From cba36bf13f1dd436379f8974fcba8133e57410f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Delaigue Olivier <olivier.delaigue@irstea.priv>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 15:48:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] v1.2.12.9 CLEAN check added in TransfoParam* funs

 DESCRIPTION                    |  2 +-
 NEWS.rmd                       |  4 +-
 R/TransfoParam_CemaNeige.R     |  8 ++--
 R/TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst.R |  6 ++-
 R/TransfoParam_GR1A.R          | 31 ++++++++++-----
 R/TransfoParam_GR2M.R          | 32 +++++++++++-----
 R/TransfoParam_GR4H.R          | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/TransfoParam_GR4J.R          | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/TransfoParam_GR5J.R          | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/TransfoParam_GR6J.R          | 68 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 10 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

index 3a469b06..94004115 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: airGR
 Type: Package
 Title: Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling
 Date: 2019-03-29
 Authors@R: c(
   person("Laurent", "Coron", role = c("aut", "trl"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1503-6204")),
diff --git a/NEWS.rmd b/NEWS.rmd
index 4e1af921..1c3e2ec3 100644
--- a/NEWS.rmd
+++ b/NEWS.rmd
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ output:
-### Release Notes (2019-03-28) 
+### Release Notes (2019-03-28) 
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ output:
 - <code>plot.OutputsModel()</code> does not return a warning message anymore when <code>Qobs = NULL</code>.
+- Inputs of <code>TransfoParam&#42;()</code> functions are now checked.
 - The order of authors has been updated in the DESCRIPTION and the CITATION files.
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeige.R b/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeige.R
index 9c015276..b0b40417 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeige.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeige.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ TransfoParam_CemaNeige <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
   NParam <- 2L
-  ## check_arguments
+  ## check arguments
   isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
   if (isVecParamIn) {
     ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
@@ -22,16 +22,18 @@ TransfoParam_CemaNeige <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
   ## transformation
   if (Direction == "TR") {
-    ParamOut <-  ParamIn
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
     ParamOut[, 1] <- (ParamIn[, 1] + 9.99) / 19.98 ### CemaNeige X1 (weighting coefficient for snow pack thermal state)
     ParamOut[, 2] <- exp(ParamIn[, 2]) / 200       ### CemaNeige X2 (degree-day melt coefficient)
   if (Direction == "RT") {
-    ParamOut <-  ParamIn
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
     ParamOut[, 1] <-  ParamIn[, 1] * 19.98 - 9.99  ### CemaNeige X1 (weighting coefficient for snow pack thermal state)
     ParamOut[, 2] <- log(ParamIn[, 2] * 200)       ### CemaNeige X2 (degree-day melt coefficient)
+  ## check output
   if (isVecParamIn) {
     ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst.R b/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst.R
index efd8c54f..c4ee434b 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
   NParam <- 4L
-  ## check_arguments
+  ## check arguments
   isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
   if (isVecParamIn) {
     ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
     stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
   if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
-    stop(sprintf( "the CemaNeige module with linear hysteresis requires %i parameters", NParam))
+    stop(sprintf("the CemaNeige module with linear hysteresis requires %i parameters", NParam))
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
     ParamOut[, 4] <- (ParamIn[, 4] - 0.5) * 19.98  ### Hyst CV
+  ## check output
   if (isVecParamIn) {
     ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR1A.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR1A.R
index 3c3e85af..11ed1c93 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR1A.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR1A.R
@@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
 TransfoParam_GR1A <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
-  NParam <- 1
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 1L
+  NParam <- 2L
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
-  }
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
+  }
   if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
-    stop(paste("the GR1A model requires ", NParam, " parameters", sep = ""))
+    stop(sprintf("the GR1A model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  ## transformation
   if (Direction == "TR") {
     ParamOut <- (ParamIn + 10.0) / 8
@@ -18,10 +29,12 @@ TransfoParam_GR1A <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
     ParamOut <-  ParamIn * 8 - 10.0
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR2M.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR2M.R
index 2e093192..8f9f9e25 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR2M.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR2M.R
@@ -1,29 +1,43 @@
 TransfoParam_GR2M <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
-  NParam <- 2
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 2L
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
   if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
-    stop(paste("the GR2M model requires ", NParam, " parameters", sep = ""))
+    stop(sprintf("the GR2M model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  ## transformation
   if (Direction == "TR") {
-    ParamOut      <-  ParamIn
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
     ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])
     ParamOut[, 2] <- ParamIn[, 2] / 4 + 2.5
   if (Direction == "RT") {
-    ParamOut      <-  ParamIn
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
     ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])
     ParamOut[, 2] <- (ParamIn[, 2] - 2.5) * 4
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR4H.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR4H.R
index 4a63a787..898a0c3f 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR4H.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR4H.R
@@ -1,27 +1,48 @@
-TransfoParam_GR4H <- function(ParamIn,Direction){
+TransfoParam_GR4H <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
-  NParam <- 4;
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn);
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn); }
-  if(ncol(ParamIn)!=NParam){ stop(paste("the GR4H model requires ",NParam," parameters",sep="")) }  
-  if(Direction=="TR"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- exp(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR4H X1 (production store capacity)    
-    ParamOut[,2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2] / 3);              ### GR4H X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
-    ParamOut[,3] <- exp(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR4H X3 (routing store capacity)       
-    ParamOut[,4] <- 480 + (480 - 0.5) * (ParamIn[,4] - 9.99) / 19.98;    ### GR4H X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-  }	
-  if(Direction=="RT"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- log(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR4H X1 (production store capacity)    
-    ParamOut[,2] <- 3 * asinh(ParamIn[,2]);              ### GR4H X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
-    ParamOut[,3] <- log(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR4H X3 (routing store capacity)       
-    ParamOut[,4] <- (ParamIn[,4] - 480) * 19.98 / (480 - 0.5) + 9.99;    ### GR4H X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 4L
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
+  }
+  if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
+    stop(sprintf("the GR4H model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  }
+  ## transformation
+  if (Direction == "TR") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])                                 ### GR4H X1 (production store capacity)    
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2] / 3)                            ### GR4H X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- exp(ParamIn[, 3])                                 ### GR4H X3 (routing store capacity)       
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 480 + (480 - 0.5) * (ParamIn[, 4] - 9.99) / 19.98 ### GR4H X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+  }	 
+  if (Direction == "RT") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])                                 ### GR4H X1 (production store capacity)    
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- 3 * asinh(ParamIn[, 2])                           ### GR4H X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- log(ParamIn[, 3])                                 ### GR4H X3 (routing store capacity)       
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- (ParamIn[, 4] - 480) * 19.98 / (480 - 0.5) + 9.99 ### GR4H X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamOut <- ParamOut[1,]; }
-  return(ParamOut);
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
+  }
+  return(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR4J.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR4J.R
index c10e2815..f68b8335 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR4J.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR4J.R
@@ -1,27 +1,49 @@
-TransfoParam_GR4J <- function(ParamIn,Direction){
+TransfoParam_GR4J <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
-  NParam <- 4;
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn);
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn); }
-  if(ncol(ParamIn)!=NParam){ stop(paste("the GR4J model requires ",NParam," parameters",sep="")) }  
-  if(Direction=="TR"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- exp(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR4J X1 (production store capacity)    
-    ParamOut[,2] <- sinh(ParamIn[,2]);                   ### GR4J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
-    ParamOut[,3] <- exp(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR4J X3 (routing store capacity)       
-    ParamOut[,4] <- 20+19.5*(ParamIn[,4]-9.99)/19.98;    ### GR4J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-  }	
-  if(Direction=="RT"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- log(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR4J X1 (production store capacity)    
-    ParamOut[,2] <- asinh(ParamIn[,2]);                  ### GR4J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
-    ParamOut[,3] <- log(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR4J X3 (routing store capacity)       
-    ParamOut[,4] <- 9.99+19.98*(ParamIn[,4]-20)/19.5;    ### GR4J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 4L
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
+  }
+  if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
+    stop(sprintf("the GR4J model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  }
+  ## transformation
+  if (Direction == "TR") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn   
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR4J X1 (production store capacity)    
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2])                        ### GR4J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- exp(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR4J X3 (routing store capacity)       
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 20 + 19.5 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 9.99) / 19.98 ### GR4J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+  }	 
+  if (Direction == "RT") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn 
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR4J X1 (production store capacity)    
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- asinh(ParamIn[, 2])                       ### GR4J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient)      
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- log(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR4J X3 (routing store capacity)       
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 9.99 + 19.98 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 20) / 19.5 ### GR4J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamOut <- ParamOut[1,]; }
-  return(ParamOut);
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
+  }
+  return(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR5J.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR5J.R
index 99f5a30a..177ea930 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR5J.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR5J.R
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
-TransfoParam_GR5J <- function(ParamIn,Direction){
-  NParam <- 5;
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn);
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn); }
-  if(ncol(ParamIn)!=NParam){ stop(paste("the GR5J model requires ",NParam," parameters",sep="")) }  
-  if(Direction=="TR"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- exp(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR5J X1 (production store capacity)
-    ParamOut[,2] <- sinh(ParamIn[,2]);                   ### GR5J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
-    ParamOut[,3] <- exp(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR5J X3 (routing store capacity)
-    ParamOut[,4] <- 20+19.5*(ParamIn[,4]-9.99)/19.98;    ### GR5J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-    ParamOut[,5] <- (ParamIn[,5] + 9.99) / 19.98;        ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
-  }	
-  if(Direction=="RT"){
-    ParamOut     <-  ParamIn;
-    ParamOut[,1] <- log(ParamIn[,1]);                    ### GR5J X1 (production store capacity)
-    ParamOut[,2] <- asinh(ParamIn[,2]);                  ### GR5J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
-    ParamOut[,3] <- log(ParamIn[,3]);                    ### GR5J X3 (routing store capacity)
-    ParamOut[,4] <- 9.99+19.98*(ParamIn[,4]-20)/19.5;    ### GR5J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-    ParamOut[,5] <- ParamIn[,5] * 19.98 - 9.99;          ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
+TransfoParam_GR5J <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 5L
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
+  }
+  if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
+    stop(sprintf("the GR4J model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  }
+  ## transformation
+  if (Direction == "TR") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR5J X1 (production store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2])                        ### GR5J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- exp(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR5J X3 (routing store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 20 + 19.5 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 9.99) / 19.98 ### GR5J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+    ParamOut[, 5] <- (ParamIn[, 5] + 9.99) / 19.98             ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
+  }	 
+  if (Direction == "RT") {
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR5J X1 (production store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- asinh(ParamIn[, 2])                       ### GR5J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- log(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR5J X3 (routing store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 9.99 + 19.98 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 20) / 19.5 ### GR5J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+    ParamOut[, 5] <- ParamIn[, 5] * 19.98 - 9.99               ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
-  if(Bool==FALSE){ ParamOut <- ParamOut[1,]; }
-  return(ParamOut);
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)
+  }
+  return(ParamOut)
diff --git a/R/TransfoParam_GR6J.R b/R/TransfoParam_GR6J.R
index fce777ce..459d6f93 100644
--- a/R/TransfoParam_GR6J.R
+++ b/R/TransfoParam_GR6J.R
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
 TransfoParam_GR6J <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
-  NParam <- 6
-  Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
+  ## number of model parameters
+  NParam <- 6L
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
+  ## check arguments
+  isVecParamIn <- is.vector(ParamIn)
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamIn <- matrix(ParamIn, nrow = 1)
+  }  
+  if (!inherits(ParamIn, "matrix")) {
+    stop("'ParamIn' must be of class 'matrix'")
+  }
+  if (!inherits(Direction, "character") | length(Direction) != 1 | any(!Direction %in% c("RT", "TR"))) {
+    stop("'Direction' must be a character vector of length 1 equal to 'RT' or 'TR'")
   if (ncol(ParamIn) != NParam) {
     stop(sprintf("the GR6J model requires %i parameters", NParam))
+  ## transformation
   if (Direction == "TR") {
-    ParamOut <-  ParamIn
-    ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])
-    ### GR6J X1 (production store capacity)
-    ParamOut[, 2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2])
-    ### GR6J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
-    ParamOut[, 3] <- exp(ParamIn[, 3])
-    ### GR6J X3 (routing store capacity)
-    ParamOut[, 4] <- 20 + 19.5 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 9.99) / 19.98
-    ### GR6J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-    ParamOut[, 5] <- ParamIn[, 5] / 5.
-    ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
-    ParamOut[, 6] <- exp(ParamIn[, 6])
-    ### GR6J X6 (coefficient for emptying exponential store)
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- exp(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR6J X1 (production store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- sinh(ParamIn[, 2])                        ### GR6J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- exp(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR6J X3 (routing store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 20 + 19.5 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 9.99) / 19.98 ### GR6J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+    ParamOut[, 5] <- ParamIn[, 5] / 5                          ### GR6J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
+    ParamOut[, 6] <- exp(ParamIn[, 6])                         ### GR6J X6 (coefficient for emptying exponential store)
   if (Direction == "RT") {
-    ParamOut <-  ParamIn
-    ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])
-    ### GR6J X1 (production store capacity)
-    ParamOut[, 2] <- asinh(ParamIn[, 2])
-    ### GR6J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
-    ParamOut[, 3] <- log(ParamIn[, 3])
-    ### GR6J X3 (routing store capacity)
-    ParamOut[, 4] <- 9.99 + 19.98 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 20) / 19.5
-    ### GR6J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
-    ParamOut[, 5] <- ParamIn[, 5] * 5.
-    ### GR5J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
-    ParamOut[, 6] <- log(ParamIn[, 6])
-    ### GR6J X6 (coefficient for emptying exponential store)
+    ParamOut <- ParamIn
+    ParamOut[, 1] <- log(ParamIn[, 1])                         ### GR6J X1 (production store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 2] <- asinh(ParamIn[, 2])                       ### GR6J X2 (groundwater exchange coefficient 1)
+    ParamOut[, 3] <- log(ParamIn[, 3])                         ### GR6J X3 (routing store capacity)
+    ParamOut[, 4] <- 9.99 + 19.98 * (ParamIn[, 4] - 20) / 19.5 ### GR6J X4 (unit hydrograph time constant)
+    ParamOut[, 5] <- ParamIn[, 5] * 5                          ### GR6J X5 (groundwater exchange coefficient 2)
+    ParamOut[, 6] <- log(ParamIn[, 6])                         ### GR6J X6 (coefficient for emptying exponential store)
-  if (Bool == FALSE) {
-    ParamOut <- ParamOut[1, ]
+  ## check output
+  if (isVecParamIn) {
+    ParamOut <- as.vector(ParamOut)