- The French Agricultural Dictionary entitled "Larousse agricole". Larousse has stopped editing this dictionary in 2020. This dictionary provides also some definitions of crops and their explanation of their uses in France. Note that, some tropical crops are not described in this french agricultural dictionary.
- French Wikipedia portal about agriculture [https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portail:Agriculture_et_agronomie] provides some crop names associated to their explanation of their different uses. Note that the tropical crops are described in this Wikipedia portal.
- The documentation of the annual agricultural statistics called Agreste [https://agreste.agriculture.gouv.fr/agreste-web].
- The documentation notice of telepac web service proposes a list of crop names to be used to fill in the parcel description. Telepac service enable farmer to obtain financial aid from the common agricultural policy [https://www1.telepac.agriculture.gouv.fr/telepac/pdf/tas/2019/Dossier-PAC-2019_notice_cultures-precisions.pdf].
- The metadata of the graphic register of parcels proposes some crops [https://www.data.gouv.fr/en/datasets/registre-parcellaire-graphique-rpg-contours-des-parcelles-et-ilots-culturaux-et-leur-groupe-de-cultures-majoritaire/].
- the official catalogue of species and varieties of cultivated crops in France produced by the French variety and seed study and control group (GEVES) [https://www.geves.fr/catalogue-france/].
- The catalog of plant protection products and their uses, fertilizing materials and growing media authorized in France\footnote{\url{https://ephy.anses.fr/}}. The associated database is entitled Ephy. This catalog is published by ANSES: the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. ** Regarding fodder sector, two web sites were studied: The herbe-book web site [https://www.herbe-book.org] and the plantesfourrageres web site [http://www.plantesfourrageres.org/pages/caracteristiques.htm] describe different varieties of fodder crops. Those web sites are published by the French interprofession of seeds and seedling named SEMAE.
- Regarding vegetables there is no crop reference documentation. Thus, the common crops between several data sources were sought: Wikipedia, Bonduelle, FranceAgriMer, Encyclopedia Universalis, the Bec Hellouin organic farm.