import datetime from s2m.configuration import ALPS_ALLSLOPES_FOLDER, ALPS_FLAT_FOLDER, PYRENEES_FLAT_FOLDER, DATA_PATH, MAP_PATH from utils import cached_property import io import os import os.path as op from collections import OrderedDict from contextlib import redirect_stdout from itertools import chain from multiprocessing.pool import Pool from typing import List, Dict, Tuple import numpy as np import pandas as pd from netCDF4 import Dataset from s2m.abstract_variable import AbstractVariable from s2m.dataset.coordinates.abstract_coordinates import AbstractCoordinates from s2m.dataset.observations.annual_maxima_observations import AnnualMaxima from s2m.utils import Season, FrenchRegion, ALTITUDES, ORIENTATIONS, SLOPES, first_day_and_last_day, date_to_str, \ ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_ALTITUDES, ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_ORIENTATIONS, ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_SLOPES, \ ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_MASSIFNUM, ZS_INT_MASK, ZS_INT_MASK_PYRENNES, season_to_str, ZS_INT_MASK_PYRENNES_LIST, ZS_INT_23 from utils import NB_CORES, classproperty f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): from simpledbf import Dbf5 class AbstractStudy(object): """ A Study is defined by: - a variable class that correspond to the meteorogical quantity of interest - an altitude of interest - a start and a end year Les fichiers netcdf de SAFRAN et CROCUS sont autodocumentés (on peut les comprendre avec ncdump -h notamment). """ def __init__(self, variable_class: type, altitude: int = 1800, year_min=None, year_max=None, multiprocessing=True, orientation=None, slope=20.0, season=Season.annual, french_region=FrenchRegion.alps, split_years=None): assert isinstance(altitude, int), type(altitude) assert altitude in ALTITUDES, altitude self.french_region = french_region self.altitude = altitude self.model_name = None self.variable_class = variable_class # Add some attributes, for the "allslopes" reanalysis assert orientation is None or orientation in ORIENTATIONS assert slope in SLOPES self.orientation = orientation self.slope = slope if year_min is None: year_min = self.YEAR_MIN if year_max is None: year_max = self.YEAR_MAX assert self.YEAR_MIN <= year_min <= year_max <= self.YEAR_MAX self.year_min = year_min self.year_max = year_max self.multiprocessing = multiprocessing self.season = season if split_years is None: split_years = list(range(year_min, year_max + 1)) self.split_years = set(split_years) # Add some cache for computation self._cache_for_pointwise_fit = {} self._massif_names_for_cache = None """ Time """ @cached_property def year_to_first_index_and_last_index(self): year_to_first_index_and_last_index = OrderedDict() first_day, last_day = first_day_and_last_day(self.season) for year, all_days in self.year_to_all_days.items(): year_first_index = year - 1 if self.season is not Season.spring else year year_last_index = year - 1 if self.season is Season.automn else year first_index = all_days.index('{}-{}'.format(year_first_index, first_day)) last_index = all_days.index('{}-{}'.format(year_last_index, last_day)) year_to_first_index_and_last_index[year] = (first_index, last_index) return year_to_first_index_and_last_index @cached_property def year_to_days(self) -> OrderedDict: year_to_days = OrderedDict() for year, (start_index, last_index) in self.year_to_first_index_and_last_index.items(): year_to_days[year] = self.year_to_all_days[year][start_index:last_index + 1] return year_to_days @cached_property def year_to_all_days(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to the 'days since year-08-01 06:00:00' year_to_days = OrderedDict() for year in self.ordered_years: # Load days for the full year date = datetime.datetime(year=year - 1, month=8, day=1, hour=6, minute=0, second=0) days = [] for i in range(366): day = date_to_str(date) days.append(day) date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) if date.month == 8 and == 1: break year_to_days[year] = days return year_to_days @property def all_days(self): return list(chain(*list(self.year_to_days.values()))) @property def all_daily_series(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return an array of approximate shape (total_number_of_days, 23) x """ all_daily_series = np.concatenate([time_serie_array for time_serie_array in self.year_to_daily_time_serie_array.values()]) assert len(all_daily_series) == len(self.all_days) return all_daily_series """ Annual maxima """ @property def observations_annual_maxima(self) -> AnnualMaxima: return AnnualMaxima(df_maxima_gev=pd.DataFrame(self.year_to_annual_maxima, index=self.study_massif_names)) @cached_property def observations_annual_mean(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.DataFrame(self.year_to_annual_mean, index=self.study_massif_names) def annual_maxima_and_years(self, massif_name) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: df = self.observations_annual_maxima.df_maxima_gev return df.loc[massif_name].values, np.array(df.columns) @cached_property def year_to_annual_maxima(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to an array of size nb_massif year_to_annual_maxima = OrderedDict() for year, time_serie in self._year_to_max_daily_time_serie.items(): year_to_annual_maxima[year] = time_serie.max(axis=0) return year_to_annual_maxima @cached_property def year_to_annual_mean(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to an array of size nb_massif year_to_annual_mean = OrderedDict() for year, time_serie in self._year_to_max_daily_time_serie.items(): year_to_annual_mean[year] = time_serie.mean(axis=0) return year_to_annual_mean @cached_property def year_to_annual_maxima_index(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to an array of size nb_massif year_to_annual_maxima = OrderedDict() for year, time_serie in self._year_to_max_daily_time_serie.items(): year_to_annual_maxima[year] = time_serie.argmax(axis=0) return year_to_annual_maxima @cached_property def massif_name_to_annual_maxima_index(self): massif_name_to_annual_maxima_index = OrderedDict() for i, massif_name in enumerate(self.study_massif_names): index = [self.year_to_annual_maxima_index[year][i] for year in self.ordered_years] massif_name_to_annual_maxima_index[massif_name] = index return massif_name_to_annual_maxima_index @cached_property def massif_name_to_annual_maxima_angle(self): normalization_denominator = [366 if year % 4 == 0 else 365 for year in self.ordered_years] massif_name_to_annual_maxima_angle = OrderedDict() for massif_name, annual_maxima_index in self.massif_name_to_annual_maxima_index.items(): angle = 2 * np.pi * np.array(annual_maxima_index) / np.array(normalization_denominator) massif_name_to_annual_maxima_angle[massif_name] = angle return massif_name_to_annual_maxima_angle @cached_property def massif_name_to_annual_maxima(self): massif_name_to_annual_maxima = OrderedDict() for i, massif_name in enumerate(self.study_massif_names): maxima = np.array([self.year_to_annual_maxima[year][i] for year in self.ordered_years]) massif_name_to_annual_maxima[massif_name] = maxima return massif_name_to_annual_maxima @cached_property def massif_name_to_daily_time_series(self): massif_name_to_daily_time_series = OrderedDict() for i, massif_name in enumerate(self.study_massif_names): a = [self.year_to_daily_time_serie_array[year][:, i] for year in self.ordered_years] daily_time_series = np.array(list(chain.from_iterable(a))) massif_name_to_daily_time_series[massif_name] = daily_time_series return massif_name_to_daily_time_series @cached_property def massif_name_to_annual_maxima_ordered_years(self): massif_name_to_annual_maxima_ordered_years = OrderedDict() for massif_name in self.study_massif_names: maxima = self.massif_name_to_annual_maxima[massif_name] annual_maxima_ordered_index = np.argsort(maxima) annual_maxima_ordered_years = [self.ordered_years[idx] for idx in annual_maxima_ordered_index] massif_name_to_annual_maxima_ordered_years[massif_name] = annual_maxima_ordered_years return massif_name_to_annual_maxima_ordered_years """ Annual total """ @property def df_annual_total(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.DataFrame(self.year_to_annual_total, index=self.study_massif_names).transpose() def annual_aggregation_function(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() @cached_property def year_to_annual_total(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to an array of size nb_massif year_to_annual_mean = OrderedDict() for year, time_serie in self._year_to_daily_time_serie_array.items(): year_to_annual_mean[year] = self.apply_annual_aggregation(time_serie) return year_to_annual_mean @cached_property def massif_name_to_annual_total(self): # Map each massif to an array of size nb_years massif_name_to_annual_total = OrderedDict() for i, massif_name in enumerate(self.study_massif_names): maxima = np.array([self.year_to_annual_total[year][i] for year in self.ordered_years]) massif_name_to_annual_total[massif_name] = maxima return massif_name_to_annual_total def apply_annual_aggregation(self, time_serie): return self.annual_aggregation_function(time_serie, axis=0) """ Load daily observations """ @cached_property def year_to_daily_time_serie_array(self) -> OrderedDict: return self._year_to_daily_time_serie_array @property def _year_to_max_daily_time_serie(self) -> OrderedDict: return self._year_to_daily_time_serie_array @property def _year_to_daily_time_serie_array(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to a matrix of size 365-nb_days_consecutive+1 x nb_massifs year_to_daily_time_serie_array = OrderedDict() for year in self.ordered_years: # Check daily data daily_time_serie = self.daily_time_series(year) # Filter only the data corresponding: # 1: to treturnhe start_index and last_index of the season # 2: to the massifs for the altitude of interest assert daily_time_serie.shape == (len(self.year_to_days[year]), len(self.study_massif_names)) year_to_daily_time_serie_array[year] = daily_time_serie return year_to_daily_time_serie_array def daily_time_series(self, year): daily_time_serie = self.year_to_variable_object[year].daily_time_serie_array nb_days = daily_time_serie.shape[0] assert nb_days == 365 or (nb_days == 366 and year % 4 == 0) assert daily_time_serie.shape[1] == len(self.column_mask) first_index, last_index = self.year_to_first_index_and_last_index[year] daily_time_serie = daily_time_serie[first_index:last_index + 1, self.column_mask] return daily_time_serie """ Load Variables and Datasets """ @cached_property def year_to_variable_object(self) -> OrderedDict: # Map each year to the variable array path_files, ordered_years = self.ordered_years_and_path_files return self.efficient_variable_loading(ordered_years, path_files, multiprocessing=self.multiprocessing) def efficient_variable_loading(self, ordered_years, arguments, multiprocessing): if multiprocessing: with Pool(NB_CORES) as p: variables =, arguments) else: variables = [self.load_variable_object(argument) for argument in arguments] return OrderedDict(zip(ordered_years, variables)) def instantiate_variable_object(self, variable_array) -> AbstractVariable: return self.variable_class(variable_array) def load_variable_array(self, dataset): return np.array(dataset.variables[self.load_keyword()]) def load_variable_object(self, path_file): dataset = Dataset(path_file) variable_array = self.load_variable_array(dataset) return self.instantiate_variable_object(variable_array) def load_keyword(self): return self.variable_class.keyword() @property def year_to_dataset_ordered_dict(self) -> OrderedDict: print('This code is quite long... ' 'You should consider year_to_variable which is way faster when multiprocessing=True') # Map each year to the correspond netCDF4 Dataset path_files, ordered_years = self.ordered_years_and_path_files datasets = [Dataset(path_file) for path_file in path_files] return OrderedDict(zip(ordered_years, datasets)) @cached_property def ordered_years_and_path_files(self): nc_files = [(int(f.split('_')[-2][:4]) + 1, f) for f in os.listdir(self.study_full_path) if f.endswith('.nc')] assert op.exists(self.study_full_path) assert len(nc_files) > 0 ordered_years, path_files = zip(*[(year, op.join(self.study_full_path, nc_file)) for year, nc_file in sorted(nc_files, key=lambda t: t[0]) if (self.year_min <= year <= self.year_max) and (year in self.split_years)]) return path_files, ordered_years """ Temporal properties """ @property def nb_years(self): return len(self.ordered_years) @property def ordered_years(self): return self.ordered_years_and_path_files[1] @property def start_year_and_stop_year(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: ordered_years = self.ordered_years return ordered_years[0], ordered_years[-1] """ Spatial properties """ @property def study_massif_names(self) -> List[str]: # Massif names that are present in the current study (i.e. for the current altitude) return self.altitude_to_massif_names[self.altitude] @property def df_latitude_longitude(self): any_ordered_dict = list(self.year_to_dataset_ordered_dict.values())[0] longitude = np.array(any_ordered_dict.variables['LON'])[self.flat_mask] latitude = np.array(any_ordered_dict.variables['LAT'])[self.flat_mask] data = [longitude, latitude] df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=['Longitude', 'Latitude'], columns=self.study_massif_names).transpose() return df @property def column_mask(self): return self.allslopes_mask if self.has_orientation else self.flat_mask @property def allslopes_mask(self): altitude_mask = np.array(ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_ALTITUDES) == self.altitude orientation_mask = np.array(ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_ORIENTATIONS) == self.orientation slope_mask = np.array(ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_SLOPES) == self.slope allslopes_mask = altitude_mask & orientation_mask & slope_mask # Exclude all the data corresponding to the 24th massif massif_24_mask = np.array(ORDERED_ALLSLOPES_MASSIFNUM) == 30 return allslopes_mask & ~massif_24_mask @cached_property def flat_mask(self): if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: altitude_mask = ZS_INT_MASK == self.altitude elif self.french_region is FrenchRegion.pyrenees: altitude_mask = ZS_INT_MASK_PYRENNES == self.altitude else: raise ValueError('{}'.format(self.french_region)) assert np.sum(altitude_mask) == len(self.altitude_to_massif_names[self.altitude]) return altitude_mask """ Path properties """ @property def variable_name(self): return self.variable_class.NAME + ' ({})'.format(self.variable_unit) @property def variable_unit(self): return self.variable_class.UNIT """ CLASS ATTRIBUTES COMMON TO ALL OBJECTS (written as object attributes/methods for simplicity) """ """ Path properties """ @classproperty def data_path(self) -> str: return DATA_PATH @classproperty def map_full_path(self) -> str: return @property def study_full_path(self) -> str: assert self.model_name in ['Safran', 'Crocus'] study_folder = 'meteo' if self.model_name is 'Safran' else 'pro' return op.join(self.reanalysis_path, study_folder) @property def reanalysis_path(self): reanalysis_folder = self.reanalysisfolder assert len(reanalysis_folder) > 0, 'please specify the name of reanalysis folder in' return op.join(self.data_path, reanalysis_folder) @property def reanalysisfolder(self): if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: if self.has_orientation: reanalysis_folder = ALPS_ALLSLOPES_FOLDER else: reanalysis_folder = ALPS_FLAT_FOLDER elif self.french_region is FrenchRegion.pyrenees and not self.has_orientation: reanalysis_folder = PYRENEES_FLAT_FOLDER else: raise ValueError( 'french_region = {}, has_orientation = {}'.format(self.french_region, self.has_orientation)) return reanalysis_folder @property def YEAR_MIN(self): return 1959 @property def YEAR_MAX(self): nb_files_list = [len(os.listdir(op.join(self.reanalysis_path, model_name))) for model_name in ['meteo', 'pro']] nb_files_list = [n for n in nb_files_list if n > 0] assert len(nb_files_list) > 0, 'please download some files for {}'.format(self.reanalysisfolder) if len(nb_files_list) == 2: assert nb_files_list[0] == nb_files_list[1] return self.YEAR_MIN + nb_files_list[0] @property def dbf_filename(self) -> str: if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: return 'massifs_alpes' elif self.french_region is FrenchRegion.pyrenees: return 'massifs_pyrenees' else: raise ValueError('{}'.format(self.french_region)) @property def has_orientation(self): return self.orientation is not None @property def season_name(self): return season_to_str(self.season) """ Spatial properties """ @cached_property def massif_name_to_massif_id(self): return {name: i for i, name in enumerate(self.study_massif_names)} @property def dbf_filename(self): if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: return 'massifs_alpes' else: raise NotImplementedError @property def all_massif_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Pour l'identification des massifs, le numéro de la variable massif_num correspond à celui de l'attribut num_opp """ if ALPS_FLAT_FOLDER in self.reanalysis_path or ALPS_ALLSLOPES_FOLDER in self.reanalysis_path: french_region = FrenchRegion.alps key = 'num_opp' else: french_region = FrenchRegion.pyrenees key = 'massif_num' metadata_path = op.join(self.data_path, 'metadata') dbf = Dbf5(op.join(metadata_path, '{}.dbf'.format(self.dbf_filename))) df = dbf.to_dataframe().copy() # type: pd.DataFrame dbf.f.close() # Important part (for the alps & pyrenees all data is order from the smaller massif number to the bigger) df.sort_values(by=key, inplace=True) all_massif_names = list(df['nom']) # Correct a massif name if french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: all_massif_names[all_massif_names.index('Beaufortin')] = 'Beaufortain' return all_massif_names @cached_property def massif_name_to_altitudes(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: zs = ZS_INT_23 if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps else ZS_INT_MASK_PYRENNES_LIST s = zs + [0] zs_list = [] zs_all_list = [] for a, b in zip(s[:-1], s[1:]): zs_list.append(a) if a > b: zs_all_list.append(zs_list) zs_list = [] all_massif_names = self.all_massif_names return OrderedDict(zip(all_massif_names, zs_all_list)) @cached_property def altitude_to_massif_names(self) -> Dict[int, List[str]]: altitude_to_massif_names = {altitude: [] for altitude in ALTITUDES} for massif_name in self.massif_name_to_altitudes.keys(): for altitude in self.massif_name_to_altitudes[massif_name]: altitude_to_massif_names[altitude].append(massif_name) # massif_names are ordered in the same way as all_massif_names return altitude_to_massif_names @property def csv_file(self): if self.french_region is FrenchRegion.alps: return 'massifsalpes.csv' else: raise NotImplementedError