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Codes to process images from X-ray tomography
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QGIS processing scripts for CIRAD-TETIS Land Monitoring tools.
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Set of tools for land cover time series analytics (Patrick's phd thesis)
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Collect and insert data and metadata into Data Lake
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pour regrouper ici toutes les infos, surtout celles qui sont difficiles à trouver (attention, les fonctions évoluent ! ! )
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Projet de notebooks conteneurisés avec des services permettant la visualisation et l'accès aux rasters en format Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
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Convert DMP OPIDOR's maDMP data model into a metadata record in the geonetwork server
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Scripts pour la préparation de la base de donnée (entraînement) pour la classification d'occupation du sol (Occitanie) et pour son évaluation (pixel/objet)
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French Hydrological Signature Analysis. The project enables to retrieve different hydrological signatures and compare it with landscape attributes. Landscape attributes are retrieved from spatial analysis of different geo(morpho)logical controls.
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Geo2Net: from geographic object to spatial networks. A library to push OBIA on another level?