\encoding{UTF-8} \name{Calibration_Michel} \alias{Calibration_Michel} \title{Calibration algorithm optimises the error criterion selected as objective function using the Irstea-HBAN procedure described by C. Michel} \usage{ Calibration_Michel(InputsModel, RunOptions, InputsCrit, CalibOptions, FUN_MOD, FUN_CRIT, FUN_TRANSFO = NULL, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{InputsModel}{[object of class \emph{InputsModel}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}} for details} \item{RunOptions}{[object of class \emph{RunOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}} for details} \item{InputsCrit}{[object of class \emph{InputsCrit}] see \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}} for details} \item{CalibOptions}{[object of class \emph{CalibOptions}] see \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}} for details} \item{FUN_MOD}{[function] hydrological model function (e.g. \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J}})} \item{FUN_CRIT}{[function] error criterion function (e.g. \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_NSE}})} \item{FUN_TRANSFO}{(optional) [function] model parameters transformation function, if the \code{FUN_MOD} used is native in the package \code{FUN_TRANSFO} is automatically defined} \item{verbose}{(optional) [boolean] boolean indicating if the function is run in verbose mode or not, default = \code{TRUE}} } \value{ [list] list containing the function outputs organised as follows: \tabular{ll}{ \emph{$ParamFinalR } \tab [numeric] parameter set obtained at the end of the calibration \cr \emph{$CritFinal } \tab [numeric] error criterion selected as objective function obtained at the end of the calibration \cr \emph{$NIter } \tab [numeric] number of iterations during the calibration \cr \emph{$NRuns } \tab [numeric] number of model runs done during the calibration \cr \emph{$HistParamR } \tab [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: parameter values \cr \emph{$HistCrit } \tab [numeric] table showing the progression steps in the search for optimal set: criterion values \cr \emph{$MatBoolCrit } \tab [boolean] table giving the requested and actual time steps over which the model is calibrated \cr \emph{$CritName } \tab [character] name of the calibration criterion used as objective function \cr \emph{$CritBestValue} \tab [numeric] theoretical best criterion value \cr } } \description{ Calibration algorithm optimises the error criterion selected as objective function. \cr \cr The algorithm combines a global and a local approach. First, a screening is performed using either a rough predefined grid or a list of parameter sets. Then a steepest descent local search algorithm is performed, starting from the result of the screening procedure. } \details{ A screening is first performed either based on a rough predefined grid (considering various initial values for each parameter) or from a list of initial parameter sets. \cr The best set identified in this screening is then used as a starting point for the steepest descent local search algorithm. \cr For this search, since the ranges of parameter values can be quite different, simple mathematical transformations are applied to parameters to make them vary in a similar range and get a similar sensitivity to a predefined search step. This is done using the TransfoParam functions. \cr During the steepest descent method, at each iteration, we start from a parameter set of NParam values (NParam being the number of free parameters of the chosen hydrological model) and we determine the 2*NParam-1 new candidates by changing one by one the different parameters (+/- search step). \cr All these candidates are tested and the best one kept to be the starting point for the next iteration. At the end of each iteration, the the search step is either increased or decreased to adapt the progression speed. A composite step can occasionally be done. \cr The calibration algorithm stops when the search step becomes smaller than a predefined threshold. } \examples{ library(airGR) ## loading catchment data data(L0123001) ## preparation of InputsModel object InputsModel <- CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR, Precip = BasinObs$P, PotEvap = BasinObs$E) ## calibration period selection Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="01/01/1990 00:00"), which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "\%d/\%m/\%Y \%H:\%M")=="31/12/1999 00:00")) ## preparation of RunOptions object RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, InputsModel = InputsModel, IndPeriod_Run = Ind_Run) ## calibration criterion: preparation of the InputsCrit object InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) ## preparation of CalibOptions object CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel) ## calibration OutputsCalib <- Calibration_Michel(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, InputsCrit = InputsCrit, CalibOptions = CalibOptions, FUN_MOD = RunModel_GR4J, FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE) ## simulation Param <- OutputsCalib$ParamFinalR OutputsModel <- RunModel_GR4J(InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Param = Param) ## results preview plot(OutputsModel, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) ## efficiency criterion: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE, InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_NSE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel) ## efficiency criterion: Kling-Gupta Efficiency InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_KGE, InputsModel = InputsModel, RunOptions = RunOptions, Qobs = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]) OutputsCrit <- ErrorCrit_KGE(InputsCrit = InputsCrit, OutputsModel = OutputsModel) } \author{ Laurent Coron, Claude Michel, Olivier Delaigue, Guillaume Thirel } \references{ Michel, C. (1991), Hydrologie appliquée aux petits bassins ruraux, Hydrology handbook (in French), Cemagref, Antony, France. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Calibration}}, \code{\link{RunModel_GR4J}}, \code{\link{TransfoParam_GR4J}}, \code{\link{ErrorCrit_RMSE}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsModel}}, \code{\link{CreateRunOptions}}, \code{\link{CreateInputsCrit}}, \code{\link{CreateCalibOptions}}. }