\encoding{UTF-8} \name{RunModel_GR5J} \alias{RunModel_GR5J} \title{Run with the GR5J hydrological model} \usage{ RunModel_GR5J(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param) } \arguments{ \item{InputsModel}{[object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details} \item{RunOptions}{[object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details} \item{Param}{[numeric] vector of 5 parameters \tabular{ll}{ GR5J X1 \tab production store capacity [mm] \cr GR5J X2 \tab intercatchment exchange coefficient [mm/d] \cr GR5J X3 \tab routing store capacity [mm] \cr GR5J X4 \tab unit hydrograph time constant [d] \cr GR5J X5 \tab intercatchment exchange threshold [-] \cr }} } \value{ [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows: \tabular{ll}{ \emph{$DatesR } \tab [POSIXlt] series of dates \cr \emph{$PotEvap } \tab [numeric] series of input potential evapotranspiration [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Precip } \tab [numeric] series of input total precipitation [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Prod } \tab [numeric] series of production store level [mm] \cr \emph{$AE } \tab [numeric] series of actual evapotranspiration [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Perc } \tab [numeric] series of percolation (PERC) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$PR } \tab [numeric] series of PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Q9 } \tab [numeric] series of UH1 outflow (Q9) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Q1 } \tab [numeric] series of UH2 outflow (Q1) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Rout } \tab [numeric] series of routing store level [mm] \cr \emph{$Exch } \tab [numeric] series of potential semi-exchange between catchments [mm/d] \cr \emph{$AExch } \tab [numeric] series of actual exchange between catchments (1+2) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$QR } \tab [numeric] series of routing store outflow (QR) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$QD } \tab [numeric] series of direct flow from UH2 after exchange (QD) [mm/d] \cr \emph{$Qsim } \tab [numeric] series of Qsim [mm/d] \cr \emph{$StateEnd} \tab [numeric] states at the end of the run (res. levels, UH1 levels, UH2 levels) [mm] \cr } (refer to the provided references or to the package source code for further details on these model outputs) } \description{ Function which performs a single run for the GR5J daily lumped model over the test period. } \details{ For further details on the model, see the references section. For further details on the argument structures and initialisation options, see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}. } \examples{ ## loading catchment data library(airGR) data(L0123001) ## preparation of the InputsModel object InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR5J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR, Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E) ## run period selection Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="01/01/1990 00:00"), which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="31/12/1999 00:00")) ## preparation of the RunOptions object RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR5J, InputsModel = InputsModel, IndPeriod_Run = Ind_Run) ## simulation Param <- c(245.918, 1.027, 90.017, 2.198, 0.434) OutputsModel <- RunModel_GR5J(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param) ## results preview plot_OutputsModel(OutputsModel = OutputsModel, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) ## efficiency criterion: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel) cat(paste(" Crit ", OutputsCrit$CritName, " ", round(OutputsCrit$CritValue, 4), "\\n", sep = "")) } \author{ Laurent Coron, Claude Michel, Nicolas Le Moine (December 2013) } \references{ Le Moine, N. (2008), Le bassin versant de surface vu par le souterrain : une voie d'amélioration des performances et du réalisme des modèles pluie-débit ?, PhD thesis (french), UPMC, Paris, France. \cr Pushpalatha, R., C. Perrin, N. Le Moine, T. Mathevet, and V. Andréassian (2011), A downward structural sensitivity analysis of hydrological models to improve low-flow simulation, Journal of Hydrology, 411(1-2), 66-76, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.09.034. \cr } \seealso{ \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{RunModel_GR6J}}, \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}. }