diff --git a/src/remous.ts b/src/remous.ts
index 3e02d648b599003609f2de6d1cdec9dd54496e1d..6c3ff39a118f985843978792639fb19ce0bcff79 100644
--- a/src/remous.ts
+++ b/src/remous.ts
@@ -432,42 +432,8 @@ export class CourbeRemous extends Nub {
         this.debug("abscisses ");
-        // Calcul de la variable à calculer
-        const tRes: { [key: number]: number } = {};
-        if (val_a_cal !== undefined && (nFlu !== 0 || nTor !== 0)) {
-            for (const rX of trX) {
-                let rY: number;
-                const hasFlu: boolean = crbFlu[rX] !== undefined;
-                const hasTor: boolean = crbTor[rX] !== undefined;
-                if (hasFlu && !hasTor) {
-                    rY = crbFlu[rX];
-                }
-                if (hasTor) {
-                    if (!hasFlu || (hasFlu && crbFlu[rX] === crbTor[rX])) {
-                        rY = crbTor[rX];
-                    }
-                }
-                if (rY !== undefined) {
-                    // tRes[+rX] = this.Sn.Calc(val_a_cal, rY);
-                    const rVar = this.Sn.Calc(val_a_cal, rY);
-                    if (!rVar.ok) {
-                        res.addLog(rVar.log);
-                        return res;
-                    }
-                    tRes[rX] = rVar.vCalc;
-                    this.debug("X=" + rX + " Calc(" + val_a_cal + ", Y=" + rY + ")=" + tRes[rX]);
-                }
-            }
+        // compilation des résultats
-            this.debug("extra param " + val_a_cal);
-            this.logObject(tRes);
-        }
-        const hasRes = Object.keys(tRes).length > 0;
         for (const x of trX) {
             let ligneDeau;
@@ -488,13 +454,25 @@ export class CourbeRemous extends Nub {
                 re.addExtraResult("tor", crbTor[x]);
-            if (hasRes && tRes[x]) {
-                re.addExtraResult("tRes", tRes[x]);
-            }
+        // Calcul de la variable à calculer
+        const tRes: { [key: number]: number } = {};
+        if (val_a_cal) {
+            for (const re of res.resultElements) {
+                const rY = re.vCalc;
+                if (rY !== undefined) {
+                    const rVar = this.Sn.Calc(val_a_cal, rY);
+                    if (!rVar.ok)
+                        res.addLog(rVar.log);
+                    else
+                        re.addExtraResult("tRes", rVar.vCalc);
+                }
+            }
+        }
         return res;