From af01972aebeaab1f7fed0a06d4b29638db13b7d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <olivier.delaigue@ANPI1430.antony.irstea.priv>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 08:55:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] v1.0.7.0 GR4J, GR5J and GR6J (+CemaNeige) now return Ps, Pn
 and true exchanges #4703

 R/CreateRunOptions.R          |  9 ++++++---
 R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.R    |  3 ++-
 R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.R    |  3 ++-
 R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.R    |  3 ++-
 R/RunModel_GR4J.R             |  3 ++-
 R/RunModel_GR5J.R             |  3 ++-
 R/RunModel_GR6J.R             |  3 ++-
 man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.Rd |  4 ++++
 man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.Rd |  4 ++++
 man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.Rd |  4 ++++
 man/RunModel_GR4J.Rd          |  8 ++++++--
 man/RunModel_GR5J.Rd          |  4 ++++
 man/RunModel_GR6J.Rd          |  4 ++++
 src/frun_GR4J.f               | 27 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/frun_GR5J.f               | 29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/frun_GR6J.f               | 31 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 16 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/CreateRunOptions.R b/R/CreateRunOptions.R
index d61fc315..ced3cc71 100644
--- a/R/CreateRunOptions.R
+++ b/R/CreateRunOptions.R
@@ -132,11 +132,14 @@ CreateRunOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,InputsModel,IndPeriod_WarmUp=NULL,IndPeriod
         Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
       if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR4J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)){
-        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
+        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                         "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim"); }
       if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR5J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)){
-        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim"); }
+        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                         "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim"); }
       if(identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_GR6J) | identical(FUN_MOD,RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)){
-        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QR1","Exp","QD","Qsim"); }
+        Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                         "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QR1", "Exp", "QD", "Qsim"); }
         Outputs_all <- c(Outputs_all,"PotEvap","Precip","AE","Perc","P3","Exch","Prod","Rout","Qsim"); }
diff --git a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.R b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.R
index 380225ac..1413f96a 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.R
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 6;
     FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
-    FortranOutputsMod       <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputsMod <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                        "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.R b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.R
index 4a7ea912..a703657b 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.R
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 7;
     FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
-    FortranOutputsMod       <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputsMod <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                        "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.R b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.R
index c4926c65..4cf4f117 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.R
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 8;
     FortranOutputsCemaNeige <- c("Pliq","Psol","SnowPack","ThermalState","Gratio","PotMelt","Melt","PliqAndMelt", "Temp");
-    FortranOutputsMod       <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QR1","Exp","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputsMod       <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1",
+			"Rout", "Exch", "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QR1", "Exp", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/R/RunModel_GR4J.R b/R/RunModel_GR4J.R
index 24110687..4577fa85 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_GR4J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_GR4J.R
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 RunModel_GR4J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 4;
-    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                        "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/R/RunModel_GR5J.R b/R/RunModel_GR5J.R
index 3dc9c463..6cbf01ff 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_GR5J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_GR5J.R
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 RunModel_GR5J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 5;
-    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1", "Rout", "Exch",
+                        "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/R/RunModel_GR6J.R b/R/RunModel_GR6J.R
index 9aa0e1b3..b7582eb8 100644
--- a/R/RunModel_GR6J.R
+++ b/R/RunModel_GR6J.R
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 RunModel_GR6J <- function(InputsModel,RunOptions,Param){
     NParam <- 6;
-    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap","Precip","Prod","AE","Perc","PR","Q9","Q1","Rout","Exch","AExch","QR","QR1","Exp","QD","Qsim");
+    FortranOutputs <- c("PotEvap", "Precip", "Prod", "Pn", "Ps", "AE", "Perc", "PR", "Q9", "Q1",
+			"Rout", "Exch", "AExch1", "AExch2", "AExch", "QR", "QR1", "Exp", "QD", "Qsim");
       if(inherits(InputsModel,"InputsModel")==FALSE){ stop("InputsModel must be of class 'InputsModel' \n"); return(NULL); }  
diff --git a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.Rd b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.Rd
index 20966842..38bbb851 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J.Rd
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QD      }          \tab [numeric] series of direct flow from UH2 after exchange (QD) [mm/d]           \cr
diff --git a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.Rd b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.Rd
index 28fc2219..01c53c7e 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J.Rd
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QD      }          \tab [numeric] series of direct flow from UH2 after exchange (QD) [mm/d]           \cr
diff --git a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.Rd b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.Rd
index cd6e80ff..77044b7e 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J.Rd
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ CemaNeige X2 \tab degree-day melt coefficient [mm/°C/d]                       \
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QR1     }          \tab [numeric] series of exponential store outflow (QR1) [mm/d]                    \cr
diff --git a/man/RunModel_GR4J.Rd b/man/RunModel_GR4J.Rd
index 89b826df..c3f48805 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_GR4J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_GR4J.Rd
@@ -24,14 +24,18 @@ GR4J X4      \tab unit hydrograph time constant [d]
          \emph{$DatesR  }          \tab [POSIXlt] series of dates                                                     \cr
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
-         \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                 	          \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
          \emph{$Q9      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH1 outflow (Q9) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
-         \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
+         \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                     		      \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QD      }          \tab [numeric] series of direct flow from UH2 after exchange (QD) [mm/d]           \cr
diff --git a/man/RunModel_GR5J.Rd b/man/RunModel_GR5J.Rd
index 7c73ba81..803eb869 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_GR5J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_GR5J.Rd
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ GR5J X5      \tab intercatchment exchange threshold [-]                     \cr
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ GR5J X5      \tab intercatchment exchange threshold [-]                     \cr
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QD      }          \tab [numeric] series of direct flow from UH2 after exchange (QD) [mm/d]           \cr
diff --git a/man/RunModel_GR6J.Rd b/man/RunModel_GR6J.Rd
index 0727bb57..5586b906 100644
--- a/man/RunModel_GR6J.Rd
+++ b/man/RunModel_GR6J.Rd
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ GR6J X6      \tab coefficient for emptying exponential store [mm]
          \emph{$PotEvap }          \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d]                 \cr
          \emph{$Precip  }          \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Prod    }          \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm]                        \cr
+         \emph{$Pn      }          \tab [numeric] series of net rainfall [mm/d]                         			  \cr
+         \emph{$Ps      }          \tab [numeric] series of the part of Ps filling the production store [mm/d]        \cr
          \emph{$AE      }          \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d]                          \cr
          \emph{$Perc    }          \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d]                                 \cr
          \emph{$PR      }          \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d]                                      \cr
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ GR6J X6      \tab coefficient for emptying exponential store [mm]
          \emph{$Q1      }          \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d]                                   \cr
          \emph{$Rout    }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm]                           \cr
          \emph{$Exch    }          \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d]         \cr
+         \emph{$AExch1  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 1 [mm/d]    \cr
+         \emph{$AExch2  }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments for branch 2 [mm/d]    \cr
          \emph{$AExch   }          \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d]           \cr
          \emph{$QR      }          \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d]                         \cr
          \emph{$QR1     }          \tab [numeric] series of exponential store outflow (QR1) [mm/d]                    \cr
diff --git a/src/frun_GR4J.f b/src/frun_GR4J.f
index e021eac4..14339005 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR4J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR4J.f
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ C Interception and production store
 	  ! fin speed-up  
+	  PS=0.
@@ -254,17 +255,21 @@ C Variables storage
       MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
       MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
       MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
-      MISC( 7)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 8)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
-      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
-      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
+      MISC( 4)=PN            ! Pn     ! net rainfall [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PS            ! Ps     ! part of Ps filling the production store [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC(10)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(12)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=AEXCH1 		 ! AExch1 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 1 (AEXCH1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=AEXCH2        ! AExch2 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 2 (AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(15)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(16)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(17)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(18)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR5J.f b/src/frun_GR5J.f
index 6744a80b..49449d13 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR5J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR5J.f
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ C Interception and production store
 	  ! fin speed-up  
+	  PS=0.
@@ -239,19 +240,21 @@ C Variables storage
       MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
       MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
       MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
-      MISC( 7)=Q9            ! Q9     ! outflow from first branch (Q9) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 8)=Q1            ! Q1     ! outflow from second branch (Q1) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
-      MISC(13)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
-      MISC(14)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
+      MISC( 4)=PN            ! Pn     ! net rainfall [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PS            ! Ps     ! part of Ps filling the production store [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=Q9	         ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC(10)=Q1		     ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(12)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=AEXCH1 		 ! AExch1 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 1 (AEXCH1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=AEXCH2        ! AExch2 ! actual exchange between catchments from branch 2 (AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(15)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(16)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(17)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(18)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
diff --git a/src/frun_GR6J.f b/src/frun_GR6J.f
index 76ca17d6..40e316d9 100644
--- a/src/frun_GR6J.f
+++ b/src/frun_GR6J.f
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ C Production store
+	  PS=0.
@@ -283,19 +284,23 @@ C Variables storage
       MISC( 1)=E             ! PE     ! observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]
       MISC( 2)=P1            ! Precip ! observed total precipitation [mm/day]
       MISC( 3)=St(1)         ! Prod   ! production store level (St(1)) [mm]
-      MISC( 4)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
-      MISC( 5)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 6)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
-      MISC( 7)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 8)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
-      MISC( 9)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
-      MISC(10)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential third-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
-      MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2+EXCH ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2+EXCH) [mm/day]
-      MISC(12)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
-      MISC(13)=QR1           ! QR1    ! outflow from exponential store (QR1) [mm/day]
-      MISC(14)=St(3)         ! Exp    ! exponential store level (St(3)) (negative) [mm]
-      MISC(15)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
-      MISC(16)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]
+      MISC( 4)=PN            ! Pn     ! net rainfall [mm/day]
+      MISC( 5)=PS            ! Ps     ! part of Ps filling the production store [mm/day]
+      MISC( 6)=AE            ! AE     ! actual evapotranspiration [mm/day]
+      MISC( 7)=PERC          ! Perc   ! percolation (PERC) [mm/day]
+      MISC( 8)=PR            ! PR     ! PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/day]
+      MISC( 9)=StUH1(1)      ! Q9     ! outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/day]
+      MISC(10)=StUH2(1)      ! Q1     ! outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(11)=St(2)         ! Rout   ! routing store level (St(2)) [mm]
+      MISC(12)=EXCH          ! Exch   ! potential third-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(13)=AEXCH1 		 ! AExch1 ! actual exchange between catchments from routing store (AEXCH1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(14)=AEXCH2        ! AExch2 ! actual exchange between catchments from direct branch (after UH2) (AEXCH2) [mm/day]
+      MISC(15)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2+EXCH ! AExch  ! actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2+EXCH) [mm/day]
+      MISC(16)=QR            ! QR     ! outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/day]
+      MISC(17)=QR1           ! QR1    ! outflow from exponential store (QR1) [mm/day]
+      MISC(18)=St(3)         ! Exp    ! exponential store level (St(3)) (negative) [mm]
+      MISC(19)=QD            ! QD     ! outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/day]
+      MISC(20)=Q             ! Qsim   ! simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/day]