diff --git a/geau/R/data.r b/geau/R/data.r
index 0dd80478d6416359ac78e29a856f923ebfd89baf..014c91020381b3f21c6565e03932b946e402674a 100644
--- a/geau/R/data.r
+++ b/geau/R/data.r
@@ -71,4 +71,12 @@
 #' within the so-ii perimeter.
 #' @format sf data.frame 125 rows, 4 variables
+#' \describe{
+#'   \item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh)}
+#'   \item{name}{character, name of the river or part of the river in BD
+#'      TOPAGE}
+#'   \item{degre}{character, level of detail to plot the hydrographic network}
+#' }
+#' @source \url{http://bdtopage.eaufrance.fr/page/objectifs}
diff --git a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
index d3c31628e23686f655a0cfddb3b3a5036007f737..3d434ef9f3b8587b942d7dc306e40a81340a3a1f 100644
--- a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
+++ b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
 #' @param bar logical, should a bar be plotted
 #' @param path character, the name of the file to save the plot
 #' @param gaspar_year character, the year chosen for gaspar theme
-#' @param hydro_detail character, the niveau of detail in the representation of the hydrographic network
+#' @param detail character, detail for theme, depends on theme
 #' @param ...  some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)
 #' @return Nothing useful.
-#' @details hydro_detail takes values "1", "2", "3" or "canal"
+#' @details
+#' For theme "hydro" detail takes values "1", "2", "3" or "canal"
 #' @export
@@ -27,13 +28,14 @@
 map_so_ii = function(
     dataset_legend = NULL,
-    theme = c("clc", "gaspar", "hydro"),
+    theme = c("", "clc", "gaspar", "hydro"),
     bar = TRUE,
     path = NULL,
-    hydro_detail,
+    detail,
 ) {
+    theme = match.arg(theme)
     if (!is.null(path)) {
@@ -79,28 +81,23 @@ map_so_ii = function(
     if ("hydro" %in% theme) {
-        if(missing(hydro_detail)) {
-            hydro_detail = "0"
+        if (missing(detail)) {
+            detail = "0"
-        if(hydro_detail == "canal") {
+        detail = match.arg(detail, choices = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "canal"))
+        if (detail == "canal") {
+            selection  = geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] == detail
+            geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
             color = scales::alpha("red", .3)
-            so_ii_hydro_toplot = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] == hydro_detail]
             lwd = 1
         } else {
-            #color = "#dbe8f0"
+            selection  = geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] <= detail
+            geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][]
             color =  scales::alpha("blue", .3)
-            so_ii_hydro_toplot = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] <= hydro_detail]
-            lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] <= hydro_detail])
+            lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][selection])
-        plot(
-            so_ii_hydro_toplot, 
-            col = color,
-            lwd = lwd, 
-            add=TRUE
-            ) 
+        plot(geometry, col = color, lwd = lwd, add = TRUE) 
     plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
index 13ddf91fed723182344e14b89919778bc5fbb671..f86ebcc6ce1f13d0132d128dbdd3bc66a4b9f3d5 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
 # code to prepare `so_ii_hydro` dataset goes here
-selection = c("gid", "CdOH", "TopoOH")
-version = current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage",
-                          pattern = "^[0-9]")
-so_ii_hydro = sf::st_read(file.path(version, "cours-eau-so-ii.shp"))[selection]
-so_ii_hydro = sf::st_transform(so_ii_hydro, sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit))
+selection = c("CdOH", "TopoOH")
+file_dir = current_version(
+    "data-common/so-ii/topage",
+    pattern = "^[0-9-]+$"
+so_ii_hydro = sf::st_read(file.path(file_dir, "cours-eau-so-ii.shp"))
+so_ii_hydro = sf::st_transform(
+    so_ii_hydro[selection],
+    sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit)
+names(so_ii_hydro) = c("id", "name", "geometry")
-classif_hydro = read.csv2(
+classification = read.csv2(
     current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", pattern = "courseau"),
-    colClasses = "character",
-    row.names = 1
+    colClasses = "character"
+)[c("id", "name", "degre")]
-so_ii_hydro = merge(
-    so_ii_hydro, classif_hydro,
-    by.x = selection,
-    by.y = c("id_1", "id_2", "cours_eau")
-    )
+so_ii_hydro = merge(so_ii_hydro, classification)
 # updating datasets
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda
index d7b18197ef9580478c0fa5aba971f38cbc896979..07c507b7dee470b6d8fdfe7c38fb9ca8a8a4ee90 100644
Binary files a/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda and b/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd b/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
index 118e7364f46086f91332be470f91fd97b6d03e80..be4ec5f6d5b5e1fe3de12c5c299187e75fdf1f31 100644
--- a/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
   dataset_legend = NULL,
-  theme = c("clc", "gaspar"),
+  theme = c("", "clc", "gaspar", "hydro"),
   bar = TRUE,
   path = NULL,
+  detail,
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ map_so_ii(
 \item{gaspar_year}{character, the year chosen for gaspar theme}
+\item{detail}{character, detail for theme, depends on theme}
 \item{...}{some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)}
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@ Nothing useful.
 Plot a thematic map of so-ii
+For theme "hydro" detail takes values "1", "2", "3" or "canal"
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58325f5936d98b4edf2b331f1f9bae4f271d38ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
+\title{Hydrographic network within the so-ii perimeter}
+sf data.frame 125 rows, 4 variables
+\item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh)}
+\item{name}{character, name of the river or part of the river in BD
+\item{degre}{character, level of detail to plot the hydrographic network}
+A dataset containing the official hydrographic network from the BD TOPAGE
+within the so-ii perimeter.