR
-OutputsModel <- RunModel_GR4J(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,Param=Param)
-## results preview
-## efficiency criterion: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
-InputsCrit  <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT=ErrorCrit_NSE,InputsModel=InputsModel,
-                                RunOptions=RunOptions,Qobs=BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
-OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit=InputsCrit,OutputsModel=OutputsModel)
-cat(paste("  Crit  ",OutputsCrit$CritName,"  ",round(OutputsCrit$CritValue,4),"\\n",sep=""))
-## efficiency criterion: Kling-Gupta Efficiency
-InputsCrit  <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT=ErrorCrit_KGE,InputsModel=InputsModel,
-                                RunOptions=RunOptions,Qobs=BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
-OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_KGE(InputsCrit=InputsCrit,OutputsModel=OutputsModel)
-cat(paste("  Crit  ",OutputsCrit$CritName,"  ",round(OutputsCrit$CritValue,4),"\\n",sep=""))
-Laurent Coron (August 2013)
-Michel, C. (1991),
-       Hydrologie appliquée aux petits bassins ruraux, Hydrology handout (in French), Cemagref, Antony, France.
-\code{\link{Calibration}}, \code{\link{Calibration_optim}},
-         \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam_GR4J}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}},
-         \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, 
-         \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}.
diff --git a/man/Calibration_Michel.Rd b/man/Calibration_Michel.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a576b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Calibration_Michel.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Calibration_Michel.R
+\title{Calibration algorithm optimises the error criterion selected as objective function using the Irstea-HBAN procedure described by C. Michel}
+Calibration_Michel(InputsModel, RunOptions, InputsCrit, CalibOptions,
+\item{InputsModel}{[object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details}
+\item{RunOptions}{[object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details}
+\item{InputsCrit}{[object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details}
+\item{CalibOptions}{[object of class \emph{CalibOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}} for details}
+\item{FUN_MOD}{[function] hydrological model function (e.g. RunModel_GR4J, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)}
+\item{FUN_CRIT}{[function] error criterion function (e.g. ErrorCrit_RMSE, ErrorCrit_NSE)}
+\item{FUN_TRANSFO}{(optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the FUN_MOD used is native in the package FUN_TRANSFO is automatically defined}
+\item{quiet}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in quiet mode or not, default=FALSE}
+[list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows:
+         \tabular{ll}{
+         \emph{$ParamFinalR  }  \tab   [numeric] parameter set obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
+         \emph{$CritFinal    }  \tab   [numeric] error criterion selected as objective function obtained at the end of the calibration \cr
+         \emph{$NIter        }  \tab   [numeric] number of iterations during the calibration \cr
+         \emph{$NRuns        }  \tab   [numeric] number of model runs done during the calibration \cr
+         \emph{$HistParamR   }  \tab   [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: parameter values \cr
+         \emph{$HistCrit     }  \tab   [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: criterion values \cr
+         \emph{$MatBoolCrit  }  \tab   [boolean] table giving the requested and actual time steps over which the model is calibrated \cr
+         \emph{$CritName     }  \tab   [character] name of the calibration criterion used as objective function \cr
+         \emph{$CritBestValue}  \tab   [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr
+         }
+Calibration algorithm optimises the error criterion selected as objective function. \cr
+The algorithm is based on a local search procedure. 
+First, a screening is performed using either a rough predefined grid or a list of parameter sets
+and then a simple steepest descent local search algorithm is performed.
+A screening is first performed either based on a rough predefined grid (considering various initial 
+values for each parameter) or from a list of initial parameter sets. \cr
+The best set identified in this screening is then used as a starting point for the steepest 
+descent local search algorithm. \cr
+For this search, since the ranges of parameter values can be quite different,
+simple mathematical transformations are applied to parameters to make them vary
+in a similar range and get a similar sensitivity to a predefined search step.  This is done using the TransfoParam functions. \cr
+During the steepest descent method, at each iteration, we start from a parameter set of NParam values (NParam being the number of 
+free parameters of the chosen hydrological model) and we determine the 2*NParam-1 new candidates 
+by changing one by one the different parameters (+/- search step). \cr
+All these candidates are tested and the best one kept to be the starting point for the next    
+iteration. At the end of each iteration, the the search step is either increased or decreased to adapt    
+the progression speed. A composite step can occasionally be done. \cr
+The calibration algorithm stops when the search step becomes smaller than a predefined threshold. \cr
+## loading catchment data
+## preparation of InputsModel object
+InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR, 
+                                 Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E)
+## calibration period selection
+Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="01/01/1990 00:00"), 
+               which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="31/12/1999 00:00"))
+## preparation of RunOptions object
+RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, InputsModel = InputsModel, 
+                               IndPeriod_Run = Ind_Run)
+## calibration criterion: preparation of the InputsCrit object
+InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel, 
+                               RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
+## preparation of CalibOptions object
+CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel)
+## calibration
+OutputsCalib <- Calibration_Michel(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, 
+                                 InputsCrit = InputsCrit, CalibOptions = CalibOptions, 
+                                 FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE)
+## simulation
+Param <- OutputsCalib$ParamFinalR
+OutputsModel <- RunModel_GR4J(InputsModel = InputsModel,
+                              RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param)
+## results preview
+plot_OutputsModel(OutputsModel = OutputsModel, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
+## efficiency criterion: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
+InputsCrit  <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel, 
+                                RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
+OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel)
+cat(paste("  Crit  ", OutputsCrit$CritName, "  ",
+          round(OutputsCrit$CritValue, 4), "\\n", sep = ""))
+## efficiency criterion: Kling-Gupta Efficiency
+InputsCrit  <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_KGE, InputsModel = InputsModel, 
+                                RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run])
+OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_KGE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel)
+cat(paste("  Crit  ", OutputsCrit$CritName, "  ",
+          round(OutputsCrit$CritValue, 4), "\\n", sep = ""))
+Laurent Coron, Claude Michel (August 2013)
+Michel, C. (1991),
+       Hydrologie appliquée aux petits bassins ruraux, Hydrology handbook (in French), Cemagref, Antony, France.
+\code{\link{Calibration}}, \code{\link{Calibration_optim}},
+         \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam_GR4J}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}},
+         \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, 
+         \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}.
diff --git a/man/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.Rd b/man/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.Rd
similarity index 91%
rename from man/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.Rd
rename to man/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.Rd
index 1d71705c..6a95b62a 100644
--- a/man/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.Rd
+++ b/man/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.Rd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
-\title{Altitudinal extrapolation of precipitation and temperature series}
+\title{Altitudinal extrapolation of precipitation and temperature series described by A. Valéry}
-DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN(DatesR, Precip, TempMean, TempMin = NULL,
+DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery(DatesR, Precip, TempMean, TempMin = NULL,
   TempMax = NULL, ZInputs, HypsoData, NLayers, quiet = FALSE)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Forcing data (precipitation and air temperature) are extrapolated using gradient
 This function is used by the \emph{CreateInputsModel} function. \cr
-Laurent Coron, Pierre Brigode (June 2014)
+Laurent Coron, Audrey Valéry, Pierre Brigode (June 2014)
 Turcotte, R., L.-G. Fortin, V. Fortin, J.-P. Fortin and J.-P. Villeneuve (2007), 
diff --git a/tests/example_Calibration_HBAN.R b/tests/example_Calibration_Michel.R
similarity index 95%
rename from tests/example_Calibration_HBAN.R
rename to tests/example_Calibration_Michel.R
index 75b7832f..efc26721 100644
--- a/tests/example_Calibration_HBAN.R
+++ b/tests/example_Calibration_Michel.R
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT=ErrorCrit_NSE,InputsModel=InputsModel,
 ## preparation of CalibOptions object
-CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_HBAN)
+CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD=RunModel_GR4J,FUN_CALIB=Calibration_Michel)
 ## calibration
-OutputsCalib <- Calibration_HBAN(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,
+OutputsCalib <- Calibration_Michel(InputsModel=InputsModel,RunOptions=RunOptions,