diff --git a/spec/regime_uniforme/regime_uniforme_rect.spec.ts b/spec/regime_uniforme/regime_uniforme_rect.spec.ts
index 9ec0e6b6b8c7c80513c51f4801d8eec9a03c0588..991165ad9eb954291b514319fa746d7fdf90454c 100644
--- a/spec/regime_uniforme/regime_uniforme_rect.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/regime_uniforme/regime_uniforme_rect.spec.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * Décommenter temporairement la ligne suivante (import { } from "./mock_jasmine")
+ * Pour exécuter ce code dans le débugger.
+ * Faire de même avec le fichier test_func.ts
+ */
+// import { describe, expect, it, xdescribe, xit } from "../mock_jasmine";
 import { RegimeUniforme } from "../../src/regime_uniforme";
 import { cSnRectang, ParamsSectionRectang } from "../../src/section/section_rectang";
 import { Result } from "../../src/util/result";
diff --git a/spec/remous/remous_rect_euler_pentefaible.spec.ts b/spec/remous/remous_rect_euler_pentefaible.spec.ts
index 8959ff342fea7f7d0657703c43b92611401f4686..8de7d940757c9adebb608df7f21c76d26397db52 100644
--- a/spec/remous/remous_rect_euler_pentefaible.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/remous/remous_rect_euler_pentefaible.spec.ts
@@ -1,227 +1,23 @@
+ * Décommenter temporairement la ligne suivante (import { } from "./mock_jasmine")
+ * Pour exécuter ce code dans le débugger.
+ * Faire de même avec le fichier test_func.ts
+ */
+// import { describe, expect, it, xdescribe, xit } from "../mock_jasmine";
 import { CourbeRemous, CourbeRemousParams, MethodeResolution } from "../../src/remous";
 import { cSnRectang, ParamsSectionRectang } from "../../src/section/section_rectang";
 import { cLog } from "../../src/util/log";
 import { Message, MessageCode } from "../../src/util/message";
-import { compareArray, compareLog, compareObject } from "../test_func";
-import { precDist } from "../test_config";
 import { Result } from "../../src/util/result";
+import { precDist } from "../test_config";
+import { compareArray, compareLog, compareObject } from "../test_func";
 describe("Class Remous / section rectangulaire :", () => {
     describe("méthode Euler explicite :", () => {
-        // it("faible pente, ressaut avant l'amont (1)", () => {
-        //     // cas non reproductible (fluvial =~ 17 sur toute la longueur du canal)
-        //     let prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
-        //         2.5, // largeur de fond
-        //         40, //  Ks=Strickler
-        //         2, // Q=Débit
-        //         0.001, // If=pente du fond
-        //         precDist, // précision
-        //         1 // YB=hauteur de berge
-        //     );
-        //     let sect = new cSnRectang(undefined, prms);
-        //     let prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.3, // Yamont = tirant amont
-        //         0.403, // Yaval = tirant aval
-        //         100,  // Long= Longueur du bief
-        //         5,  // Dx=Pas d'espace
-        //         MethodeResolution.EulerExplicite
-        //     );
-        //     let log = new cLog();
-        //     let rem = new CourbeRemous(sect, prem, log);
-        //     let res = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
-        //     // données de validation : version Typescript (Oct 2017) méthode des trapèzes
-        //     let f = {
-        //      "0": 0.7554999999999994, "5": 0.7497499999999995, "10": 0.7439999999999996, "15": 0.7377499999999996,
-        //      "20": 0.7314999999999996, "25": 0.7247499999999997, "30": 0.7174999999999997, "35": 0.7097499999999998,
-        //      "40": 0.7014999999999998, "45": 0.6927499999999999, "50": 0.6834999999999999, "55": 0.6732499999999999,
-        //      "60": 0.6619999999999999, "65": 0.6497499999999999, "70": 0.6365, "75": 0.62125, "80": 0.604,
-        //      "85": 0.58325, "90": 0.558, "95": 0.52375, "100": 0.403 };
-        //     compareObject("Yfluvial", res["flu"], f, 0.03);
-        //     let t = {};
-        //     compareObject("Ytorrentiel", res["tor"], t, 0.03);
-        //     let x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
-        //     compareArray("abscisses", res["trX"], x);
-        //     let expLog = new cLog();
-        //     let m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE);
-        //     m.extraVar["B"] = 2.5;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yc"] = 0.403;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_NORMALE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yn"] = 0.953;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE);
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 95;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_TORRENTIEL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.WARNING_REMOUS_ARRET_CRITIQUE)
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 10;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS);
-        //     m.extraVar["sens"] = "amont";
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 0;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     compareLog(log, expLog);
-        // });
-        // it("faible pente, ressaut (1 point) à l'intérieur du bief", () => {
-        //     // cas non reproductible (fluvial =~ 17 sur toute la longueur du canal)
-        //     let prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
-        //         2.5, // largeur de fond
-        //         40, //  Ks=Strickler
-        //         2, // Q=Débit
-        //         0.001, // If=pente du fond
-        //         precDist, // précision
-        //         1 // YB=hauteur de berge
-        //     );
-        //     let sect = new cSnRectang(undefined, prms);
-        //     let prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.15, // Yamont = tirant amont
-        //         0.403, // Yaval = tirant aval
-        //         100,  // Long= Longueur du bief
-        //         5,  // Dx=Pas d'espace
-        //         MethodeResolution.EulerExplicite
-        //     );
-        //     let log = new cLog();
-        //     let rem = new CourbeRemous(sect, prem, log);
-        //     let res = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
-        //     // données de validation : version Typescript (Oct 2017) méthode des trapèzes
-        //     let f = {
-        //      "0": 0.15, "5": 0.7497499999999995, "10": 0.7439999999999996, "15": 0.7377499999999996,
-        //      "20": 0.7314999999999996, "25": 0.7247499999999997, "30": 0.7174999999999997,
-        //      "35": 0.7097499999999998, "40": 0.7014999999999998, "45": 0.6927499999999999,
-        //      "50": 0.6834999999999999, "55": 0.6732499999999999, "60": 0.6619999999999999,
-        //      "65": 0.6497499999999999, "70": 0.6365, "75": 0.62125, "80": 0.604, "85": 0.58325,
-        //      "90": 0.558, "95": 0.52375, "100": 0.403 };
-        //     compareObject("Yfluvial", res["flu"], f, 0.03);
-        //     let t = { "0": 0.15, "5": 0.7497499999999995 };
-        //     compareObject("Ytorrentiel", res["tor"], t, 0.03);
-        //     let x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
-        //     compareArray("abscisses", res["trX"], x);
-        //     let expLog = new cLog();
-        //     let m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE);
-        //     m.extraVar["B"] = 2.5;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yc"] = 0.403;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_NORMALE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yn"] = 0.953;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE);
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 95;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_TORRENTIEL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.WARNING_REMOUS_ARRET_CRITIQUE)
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 20;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS);
-        //     m.extraVar["sens"] = "amont";
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 0;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     compareLog(log, expLog);
-        // });
-        // it("faible pente, ressaut (plusieurs points) à l'intérieur du bief (1)", () => {
-        //     let prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
-        //         2.5, // largeur de fond
-        //         40, //  Ks=Strickler
-        //         2, // Q=Débit
-        //         0.001, // If=pente du fond
-        //         precDist, // précision
-        //         1 // YB=hauteur de berge
-        //     );
-        //     let sect = new cSnRectang(undefined, prms);
-        //     let prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.01, // Yamont = tirant amont
-        //         0.403, // Yaval = tirant aval
-        //         5,  // Long= Longueur du bief
-        //         0.05,  // Dx=Pas d'espace
-        //         MethodeResolution.EulerExplicite
-        //     );
-        //     let log = new cLog();
-        //     let rem = new CourbeRemous(sect, prem, log);
-        //     let res = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
-        //     // données de validation : version Typescript (Oct 2017) méthode des trapèzes
-        //     let f = { "0": 0.01, "1": 0.5005000000000004, "2": 0.4885000000000004, "3": 0.47393750000000023, "4": 0.45418750000000013, "5": 0.403, "4.95": 0.41471875, "4.9": 0.41956250000000006, "4.85": 0.42328125000000005, "4.8": 0.42637500000000006, "4.75": 0.42909375000000005, "4.7": 0.43156250000000007, "4.65": 0.43378125000000006, "4.6": 0.43587500000000007, "4.55": 0.4378437500000001, "4.5": 0.4396875000000001, "4.45": 0.4414062500000001, "4.4": 0.44306250000000014, "4.35": 0.44465625000000014, "4.3": 0.4461875000000001, "4.25": 0.44765625000000014, "4.2": 0.44906250000000014, "4.15": 0.4504062500000001, "4.1": 0.45168750000000013, "4.05": 0.45296875000000014, "3.95": 0.4554062500000001, "3.9": 0.4565625000000001, "3.85": 0.45771875000000006, "3.8": 0.45881250000000007, "3.75": 0.45990625000000007, "3.7": 0.4610000000000001, "3.65": 0.46203125000000006, "3.6": 0.46306250000000004, "3.55": 0.46403125000000006, "3.5": 0.4650000000000001, "3.45": 0.4659687500000001, "3.4": 0.4669375000000001, "3.35": 0.4678437500000001, "3.3": 0.4687500000000001, "3.25": 0.4696562500000001, "3.2": 0.4705625000000001, "3.15": 0.47140625000000014, "3.1": 0.47225000000000017, "3.05": 0.4730937500000002, "2.95": 0.47478125000000027, "2.9": 0.4755625000000003, "2.85": 0.4763437500000003, "2.8": 0.4771250000000003, "2.75": 0.4779062500000003, "2.7": 0.4786875000000003, "2.65": 0.47946875000000033, "2.6": 0.4801875000000003, "2.55": 0.4809062500000003, "2.5": 0.4816250000000003, "2.45": 0.4823437500000003, "2.4": 0.4830625000000003, "2.35": 0.4837812500000003, "2.3": 0.48450000000000026, "2.25": 0.48521875000000025, "2.2": 0.4858750000000003, "2.15": 0.4865312500000003, "2.1": 0.48718750000000033, "2.05": 0.48784375000000035, "1.95": 0.4891562500000004, "1.9": 0.48981250000000043, "1.85": 0.49046875000000045, "1.8": 0.4911250000000005, "1.75": 0.4917812500000005, "1.7": 0.4923750000000005, "1.65": 0.4929687500000005, "1.6": 0.4935625000000005, "1.55": 0.4941562500000005, "1.5": 0.4947500000000005, "1.45": 0.4953437500000005, "1.4": 0.49593750000000053, "1.35": 0.49653125000000053, "1.3": 0.49712500000000054, "1.25": 0.49771875000000054, "1.2": 0.49831250000000055, "1.15": 0.49890625000000055, "1.1": 0.49943750000000053, "1.05": 0.4999687500000005, "0.95": 0.5010312500000003, "0.9": 0.5015625000000001, "0.85": 0.50209375, "0.8": 0.5026249999999999, "0.75": 0.5031562499999997, "0.7": 0.5036874999999996, "0.65": 0.5042187499999995, "0.6": 0.5047499999999994, "0.55": 0.5052812499999992, "0.5": 0.5058124999999991, "0.45": 0.506343749999999, "0.4": 0.5068749999999989, "0.35": 0.5074062499999987, "0.3": 0.5079374999999986, "0.25": 0.5084062499999986, "0.2": 0.5088749999999986, "0.15": 0.5093437499999987, "0.1": 0.5098124999999987, "0.05": 0.5102812499999987 };
-        //     compareObject("Yfluvial", res["flu"], f, 0.03);
-        //     let t = { "0": 0.01, "0.05": 0.01146875, "0.1": 0.012812500000000001, "0.15": 0.014156250000000002, "0.2": 0.015437500000000003, "0.25": 0.01665625, "0.3": 0.017875, "0.35": 0.019093749999999996, "0.4": 0.020249999999999994, "0.45": 0.02140624999999999, "0.5": 0.02249999999999999, "0.55": 0.023593749999999986, "0.6": 0.024687499999999984, "0.65": 0.02578124999999998, "0.7": 0.02681249999999998, "0.75": 0.027843749999999976, "0.8": 0.028874999999999974, "0.85": 0.02990624999999997, "0.9": 0.5015625000000001 };
-        //     compareObject("Ytorrentiel", res["tor"], t, 0.03);
-        //     let x = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.45, 1.5, 1.55, 1.6, 1.65, 1.7, 1.75, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9, 1.95, 2, 2.05, 2.1, 2.15, 2.2, 2.25, 2.3, 2.35, 2.4, 2.45, 2.5, 2.55, 2.6, 2.65, 2.7, 2.75, 2.8, 2.85, 2.9, 2.95, 3, 3.05, 3.1, 3.15, 3.2, 3.25, 3.3, 3.35, 3.4, 3.45, 3.5, 3.55, 3.6, 3.65, 3.7, 3.75, 3.8, 3.85, 3.9, 3.95, 4, 4.05, 4.1, 4.15, 4.2, 4.25, 4.3, 4.35, 4.4, 4.45, 4.5, 4.55, 4.6, 4.65, 4.7, 4.75, 4.8, 4.85, 4.9, 4.95, 5];
-        //     compareArray("abscisses", res["trX"], x);
-        //     let expLog = new cLog();
-        //     let m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE);
-        //     m.extraVar["B"] = 2.5;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yc"] = 0.403;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_H_NORMALE);
-        //     m.extraVar["Yn"] = 0.953;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE);
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 4.75;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        //     expLog.add(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_CALCUL_TORRENTIEL));
-        //     m = new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.ERROR_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS);
-        //     m.extraVar["sens"] = "amont";
-        //     m.extraVar["x"] = 0;
-        //     expLog.add(m);
-        // });
         it("faible pente, pas de ressaut, Yamont > Yc, Yaval > Yn", () => {
-            let prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
+            const prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
                 2.5, // largeur de fond
                 40, //  Ks=Strickler
                 2, // Q=Débit
@@ -230,40 +26,50 @@ describe("Class Remous / section rectangulaire :", () => {
                 1 // YB=hauteur de berge
-            let sect = new cSnRectang(prms);
+            const sect = new cSnRectang(prms);
-            let prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.5, // Yamont = tirant amont
+            const prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.5, // Yamont = tirant amont
                 1, // Yaval = tirant aval
                 100,  // Long= Longueur du bief
                 5,  // Dx=Pas d'espace
-            let rem = new CourbeRemous(prem);
+            const rem = new CourbeRemous(prem);
-            let res: Result = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
+            const res: Result = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
             // données de validation : version Typescript (Oct 2017) méthode des trapèzes
-            let f = { "0": 0.9872500000000014, "5": 0.9872500000000014, "10": 0.9872500000000014, "15": 0.9872500000000014, "20": 0.9880000000000013, "25": 0.9887500000000012, "30": 0.9895000000000012, "35": 0.9902500000000011, "40": 0.991000000000001, "45": 0.9917500000000009, "50": 0.9925000000000008, "55": 0.9932500000000007, "60": 0.9940000000000007, "65": 0.9947500000000006, "70": 0.9955000000000005, "75": 0.9962500000000004, "80": 0.9970000000000003, "85": 0.9977500000000002, "90": 0.9985000000000002, "95": 0.9992500000000001, "100": 1 };
+            const f = {
+                "0": 0.9872500000000014, "5": 0.9872500000000014, "10": 0.9872500000000014,
+                "15": 0.9872500000000014, "20": 0.9880000000000013, "25": 0.9887500000000012,
+                "30": 0.9895000000000012, "35": 0.9902500000000011, "40": 0.991000000000001,
+                "45": 0.9917500000000009, "50": 0.9925000000000008, "55": 0.9932500000000007,
+                "60": 0.9940000000000007, "65": 0.9947500000000006, "70": 0.9955000000000005,
+                "75": 0.9962500000000004, "80": 0.9970000000000003, "85": 0.9977500000000002,
+                "90": 0.9985000000000002, "95": 0.9992500000000001, "100": 1
+            };
             compareObject("Yfluvial", res.getExtraResult("flu"), f, 0.03);
-            expect(res.extraResultLength("tor") == 0).toBeTruthy("la ligne d'eau torrentielle ne devrait comporter aucune valeur");
+            expect(
+                res.extraResultLength("tor") == 0
+            ).toBeTruthy("la ligne d'eau torrentielle ne devrait comporter aucune valeur");
-            let x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
+            const x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
             compareArray("abscisses", res.getExtraResult("trX"), x);
-            let expLog = new cLog();
+            const expLog = new cLog();
             let m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE);
-            m.extraVar["B"] = 2.5;
+            m.extraVar.B = 2.5;
             m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE);
-            m.extraVar["Yc"] = 0.403;
+            m.extraVar.Yc = 0.403;
             m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_H_NORMALE);
-            m.extraVar["Yn"] = 0.953;
+            m.extraVar.Yn = 0.953;
             expLog.add(new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL));
@@ -274,7 +80,7 @@ describe("Class Remous / section rectangulaire :", () => {
         it("faible pente, pas de ressaut, Yamont > Yc, Yc < Yaval < Yn", () => {
-            let prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
+            const prms = new ParamsSectionRectang(undefined, // tirant d'eau
                 2.5, // largeur de fond
                 40, //  Ks=Strickler
                 2, // Q=Débit
@@ -283,40 +89,50 @@ describe("Class Remous / section rectangulaire :", () => {
                 1 // YB=hauteur de berge
-            let sect = new cSnRectang(prms);
+            const sect = new cSnRectang(prms);
-            let prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.5, // Yamont = tirant amont
+            const prem = new CourbeRemousParams(sect, 0.5, // Yamont = tirant amont
                 0.7, // Yaval = tirant aval
                 100,  // Long= Longueur du bief
                 5,  // Dx=Pas d'espace
-            let rem = new CourbeRemous(prem);
+            const rem = new CourbeRemous(prem);
-            let res = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
+            const res = rem.calculRemous(undefined);
             // données de validation : version Typescript (Oct 2017) méthode trapèzes
-            let f = { "0": 0.805499999999999, "5": 0.802249999999999, "10": 0.7984999999999991, "15": 0.7947499999999992, "20": 0.7909999999999993, "25": 0.7867499999999993, "30": 0.7824999999999993, "35": 0.7782499999999993, "40": 0.7739999999999994, "45": 0.7692499999999994, "50": 0.7644999999999995, "55": 0.7592499999999995, "60": 0.7539999999999996, "65": 0.7482499999999996, "70": 0.7424999999999997, "75": 0.7362499999999997, "80": 0.7299999999999998, "85": 0.7232499999999998, "90": 0.7159999999999999, "95": 0.7082499999999999, "100": 0.7 };
+            const f = {
+                "0": 0.805499999999999, "5": 0.802249999999999, "10": 0.7984999999999991,
+                "15": 0.7947499999999992, "20": 0.7909999999999993, "25": 0.7867499999999993,
+                "30": 0.7824999999999993, "35": 0.7782499999999993, "40": 0.7739999999999994,
+                "45": 0.7692499999999994, "50": 0.7644999999999995, "55": 0.7592499999999995,
+                "60": 0.7539999999999996, "65": 0.7482499999999996, "70": 0.7424999999999997,
+                "75": 0.7362499999999997, "80": 0.7299999999999998, "85": 0.7232499999999998,
+                "90": 0.7159999999999999, "95": 0.7082499999999999, "100": 0.7
+            };
             compareObject("Yfluvial", res.getExtraResult("flu"), f, 0.03);
-            expect(res.extraResultLength("tor") == 0).toBeTruthy("la ligne d'eau torrentielle ne devrait comporter aucune valeur");
+            expect(
+                res.extraResultLength("tor") === 0
+            ).toBeTruthy("la ligne d'eau torrentielle ne devrait comporter aucune valeur");
-            let x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
+            const x = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100];
             compareArray("abscisses", res.getExtraResult("trX"), x);
-            let expLog = new cLog();
+            const expLog = new cLog();
             let m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE);
-            m.extraVar["B"] = 2.5;
+            m.extraVar.B = 2.5;
             m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_H_CRITIQUE);
-            m.extraVar["Yc"] = 0.403;
+            m.extraVar.Yc = 0.403;
             m = new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_H_NORMALE);
-            m.extraVar["Yn"] = 0.953;
+            m.extraVar.Yn = 0.953;
             expLog.add(new Message(MessageCode.INFO_REMOUS_CALCUL_FLUVIAL));
diff --git a/spec/structure/parallel_structure.spec.ts b/spec/structure/parallel_structure.spec.ts
index 79f77158e2b5ca821957f3d12f0f1a9f54fbe60e..56bc6d092d1d86ed635ce0d43b2afd7961fc2dd9 100644
--- a/spec/structure/parallel_structure.spec.ts
+++ b/spec/structure/parallel_structure.spec.ts
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
 // import { describe, expect, it, xdescribe, xit } from "../mock_jasmine";
 import { ParamCalculability, ParamDefinition, ParamsEquation } from "../../src/param";
-import { CreateStructure, LoiDebit, StructureType } from "../../src/structure/factory_structure";
+import { CreateStructure, loiAdmissibles, LoiDebit, StructureType } from "../../src/structure/factory_structure";
 import { ParallelStructure } from "../../src/structure/parallel_structure";
 import { ParallelStructureParams } from "../../src/structure/parallel_structure_params";
 import { Structure } from "../../src/structure/structure";
 import { Describer } from "../../src/util/describer";
 import { EnumEx } from "../../src/util/enum";
+import { MessageCode } from "../../src/util/message";
 import { Result } from "../../src/util/result";
 import { precDigits } from "../test_config";
 import { checkResult } from "../test_func";
@@ -83,31 +84,30 @@ const ps2: ParallelStructure = new ParallelStructure(
     false // debug
-// Ajout d'une structure de chaque type dans ParallelStructure
-const iLoiDebits: number[] = [];
-for (const s of EnumEx.getValues(StructureType)) {
-    for (const i of EnumEx.getValues(LoiDebit)) {
-        try {
-            ps2.addStructure(CreateStructure(s, i));
-            iLoiDebits.push(i);
-        } catch (e) {
-            // Pour les combinaisons StructureType X LoiDebit impossibles rejetées par la Factory
+// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
+describe("Class ParallelStructure: ", () => {
+    // Ajout d'une structure de chaque type dans ParallelStructure
+    const iLoiDebits: number[] = [];
+    const iStTypes: number[] = [];
+    for (const s of EnumEx.getValues(StructureType)) {
+        for (const la of loiAdmissibles[StructureType[s]]) {
+            ps2.addStructure(CreateStructure(s, la, false));
+            iLoiDebits.push(la);
+            iStTypes.push(s);
-ps2.prms.Q.v = ps2.Calc("Q").vCalc;
+    ps2.prms.Q.v = ps2.Calc("Q").vCalc;
-// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
-describe("Class ParallelStructure: ", () => {
     for (let i = 0; i < ps2.structures.length; i++) {
         const st: Structure = ps2.structures[i];
-        describe(`this.structures[${i}]: Structure${LoiDebit[iLoiDebits[i]]}: `, () => {
-            // tslint:disable-next-line:forin
+        describe(`this.structures[${i}]: ${StructureType[iStTypes[i]]} Structure${LoiDebit[iLoiDebits[i]]}: `, () => {
             for (const prm of st.prms) {
-                if (prm.calculability === ParamCalculability.DICHO &&
-                    prm.symbol !== "Z1" && prm.symbol !== "Z2") {
+                if (
+                    prm.calculability === ParamCalculability.DICHO &&
+                    prm.symbol !== "Z1" && prm.symbol !== "Z2"
+                ) {
+                    const ref: number = prm.v;
                     if (prm.symbol === "W" && prm.v === Infinity) {
                         // Le calcul de l'ouverture sur les seuils doit renvoyer une exception (cas impossible)
                         it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return exception`, () => {
@@ -115,23 +115,25 @@ describe("Class ParallelStructure: ", () => {
                                 () => { ps2.Calc(i + "." + prm.symbol); }
                             ).toThrow(new Error("Structure:Calc : Calcul de W impossible sur un seuil"));
+                    } else if (
+                        iStTypes[i] === StructureType.VanneRectangulaire &&
+                        !ps2.structures[i].isZDVcalculable &&
+                        prm.symbol === "ZDV"
+                    ) {
+                        // Les lois CEM88D et CUNGE80 ne font pas intervenir ZDV dans le calcul d'un orifice noyé
+                        // TODO Il faudrait générer une erreur pour dire que le résultat est indéfini
+                        it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return an error`, () => {
+                            expect(
+                                ps2.Calc(i + "." + prm.symbol).code
+                            ).toBe(MessageCode.ERROR_STRUCTURE_ZDV_PAS_CALCULABLE);
+                        });
                     } else {
-                        const ref: number = prm.v;
-                        const res: Result = ps2.Calc(i + "." + prm.symbol);
-                        if ((iLoiDebits[i] === 2 || iLoiDebits[i] === 4) && prm.symbol === "ZDV") {
-                            // Les lois CEM88D et CUNGE80 ne font pas intervenir ZDV dans le calcul d'un orifice noyé
-                            // TODO Il faudrait générer une erreur pour dire que le résultat est indéfini
-                            xit(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return undefined`, () => {
-                                checkResult(res, undefined);
-                            });
-                        } else {
-                            // On ne teste pas le calcul de l'ouverture sur les seuils
-                            it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return ${ref}`, () => {
-                                checkResult(res, ref);
-                            });
-                        }
-                        prm.v = ref; // Go back to initial value for following tests
+                        // Cas normal : On teste la valeur calculée
+                        it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return ${ref}`, () => {
+                            checkResult(ps2.Calc(i + "." + prm.symbol), ref);
+                        });
+                    prm.v = ref; // Go back to initial value for following tests
diff --git a/spec/structure/structure_kivi.spec.ts b/spec/structure/structure_kivi.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26aa64e79e2044682954629647bf32a538d770dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/structure/structure_kivi.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Décommenter temporairement la ligne suivante (import { } from "./mock_jasmine")
+ * Pour exécuter ce code dans le débugger.
+ * Faire de même avec le fichier test_func.ts et structure_test.ts
+ */
+// import { describe, expect, it, xdescribe, xit } from "../mock_jasmine";
+import { StructureFlowMode, StructureFlowRegime, MessageCode } from "../../src";
+import { CreateStructure, LoiDebit, StructureType } from "../../src/structure/factory_structure";
+import { StructureKivi } from "../../src/structure/structure_kivi";
+import { StructureKiviParams } from "../../src/structure/structure_kivi_params";
+import { testStructure } from "./structure_test";
+const structTest: StructureKivi = CreateStructure(
+    StructureType.SeuilRectangulaire, LoiDebit.KIVI
+) as StructureKivi;
+describe("Class StructureKivi: ", () => {
+    describe("Ecoulement noyé", () => {
+        testStructure(structTest, StructureFlowMode.WEIR, StructureFlowRegime.SUBMERGED);
+    });
+    describe("Ecoulement dénoyé beta=0", () => {
+        structTest.prms.beta.v = 0;
+        structTest.prms.Z2.v = 101;
+        structTest.prms.Q.v = 10.024;
+        testStructure(structTest, StructureFlowMode.WEIR, StructureFlowRegime.FREE);
+    });
+    describe("Ecoulement dénoyé beta=0.001", () => {
+        structTest.prms.beta.v = 0.001;
+        structTest.prms.Z2.v = 101;
+        structTest.prms.Q.v = 10.074;
+        testStructure(structTest, StructureFlowMode.WEIR, StructureFlowRegime.FREE);
+    });
+    describe("Pelle trop faible", () => {
+        structTest.prms.ZRAM.v = 100.95;
+        it("Calc(Q) should return 2 messages", () => {
+            expect(structTest.Calc("Q").result.log.messages.length).toBe(2);
+            expect(
+                structTest.Calc("Q").result.log.messages[0].code
+            expect(
+                structTest.Calc("Q").result.log.messages[1].code
+            ).toBe(MessageCode.WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_HP_TROP_ELEVE);
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/spec/structure/structure_test.ts b/spec/structure/structure_test.ts
index c4e582feafa5f8011717b2fe3b84eec917649034..1cf6216b0cd7bb4368b0b90d5220a4a1132d6934 100644
--- a/spec/structure/structure_test.ts
+++ b/spec/structure/structure_test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
-import { Structure, StructureParams } from "../../src/structure/structure";
+ * Décommenter temporairement la ligne suivante (import { } from "./mock_jasmine")
+ * Pour exécuter ce code dans le débugger.
+ * Faire de même avec le fichier test_func.ts
+ */
+// import { describe, expect, it, xdescribe, xit } from "../mock_jasmine";
+import { ParamCalculability, ParamDefinition, ParamsEquation } from "../../src/param";
+import { Structure, StructureParams, StructureFlowRegime, StructureFlowMode } from "../../src/structure/structure";
 import { Result } from "../../src/util/result";
+import { checkResult } from "../test_func";
 class StructureTest extends Structure {
@@ -41,3 +51,44 @@ class StructureTest extends Structure {
 export const structTestPrm: StructureParams = new StructureParams(1, 0, 30, 15);
 export const structTest: StructureTest = new StructureTest(structTestPrm, false);
+ * Test de calcul de tous les paramètres d'une loi de débit
+ * @param st Structure à tester
+ * @param bNotZDV Loi de débit ne permettant pas de calculer ZDV
+ */
+export function testStructure(
+    st: Structure,
+    mode: StructureFlowMode,
+    regime: StructureFlowRegime,
+    bNotZDV: boolean = false
+) {
+    for (const prm of st.prms) {
+        if ([ParamCalculability.DICHO, ParamCalculability.EQUATION].includes(prm.calculability)) {
+            if (prm.symbol === "W" && prm.v === Infinity) {
+                // Le calcul de l'ouverture sur les seuils doit renvoyer une exception (cas impossible)
+                it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return exception`, () => {
+                    expect(
+                        () => { st.Calc(prm.symbol); }
+                    ).toThrow(new Error("Structure:Calc : Calcul de W impossible sur un seuil"));
+                });
+            } else {
+                const ref: number = prm.v;
+                const res: Result = st.Calc(prm.symbol);
+                if (bNotZDV) {
+                    // Les lois CEM88D et CUNGE80 ne font pas intervenir ZDV dans le calcul d'un orifice noyé
+                    // TODO Il faudrait générer une erreur pour dire que le résultat est indéfini
+                    xit(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return undefined`, () => {
+                        checkResult(res, undefined);
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    // On ne teste pas le calcul de l'ouverture sur les seuils
+                    it(`Calc(${prm.symbol}) should return ${ref}`, () => {
+                        checkResult(res, ref);
+                    });
+                }
+                prm.v = ref; // Go back to initial value for following tests
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/param.ts b/src/param.ts
index ed9b00ad9757e8e0802c2d630b33854b06e97587..af75f075398ef76a139b4dcdf3e6107c4d021925 100644
--- a/src/param.ts
+++ b/src/param.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import { Debug } from "./base";
+import { JalhydObject } from "./jalhyd_object";
 import { DefinedNumber } from "./util/definedvalue";
 import { Interval } from "./util/interval";
-import { Message, MessageCode } from "./util/message";
 import { MapIterator } from "./util/iterator";
-import { JalhydObject } from "./jalhyd_object";
+import { Message, MessageCode } from "./util/message";
  * domaine de définition du paramètre
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ export class ParamDefinition extends BaseParam {
     constructor(s: string, d: ParamDomain | ParamDomainValue, val?: number) {
         super(s, d, val);
-        this._calc = undefined;
+        this._calc = ParamCalculability.FREE;
@@ -364,11 +364,27 @@ export class ParamDefinition extends BaseParam {
 export abstract class ParamsEquation implements Iterable<ParamDefinition> {
     protected _paramMap: { [key: string]: ParamDefinition } = {};
+    private _calculabilityDefined: boolean;
+    public constructor() {
+        this._calculabilityDefined = false;
+    }
+    get calculabilityDefined(): boolean {
+        return this._calculabilityDefined;
+    }
+    public DefineCalculability() {
+        this._calculabilityDefined = true;
+    }
     public hasParameter(name: string): boolean {
         for (const ps in this._paramMap) {
-            const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
-            if (p.symbol === name) {
-                return true;
+            if (this._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(ps)) {
+                const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
+                if (p.symbol === name) {
+                    return true;
+                }
@@ -377,9 +393,11 @@ export abstract class ParamsEquation implements Iterable<ParamDefinition> {
     public getParameter(name: string): ParamDefinition {
         for (const ps in this._paramMap) {
-            const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
-            if (p.symbol === name) {
-                return p;
+            if (this._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(ps)) {
+                const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
+                if (p.symbol === name) {
+                    return p;
+                }
@@ -388,37 +406,38 @@ export abstract class ParamsEquation implements Iterable<ParamDefinition> {
     public getFirstAnalyticalParameter(): ParamDefinition {
         for (const ps in this._paramMap) {
-            const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
-            if (p.isAnalytical()) {
-                return p;
+            if (this._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(ps)) {
+                const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
+                if (p.isAnalytical()) {
+                    return p;
+                }
         return undefined;
-    protected addParamDefinition(p: ParamDefinition) {
-        if (!this.hasParameter(p.symbol)) {
-            this._paramMap[p.symbol] = p;
-        }
+    public get map(): { [key: string]: ParamDefinition } {
+        return this._paramMap;
-    protected addParamDefinitions(ps: ParamsEquation) {
-        for (const pi in ps._paramMap) {
-            this.addParamDefinition(ps._paramMap[pi]);
+    public resetParametersCalculability() {
+        for (const ps in this._paramMap) {
+            if (this._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(ps)) {
+                const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
+                p.calculability = undefined
+            }
-    public get map(): { [key: string]: ParamDefinition } {
-        return this._paramMap;
-    }
-    protected checkParametersCalculability() {
+    public checkParametersCalculability() {
         const res = [];
         for (const ps in this._paramMap) {
-            const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
-            if (p.calculability === undefined) {
-                res.push(p.symbol);
+            if (this._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(ps)) {
+                const p: ParamDefinition = this._paramMap[ps];
+                if (p.calculability === undefined) {
+                    res.push(p.symbol);
+                }
@@ -427,16 +446,31 @@ export abstract class ParamsEquation implements Iterable<ParamDefinition> {
-    [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<ParamDefinition> {
+    public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<ParamDefinition> {
         return this.iterator;
     public get iterator() {
         return new MapIterator(this._paramMap);
+    protected addParamDefinition(p: ParamDefinition) {
+        if (!this.hasParameter(p.symbol)) {
+            this._paramMap[p.symbol] = p;
+        }
+    }
+    protected addParamDefinitions(ps: ParamsEquation) {
+        for (const pi in ps._paramMap) {
+            if (ps._paramMap.hasOwnProperty(pi)) {
+                this.addParamDefinition(ps._paramMap[pi]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
  * type de calculette
 export enum CalculatorType {
@@ -468,7 +502,11 @@ export abstract class ComputeNode extends Debug {
     constructor(prms: ParamsEquation, dbg: boolean = false) {
         this._prms = prms;
+        if (!this._prms.calculabilityDefined) {
+            this._prms.resetParametersCalculability();
+        }
+        this._prms.DefineCalculability();
     public getParameter(name: string): ParamDefinition {
diff --git a/src/regime_uniforme.ts b/src/regime_uniforme.ts
index 9e67d5e85581c4bdcd0bcaa955b46cef8e834091..df983a2b937f20dc17d1bafd17e3ef5a017a8941 100644
--- a/src/regime_uniforme.ts
+++ b/src/regime_uniforme.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { Result } from "./util/result";
 import { Nub } from "./nub";
-import { ParamsSection, acSection } from "./section/section_type";
-import { ParamDefinition, ParamCalculability } from "./param"
+import { ParamCalculability, ParamDefinition } from "./param"
+import { acSection, ParamsSection } from "./section/section_type";
+import { Result } from "./util/result";
 export class RegimeUniforme extends Nub {
     private Sn: acSection;
@@ -11,52 +11,51 @@ export class RegimeUniforme extends Nub {
         this.Sn = s;
+    get prms(): ParamsSection {
+        return this._prms as ParamsSection;
+    }
+    public Equation(sVarCalc: string): Result {
+        this.debug("RU: Equation(" + sVarCalc + ")")
+        switch (sVarCalc) {
+            case "Y":
+                return this.Sn.Calc("Yn");
+            case "Q":
+                return this.Calc_Qn();
+            default:
+                throw new Error("RegimeUniforme.Equation() : invalid variable name " + sVarCalc);
+        }
+    }
     protected setParametersCalculability() {
         this.prms.Q.calculability = ParamCalculability.EQUATION;
         this.prms.Y.calculability = ParamCalculability.EQUATION;
-    get prms(): ParamsSection {
-        return <ParamsSection>this._prms;
-    }
-   * Calcul du débit en régime uniforme.
-   * @return Débit en régime uniforme
-   */
-    Calc_Qn(): Result {
-        if (this.Sn.prms.If.v <= 0)
+     * Calcul du débit en régime uniforme.
+     * @return Débit en régime uniforme
+     */
+    private Calc_Qn(): Result {
+        if (this.Sn.prms.If.v <= 0) {
             return new Result(0);
-        // this.debug("RU: Calc_Qn : ");
-        // this.debug(this.Sn.prms);
-        // return this.Sn.prms.Ks.v * Math.pow(this.Sn.Calc("R", this.Sn.prms.Y.v), 2 / 3) * this.Sn.Calc("S", this.Sn.prms.Y.v) * Math.sqrt(this.Sn.prms.If.v);
+        }
         const rR: Result = this.Sn.Calc("R", this.Sn.prms.Y.v);
-        if (!rR)
+        if (!rR) {
             return rR;
+        }
         const rS: Result = this.Sn.Calc("S", this.Sn.prms.Y.v)
-        if (!rS)
+        if (!rS) {
             return rS;
+        }
         const v = this.Sn.prms.Ks.v * Math.pow(rR.vCalc, 2 / 3) * rS.vCalc * Math.sqrt(this.Sn.prms.If.v);
         return new Result(v);
-    Equation(sVarCalc: string): Result {
-        this.debug("RU: Equation(" + sVarCalc + ")")
-        switch (sVarCalc) {
-            case 'Y':
-                return this.Sn.Calc("Yn");
-            case 'Q':
-                return this.Calc_Qn();
-            default:
-                throw "RegimeUniforme.Equation() : invalid variable name " + sVarCalc;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/remous.ts b/src/remous.ts
index 554f5f3c96b2a86a0746c55970c1963b6d6013c4..a769963ef0d2edbfe6baec1de229ff6f6bf05b69 100644
--- a/src/remous.ts
+++ b/src/remous.ts
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export class CourbeRemousParams extends ParamsEquation {
+        this.DefineCalculability(); // Pour ne pas remettre en undefined les prms de _section
     get Sn() {
diff --git a/src/structure/factory_structure.ts b/src/structure/factory_structure.ts
index d5fe52f42eff286c6168e3e3e7dae331fcde6ea3..787daa1f7999c71e0143ca7aea8ba98c11a47d0e 100644
--- a/src/structure/factory_structure.ts
+++ b/src/structure/factory_structure.ts
@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ import { Structure } from "./structure";
 import { StructureCem88d } from "./structure_cem88d";
 import { StructureCem88v } from "./structure_cem88v";
 import { StructureCunge80 } from "./structure_cunge80";
+import { StructureKivi } from "./structure_kivi";
+import { StructureKiviParams } from "./structure_kivi_params";
 import { StructureOrificeFree } from "./structure_orifice_free";
 import { StructureOrificeSubmerged } from "./structure_orifice_submerged";
 import { StructureWeirFree } from "./structure_weir_free";
 export enum StructureType {
-    VanneRectangulaire, SeuilRectangulaire,
+    SeuilRectangulaire, VanneRectangulaire
     // VanneCirculaire,
     // VanneTrapezoidale, SeuilTrapezoidal
@@ -25,42 +27,47 @@ export enum LoiDebit {
     // loi de débit pour vanne noyée
     // loi de débit pour seuil dénoyé
-    WeirFree
+    WeirFree,
+    // Loi Kindsvater-Carter et Villemonte
+    KIVI
-const loiAdmissibles: { [key: string]: LoiDebit[] } = {
-    "VanneRectangulaire": [LoiDebit.Cem88d, LoiDebit.Cem88v, LoiDebit.WeirFree, LoiDebit.Cunge80],
-    "SeuilRectangulaire": [LoiDebit.Cem88d, LoiDebit.Cem88v, LoiDebit.Cunge80, LoiDebit.OrificeFree, LoiDebit.OrificeSubmerged]
+export const loiAdmissibles: { [key: string]: LoiDebit[] } = {
+    SeuilRectangulaire: [
+        LoiDebit.Cem88d, LoiDebit.Cem88v, LoiDebit.Cunge80, LoiDebit.WeirFree,
+        LoiDebit.KIVI
+    ],
+    VanneRectangulaire: [
+        LoiDebit.Cem88d, LoiDebit.Cem88v, LoiDebit.Cunge80, LoiDebit.OrificeFree,
+        LoiDebit.OrificeSubmerged
+    ]
-export function CreateStructure(structureType: StructureType, loiDebit: LoiDebit): Structure {
+export function CreateStructure(structureType: StructureType, loiDebit: LoiDebit, dbg: boolean = false): Structure {
+    const rectStructPrms: RectangularStructureParams = new RectangularStructureParams(
+        0,  // Q
+        100,        // ZDV
+        102,        // Z1
+        101.5,      // Z2
+        2,          // L
+        0.4        // Cd pour un seuil rectangulaire
+        // W = Infinity par défaut pour un seuil
+    );
     switch (structureType) {
         case StructureType.VanneRectangulaire:
-            var structPrms: RectangularStructureParams = new RectangularStructureParams(
-                0,  // Q
-                100,        // ZDV
-                102,        // Z1
-                101.5,      // Z2
-                2,          // L
-                0.6,        // Cd
-                0.5         // W
-            );
-            if (!(loiDebit in loiAdmissibles["VanneRectangulaire"])) {
-                throw new Error(`la loi de débit ${LoiDebit[loiDebit]} n'est pas admissible pour les vannes rectangulaires`);
+            rectStructPrms.W.v = 0.5;
+            rectStructPrms.Cd.v = 0.6; // Cd pour une vanne rectangulaire
+            if (!(loiAdmissibles.VanneRectangulaire.includes(loiDebit))) {
+                throw new Error(
+                    `la loi de débit ${LoiDebit[loiDebit]} n'est pas admissible pour les vannes rectangulaires`
+                );
         case StructureType.SeuilRectangulaire:
-            structPrms = new RectangularStructureParams(
-                0,  // Q
-                100,        // ZDV
-                102,        // Z1
-                101.5,      // Z2
-                2,          // L
-                0.6        // Cd
-            );
-            if (!(loiDebit in loiAdmissibles["SeuilRectangulaire"])) {
-                throw new Error(`la loi de débit ${LoiDebit[loiDebit]} n'est pas admissible pour les seuils rectangulaires`);
+            if (!loiAdmissibles.SeuilRectangulaire.includes(loiDebit)) {
+                throw new Error(
+                    `la loi de débit ${LoiDebit[loiDebit]} n'est pas admissible pour les seuils rectangulaires`
+                );
@@ -70,23 +77,38 @@ export function CreateStructure(structureType: StructureType, loiDebit: LoiDebit
     switch (loiDebit) {
         case LoiDebit.Cem88d:
-            return new StructureCem88d(structPrms);
+            rectStructPrms.Cd.v = 0.4; // Cd Cem88d qu'on soit en seuil ou vanne
+            return new StructureCem88d(rectStructPrms, dbg);
         case LoiDebit.Cem88v:
-            return new StructureCem88v(structPrms);
+            rectStructPrms.Cd.v = 0.6; // Cd Cem88d qu'on soit en seuil ou vanne
+            return new StructureCem88v(rectStructPrms, dbg);
         case LoiDebit.Cunge80:
-            return new StructureCunge80(structPrms);
+            rectStructPrms.Cd.v = 0.6; // Cd Cunge80 qu'on soit en seuil ou vanne
+            return new StructureCunge80(rectStructPrms, dbg);
         case LoiDebit.OrificeFree:
-            return new StructureOrificeFree(structPrms);
+            return new StructureOrificeFree(rectStructPrms, dbg);
         case LoiDebit.OrificeSubmerged:
-            return new StructureOrificeSubmerged(structPrms);
+            return new StructureOrificeSubmerged(rectStructPrms, dbg);
         case LoiDebit.WeirFree:
-            const st: StructureWeirFree = new StructureWeirFree(structPrms);
-            st.prms.Cd.v = 0.4;
-            return st;
+            return new StructureWeirFree(rectStructPrms, dbg);
+        case LoiDebit.KIVI:
+            const structKiviPrm: StructureKiviParams = new StructureKiviParams(
+                8.516, // Q
+                101,    // ZDV
+                103,    // Z1
+                102,    // Z2
+                2,      // L
+                0.4,  // alpha
+                0.001,  // béta
+                100);    // ZRAM : cote Radier Amont
+            return new StructureKivi(structKiviPrm, dbg);
+        default:
+            throw new Error(`type de LoiDebit ${LoiDebit[loiDebit]} non pris en charge`);
diff --git a/src/structure/structure.ts b/src/structure/structure.ts
index 6a7a3ca3979ef69d93eef158b2a98172d8b818d8..c8b84578ae478789aca85f8d60f783b9b06e0cc0 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { Nub } from "../nub";
 import { ParamCalculability } from "../param";
-import { Message } from "../util/message";
+import { Message, MessageCode } from "../util/message";
 import { Result } from "../util/result";
 import { StructureParams } from "./structure_params";
@@ -48,8 +48,16 @@ export abstract class Structure extends Nub {
     /** Constante utile : Racine de 2g */
     protected static readonly R2G: number = Math.sqrt(2 * 9.81);
+    /** Peut-on calculer ZDV ? */
+    protected _isZDVcalculable: boolean;
     constructor(prms: StructureParams, dbg: boolean = false) {
         super(prms, dbg);
+        this._isZDVcalculable = true;
+    }
+    get isZDVcalculable(): boolean {
+        return this._isZDVcalculable;
@@ -74,6 +82,12 @@ export abstract class Structure extends Nub {
         if (sVarCalc === "W" && rInit === Infinity) {
             throw new Error("Structure:Calc : Calcul de W impossible sur un seuil");
+        // Gestion de l'erreur de calcul de ZDV quand il n'est pas calculable
+        if (sVarCalc === "ZDV" && !this.isZDVcalculable) {
+            return new Result(
+                new Message(MessageCode.ERROR_STRUCTURE_ZDV_PAS_CALCULABLE)
+            );
+        }
         // Mise à jour de h1 et h2
diff --git a/src/structure/structure_cem88d.ts b/src/structure/structure_cem88d.ts
index 27c2405d7bc35b16eb5633bcd088feac5ea74d3d..0ddac7bdb41187a71f3eed1a07fa3bd55ae6f6a3 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure_cem88d.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure_cem88d.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ export { RectangularStructureParams };
 export class StructureCem88d extends RectangularStructure {
+    constructor(prms: RectangularStructureParams, dbg: boolean = false) {
+        super(prms, dbg);
+        if (prms.W.v !== Infinity) {
+            this._isZDVcalculable = false;
+        }
+    }
      * Calcul analytique Q = f(Cd, L, h1, h2, W) CEM88D
      * @param sVarCalc Variable à calculer (doit être "Q")
diff --git a/src/structure/structure_cunge80.ts b/src/structure/structure_cunge80.ts
index 155aa52ccefcc731842e9645cc77b26d3ffe6060..b278eadca75c9feb578e12a9cfdbcad4162ad789 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure_cunge80.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure_cunge80.ts
@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ export { RectangularStructureParams };
  * Equation Cunge80
 export class StructureCunge80 extends RectangularStructure {
+    constructor(prms: RectangularStructureParams, dbg: boolean = false) {
+        super(prms, dbg);
+        if (prms.W.v !== Infinity) {
+            this._isZDVcalculable = false;
+        }
+    }
      * Calcul du débit avec l'équation Cunge80
      * @param sVarCalc Variable à calculer (doit être égale à Q ici)
diff --git a/src/structure/structure_kivi.ts b/src/structure/structure_kivi.ts
index 2d2be5ecbba10a7bb8dba52eacd1bc391441452a..6779bf80ef3c671653742f3a1f8ac05fbdd2e3bc 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure_kivi.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure_kivi.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export class StructureKivi extends Structure {
     public Equation(sVarCalc: string): Result {
-        const res: Result = new Result(undefined, this.getResultData());
+        const res: Result = new Result(0, this.getResultData());
         // p : pelle
         let p: number = this.prms.ZDV.v - this.prms.ZRAM.v;
@@ -29,20 +29,21 @@ export class StructureKivi extends Structure {
         if (p < 0.1) {
             // - p ne doit pas être inférieur à 0,10 m  (Norme NF X10-311-1983)
             res.result.addMessage(new Message(MessageCode.WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_PELLE_TROP_FAIBLE));
-            h1p = 0;
-        } else {
-            h1p = this.prms.h1.v / p;
-            if (h1p > 2.5) {
-                // - h/p ne doit pas être supérieur à 2,5 (Norme NF X10-311-1983)
-                res.result.addMessage(new Message(MessageCode.WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_HP_TROP_ELEVE));
-                h1p = 2.5;
-            }
+            p = 0.1;
+        }
+        h1p = this.prms.h1.v / p;
+        if (h1p > 2.5) {
+            // - h/p ne doit pas être supérieur à 2,5 (Norme NF X10-311-1983)
+            res.result.addMessage(new Message(MessageCode.WARNING_STRUCTUREKIVI_HP_TROP_ELEVE));
+            h1p = 2.5;
         const cd: number = this.prms.alpha.v + this.prms.beta.v * h1p;
         let Q = cd * this.prms.L.v * Structure.R2G * Math.pow(this.prms.h1.v, 1.5);
-        if (res.extraResults.FlowRegime === StructureFlowRegime.SUBMERGED) {
+        if (res.extraResults.Regime === StructureFlowRegime.SUBMERGED) {
             Q = Villemonte(this.prms.h1.v, this.prms.h2.v, 1.5) * Q;
diff --git a/src/structure/structure_kivi_params.ts b/src/structure/structure_kivi_params.ts
index 3072f5f062953dc2ad11542e73d08634a9ba628f..062b11d079d5d889043dc891b3bfdd4e24c2e79d 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure_kivi_params.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure_kivi_params.ts
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ export class StructureKiviParams extends StructureParams {
         this.alpha = new ParamDefinition("alpha", ParamDomainValue.POS, rAlpha);
-        this.beta = new ParamDefinition("beta", ParamDomainValue.POS, rBeta);
+        this.beta = new ParamDefinition("beta", ParamDomainValue.POS_NULL, rBeta);
-        this.ZRAM = new ParamDefinition("ZRAM", ParamDomainValue.POS, rZRAM);
+        this.ZRAM = new ParamDefinition("ZRAM", ParamDomainValue.ANY, rZRAM);
diff --git a/src/structure/structure_orifice_submerged.ts b/src/structure/structure_orifice_submerged.ts
index dd91446e475f119e28d99423f07863ba4d8662df..be0dae154c58eb52a64140a5644f4425b83c516b 100644
--- a/src/structure/structure_orifice_submerged.ts
+++ b/src/structure/structure_orifice_submerged.ts
@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ export { RectangularStructureParams };
  * Equation classique orifice noyé
 export class StructureOrificeSubmerged extends RectangularStructure {
+    constructor(prms: RectangularStructureParams, dbg: boolean = false) {
+        super(prms, dbg);
+        if (prms.W.v !== Infinity) {
+            this._isZDVcalculable = false;
+        }
+    }
      * Calcul du débit avec l'équation classique d'un orifice noyé
      * @param sVarCalc Variable à calculer (doit être égale à Q ici)
diff --git a/src/util/message.ts b/src/util/message.ts
index a6ececce4b9b6ee428fc34497a9ac1a82391996e..0a08e11ef7623473d6a073b1a78898b1eddb368c 100644
--- a/src/util/message.ts
+++ b/src/util/message.ts
@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ export enum MessageCode {
+    /**
+     * Le paramètre "Cote de radier" ne peut pas être calculé avec cette loi de débit
+     */
      * StructureKivi : La pelle du seuil doit mesurer au moins 0,1 m. Le coefficient béta est forcé à 0.
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
index c345304ba5072030805570231b733fcf0c9e0745..3f76d4b32e96674eb88bd0c40670d39401670301 100644
--- a/tsconfig.json
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "compilerOptions": {
-    "target": "es6",
+    "target": "es2016",
     "module": "commonjs",
     "outDir": "./build",
     "noImplicitAny": true,