From 09c95221a06cd5eabb5e654b51958600d5a05549 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <olivier.delaigue@ANPI1430.antony.irstea.priv>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2016 10:37:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] #4198 documentation modified to describe the plots of

 man/plot_OutputsModel.Rd | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/plot_OutputsModel.Rd b/man/plot_OutputsModel.Rd
index 9eb3220f..98f51022 100644
--- a/man/plot_OutputsModel.Rd
+++ b/man/plot_OutputsModel.Rd
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ plot_OutputsModel(OutputsModel, Qobs = NULL, IndPeriod_Plot = NULL,
 \item{BasinArea}{(optional) [numeric] basin area [km2], used to plot flow axes in m3/s}
-\item{PlotChoice}{(optional) [character] choice of plots \cr (e.g. c(\code{"Precip"}, \code{"SnowPack"}, \code{"Flows"}, \code{"Regime"}, \code{"CumFreq"}, \code{"CorQQ"})), default=\code{"all"}}
+\item{PlotChoice}{(optional) [character] choice of plots \cr (e.g. c(\code{"Precip"}, \code{"SnowPack"}, \code{"Flows"}, \code{"Regime"}, \code{"CumFreq"}, \code{"CorQQ"})), default = \code{"all"}}
-\item{log_scale}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the flow axis is to be logarithmic, default = FALSE}
+\item{log_scale}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the flow axis is to be logarithmic, default = \code{FALSE}}
-\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = TRUE}
+\item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}}
 screen plot window