index f75f83816454ae28577adc420a0f30f61a487e69..3134c1985003b34e90b6df3cf9648e053f421257 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: airGR
 Type: Package
 Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
 Date: 2017-06-26
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl")),
diff --git a/R/CreateRunOptions.R b/R/CreateRunOptions.R
index 19b7a8173c12bc7f56b0cbc80518600df0627fe7..3ea7904d179ed50204449a15b551965f6379697f 100644
--- a/R/CreateRunOptions.R
+++ b/R/CreateRunOptions.R
@@ -268,13 +268,13 @@ CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD, InputsModel, IndPeriod_WarmUp = NULL, IndP
     if(RunSnowModule & "GR" %in% ObjectClass & "CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass){
       if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Cal == FALSE){
         WTxt <- NULL;
-        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Cal but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
+        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Cal but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n",sep="");
         WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
         if(!is.null(WTxt) & verbose){ warning(WTxt); }
         Outputs_Cal <- c(Outputs_Cal,"PliqAndMelt"); }
       if("PliqAndMelt" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE & "all" %in% Outputs_Sim == FALSE){
         WTxt <- NULL;
-        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Sim but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow module outputs \n",sep="");
+        WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t PliqAndMelt was not defined in Outputs_Sim but is needed to feed the hydrological model with the snow modele outputs \n",sep="");
         WTxt <- paste(WTxt,"\t -> it was automatically added \n",sep="");
         if(!is.null(WTxt) & verbose){ warning(WTxt); }
         Outputs_Sim <- c(Outputs_Sim,"PliqAndMelt"); }
diff --git a/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R b/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
index c15cffecfd678ec9d8919c1bb766d76c7abd29ca..ce0a5c7c7fc8687abb820a8b5319c297c54156a4 100644
--- a/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
+++ b/R/DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery.R
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery <- function(DatesR,
     GradP_Valery2010 <- function() {
-      return(0.00041)  ### value from Valerie PhD thesis page 126
+      return(0.00041)  ### value from Valery PhD thesis page 126
     GradT_Valery2010 <- function() {