index ec419d67c05053c8f60a1bcd65f5e5960ac3d780..b77b7e2afdcad7cf400ae5c34171a1a7ad2cd838 100644
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Package: airGR
 Type: Package
 Title: Suite of GR hydrological models for precipitation-runoff modelling
 Version: 1.0.3
-Date: 2016-11-23
+Date: 2016-12-09
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl")),
   person("Charles", "Perrin", role = c("aut", "ths")),
diff --git a/inst/doc/airGR-ReleaseNotes.txt b/inst/doc/airGR-ReleaseNotes.txt
index d28b5100d51b96058833c1474db8079e52aa5fa6..a4232a197cc28f0587a232080153857d5b5981ff 100644
--- a/inst/doc/airGR-ReleaseNotes.txt
+++ b/inst/doc/airGR-ReleaseNotes.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+#### 1.0.3 RELEASE NOTES ###########################
+- Bug fixed when StartParamList or StartParamDistrib arguments are used in the CreateCalibOptions() function.
+- CreateInputsModel() now returns an error if NLayers <= 0 when CemaNeige is used.
+- plot_OutputsModel() now displays raw values on the y-axis when the discharge time series is represented with log scale (formerly, log values of discharges were displayed on the y-axis).
+- ErrorCrit*() functions gain a warnings argument to replace the verbose action and the verbose argument now prints the criterion value(s).
 #### 1.0.2 RELEASE NOTES ###########################
 - The RunModel_GR6J() and RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J() models were modified back to versions previous to 1.0.1 to prevent from unwanted efficiency criteria deterioration related to the calibration with Calibration_Michel(). 
diff --git a/inst/doc/airGR.R b/inst/doc/airGR.R
index b48fa914f252eec66939c73502842fab718c77d0..7dd1ff9597c068047283a66c4fd02f1bfbaf04ea 100644
--- a/inst/doc/airGR.R
+++ b/inst/doc/airGR.R
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ str(OutputsModel)
 ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel)
 ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_KGE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel)