diff --git a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/adamont_gcm_rcm_couples.py b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/adamont_gcm_rcm_couples.py
index 24019a1b3d3a29f541506389ec1680255108fd96..f1a787b9a08c8e85ef47a33b72c0cd4b900ef55a 100644
--- a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/adamont_gcm_rcm_couples.py
+++ b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/adamont_gcm_rcm_couples.py
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gcm_rcm_couple_to_color = {
 gcm_to_color = {
     'CNRM-CM5': 'red',
-    'MPI-ESM-LR': 'blue',
+    'MPI-ESM-LR': 'tab:blue',
     'HadGEM2-ES': 'green',
@@ -129,6 +129,6 @@ gcm_to_color = {
     'IPSL-CM5A-MR': 'orange',
-    'NorESM1-M': 'yellow',
+    'NorESM1-M': 'y',
diff --git a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/climate_explorer_cimp5.py b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/climate_explorer_cimp5.py
index d60ff7438e16f6e7d5894dd7f3b4be74dbc16d22..d9d01a6203fe86355849926de85feca1e91ecb95 100644
--- a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/climate_explorer_cimp5.py
+++ b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/climate_explorer_cimp5.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import calendar
+import os
 import os.path as op
 import pandas as pd
 import subprocess
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import cdsapi
 import numpy as np
 from netCDF4._netCDF4 import Dataset, OrderedDict
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, UnivariateSpline
 from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_gcm_rcm_couples import gcm_to_rnumber
 from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_scenario import get_year_min_and_year_max_from_scenario, \
@@ -24,24 +26,29 @@ def get_scenario_name(scenario):
         return str(scenario).split('.')[-1]
-def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rolling=30, anomaly=False):
+def year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, spline=False, anomaly=False):
     d = OrderedDict()
-    years, global_mean_temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, rolling=rolling, anomaly=anomaly)
+    years, global_mean_temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, spline=spline,
+                                                           anomaly=anomaly)
     for year, global_mean_temp in zip(years, global_mean_temps):
         d[year] = global_mean_temp
     return d
-def years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rolling=30, anomaly=False):
+def get_column_name(anomaly, spline):
+    basic_column_name = 'Annual anomaly' if anomaly else 'Annual mean'
+    if spline:
+        return '{} with spline'.format(basic_column_name)
+    else:
+        return basic_column_name
+def years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, anomaly=False, spline=True):
     # Compute everything
     ensemble_member = 'r{}i1p1'.format(gcm_to_rnumber[gcm])
     scenario_name = get_scenario_name(scenario)
     # Standards
-    mean_annual_column_name = 'Annual mean'
-    anomaly_annual_column_name = 'Annual anomaly'
-    rolling_mean_annual_column_name = 'Rolling annual mean for window={}'.format(rolling)
-    rolling_anomaly_annual_column_name = 'Rolling annual anomaly for window={}'.format(rolling)
     filename = 'global_tas_Amon_{}_{}_{}'.format(gcm, scenario_name, ensemble_member)
     dat_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.dat')
     txt_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_DATA_PATH, filename + '.txt')
@@ -51,9 +58,7 @@ def years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rol
         download_dat(dat_filepath, txt_filepath)
     # Transform nc file into csv file
     if not op.exists(csv_filepath):
-        dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean_annual_column_name,
-                   anomaly_annual_column_name,  rolling_anomaly_annual_column_name,
-                   rolling=rolling)
+        dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, spline)
     # Load csv file
     df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath, index_col=0)
@@ -65,21 +70,12 @@ def years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=None, year_max=None, rol
     years = list(df.index)
     assert years[0] >= year_min
     assert years[-1] <= year_max
-    if rolling:
-        if anomaly:
-            global_mean_temp = list(df[rolling_anomaly_annual_column_name])
-        else:
-            global_mean_temp = list(df[rolling_mean_annual_column_name])
-    else:
-        if anomaly:
-            global_mean_temp = list(df[anomaly_annual_column_name])
-        else:
-            global_mean_temp = list(df[mean_annual_column_name])
+    global_mean_temp = list(df[get_column_name(anomaly, spline)])
+    # os.remove(csv_filepath)
     return years, global_mean_temp
-def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean_annual_column_name,
-               anomaly_annual_column_name,  rolling_anomaly_annual_column_name, rolling=30):
+def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, spline):
     d = OrderedDict()
     with open(txt_filepath, 'r') as f:
         for i, l in enumerate(f):
@@ -98,6 +94,10 @@ def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean
     l /= 12
     l = [np.nan] + list(l)
     assert len(l) == len(df.index)
+    # First we compute the standard column
+    mean_annual_column_name, anomaly_annual_column_name = [get_column_name(anomaly=anomaly, spline=False)
+                                                           for anomaly in [False, True]]
     df[mean_annual_column_name] = l
     s_mean_for_reference_period_1850_to_1900 = df.loc[1850:1900, mean_annual_column_name]
     # Sometimes some initial global mean temperatures are negative for the first years,
@@ -105,13 +105,34 @@ def dat_to_csv(csv_filepath, txt_filepath, mean_annual_column_name, rolling_mean
     ind = s_mean_for_reference_period_1850_to_1900 > 0
     mean_for_reference_period_1850_to_1900 = s_mean_for_reference_period_1850_to_1900.loc[ind].mean()
     df[anomaly_annual_column_name] = df[mean_annual_column_name] - mean_for_reference_period_1850_to_1900
-    # Computing the rolling
-    if rolling is not None:
-        df[rolling_mean_annual_column_name] = df[mean_annual_column_name].rolling(window=rolling).mean()
-        df[rolling_anomaly_annual_column_name] = df[anomaly_annual_column_name].rolling(window=rolling).mean()
+    # Then we regress some cubic spline on these columns
+    for anomaly in [True, False]:
+        noisy_data = df[get_column_name(anomaly, spline=False)]
+        ind = noisy_data > -50
+        spline_data = noisy_data.copy()
+        spline_data.loc[ind] = apply_cubic_spline(noisy_data.loc[ind].index.values,
+                                                                       noisy_data.loc[ind].values)
+        df[get_column_name(anomaly, spline=True)] = spline_data
+def apply_cubic_spline(x, y):
+    """
+    s is THE important parameter, that controls as how far the points of the spline are from the original points.
+    w[i] corresponds to constant weight in our case.
+    sum((w[i] * (y[i]-spl(x[i])))**2, axis=0) <= s
+    """
+    # s = 3 # it was working well except for the blue one.
+    s = 5
+    f = UnivariateSpline(x, y, s=s, w=None)
+    new_y = f(x)
+    return new_y
 def download_dat(dat_filepath, txt_filepath):
     web_filepath = op.join(GLOBALTEMP_WEB_PATH, op.basename(dat_filepath))
     dirname = op.dirname(dat_filepath)
@@ -126,7 +147,7 @@ def download_dat(dat_filepath, txt_filepath):
 def main_example():
     scenario = AdamontScenario.rcp45
     gcm = 'EC-EARTH'
-    year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario)
+    print(year_to_global_mean_temp(gcm, scenario))
 def main_test_cmip5_loader():
@@ -138,14 +159,6 @@ def main_test_cmip5_loader():
-def test_rolling():
-    df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
-    print(df)
-    df2 = df.rolling(window=3).mean()
-    print(df2)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # main_example()
-    # test_rolling()
-    main_test_cmip5_loader()
+    main_example()
+    # main_test_cmip5_loader()
diff --git a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/plot_temperatures.py b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/plot_temperatures.py
index 06e92bbbe8ec1003540d630534717c3ed23e095b..4a46113769050ad2afe97ac86c6e1f9154289143 100644
--- a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/plot_temperatures.py
+++ b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/plot_temperatures.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from typing import Union
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
@@ -6,44 +8,84 @@ from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.adamont_scenario import get_lin
     adamont_scenarios_real, AdamontScenario, scenario_to_str, get_gcm_list, rcp_scenarios
 from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.cmip5.climate_explorer_cimp5 import year_to_global_mean_temp, \
+from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.scm_models_data.visualization.study_visualizer import VisualizationParameters, \
+    StudyVisualizer
+from root_utils import VERSION_TIME
-def main_plot_temperature(anomaly=False):
-    rolling = 30
+def main_plot_temperature_all(anomaly=False, spline=False):
     ax = plt.gca()
     for gcm in get_gcm_list(adamont_version=2)[:]:
+        for scenario in rcp_scenarios[:]:
+            label=gcm if scenario == rcp_scenarios[0] else None
+            plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, label=label, year_min=2005, year_max=2100, spline=spline, anomaly=anomaly)
+    end_plot(anomaly, ax, spline)
+def main_plot_temperature_with_spline_on_top(anomaly=False):
+    spline = None
+    for gcm in get_gcm_list(adamont_version=2)[:]:
+        ax = plt.gca()
         # Plot the historical part in solid line (this part is the same between the different scenarios)
         linestyle = get_linestyle_from_scenario(AdamontScenario.histo)
-        plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, AdamontScenario.rcp45, year_min=1951, year_max=2005, linestyle=linestyle,
-                                     label=gcm, rolling=rolling, anomaly=anomaly)
-        for scenario in rcp_scenarios:
-            plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min=2005, year_max=2100, rolling=rolling, anomaly=anomaly)
+        scenarios = rcp_scenarios
+        for scenario in scenarios:
+            label = gcm if scenario == scenarios[0] else None
+            plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min=1951, year_max=2005, linestyle=linestyle,
+                                         label=label, spline=spline, anomaly=anomaly)
+            plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min=2005, year_max=2100, spline=spline, anomaly=anomaly)
+        end_plot(anomaly, ax, spline, gcm)
+def end_plot(anomaly, ax, spline, title=None):
     ax2 = ax.twinx()
     legend_elements = [
         Line2D([0], [0], color='k', lw=1, label=scenario_to_str(s),
                linestyle=get_linestyle_from_scenario(s)) for s in adamont_scenarios_real
-    ax2.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper center')
+    ax2.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='center left')
     ax.legend(loc='upper left')
-    add_str = ' averaged on the last {} years'.format(rolling) if rolling is not None else ''
+    if spline is None:
+        add_str = ' with and without spline'
+    elif spline:
+        add_str = ' with spline'
+    else:
+        add_str = ''
     add_str1 = 'anomaly of temperature' if anomaly else 'mean Temperature'
     ax.set_ylabel('Global {}{} (K)\n'
                   'mean temperature is taken on the year centered on the winter'.format(add_str1, add_str))
-    plt.show()
+    if title is None:
+        plt.show()
+    else:
+        filename = "{}/{}".format(VERSION_TIME, title)
+        StudyVisualizer.savefig_in_results(filename, transparent=False)
+    plt.close()
-def plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, linestyle=None, label=None, rolling=None, anomaly=False):
-    years, global_mean_temp = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=year_min, year_max=year_max, rolling=rolling, anomaly=anomaly)
-    color = gcm_to_color[gcm]
-    if linestyle is None:
-        linestyle = get_linestyle_from_scenario(scenario)
-    ax.plot(years, global_mean_temp, linestyle=linestyle, color=color, label=label)
+def plot_temperature_for_rcp_gcm(ax, gcm, scenario, year_min, year_max, linestyle=None,
+                                 label=None, spline: Union[None, bool] = False, anomaly=False):
+    splines = [spline] if spline is not None else [True, False]
+    for spline in splines:
+        years, global_mean_temp = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=year_min, year_max=year_max, spline=spline, anomaly=anomaly)
+        if len(splines) == 2:
+            if spline:
+                color = 'k'
+                label_plot = None if label is None else label + ' with spline'
+            else:
+                color = gcm_to_color[gcm]
+                label_plot = None if label is None else label + ' without spline'
+        else:
+            color = gcm_to_color[gcm]
+            label_plot = label
+        if linestyle is None:
+            linestyle = get_linestyle_from_scenario(scenario)
+        ax.plot(years, global_mean_temp, linestyle=linestyle, color=color, label=label_plot)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main_plot_temperature(anomaly=True)
+    main_plot_temperature_with_spline_on_top(anomaly=True)
+    # main_plot_temperature_all(anomaly=True, spline=False)
diff --git a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/temperature_to_year.py b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/temperature_to_year.py
index 30bc22badd994b5857545131cab90e9c5e8d824d..6b73a512fb8dd696dee7d11ff1c35db85d115a96 100644
--- a/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/temperature_to_year.py
+++ b/extreme_data/meteo_france_data/adamont_data/cmip5/temperature_to_year.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from extreme_data.meteo_france_data.adamont_data.cmip5.climate_explorer_cimp5 im
 def temperature_minmax_to_year_minmax(gcm, scenario, temperature_min, temperature_max):
-    years, global_mean_temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=2005, year_max=2100,
-                                                           rolling=30, anomaly=True)
+    years, global_mean_temps = years_and_global_mean_temps(gcm, scenario, year_min=2005, year_max=2100, anomaly=True,
+                                                           spline=True)
     years, global_mean_temps = np.array(years), np.array(global_mean_temps)
     ind = temperature_min < global_mean_temps
     ind &= global_mean_temps < temperature_max