index dc181d42638192dd77dc90767b99eed23fcbd08a..50859b00b83ef31396ae8eeecfdda7315ac4e3b0 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: airGR
 Type: Package
 Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
-Date: 2017-08-16
+Date: 2017-08-18
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl")),
   person("Charles", "Perrin", role = c("aut", "ths")),
diff --git a/NEWS.rmd b/NEWS.rmd
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+title: "Release History of the airGR Package"
+  html_document:
+    keep_md: true
+### Release Notes (2017-08-18) 
+#### New features
+- An article describing the airGR package has been published. Its reference has been added and will be displayed with <code>citation("airGR")</code>. 
+- Added <code>CreateIniStates()</code> function in order to help user to format <code>IniStates</code> argument for <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>.
+- Added (<code>Param_Sets_GR4J</code>) dataset. It contains the generalist parameter sets for the GR4J model.
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>RunModel_GR4H()</code>: in <code>frun_GR4H</code> fortran subroutine, <code>St(2)</code> is now set to 0 (and not <code>St(1)</code>) when <code>St(2) < 0</code>. 
+- Fixed bug in <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> for the regime plot when the period is less than 1 year.
+- Fixed bug in <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> when there is no common data to plot the cumulative frequency or the correlation QQ.
+- Fixed bug in <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> for y-axis labelling of flows time series when <code>log_scale = TRUE</code> and <code>BasinArea</code> used.
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- The <code>RunSnowModule</code> argument is now deprecated in <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>.
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- <code>RunModel_GR4J()</code>, <code>RunModel_GR5J()</code> and <code>RunModel_GR6J()</code> (and <code>CemaNeige_GR&#42;J()</code>) now return Ps, Pn and true exchanges. 
+- <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> now returns an error when <code>DatesR</code> contains duplicated values.
+- <code>RunModel_GR5J</code> now returns <code>StateEnd</code> in the same order as the other models. 
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> now returns a warning message when the length of Qobs is different from the length of Qsim. 
+- The X1, X3 (and X6) parameters from GR4H, GR4J, GR2M, GR5J (and GR6J) are now set to 1e-2 when they are fixed to lower values. <code>RunModel&#42;()</code> functions now return a warning message. <code>RunModel&#42;()</code> functions now return a warning when X4 < 0.5 and set it to 0.5.
+- The commands <code>?L0123001</code>, <code>?L0123002</code> and <code>?L0123003</code> now return the documentation page related to <code>BasinObs</code>.
+- Many functions of the package were cleant or slightly modified, with no effect on their outputs. 
+- The documentation and help of several functions were improved.
+#### CRAN-comparibility updates
+- "airGR.c" file registers native routines.
+### Release Notes (2017-01-23) 
+#### New features
+- <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> and <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> now present a PrecipScale argument which allows rescaling precipitation when it is interpolated on the elevation layers when CemaNeige is used.
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code>. The elevation gradients for air temperature returned by <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> are improved.
+#### User-visible changes
+- <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> has been improved. <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> now runs faster (and by consequence <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> too, when CemaNeige is used).
+### 1.0.4 Release Notes (2017-01-18) 
+#### New features
+- <code>RunModel_CemaNeige()</code>, <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J()</code>, <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J()</code> and <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J()</code> now return air temperature for each elevation layer. 
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- S3 plot method defined for <code>OutputsModel</code> objects. It means that the <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> function is deprecated and his use has been replaced by the use of <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> or <code>plot()</code>.
+- In <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> the <code>PlotChoice</code> argument is deprecated and has been renamed <code>which</code>.
+#### User-visible changes
+- <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> displays air temperature time series for each layer when <code>CemaNeige</code> is used (argument <code>which = "Temp"</code> or <code>"all"</code>).
+### 1.0.3 Release Notes (2016-12-09) 
+#### New features
+- <code>ErrorCrit&#42;()</code> functions gain a warnings argument to replace the verbose action and the verbose argument now prints the criterion value(s).
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> when <code>StartParamList</code> or <code>StartParamDistrib</code> arguments are used.
+#### User-visible changes
+- <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> now returns an error if <code>NLayers <= 0</code> when <code>CemaNeige</code> is used.
+- <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> now displays raw values on the y-axis when the discharge time series is represented with log scale (formerly, log values of discharges were displayed on the y-axis).
+### 1.0.2 Release Notes (2016-11-03) 
+#### New features
+- <code>SeriesAggreg()</code> gains a TimeLag argument that corresponds to a numeric value indicating a time lag (in seconds) for the time series aggregation (useful to aggregate hourly time series to the daily time step for instance).
+  In addition, the function now accepts input dates in both POSIXt formats (POSIXct and POSIXlt). The output is in POSIXct format.
+- <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> gains a <code>log_scale</code> argument in order to plot the flow with a log scale.
+- A tutorial is available online on the following link: from http://webgr.irstea.fr/airGR.
+  It can also be displayed with the <code>vignette("airGR")</code> command
+#### Bug fixes
+- The value <code>sort</code> for the <code>transfo</code> argument of <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code> was not taken into account. It is now fixed. 
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> loses the OptimParam argument that was redundant with the <code>FixedParam</code> argument. The <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> was modified to take into account this change by using directly <code>FixedParam</code>, but this is transparent to the user. 
+- <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> loses the StartParam argument that was not used. 
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- The <code>RunModel_GR6J()</code> and <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J()</code> models were modified back to versions previous to 1.0.1 to prevent from unwanted efficiency criteria deterioration related to the calibration with <code>Calibration_Michel()</code>. 
+  The actual model codes were not modified but the <code>TransfoParam_GR6J()</code> and <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> functions were modified regarding the X5 parameter. 
+  It is strongly advised to use airGR 1.0.2 for the <code>RunModel_GR6J()</code> and <code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J()</code> functions if you are using <code>Calibration_Michel()</code>, as they are much more efficient. 
+  In case you were using your own calibration algorithm, you will not notice any difference. 
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> functions now allow both POSIXt formats (POSIXct and POSIXlt).
+### 1.0.1 Release Notes (2016-04-21) 
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- The <code>Calibration_HBAN()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN()</code> functions have respectively been renamed as <code>Calibration_Michel()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code> after the names of their creators.
+- The <code>Calibration_optim()</code> function has been removed from the package.
+- The silent mode is now defined by the <code>verbose = TRUE</code> argument (formerly <code>quiet = FALSE</code>) in the following functions :
+<code>Calibration()</code>, <code>Calibration_Michel()</code>, <code>CreateInputsModel()</code>, <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>, <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_Valery()</code>, <code>ErrorCrit()</code>, <code>ErrorCrit_KGE()</code>, <code>ErrorCrit_KGE2()</code>, <code>ErrorCrit_NSE()</code>, <code>ErrorCrit_RMSE()</code>, <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code>, <code>SeriesAggreg()</code>.
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- The GR5J model has been modified: previously, two unit hydrographs were used, now only one is remaining.
+  As a consequence, simulations from the GR5J (<code>RunModel_GR5J()</code> function) and CemaNeige (<code>RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J()</code> function) models will be different.
+- An important proportion of the transformations of the parameters have been modified (<code>TransfoParam&#42;()</code> functions). Since this modifies the local search, calibration results will be different .
+- The quantiles of the parameters have been recalculated with the new transformations (<code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> function). Since these quantiles constitute the starting point of the calibration algorithm, calibration results will be different.
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- The FORTRAN model core codes have been modified:
+	- optimisation of the codes for fastening of computation;
+	- simplification of the internal variables for easier reading and understanding.
+- The list of the contributors and authors is now full.
+- The references of the package has been updated; they are returned by the following R-command <code>citation("airGR")</code>.
+### Release Notes (2015-08-21) 
+#### Bug fixes
+- Bug fxed in <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> related to the handling of missing values.
+- Bug fxed in <code>CreateRunOptions()</code> preventing the correct use of the <code>IniResLevels</code> argument (to manually set the filling rate of the production and routing stores).
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Removal of an unnecessary warning when <code>IndPeriod_WarmUp = 0</code>.
+#### CRAN-comparibility updates
+- Modification of namespace file to ensure proper use under linux whithout compilation issues.
+### Release Notes (2015-04-15) 
+#### New features
+- Three new hydrological models: <code>RunModel_GR4H() function for </code> GR4H (hourly), <code>RunModel_GR2M()</code>  function for GR2M (monthly) and <code>RunModel_GR1A()</code>  function for GR1A (yearly).
+- New function <code>SeriesAggreg()</code> to easily aggreg timesteps.
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>ErrorCrit_RMSE()</code> which led to incorrect calibration (the criterion was maximised instead of minimised).
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- Update of the functions <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>, <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> and <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> to handle the new models.
+- Modification of CemaNeige FORTRAN code to add an update of Gratio after the SnowPack update (no impact on snow simulation).
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Improvement of the <code>plot_OutputsModel()</code> function to allow a selection among available plots.
+- Minor update in <code>ErrorCrit_KGE()</code> and <code>ErrorCrit_KGE2()</code> to handle case when only one values in not NA.
+- Update of the scripts in airGR-advanced-example to match the structures of the <code>BasinData</code> objects.
+- Correction of formatting issue in airGR-advanced-example regarding the "List_HypsoData.txt" file.
+### 0.7.4 Release Notes (2014-11-01) 
+#### User-visible changes
+- Stable version stemming from version 0.7.3.
+### 0.7.3 Release Notes (2014-XX-XX) 
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Improvements allowing the arrival of new models.
+- Improvements of the argument verifications in <code>CreateInputsModel()</code>, <code>CreateRunOptions()</code>, <code>CreateInputsCrit()</code>, <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code>.
+- Improvements of all the <code>ErrorCrit()</code> functions to better account for the cases with constant flow values or local zeros.
+### 0.7.2 Release Notes (2014-07-14) 
+#### New features
+- New argument in many functions (<code>quiet = TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>) to choose if the warnings should be suppressed or not.
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>CreateCalibOptions()</code> to handle models with only one parameter.
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- CemaNeige users must now specify one <code>MeanAnSolidPrecip</code> for each elevation layer. The <code>CreateRunOptions()</code> function is impacted.
+- CemaNeige users can now specify the mean elevation of the input series (before it was always considered equal to the catchment median elevation). 
+  The impacted functions are <code>CreateInputsModel()</code> and <code>DataAltiExtrapolation_HBAN()</code>.
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Improvement of the <code>plot_OutputsModel</code> function (to handle 0 in Qobs and Qsim).
+- Improved documentation.
+### 0.7.1 Release Notes (2014-07-14) 
+#### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in <code>Calibration_HBAN()</code>. The function was not working properly with models having only one parameter.
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- The <code>CalibrationAlgo_&#42;()</code> functions were renamed into<code>Calibration_&#42;()</code>.
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- New architecture with better format verification procedure (using classes) and simpler setting of default configuration.
+- New architecture where the model, calibration and error functions are in the arguments of the functions
+  (the exotic use of "generic function" created by the users has been removed).
+- Improved documentation and examples.
+### 0.7.0 Release Notes (2014-06-06) 
+#### Experimental features
+- unfinished version used for development purpose.
+### 0.6.2 Release Notes (2014-02-12) 
+#### Bug fixes
+- RC11 bug correction: the automatic selection of the warm-up period was not working properly when no data was available from warm-up (i.e. when the user had set the run to start at the very first index).
+- RC10 bug correction: the <code>CalibrationAlgo_HBAN()</code> function was not working in the very rare case when the diagonal search was activated and lead to a set outside the authorised range.
+- RC9 bug correction: the <code>CalibrationAlgo_HBAN()</code> function was not working properly with models having only one parameter.
+- RC8 bug correction of the <code>ModelDefaultIniOptions()</code> function (this bug was introduced in the RC7 and caused an error when <code>IndPeriod_WarmUp = NULL</code>
+- RC7 bug correction of the <code>ModelDefaultIniOptions()</code> function (the automatic selection of one year for warm-up was not handling properly missing data).
+- RC6 correction of the help files (the description of CemaNeige parameters were inverted).
+- RC5 differs from previous releases in the way the data are read and stored (in a list instead of individual vectors).
+  The package is similar, only the examples of Main and the files in MyScriptBlocks have changed.
+  All basin data are now stored inside a list named <code>BasinData</code>. This will greatly ease the future use of Rdata files (instead of txt files) as storage format for the time series of observation.  
+### 0.6.1 Release Notes (2014-02-12) 
+#### New features
+- Additional functions for results plotting (the <code>{zoo}</code> package is required for some of them).
+- Add multi-objective calibration using <code>nsga2()</code> (the <code>{mco}</code> package is required).
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- The definition of the generic function is now made in a much simpler way (e.g. see <code>DefineFunctions_Model()</code> or <code>DefineFunctions_ErrorCrit()</code>).
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Code improvements to reduce the computation time.
+- Clearer instructions for the adding and modification of a model.
+- Improvements of the documentation.
+### 0.6.0 Release Notes (2014-02-12) 
+#### New features
+- The field Multiplier has been added in the ErrorCrit() outputs, to indicate whether the criterion is an error (to minimise) or and efficiency (to maximise).
+  This allows to provide real efficiency values in the outputs e.g. NSE[Q] instead of (-1)  &times; NSE[Q].
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- <code>EfficiencyCrit()</code> have been replaced by <code>ErrorCrit()</code> to avoid misunderstanding (by default, the algorithms minimise the error criterion).
+### 0.5.2 Release Notes (2014-02-05) 
+#### Deprectated and defunct
+- The <code>SelectPer</code> arguments are replaced by <code>IndPeriod</code> to ease understanding.
+- The <code>PE</code> arguments are replaced by <code>PotEvap()</code> to ease understanding.
+- The <code>Fsol</code> arguments are replaced by <code>FracSolidPrecip</code> to ease understanding.
+#### Major user-visible changes
+- R 2.15 in not supported by default.
+- The check that <code>SelectPer_Run()</code> is continuous is now made in the <code>CheckArg()</code> functions.
+- Check of the model functioning time step.
+- Name of the calibration criterion provided in <code>OutputsAlgo()</code>.
+#### Minor user-visible changes
+- Missing values in FORTRAN are now -999.999 instead of -9.999.
+### 0.5.1  Release Notes (2014-01-27) 
+#### New features
+- New <code>EfficiencyCrit_NSE_sqrtQ()</code> function to compute NSE criterion on sqrt flows
+#### Bug fixes
+- Incorrect arguments in the call to <code>RunModelAndCrit</code> from <code>CalibrationAlgo_optim_stats</code> and <code>CalibrationAlgo_nlminb_stats</code>.
+- <code>CalibrationAlgo_nlminb_stats</code> argument was wrongly defined in <code>DefineFunctions_CalibrationAlgo()</code> (<code>optim</code> instead of <code>nlminb</code>).
+- Format checking for <code>RunOptions</code> was incorrectly made in <code>CheckArg()</code> function.
diff --git a/R/CreateInputsModel.R b/R/CreateInputsModel.R
index 640c30e112eceb1c84b05527e969ea80d389ce15..df46eb0184fdd73956215d945e646224987408b2 100644
--- a/R/CreateInputsModel.R
+++ b/R/CreateInputsModel.R
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ CreateInputsModel <- function(FUN_MOD,
         stop(paste( "the time step of the model inputs must be ", TimeStep, " seconds \n", sep = ""))
-      if (anyDuplicated(DatesR) != 0) {
+      if (any(duplicated(DatesR))) {
         stop("DatesR must not include duplicated values \n")