CreateInputsModel <- function(FUN_MOD, DatesR, Precip, PrecipScale = TRUE, PotEvap = NULL, TempMean = NULL, TempMin = NULL, TempMax = NULL, ZInputs = NULL, HypsoData = NULL, NLayers = 5, Qupstream = NULL, LengthHydro = NULL, BasinAreas = NULL, verbose = TRUE) { ObjectClass <- NULL FUN_MOD <- ##check_FUN_MOD BOOL <- FALSE if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "hourly", "GR") TimeStep <- as.integer(60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "daily", "GR") TimeStep <- as.integer(24 * 60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR", "monthly") TimeStep <- as.integer(c(28, 29, 30, 31) * 24 * 60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR", "yearly") TimeStep <- as.integer(c(365, 366) * 24 * 60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeige)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "daily", "CemaNeige") TimeStep <- as.integer(24 * 60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "daily", "GR", "CemaNeige") TimeStep <- as.integer(24 * 60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H) | identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "hourly", "GR", "CemaNeige") TimeStep <- as.integer(60 * 60) BOOL <- TRUE } if (!BOOL) { stop("incorrect 'FUN_MOD' for use in 'CreateInputsModel'") } ##check_arguments if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass | "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { if (is.null(DatesR)) { stop("'DatesR' is missing") } if (!"POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR) & !"POSIXct" %in% class(DatesR)) { stop("'DatesR' must be defined as 'POSIXlt' or 'POSIXct'") } if (!"POSIXlt" %in% class(DatesR)) { DatesR <- as.POSIXlt(DatesR) } if (!difftime(tail(DatesR, 1), tail(DatesR, 2), units = "secs")[[1]] %in% TimeStep) { TimeStepName <- grep("hourly|daily|monthly|yearly", ObjectClass, value = TRUE) stop(paste0("the time step of the model inputs must be ", TimeStepName, "\n")) } if (any(duplicated(DatesR))) { stop("'DatesR' must not include duplicated values") } LLL <- length(DatesR) } if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) { if (is.null(Precip)) { stop("Precip is missing") } if (is.null(PotEvap)) { stop("'PotEvap' is missing") } if (!is.vector(Precip) | !is.vector(PotEvap)) { stop("'Precip' and 'PotEvap' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(PotEvap)) { stop("'Precip' and 'PotEvap' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (length(Precip) != LLL | length(PotEvap) != LLL) { stop("'Precip', 'PotEvap' and 'DatesR' must have the same length") } } if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { if (is.null(Precip)) { stop("'Precip' is missing") } if (is.null(TempMean)) { stop("'TempMean' is missing") } if (!is.vector(Precip) | !is.vector(TempMean)) { stop("'Precip' and 'TempMean' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (!is.numeric(Precip) | !is.numeric(TempMean)) { stop("'Precip' and 'TempMean' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (length(Precip) != LLL | length(TempMean) != LLL) { stop("'Precip', 'TempMean' and 'DatesR' must have the same length") } if (is.null(TempMin) != is.null(TempMax)) { stop("'TempMin' and 'TempMax' must be both defined if not null") } if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) { if (!is.vector(TempMin) | !is.vector(TempMax)) { stop("'TempMin' and 'TempMax' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (!is.numeric(TempMin) | !is.numeric(TempMax)) { stop("'TempMin' and 'TempMax' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (length(TempMin) != LLL | length(TempMax) != LLL) { stop("'TempMin', 'TempMax' and 'DatesR' must have the same length") } } if (!is.null(HypsoData)) { if (!is.vector(HypsoData)) { stop("'HypsoData' must be a vector of numeric values if not null") } if (!is.numeric(HypsoData)) { stop("'HypsoData' must be a vector of numeric values if not null") } if (length(HypsoData) != 101) { stop("'HypsoData' must be of length 101 if not null") } if (sum( != 0 & sum( != 101) { stop("'HypsoData' must not contain any NA if not null") } } if (!is.null(ZInputs)) { if (length(ZInputs) != 1) { stop("'ZInputs' must be a single numeric value if not null") } if ( | !is.numeric(ZInputs)) { stop("'ZInputs' must be a single numeric value if not null") } } if (is.null(HypsoData)) { if (verbose) { warning("'HypsoData' is missing: a single layer is used and no extrapolation is made") } HypsoData <- as.numeric(rep(NA, 101)) ZInputs <- as.numeric(NA) NLayers <- as.integer(1) } if (is.null(ZInputs)) { if (verbose & !identical(HypsoData, as.numeric(rep(NA, 101)))) { warning("'ZInputs' is missing: HypsoData[51] is used") } ZInputs <- HypsoData[51L] } if (NLayers <= 0) { stop("'NLayers' must be a positive integer value") } if (NLayers != as.integer(NLayers)) { warning("Coerce 'NLayers' to be of integer type (", NLayers, ": ", as.integer(NLayers), ")") NLayers <- as.integer(NLayers) } } ## check semi-distributed mode if (!is.null(Qupstream) & !is.null(LengthHydro) & !is.null(BasinAreas)) { ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "SD") } else if (verbose & !all(c(is.null(Qupstream), is.null(LengthHydro), is.null(BasinAreas)))) { warning("Missing argument: 'Qupstream', 'LengthHydro' and 'BasinAreas' must all be set to run in a semi-distributed mode. The lumped mode will be used") } if ("SD" %in% ObjectClass) { if (!("daily" %in% ObjectClass) & !("hourly" %in% ObjectClass)) { stop("Only daily and hourly time steps can be used in a semi-distributed mode") } if (!is.matrix(Qupstream) | !is.numeric(Qupstream)) { stop("'Qupstream' must be a matrice of numeric values") } if (!is.vector(LengthHydro) | !is.vector(BasinAreas) | !is.numeric(LengthHydro) | !is.numeric(BasinAreas)) { stop("'LengthHydro' and 'BasinAreas' must be vectors of numeric values") } if (ncol(Qupstream) != length(LengthHydro)) { stop("'Qupstream' number of columns and 'LengthHydro' length must be equal") } if (length(LengthHydro) + 1 != length(BasinAreas)) { stop("'BasinAreas' must have one more element than 'LengthHydro'") } if (nrow(Qupstream) != LLL) { stop("'Qupstream' must have same number of rows as 'DatesR' length") } if(any( { stop("'Qupstream' cannot contain any NA value") } } ##check_NA_values BOOL_NA <- rep(FALSE, length(DatesR)) if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) { BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip < 0) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < 0 or NA values detected in 'Precip' series") } } BOOL_NA_TMP <- (PotEvap < 0) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < 0 or NA values detected in 'PotEvap' series") } } } if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { BOOL_NA_TMP <- (Precip < 0) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < 0 or NA values detected in 'Precip' series") } } BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMean < (-150)) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < -150 or NA values detected in 'TempMean' series") } } if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) { BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMin < (-150)) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < -150 or NA values detected in 'TempMin' series") } } BOOL_NA_TMP <- (TempMax < (-150)) | if (sum(BOOL_NA_TMP) != 0) { BOOL_NA <- BOOL_NA | BOOL_NA_TMP if (verbose) { warning("Values < -150 or NA values detected in 'TempMax' series") } } } } if (sum(BOOL_NA) != 0) { WTxt <- NULL WTxt <- paste(WTxt, "\t Missing values are not allowed in 'InputsModel'", sep = "") Select <- (max(which(BOOL_NA)) + 1):length(BOOL_NA) if (Select[1L] > Select[2L]) { stop("time series could not be trunced since missing values were detected at the last time-step") } if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) { Precip <- Precip[Select] PotEvap <- PotEvap[Select] } if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { Precip <- Precip[Select] TempMean <- TempMean[Select] if (!is.null(TempMin) & !is.null(TempMax)) { TempMin <- TempMin[Select] TempMax <- TempMax[Select] } } DatesR <- DatesR[Select] WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "\t -> data were trunced to keep the most recent available time-steps") WTxt <- paste0(WTxt, "\t -> ", length(Select), " time-steps were kept") if (!is.null(WTxt) & verbose) { warning(WTxt) } } ##DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { RESULT <- DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery(DatesR = DatesR, Precip = Precip, PrecipScale = PrecipScale, TempMean = TempMean, TempMin = TempMin, TempMax = TempMax, ZInputs = ZInputs, HypsoData = HypsoData, NLayers = NLayers, verbose = verbose) if (verbose) { if (NLayers == 1) { message("input series were successfully created on 1 elevation layer for use by CemaNeige") } else { message( "input series were successfully created on ", NLayers, " elevation layers for use by CemaNeige") } } } ##Create_InputsModel InputsModel <- list(DatesR = DatesR) if ("GR" %in% ObjectClass) { InputsModel <- c(InputsModel, list(Precip = as.double(Precip), PotEvap = as.double(PotEvap))) } if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) { InputsModel <- c(InputsModel, list(LayerPrecip = RESULT$LayerPrecip, LayerTempMean = RESULT$LayerTempMean, LayerFracSolidPrecip = RESULT$LayerFracSolidPrecip, ZLayers = RESULT$ZLayers)) } if ("SD" %in% ObjectClass) { InputsModel <- c(InputsModel, list(Qupstream = Qupstream, LengthHydro = LengthHydro, BasinAreas = BasinAreas)) } class(InputsModel) <- c("InputsModel", ObjectClass) return(InputsModel) }