diff --git a/dev/package.development.R b/dev/package.development.R
index 07d65fa1cc78cbe4139a19936da766ccdbd9292e..ceee3bdf02f39b256a1a22953e4e318478b9eef3 100644
--- a/dev/package.development.R
+++ b/dev/package.development.R
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ devtools::build_vignettes(package)
 # devtools::run_examples(package)
 ### Checks
-# system("mv ~/.Rprofile ~/.Rprofile-temp");devtools::check(package);system("mv ~/.Rprofile-temp ~/.Rprofile")
+# system("mv ~/.Rprofile ~/.Rprofile-temp");devtools::check(package);system("mv ~/.Rprofile-temp ~/.Rprofile") # nolint
 ### Build
 devtools::build(package, path = "library", vignettes = TRUE)
 ### install -> sudo
 # devtools::install_local(package)
-sudo su - -c "R -e \"devtools::install_gitlab('geau-inondation/geau-utility',  subdir = 'geau', host = 'gitlab.irstea.fr', upgrade = 'never', auth_token = 'rCEfcrjoms9UNykCuM5c')\""
\ No newline at end of file
+sudo su - -c "R -e \"devtools::install_gitlab('geau-inondation/geau-utility',  subdir = 'geau', host = 'gitlab.irstea.fr', upgrade = 'never', auth_token = 'rCEfcrjoms9UNykCuM5c')\""  # nolint
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/geau/DESCRIPTION b/geau/DESCRIPTION
index c78a0cfc46e3fabfb87fd63f2a32ced593dc3a6f..c688320a42ea6733315f4c9e9ab75fff85a162be 100644
--- a/geau/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/geau/DESCRIPTION
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: geau
 Title: Utilities very useful to share within geau-inondation team
         person(given = "Frédéric",
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ LazyData: true
+    readODS,
diff --git a/geau/NAMESPACE b/geau/NAMESPACE
index f4d57d02574fc4c75a14bf7043817f4494019914..879c502667d927b550a42a28cb2a3e6522914ca4 100644
--- a/geau/NAMESPACE
+++ b/geau/NAMESPACE
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
diff --git a/geau/R/data.r b/geau/R/data.r
index c2e33bbde6e587c4faef5c001a87a2a12d41f752..c9e084641dc1e16b646c03636deca6f7ee4615da 100644
--- a/geau/R/data.r
+++ b/geau/R/data.r
@@ -1,43 +1,44 @@
-#' Local collectivities included in so-ii
+#' Color and label for CLC
-#' A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
-#' (communes) included in so-ii
+#' A dataset proposing default colors and labels for plotting CLC
-#' @format a vector of 69 INSEE code
+#' @format data.frame 5 rows, 3 variables
-#' List of all collectivities included in so-ii
-#' A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
-#' included in so-ii.
+#' Catchment areas of interest within the so-ii perimeter
-#' Basically this dataset is obtained as a selection from the layer
-#' COMMUNE in ADMIN EXPRESS, more a renaming of variables.
+#' A dataset containing the official catchments areas of interest from the BD 
+#' TOPAGE within the so-ii perimeter. For degre = 3, the data are basically
+#' what is found in BD TOPAGE. For degres 1 and 2, the data result from
+#' sf::st_union of data of degre 3 to give a more synthetic representation.
-#' @format sf data.frame 69 rows, 7 variables
+#' @format sf data.frame 15 rows, 4 variables
 #' \describe{
-#'   \item{id}{id, from IGN ADMIN EXPRESS}
-#'   \item{commune}{character, official name of the commune}
-#'   \item{commune_majuscule}{character, official capitalized name of the
-#'         commune}
-#'   \item{code}{character, INSEE code of the commune}
-#'   \item{statut}{character, statut of the commune}
-#'   \item{pop_yyy}{integer, official population of year yyyy in the commune}
-#'   \item{epci}{character, INSEE ID of the EPCI of the commune}
+#'   \item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh) or NA when catchment
+#'      is constructed by so-ii team.}
+#'   \item{name}{character, name of the catchment area in BD TOPAGE, or given
+#'      name for catchments constructed by so-ii team.}
+#'   \item{degre}{factor, importance of the catchment used to plot the
+#'      catchment areas with different levels of detail ("1", "2", "3").}
 #' }
-#' @source \url{https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/admin-express/}
+#' @source \url{http://bdtopage.eaufrance.fr/page/objectifs}
-#' Spatial perimeter of so-ii
+#' Number of Cat Nat events for the municipalities of so-ii
-#' A dataset containing the perimeter of so-ii.
+#' A dataset containing the number of Cat Nat events (linked to flood) by year
+#' and so-ii municipality according to the GASPAR database.
-#' Basically, this dataset is obtained as
-#' \code{sf::st_union(so_ii_commune)}
+#' @format array with 3 dimensions
+#' \describe{
+#'   \item{first}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
+#'   \item{second}{year of Cat Nat events}
+#'   \item{third}{type of hazard}
+#' }
-#' @format sfc_POLYGON of length 1
+#' @source \url{https://www.georisques.gouv.fr/donnees/bases-de-donnees/base-gaspar} # nolint
 #' CLC information for so-ii
@@ -48,62 +49,140 @@
 #'   \item{clc_2018}{character, classification from CLC 2018}
 #'   \item{color}{character, default color to be used to plot so_ii_clc}
 #' }
-#' Population for so-ii
+#' Spatial definition of collectivities included in so-ii
-#' A dataset containing the population of commune in so-ii according to INSEE.
+#' A dataset containing the spatial definition of all collectivities
+#' included in so-ii and some administrative informations.
+#' @details
+#' Basically this dataset is obtained as a selection from the layer
+#' COMMUNE in ADMIN EXPRESS, more a renaming of variables. It is then added
+#' information from EPCI in ADMIN EXPRESS and the membership to SYBLE and
+#' SYMBO.
-#' @format numeric matrix
+#' @format sf data.frame 78 rows, 11 variables
 #' \describe{
-#'   \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
-#'   \item{column}{year}
+#'   \item{commune_name}{character, INSEE code of the collectivity}
+#'   \item{syble}{logical, membership in SYBLE}
+#'   \item{symbo}{logical, membership in SYMBO}
+#'   \item{commune_name}{character, official name of the collectivity}
+#'   \item{commune_name_cap}{character, official capitalized name of the
+#'          collectivity}
+#'   \item{departement}{character, INSEE code of the departement of the
+#'          collectivity}
+#'   \item{region}{character, INSEE code of the region of the
+#'          collectivity}
+#'   \item{epci}{character, INSEE code of the EPCI of the collectivity}
+#'   \item{epci_name}{character, Name of the EPCI of the collectivity}
+#'   \item{epci_nature}{character, Nature of the EPCI of the collectivity}
 #' }
-#' @source \url{https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2522602}
+#' @source \url{https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/admin-express/}
-#' Number of Cat Nat events for the municipalities of so-ii
+#' Hydrographic network within the so-ii perimeter
-#' A dataset containing the number of Cat Nat events (linked to flood) by year
-#' and so-ii municipality according to the GASPAR database.
+#' A dataset containing the official hydrographic network from the BD TOPAGE
+#' within the so-ii perimeter.
-#' @format array with 3 dimensions
+#' @format sf data.frame 125 rows, 4 variables
 #' \describe{
-#'   \item{first}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
-#'   \item{second}{year of Cat Nat events}
-#'   \item{third}{type of hazard}
+#'   \item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh)}
+#'   \item{name}{character, name of the hydrographic elements in the BD TOPAGE}
+#'   \item{degre}{factor, level of importance of the hydrographic element
+#'      used to plot the hydrographic network with different levels of
+#'      detail ("1", "2", "3").}
+#'   \item{type}{factor, type of hydrographic element ("canal", "river",
+#'      "waterbody")}
 #' }
-#' @source \url{https://www.georisques.gouv.fr/donnees/bases-de-donnees/base-gaspar} # nolint
+#' @source \url{http://bdtopage.eaufrance.fr/page/objectifs}
-#' CLC information for so-ii
+#' Spatial perimeter of so-ii
-#' A dataset containing the 2018 version of CLC information for so-ii
+#' A dataset containing the perimeter of so-ii.
-#' @format sf object
+#' Basically, this dataset is obtained as
+#' \code{sf::st_union(so_ii_commune)}
+#' @format sfc_POLYGON of length 1
-#' Color and label for CLC
+#' Spatial definition of districts of Montpellier city
-#' A dataset proposing default colors and labels for plotting CLC
+#' A dataset containing the spatial definition of all districts
+#' for Montpellier.
-#' @format data.frame 5 rows, 3 variables
+#' @format sf data.frame 31 rows, 2 variables
+#' \describe{
+#'   \item{district}{character, id of each district as given by montpellier3m}
+#'   \item{district_name}{character, name of each district}
+#'   \item{district_group}{character, how districts are grouped by montpellier3m}
+#' }
+#' @source \url{https://data.montpellier3m.fr/dataset/sous-quartiers-de-montpellier}
-#' Hydrographic network within the so-ii perimeter
+#' Local collectivities included in so-ii
-#' A dataset containing the official hydrographic network from the BD TOPAGE
-#' within the so-ii perimeter.
+#' A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
+#' (communes) included in so-ii
-#' @format sf data.frame 125 rows, 4 variables
+#' @format a vector of 78 INSEE code
+#' ONRN information for so-ii
+#' A dataset containing part of the information available at the ONRN for so-ii
+#' communities. The information chosen is exclusively related to floods. It is
+#' mainly related to impacts and therefore to the claims in from the Cat-Nat
+#' system. These data on claims are taken from the CCR, the others from the
+#' gaspar database.
+#' @format data.frame 78 rows, 23 variables
 #' \describe{
-#'   \item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh)}
-#'   \item{name}{character, name of the river or part of the river in BD
-#'      TOPAGE}
-#'   \item{degre}{character, level of detail to plot the hydrographic network}
+#'   \item{n_catnat}{Number of Cat Nat events}
+#'   \item{freq_sin}{Number of claims divided by number of contracts
+#'      for 1995 to 2018. freq_sin is calculated as the mean of freq_sin_min
+#'      and freq_sin_max (range for each category).}
+#'   \item{cost}{Cumulative cost of claims for 1995 to 2018. Cost is calculated
+#'      as the mean of cost_min and cost_max (range for each category).}
+#'   \item{cost_mean}{Mean cost of claims (cost divided by claims) for 1995 to
+#'      2018. cost_mean is calculated as the mean of cost_mean_min and
+#'      cost_mean_max (range for each category).}
+#'   \item{cost_hab}{Cost divided by the population for 1995 to 2018. cost_hab
+#'      is calculated as the mean of cost_hab_min and cost_hab_max (range for
+#'      each category).}
+#'   \item{ratio}{Cost divided by premium for 1995 to 2018. ratio is calculated
+#'      as the mean of cost_hab_min and cost_hab_max (range for each
+#'      category).}
+#'   \item{balance}{Cost minus premium for 1995 to 2018. This is an estimation
+#'      made by so-ii team by considering a mean premium for each habitant
+#'      of 24.92829 euro per habitant (total premium in 2018 divided by
+#'      total population)}
+#'   \item{ppri_year}{Year given for the last PPRI.}
+#'   \item{ppri_state}{State of the last PPRI.}
+#'   \item{ppri_state_sub}{Some details on the state of the last PPRI.}
+#'   \item{ppri_state_age}{State of the last PPRI for age information.}
+#'   \item{ppri_age_min}{Lower boundary for the age of the PPRI.}
+#'   \item{ppri_age_min}{Upper boundary for the age of the PPRI..}
 #' }
-#' @source \url{http://bdtopage.eaufrance.fr/page/objectifs}
\ No newline at end of file
+#' @source \url{https://www.georisques.gouv.fr/articles-risques/acceder-aux-indicateurs-sinistralite}
+#' Population for so-ii
+#' A dataset containing the population of commune in so-ii according to INSEE.
+#' @format numeric matrix 78 rows, 33 columns
+#' \describe{
+#'   \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
+#'   \item{column}{year}
+#' }
+#' @source \url{https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2522602}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/geau/R/format_presence.R b/geau/R/format_presence.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87954fc3effb7b5b5e9b23133cbae143af6daf57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/R/format_presence.R
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#' @title Transform ods table presence in md table (for Mattermost)
+#' @param x character or data.frame, path of the ods table or the table itself
+#' @return character, md version of table behind x.
+#' @export
+#' @encoding UTF-8
+#' @author Frédéric Grelot
+format_presence = function(x) {
+    result = if (is.character(x)) readODS::read_ods(x[1]) else x
+    result[]  = lapply(result, gsub, pattern = "B", replacement = "**B**")
+    result[]  = lapply(result, gsub, pattern = "C", replacement = "*C*")
+    knitr::kable(result, align = c("l", rep("c", length(result) - 1)))
diff --git a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
index b1edc391c566ed460827bf2e4f4b906dd86c4b4a..a053910ddece453cefc090d4b3e3acce84f60338 100644
--- a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
+++ b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
@@ -1,26 +1,94 @@
 #' @title Plot a thematic map of so-ii
-#' @details 
-#' For theme "catnat", detail must be chosen in c("inondation", "submersion",
-#'  "nappe").
-#' For theme "hydro" detail must be chosen in "0", "1", "2", "3" or "canal".
+#' @details
+#' \subsection{theme specification}{
+#' For the specification of detail, it depends on the theme chosen.
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{\strong{none}: perimeter of so_ii is plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{catchment}: The area of catchments are plotted with a scope
+#'      depending on detail. At least, a division between Lez and
+#'      Bassin de l'Or is plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{catnat}: Informations on the number of "Arrêtés Cat
+#'      Nat are provided at the scale of collectivities."}
+#'   \item{\strong{collectivty}: Boundaries of collectivities are plotted, more
+#'      some administrative informations depending on detail.}
+#'   \item{\strong{hydro}: The hydrophic network is plotted. Depending on
+#'      detail, only a part (rivers, canals, water bodies) or a degre of detail
+#'      is plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{onrn}: Informations on the claims coming from Cat Nat system
+#'      are plotted at the scale of the collectivities. With detail a selection
+#'      of the data is made, with year a selection of the period.}
+#'   \item{\strong{osm}: A tile from OSM is plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{population}: Informations on the population coming from
+#'      INSEE are plotted at the scale of the collectivities. With year a
+#'      selection of the period is made, with detail a selection of how
+#'      evolution between 2 years.}
+#' }
+#' }
+#' \subsection{detail specification}{
+#' For the specification of detail, it depends on the theme chosen.
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{\strong{catchment}: detail must be chosen in "none", "1", "2", "3"
+#'      for levels of detail. If missing, "1" will be chosen.}
+#'   \item{\strong{catnat}: detail must be chosen in "inondation",
+#'      "submersion", or "nappe". If missing all type will be chosen and
+#'      aggregated before plotting.}
+#'   \item{\strong{collectivity}: detail must be chosen in "none", "syble",
+#'      "symbo", "epci" or "syndicate". If missing, "none" will be chosen,
+#'      and only the boundaries of collectivities are plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{hydro}: detail must be chosen in "none", "1", "2", "3" for
+#'      levels of detail or "canal", "river", "waterbody" for types of
+#'      hydrographic elements. If missing, "none" will be chosen, and
+#'      everything is plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{onrn}: detail must be chosen in "n_catnat", "freq_sin",
+#'      "cost", "cost_hab", "cost_mean", "ratio", "balance", "ppri_year".}
+#'   \item{\strong{population}: detail must be chosen in "absolute",
+#'      "relative". It used only when more than one year is provided to plot
+#'      aither absolute or relative evolution.}
+#' }
+#' }
+#' \subsection{year specification}{
+#' For the specification of year, it depends on the theme chosen.
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{\strong{catnat}: year corresponds to the year of data. If 2 or more
+#'      years are given, the sum of the period corresponding to the range of
+#'      given years is plotted. If missing, the whole available period is
+#'      plotted.}
+#'   \item{\strong{population}: year corresponds to the year of data. If
+#'      missing, last available year is plotted. If 2 or more years are
+#'      provided an analysis of the evolution between the range of given
+#'      years is plotted.}
+#' }
+#' }
+#' \subsection{path specification}{
+#' Depending on the extension a device is chosen.
+#' \itemize{
+#'   \item{\strong{pdf}: grDevices::cairo_pdf}
+#'   \item{\strong{png}: grDevices::png}
+#'   \item{\strong{svg}: grDevices::svg}
+#' }
+#' If path is NULL, standard plotting is used. If an extension is not managed,
+#' an error is raised.
+#' }
 #' @param dataset sf objectf, data to be plotted
 #' @param dataset_legend list of parameters to be passed to legend
-#' @param theme character, choice for the theme (if any)
+#' @param theme character, choice for the theme (if any). See details.
+#' @param theme_legend logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme
+#' @param detail character, detail for theme, depends on theme. See details.
+#' @param year character, the year chosen for some themes. See details.
 #' @param bar logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset
-#' @param path character, the name of the file to save the plot
-#' @param legend_theme logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme
-#' @param year character, the year chosen for some themes (catnat, population)
-#' @param detail character, detail for theme, depends on theme
+#' @param path character, the name of the file to save the plot. Graphical
+#'  device is chosen depending on extension. See details.
 #' @param ...  some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)
 #' @return Nothing useful.
-#' @export
+#' @export map_so_ii
 #' @encoding UTF-8
 #' @author Frédéric Grelot
+#' @author David Nortes Martinez
 #' @examples
@@ -31,12 +99,12 @@
 map_so_ii = function(
     dataset_legend = NULL,
-    theme = c("none", "clc", "catnat", "hydro", "population"),
+    theme = c("none", "collectivity", "catchment", "catnat", "clc", "hydro", "onrn", "osm", "population"),
+    theme_legend = FALSE,
+    detail,
+    year,
     bar = TRUE,
     path = NULL,
-    legend_theme = FALSE,
-    year,
-    detail,
 ) {
     theme = match.arg(theme)
@@ -44,8 +112,9 @@ map_so_ii = function(
     if (!is.null(path)) {
             EXPR = tolower(tools::file_ext(path)),
-            "pdf" = grDevices::pdf(path),
+            "pdf" = grDevices::cairo_pdf(path),
             "png" = grDevices::png(path),
+            "svg" = grDevices::svg(path),
             stop(sprintf("%s not recognized", tolower(tools::file_ext(path))))
@@ -53,52 +122,497 @@ map_so_ii = function(
     ## Init map
     graphics::par(mai = c(.65, .60, .50, .15))
-    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, axes = TRUE)
+    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, axes = TRUE, main = list(...)[["main"]], cex.main = 3)
-    if ("clc" %in% theme) {
-        plot(
-            geau::so_ii_clc[["geometry"]],
-            border = NA,
-            col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
-            add = TRUE
+    ## Plot theme if any, return theme_legend
+    theme_legend = switch(
+        EXPR = theme,
+        "catchment" = map_theme_catchment(detail, theme_legend),
+        "catnat" = map_theme_catnat(detail, year, theme_legend),
+        "clc" = map_theme_clc(theme_legend),
+        "collectivity" = map_theme_collectivity(detail, theme_legend),
+        "hydro" = map_theme_hydro(detail, theme_legend),
+        "onrn" = map_theme_onrn(detail, theme_legend),
+        "osm" = map_theme_osm(),
+        "population" = map_theme_population(detail, year, theme_legend),
+        NULL
+    )
+    ## Plot dataset if any
+    if (!missing(dataset)) plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...)
+    ## Make so_ii_limit visible
+    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
+    ## Plot bar
+    if (bar == TRUE) {
+        terra::sbar(
+            10, c(3.55, 43.47),
+            type = "bar",
+            below = "km",
+            label = c(0, 5, 10),
+            cex = .8
+    }
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = "CLC (2018)",
-            legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
-            x = "topright",
+    ## Plotdataset_legend if any
+    if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) {
+        dataset_legend = c(
+            x = "bottomright",
             cex = .8,
             bg = "white",
             inset = 0.01,
-            fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
-        )
+            dataset_legend)
+        do.call(graphics::legend, dataset_legend)
-    if ("population" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(year)) {
-            year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1)
+    ## Plot theme_legend if any
+    if (!is.null(theme_legend)) {
+        if (!is.null(theme_legend[["text.width"]])) {
+            text_legend = theme_legend[["legend"]]
+            theme_legend[["legend"]] = rep("", length(text_legend))
+        }
+        temp = do.call(graphics::legend, theme_legend)
+        if (!is.null(theme_legend[["text.width"]])) {
+            graphics::text(
+                x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]],
+                y = temp[["text"]][["y"]],
+                labels = text_legend,
+                pos = 2
+            )
-        population_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5)
+    }
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+map_theme_catchment = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "1"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail), 
+        choices = levels(geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]])
+    )
+    selection  = geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]] == detail
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_catchment[["geometry"]][selection]
+    catchment = as.factor(geau::so_ii_catchment[["catchment_name"]][selection])
+    color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(catchment), "Pastel 1", alpha = .3)
+    color = color_legend[catchment]
+    border = "grey80"
+    lwd = 2
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = sprintf("Bassin versant"),
+        legend = levels(catchment),
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border
+    )
+    plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, lwd = lwd, add = TRUE)
+    if (add_legend == TRUE && detail != "3") {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_catnat = function(detail, year, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        detail, 
+        dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]],
+        several.ok = TRUE
+    )
+    if (missing(year)) {
+        year = range(dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["period"]])
+    }
+    year = match.arg(
+        as.character(year),
+        dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["period"]],
+        several.ok = TRUE
+    )
+    year = as.character(seq(min(year), max(year)))
+    catnat = apply(
+        geau::so_ii_catnat[, year, detail, drop = FALSE],
+        1,
+        sum
+    )
+    border = "grey80"
+    catnat_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "grey50"), alpha = .5)
+    color = scales::cscale(
+        c(0, catnat),
+        catnat_palette
+    )[-1]
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
+        border = border,
+        col = color,
+        add = TRUE
+    )
+    legend_title = sprintf(
+        "Cat Nat %s",
+        if (length(detail) == 3) "" else paste(sort(detail), collapse = " & ")
+    )
+    legend_title = sprintf(
+        "%s [%s]",
+        legend_title,
+        if (length(year) == 1) year else paste(range(year), collapse = "-")
+    )
+    value_legend = unique(sort(c(min(catnat), round(seq(0, max(catnat), length.out = 5)))))
+    color_legend = scales::cscale(
+        value_legend,
+        catnat_palette
+    )
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = legend_title,
+        legend = value_legend,
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border,
+        text.width = max(graphics::strwidth(value_legend))
+    )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_clc = function(add_legend) {
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_clc[["geometry"]],
+        border = NA,
+        col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
+        add = TRUE
+    )
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = "CLC (2018)",
+        legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
+    )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_collectivity = function(detail, add_legend)  {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "none"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        detail, 
+        c("none", "syble", "symbo", "epci", "syndicate")
+    )
+    border = "grey80"
+    color = NA
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = "Caract\u00e9ristiques des communes",
+        legend = "Commune",
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color,
+        border = border
+    )
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]]
+    plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+    if (detail %in% c("syble", "syndicate")) {
+        color_legend = scales::alpha("orange", .3)
+        color = ifelse(
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["syble"]],
+            color_legend,
+            NA
+        )
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYBLE")
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend)  
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("symbo", "syndicate")) {
+        color_legend = scales::alpha("green", .3)
+        color = ifelse(
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["symbo"]],
+            color_legend,
+            NA
+        )
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYMBO")
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend) 
+    }
+    if (detail == "epci") {
+        epci = as.factor(geau::so_ii_collectivity[["epci_name"]])
+        color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(epci), "Lisbon", alpha = .3)
+        color = color_legend[epci]
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = levels(epci)
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = color_legend
+    }
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_hydro = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "none"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail),
+        choices = c(
+            "none",
+            levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]),
+            levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])
+        )
+    )
+    color = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
+    bg = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
+    border = NA
+    selection = seq(nrow(geau::so_ii_hydro))
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = sprintf("R\u00e9seau hydrographique"),
+        legend = "\u00e9l\u00e9ment du r\u00e9seau",
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        col = color,
+        lwd = 1
+    )
+    if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])) {
+        selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]]) == detail
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = detail
+    }
+    if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]])) {
+        selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]) <= detail
+    }
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
+    lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][selection])
+    plot(geometry, col = color, lwd = lwd, border = border, add = TRUE)
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_onrn = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "cost"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail),
+        sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_onrn)[1:8])
+    )
+    onrn_palette = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "freq_sin"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost"      = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost_hab"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost_mean" = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "ratio"     = scales::colour_ramp(c("green", "white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "balance"   = scales::colour_ramp(c("red", "white", "green"), alpha = .5),
+        "ppri_year" = scales::colour_ramp(c("grey80", "grey50"), alpha = .5),
+        NULL
+    )
+    onrn_trans = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = scales::identity_trans(),
+        "freq_sin"  = scales::identity_trans(),
+        "cost"      = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "cost_hab"  = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "cost_mean" = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "ratio"     = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "balance"   = scales::modulus_trans(.5),
+        "ppri_year" = scales::identity_trans(),
+        NULL
+    )
+    onrn_range = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "ratio"     = c(0, 4),
+        "balance"   = max(abs(range(geau::so_ii_onrn[["balance"]]))) * c(-1, 1),
+        NULL
+    )
+    color = scales::cscale(
+        c(onrn_range, geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]),
+        onrn_palette,
+        trans = onrn_trans)
+    if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
+        color = color[-seq(onrn_range)]
+    }
+    border = "grey80"
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
+        border = border,
+        col = color,
+        add = TRUE
+    )
+    if (sprintf("%s_min", detail) %in% names(geau::so_ii_onrn)) {
+        selection = c(detail, sprintf("%s_min", detail), sprintf("%s_max", detail))
+        temp = unique(geau::so_ii_onrn[selection])
+        temp = temp[order(temp[[detail]]), ]
+        text_legend = gsub("0 - 0", "0",
+            sprintf(
+                "%s - %s",
+                temp[[sprintf("%s_min", detail)]],
+                temp[[sprintf("%s_max", detail)]]
+            )
+        )
+        value_legend = temp[[detail]]
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("n_catnat", "ppri_year")) {
+        value_legend = round(
+            seq(
+                min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
+                max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
+                length.out = 5
+            )
+        )
+        text_legend = value_legend
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("balance")) {
+        value_legend = unique(
+            c(
+                seq(min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), 0, length.out = 4),
+                seq(0, max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), length.out = 4)
+            )
+        )
+        text_legend = formatC(
+            as.integer(signif(round(value_legend), 2)),
+            big.mark = " "
+        )
+        text.width = max(graphics::strwidth(text_legend))
+    }
+    color_legend = scales::cscale(
+            c(onrn_range, value_legend),
+            onrn_palette,
+            trans = onrn_trans
+        )
+    if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
+        color_legend = color_legend[-seq(onrn_range)]
+    }
+    title_onrn = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = "Arr\u00eat\u00e9s Cat-Nat [1982-2021]",
+        "freq_sin"  = "Sinistre / Risque [1995-2018]",
+        "cost"      = "Co\u00fbt cumul\u00e9 (\u20AC) [1995-2018]",
+        "cost_hab"  = "Co\u00fbt / hab (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "cost_mean" = "Co\u00fbt / sinistre (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "ratio"     = "Co\u00fbt / Prime [1995-2018]",
+        "balance"   = "Co\u00fbt - Prime (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "ppri_year" = "Ann\u00e9e des PPRI",
+        NULL
+    )
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = title_onrn,
+        legend = text_legend,
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border
+    )
+    if (detail %in% c("balance", "cost")) {
+        theme_legend[["text.width"]] = max(graphics::strwidth(text_legend))
+    }
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_osm = function() {
+    so_ii_osm = terra::rast(
+        system.file("extdata", "so_ii_osm.tif", package = "geau", mustWork = TRUE)
+    )
+    try(terra::plot(so_ii_osm, add = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
+    graphics::mtext(
+        text = "Fond de carte : \u00a9 Contributeurs OpenStreetMap", 
+        side = 1, line = -1, adj = 1, cex = .6, font = 3
+    )
+    return(NULL)
+map_theme_population = function(detail, year, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(year)) {
+        year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1)
+    }
+    year = match.arg(
+        as.character(year),
+        sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)),
+        several.ok = TRUE
+    )
+    border = "grey80"
+    if (length(year) == 1) {
+        pop_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5)
         color = matrix(
-                population_palette,
+                pop_palette,
                 trans = scales::log_trans()),
             nrow = nrow(geau::so_ii_population),
             dimnames = dimnames(geau::so_ii_population)
-        border = "grey80"
-            geau::so_ii_commune[["geometry"]],
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
             border = border,
             col = color[ , year],
             add = TRUE
+        max_pop = max(geau::so_ii_population[ , year])
+        min_pop = min(geau::so_ii_population[ , year])
+        base = 10
-        value_legend = c(100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000)
+        value_legend = unique(c(
+            min_pop,
+            base^(ceiling(log(min_pop)/log(base)):floor(log(max_pop)/log(base))),
+            max_pop
+        ))
         color_legend = scales::cscale(
                 c(range(geau::so_ii_population), value_legend),
-                population_palette,
+                pop_palette,
                 trans = scales::log_trans()
         text_legend = formatC(
@@ -108,129 +622,145 @@ map_so_ii = function(
         theme_legend = list(
             title = sprintf("Population %s", year),
-            legend = rep("", length(text_legend)),
+            legend = text_legend,
             x = "topright",
             cex = .8,
             bg = "white",
             inset = 0.01,
             fill = color_legend,
             border = border,
-            text.width = graphics::strwidth(utils::tail(text_legend, 1))
+            text.width = max(graphics::strwidth(text_legend))
-    if ("catnat" %in% theme) {
+    if (length(year) > 1) {
         if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            detail, 
-            dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]],
-            several.ok = TRUE
-        )
-        border = NA
-        color = NA
-        if (!missing(year)) {
-            border = "grey80"
-            catnat = apply(
-                geau::so_ii_catnat[, as.character(year), detail, drop = FALSE],
-                1:2,
-                sum
-            )
-            color = ifelse(
-                catnat > 0,
-                scales::alpha("grey80", .5),
-                NA
-            )
-            theme_legend = list(
-                title = sprintf("Cat-Nat %s", year),
-                legend = c("Sans d\u00e9claration", "Avec d\u00e9claration"),
-                x = "topright",
-                cex = .8,
-                bg = "white",
-                inset = 0.01,
-                fill = unique(color),
-                border = border
-            )
+            detail = "absolute"
+        detail = match.arg(as.character(detail), c("absolute", "relative"))
+        year = range(year)
+        pop_palette = scales::colour_ramp(
+            c("red", "white", "green"),
+            alpha = .5
+        )
+        pop_data = switch(
+            EXPR = detail,
+            "absolute" = geau::so_ii_population[ , year[2]] -
+                geau::so_ii_population[ , year[1]],
+            "relative"  = (geau::so_ii_population[ , year[2]] -
+                geau::so_ii_population[ , year[1]]) /
+                geau::so_ii_population[ , year[1]]
+        )
+        range_data = max(abs(range(pop_data))) * c(-1, 1)
+        pop_trans = switch(
+            EXPR = detail,
+            "absolute"  = scales::modulus_trans(0.2),
+            "relative"  = scales::modulus_trans(0.1),
+            NULL
+        )
+        color = scales::cscale(
+            c(range_data, pop_data),
+            pop_palette,
+            trans = pop_trans
+        )[-(1:2)]
-            geau::so_ii_commune[["geometry"]],
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
             border = border,
             col = color,
             add = TRUE
-    }
-    if ("hydro" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = "0"
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            as.character(detail),
-            choices = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "canal")
-        )
-        if (detail == "canal") {
-            selection  = geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] == detail
-            geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
-            color = scales::alpha("red", .3)
-            lwd = 1
-        } else {
-            selection  = geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] <= detail
-            geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
-            color =  scales::alpha("blue", .3)
-            lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][selection])
+        max_pop = max(pop_data)
+        min_pop = min(pop_data)
+        if (detail == "absolute") {
+            range_pop = max(abs(c(max_pop, min_pop)))
+            base = max(10, 10^floor(ceiling(log(range_pop)/log(10)) / 2))
+            if (sign(min_pop) == -1) {
+                value_legend = c(
+                    -base^(floor(log(abs(min_pop))/log(base)):1),
+                    base^(1:floor(log(max_pop)/log(base)))
+                )
+                value_legend = value_legend[
+                    value_legend < max_pop &
+                    value_legend > min_pop &
+                    abs(value_legend) >= base
+                ]
+                value_legend = sort(c(0, range(pop_data), value_legend))
+            } else {
+                value_legend = unique(c(
+                    min_pop,
+                    base^(ceiling(log(min_pop)/log(base)):floor(log(max_pop)/log(base))),
+                    max_pop
+                ))
+            }
+            color_legend = scales::cscale(
+                c(range_data, value_legend),
+                pop_palette,
+                trans = pop_trans
+            )[-(1:2)]
+            text_legend = formatC(
+                as.integer(value_legend),
+                big.mark = " "
+            )
+            title_legend = sprintf("Population \u00e9volution [%s-%s]", year[1], year[2])
-        plot(geometry, col = color, lwd = lwd, add = TRUE)
+        if (detail == "relative") {
+            max_pop = max(pop_data) * 100
+            min_pop = min(pop_data) * 100
+            range_pop = max(abs(c(max_pop, min_pop)))
+            base = max(10, 10^floor(ceiling(log(range_pop)/log(10)) / 2))
+            if (sign(min_pop) == -1) {
+                value_legend = unique(c(
+                    min_pop,
+                    -base^(floor(log(abs(min_pop))/log(base)):0),
+                    0,
+                    base^(0:floor(log(max_pop)/log(base))),
+                    max_pop
+                ))
+            } else {
+                value_legend = unique(c(
+                    min_pop,
+                    base^(ceiling(log(min_pop)/log(base)):floor(log(max_pop)/log(base))),
+                    max_pop
+                ))
+            }
+            color_legend = scales::cscale(
+                    c(range_data, value_legend / 100),
+                    pop_palette,
+                    trans = pop_trans
+                )[-(1:2)]
+            text_legend = sprintf(
+                "%s %%",
+                formatC(
+                    signif(value_legend, 3),
+                    digits = 2, format = "f", flag = "+",
+                    big.mark = " "
+                )
+            )
+            title_legend = sprintf("Population \u00e9volution [%s-%s]", year[1], year[2])
+        }
         theme_legend = list(
-            title = sprintf("R\u00e9seau hydrographique"),
-            legend = ifelse(detail == "canal", "canal", "cours d'eau"),
+            title = title_legend,
+            legend = text_legend,
             x = "topright",
             cex = .8,
             bg = "white",
             inset = 0.01,
-            col = color,
-            lwd = 2
-        )
-    }
-    if (!missing(dataset)) plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...)
-    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
-    if (bar == TRUE) {
-        terra::sbar(
-            10, c(3.55, 43.47),
-            type = "bar",
-            below = "km",
-            label = c(0, 5, 10),
-            cex = .8
+            fill = color_legend,
+            border = border,
+            text.width = max(graphics::strwidth(text_legend))
-    if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) {
-        dataset_legend = c(
-            x = "bottomright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            dataset_legend)
-        do.call(graphics::legend, dataset_legend)
-    }
-    if (legend_theme == TRUE && exists("theme_legend")) {
-        temp = do.call(graphics::legend, theme_legend)
-        if (exists("text_legend")) {
-            graphics::text(
-                x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]],
-                y = temp[["text"]][["y"]],
-                labels = text_legend,
-                pos = 2
-            )
-        }
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
-    return(invisible(NULL))
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_catchment.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_catchment.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa2e210d604c20a14397a25ee97e07a9d6fd2e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_catchment.R
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# code to prepare `so_ii_catchment` dataset goes here
+file_dir = geau::current_version(
+    "data-common/so-ii/topage",
+    pattern = "^[0-9-]+$"
+so_ii_catchment = sf::st_read(file.path(file_dir, "bassin_versant.shp"))
+names(so_ii_catchment) = c("id", "catchment_name", "degre", "geometry")
+Encoding(so_ii_catchment[["catchment_name"]]) = "UTF-8"
+so_ii_catchment[["degre"]] = factor(so_ii_catchment[["degre"]])
+# updating datasets
+actual = setwd("geau")
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_catchment, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_collectivity.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_collectivity.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..842007b2080b5f0a6b4dbd95eb8ffc73c835afae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_collectivity.R
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# code to prepare `so_ii_collectivity` and `so_ii_limit` datasets goes here
+## epci
+so_ii_epci = read.csv2(
+    geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/epci")
+rownames(so_ii_epci) = so_ii_epci[["epci"]]
+epci = names(so_ii_epci)
+## collectivity
+admin_express = geau::current_version("data-common/data/IGN/ADMIN-EXPRESS/version")
+so_ii_collectivity = sf::st_read(file.path(admin_express, "COMMUNE.shp"))
+so_ii_collectivity = so_ii_collectivity["INSEE_COM"]
+names(so_ii_collectivity) = c("commune", "geometry")
+rownames(so_ii_collectivity) = so_ii_collectivity[["commune"]]
+so_ii_collectivity = so_ii_collectivity[geau::so_ii_scope, ]
+so_ii_collectivity = merge(
+    so_ii_collectivity[geau::so_ii_scope, ],
+    read.csv2(geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/commune"))
+collectivity = names(so_ii_collectivity)[-length(names(so_ii_collectivity))]
+so_ii_collectivity = merge(so_ii_collectivity, so_ii_epci)
+rownames(so_ii_collectivity) = so_ii_collectivity[["commune"]]
+so_ii_collectivity = so_ii_collectivity[
+    geau::so_ii_scope,
+    union(collectivity, epci)
+Encoding(so_ii_collectivity[["commune_name"]]) = "UTF-8"
+Encoding(so_ii_collectivity[["epci_name"]]) = "UTF-8"
+Encoding(so_ii_collectivity[["epci_nature"]]) = "UTF-8"
+so_ii_limit = sf::st_union(so_ii_collectivity)
+# updating dataset
+actual = setwd("geau")
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_collectivity, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_limit, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
index f86ebcc6ce1f13d0132d128dbdd3bc66a4b9f3d5..f3eb9d79adabb5e81da0e8fe145b0acdcdbbd128 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_hydro.R
@@ -1,27 +1,41 @@
 # code to prepare `so_ii_hydro` dataset goes here
 selection = c("CdOH", "TopoOH")
-file_dir = current_version(
+file_dir = geau::current_version(
     pattern = "^[0-9-]+$"
-so_ii_hydro = sf::st_read(file.path(file_dir, "cours-eau-so-ii.shp"))
-so_ii_hydro = sf::st_transform(
-    so_ii_hydro[selection],
+river = sf::st_read(file.path(file_dir, "cours_eau.shp"))
+river = sf::st_transform(
+    river[selection],
-names(so_ii_hydro) = c("id", "name", "geometry")
+names(river) = c("id", "name", "geometry")
 classification = read.csv2(
-    current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", pattern = "courseau"),
+    geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", pattern = "cours_eau"),
+    colClasses = "character",
+    row.names = 1
+river = merge(river, classification)
+waterbody = sf::st_read(file.path(file_dir, "plan_eau.shp"))
+waterbody[["name"]] = gsub("C[?]ur", "CÅ“ur", waterbody[["name"]])
+classification = read.csv2(
+    geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", pattern = "plan_eau"),
     colClasses = "character"
-)[c("id", "name", "degre")]
+waterbody = merge(waterbody, classification)
+so_ii_hydro = rbind(river, waterbody)
-so_ii_hydro = merge(so_ii_hydro, classification)
+so_ii_hydro[["degre"]] = factor(so_ii_hydro[["degre"]])
+so_ii_hydro[["type"]] = factor(so_ii_hydro[["type"]])
+Encoding(waterbody[["name"]]) = "UTF-8"
 # updating datasets
-# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
 actual = setwd("geau")
 usethis::use_data(so_ii_hydro, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_montpellier.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_montpellier.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5a5db70f4e73c192a5f4583f4c2bcb9a8397c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_montpellier.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# code to prepare `so_ii_onrn` dataset goes here
+so_ii_montpellier = sf::st_read(
+    geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/montpellier", "shp")
+so_ii_montpellier = sf::st_transform(
+    so_ii_montpellier,
+    crs = sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit)
+so_ii_montpellier = so_ii_montpellier[c("SQUARTIER_", "LIBSQUART", "QUARTIER")]
+names(so_ii_montpellier) = c("district", "district_name", "district_group", "geometry")
+Encoding(so_ii_montpellier[["district_name"]]) = "UTF-8"
+so_ii_montpellier[["district"]] = formatC(so_ii_montpellier[["district"]], flag = "0", width = 2)
+so_ii_montpellier[["district_group"]] = as.character(so_ii_montpellier[["district_group"]])
+# updating datasets
+# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
+actual = setwd("geau")
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_montpellier, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fb1f76b88734743a7e6745b37e661caa9053f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# code to prepare `so_ii_onrn` dataset goes here
+so_ii_onrn = read.csv2(
+    geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/onrn"),
+    row.names = 1
+so_ii_onrn = so_ii_onrn[geau::so_ii_scope, ]
+# updating datasets
+# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
+actual = setwd("geau")
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_onrn, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_osm.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_osm.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f61a55c78d523a02deff4d8baccce2cd50919e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_osm.R
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# code to prepare `so_ii_osm` dataset goes here
+so_ii_osm = maptiles::get_tiles(geau::so_ii_limit, zoom = 10, crop = TRUE)
+# updating datasets
+actual = setwd("geau")
+terra::writeRaster(so_ii_osm, "inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
index a771c06304b70495be2fb2a1afd1e8d74fb31555..48c33714989d3607a51eb4201d7295f742eacee3 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ so_ii_population = readxl::read_xlsx(
 class(so_ii_population) = "data.frame"
 rownames(so_ii_population) = so_ii_population[["CODGEO"]]
 selection = grep(
     value = TRUE
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ so_ii_population = as.matrix(
     so_ii_population[geau::so_ii_scope, selection]
 year = gsub("PMUN", "20", selection)
+year = gsub("PSDC", "19", year)
 year = gsub("PTOT", "19", year)
 year = gsub("1919", "19", year)
 year = gsub("1918", "18", year)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_scope.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_scope.R
index c69a3905d4c0de33c6a14c4f4cc948e612bfa742..d058bd0758b3fc3ee9aa65c8e441efe98bce110a 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_scope.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_scope.R
@@ -6,19 +6,6 @@ so_ii_scope = read.csv2(
 so_ii_scope = sort(so_ii_scope)
-# code to prepare `so_ii_commune` dataset goes here
-admin_express = current_version("data-common/data/IGN/ADMIN-EXPRESS/version")
-selection = c("ID", "NOM", "NOM_M", "INSEE_COM", "STATUT", "POPULATION", "SIREN_EPCI")
-so_ii_commune = sf::st_read(file.path(admin_express, "COMMUNE.shp"))[selection]
-names(so_ii_commune) = c("id", "commune", "commune_majuscule", "code", "statut", "pop_2021", "epci", "geometry")
-rownames(so_ii_commune) = so_ii_commune[["code"]]
-so_ii_commune = so_ii_commune[so_ii_scope, ]
-# code to prepare `so_ii_limit` dataset goes here
-so_ii_limit = sf::st_union(so_ii_commune)
 # code to prepare `so_ii_clc` dataset goes here
 so_ii_clc = readRDS("data-common/data/so-ii/so-ii_clc.rds")
@@ -63,8 +50,6 @@ so_ii_clc[["color"]] = as.character(
 # actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
 actual = setwd("geau")
 usethis::use_data(so_ii_scope, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
-usethis::use_data(so_ii_commune, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
-usethis::use_data(so_ii_limit, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
 usethis::use_data(so_ii_clc, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
 usethis::use_data(clc_color, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_catchment.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_catchment.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b567b77c387dae46c70acbd261594288a68f480
Binary files /dev/null and b/geau/data/so_ii_catchment.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_collectivity.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_collectivity.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..521aceb0657d4da464d8dd2536c6740d6748afa8
Binary files /dev/null and b/geau/data/so_ii_collectivity.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_commune.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_commune.rda
deleted file mode 100644
index af05cfa70cffbcb870553a80ea3a611a38c6bc58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/geau/data/so_ii_commune.rda and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda
index 07c507b7dee470b6d8fdfe7c38fb9ca8a8a4ee90..1f6235f046cd315fc11ea7a7d3b01ae917596108 100644
Binary files a/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda and b/geau/data/so_ii_hydro.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_montpellier.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_montpellier.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e142cd10b2a569c0b64f1c2459e0d1ee51f1d3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/geau/data/so_ii_montpellier.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_onrn.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_onrn.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abc37b177092e92315c09e26ccdc278834f42cf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/geau/data/so_ii_onrn.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda
index bc3a1b17f4b91879f41c30609c3c58215fe403f4..40b9f762816882b26cb8a91b2948dbdab5d9a6ed 100644
Binary files a/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda and b/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif b/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5db3ff661158aa454207497c711031511ed38ccc
Binary files /dev/null and b/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif differ
diff --git a/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif.aux.xml b/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif.aux.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc27fcd04a288e028d24faf046b98e7f548165ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/inst/extdata/so_ii_osm.tif.aux.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+  <PAMRasterBand band="1">
+    <Description>red</Description>
+    <Metadata>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MAXIMUM">253</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MEAN">-9999</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_STDDEV">-9999</MDI>
+    </Metadata>
+  </PAMRasterBand>
+  <PAMRasterBand band="2">
+    <Description>green</Description>
+    <Metadata>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MAXIMUM">250</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MEAN">-9999</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_STDDEV">-9999</MDI>
+    </Metadata>
+  </PAMRasterBand>
+  <PAMRasterBand band="3">
+    <Description>blue</Description>
+    <Metadata>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MAXIMUM">246</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_MEAN">-9999</MDI>
+      <MDI key="STATISTICS_STDDEV">-9999</MDI>
+    </Metadata>
+  </PAMRasterBand>
diff --git a/geau/man/format_presence.Rd b/geau/man/format_presence.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca96940ebe6aca13e966d64056b0e0175bf22fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/format_presence.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/presence.R
+\title{Transform ods table presence in md table (for Mattermost)}
+\item{x}{character or data.frame, path of the ods table or the table itself}
+character, md version of table behind x.
+Transform ods table presence in md table (for Mattermost)
+Frédéric Grelot
diff --git a/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd b/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
index e2c1ac696702834840d863d455056d39fe9d1fbb..2dc0259884e2f37619b6fb7d6467a9ba592ba723 100644
--- a/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/map_so_ii.Rd
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
   dataset_legend = NULL,
-  theme = c("none", "clc", "catnat", "hydro"),
+  theme = c("none", "collectivity", "catchment", "catnat", "clc", "hydro", "onrn",
+    "osm", "population"),
+  theme_legend = FALSE,
+  detail,
+  year,
   bar = TRUE,
   path = NULL,
-  legend_theme = FALSE,
-  year,
-  detail,
@@ -22,17 +23,18 @@ map_so_ii(
 \item{dataset_legend}{list of parameters to be passed to legend}
-\item{theme}{character, choice for the theme (if any)}
+\item{theme}{character, choice for the theme (if any). See details.}
-\item{bar}{logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset}
+\item{theme_legend}{logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme}
-\item{path}{character, the name of the file to save the plot}
+\item{detail}{character, detail for theme, depends on theme. See details.}
-\item{legend_theme}{logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme}
+\item{year}{character, the year chosen for some themes. See details.}
-\item{year}{character, the year chosen for some themes (catnat, population)}
+\item{bar}{logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset}
-\item{detail}{character, detail for theme, depends on theme}
+\item{path}{character, the name of the file to save the plot. Graphical
+device is chosen depending on extension. See details.}
 \item{...}{some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)}
@@ -43,9 +45,75 @@ Nothing useful.
 Plot a thematic map of so-ii
-For theme "catnat", detail must be chosen in c("inondation", "submersion",
-For theme "hydro" detail must be chosen in "0", "1", "2", "3" or "canal".
+\subsection{theme specification}{
+For the specification of detail, it depends on the theme chosen.
+\item{\strong{none}: perimeter of so_ii is plotted.}
+\item{\strong{catchment}: The area of catchments are plotted with a scope
+depending on detail. At least, a division between Lez and
+Bassin de l'Or is plotted.}
+\item{\strong{catnat}: Informations on the number of "Arrêtés Cat
+Nat are provided at the scale of collectivities."}
+\item{\strong{collectivty}: Boundaries of collectivities are plotted, more
+some administrative informations depending on detail.}
+\item{\strong{hydro}: The hydrophic network is plotted. Depending on
+detail, only a part (rivers, canals, water bodies) or a degre of detail
+is plotted.}
+\item{\strong{onrn}: Informations on the claims coming from Cat Nat system
+are plotted at the scale of the collectivities. With detail a selection
+of the data is made, with year a selection of the period.}
+\item{\strong{osm}: A tile from OSM is plotted.}
+\item{\strong{population}: Informations on the population coming from
+INSEE are plotted at the scale of the collectivities. With year a
+selection of the period is made, with detail a selection of how
+evolution between 2 years.}
+\subsection{detail specification}{
+For the specification of detail, it depends on the theme chosen.
+\item{\strong{catchment}: detail must be chosen in "none", "1", "2", "3"
+for levels of detail. If missing, "1" will be chosen.}
+\item{\strong{catnat}: detail must be chosen in "inondation",
+"submersion", or "nappe". If missing all type will be chosen and
+aggregated before plotting.}
+\item{\strong{collectivity}: detail must be chosen in "none", "syble",
+"symbo", "epci" or "syndicate". If missing, "none" will be chosen,
+and only the boundaries of collectivities are plotted.}
+\item{\strong{hydro}: detail must be chosen in "none", "1", "2", "3" for
+levels of detail or "canal", "river", "waterbody" for types of
+hydrographic elements. If missing, "none" will be chosen, and
+everything is plotted.}
+\item{\strong{onrn}: detail must be chosen in "n_catnat", "freq_sin",
+"cost", "cost_hab", "cost_mean", "ratio", "balance", "ppri_year".}
+\item{\strong{population}: detail must be chosen in "absolute",
+"relative". It used only when more than one year is provided to plot
+aither absolute or relative evolution.}
+\subsection{year specification}{
+For the specification of year, it depends on the theme chosen.
+\item{\strong{catnat}: year corresponds to the year of data. If 2 or more
+years are given, the sum of the period corresponding to the range of
+given years is plotted. If missing, the whole available period is
+\item{\strong{population}: year corresponds to the year of data. If
+missing, last available year is plotted. If 2 or more years are
+provided an analysis of the evolution between the range of given
+years is plotted.}
+\subsection{path specification}{
+Depending on the extension a device is chosen.
+\item{\strong{pdf}: grDevices::cairo_pdf}
+\item{\strong{png}: grDevices::png}
+\item{\strong{svg}: grDevices::svg}
+If path is NULL, standard plotting is used. If an extension is not managed,
+an error is raised.
@@ -55,4 +123,6 @@ For theme "hydro" detail must be chosen in "0", "1", "2", "3" or "canal".
 Frédéric Grelot
+David Nortes Martinez
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_catchment.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_catchment.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0cfe4ebe5646c2bb3ef083c5be367f97a8bbdcf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_catchment.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
+\title{Catchment areas of interest within the so-ii perimeter}
+sf data.frame 15 rows, 4 variables
+\item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh) or NA when catchment
+is constructed by so-ii team.}
+\item{name}{character, name of the catchment area in BD TOPAGE, or given
+name for catchments constructed by so-ii team.}
+\item{degre}{factor, importance of the catchment used to plot the
+catchment areas with different levels of detail ("1", "2", "3").}
+A dataset containing the official catchments areas of interest from the BD
+TOPAGE within the so-ii perimeter. For degre = 3, the data are basically
+what is found in BD TOPAGE. For degres 1 and 2, the data result from
+sf::st_union of data of degre 3 to give a more synthetic representation.
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_clc.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_clc.Rd
index 0d62e5c3312b105257842ef172f80c92eb82a5d3..2f08e4b98eb345495a0034e483eb3e16c39a5ad9 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_clc.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_clc.Rd
@@ -5,12 +5,16 @@
 \title{CLC information for so-ii}
-sf object
+sf data.frame 1337 rows, 2 variables
+\item{clc_2018}{character, classification from CLC 2018}
+\item{color}{character, default color to be used to plot so_ii_clc}
-A dataset containing the 2018 version of CLC information for so-ii
+A dataset containing the Corine Land Cover information on so-ii.
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_collectivity.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_collectivity.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28fb45833f55ca9eea6371451d6b0fff4e19aac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_collectivity.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
+\title{Spatial definition of collectivities included in so-ii}
+sf data.frame 78 rows, 11 variables
+\item{commune_name}{character, INSEE code of the collectivity}
+\item{syble}{logical, membership in SYBLE}
+\item{symbo}{logical, membership in SYMBO}
+\item{commune_name}{character, official name of the collectivity}
+\item{commune_name_cap}{character, official capitalized name of the
+\item{departement}{character, INSEE code of the departement of the
+\item{region}{character, INSEE code of the region of the
+\item{epci}{character, INSEE code of the EPCI of the collectivity}
+\item{epci_name}{character, Name of the EPCI of the collectivity}
+\item{epci_nature}{character, Nature of the EPCI of the collectivity}
+A dataset containing the spatial definition of all collectivities
+included in so-ii and some administrative informations.
+Basically this dataset is obtained as a selection from the layer
+COMMUNE in ADMIN EXPRESS, more a renaming of variables. It is then added
+information from EPCI in ADMIN EXPRESS and the membership to SYBLE and
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_commune.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_commune.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1052133369797131767da0795b29f437b70cca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_commune.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
-\title{List of all collectivities included in so-ii}
-sf data.frame 69 rows, 7 variables
-\item{id}{id, from IGN ADMIN EXPRESS}
-\item{commune}{character, official name of the commune}
-\item{commune_majuscule}{character, official capitalized name of the
-\item{code}{character, INSEE code of the commune}
-\item{statut}{character, statut of the commune}
-\item{pop_yyy}{integer, official population of year yyyy in the commune}
-\item{epci}{character, INSEE ID of the EPCI of the commune}
-A dataset containing the INSEE code of all local collectivities
-included in so-ii.
-Basically this dataset is obtained as a selection from the layer
-COMMUNE in ADMIN EXPRESS, more a renaming of variables.
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd
index 58325f5936d98b4edf2b331f1f9bae4f271d38ef..8af21fddb61aa39d694ccc101e7c9462672a8011 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_hydro.Rd
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@
 sf data.frame 125 rows, 4 variables
 \item{id}{id, from BD TOPAGE (corresponding to CdOh)}
-\item{name}{character, name of the river or part of the river in BD
-\item{degre}{character, level of detail to plot the hydrographic network}
+\item{name}{character, name of the hydrographic elements in the BD TOPAGE}
+\item{degre}{factor, level of importance of the hydrographic element
+used to plot the hydrographic network with different levels of
+detail ("1", "2", "3").}
+\item{type}{factor, type of hydrographic element ("canal", "river",
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_limit.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_limit.Rd
index c54cc951581fd6acfe61094363e09a659dab080d..64c439bb842a427152f28d3e0eea3125a51aa92c 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_limit.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_limit.Rd
@@ -6,22 +6,12 @@
 \title{Spatial perimeter of so-ii}
 sfc_POLYGON of length 1
-sf data.frame 1337 rows, 2 variables
-\item{clc_2018}{character, classification from CLC 2018}
-\item{color}{character, default color to be used to plot so_ii_clc}
 A dataset containing the perimeter of so-ii.
-A dataset containing the Corine Land Cover information on so-ii.
 Basically, this dataset is obtained as
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_montpellier.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_montpellier.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d7aa744e603aa5be728366ea3b4a88a501f6dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_montpellier.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
+\title{Spatial definition of districts of Montpellier city}
+sf data.frame 31 rows, 2 variables
+\item{district}{character, id of each district as given by montpellier3m}
+\item{district_name}{character, name of each district}
+\item{district_group}{character, how districts are grouped by montpellier3m}
+A dataset containing the spatial definition of all districts
+for Montpellier.
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_onrn.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_onrn.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0991fd9530b650df388a3fb8ceadf37330e9d76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_onrn.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
+\title{ONRN information for so-ii}
+data.frame 78 rows, 23 variables
+\item{n_catnat}{Number of Cat Nat events}
+\item{freq_sin}{Number of claims divided by number of contracts
+for 1995 to 2018. freq_sin is calculated as the mean of freq_sin_min
+and freq_sin_max (range for each category).}
+\item{cost}{Cumulative cost of claims for 1995 to 2018. Cost is calculated
+as the mean of cost_min and cost_max (range for each category).}
+\item{cost_mean}{Mean cost of claims (cost divided by claims) for 1995 to
+2018. cost_mean is calculated as the mean of cost_mean_min and
+cost_mean_max (range for each category).}
+\item{cost_hab}{Cost divided by the population for 1995 to 2018. cost_hab
+is calculated as the mean of cost_hab_min and cost_hab_max (range for
+each category).}
+\item{ratio}{Cost divided by premium for 1995 to 2018. ratio is calculated
+as the mean of cost_hab_min and cost_hab_max (range for each
+\item{balance}{Cost minus premium for 1995 to 2018. This is an estimation
+made by so-ii team by considering a mean premium for each habitant
+of 24.92829 euro per habitant (total premium in 2018 divided by
+total population)}
+\item{ppri_year}{Year given for the last PPRI.}
+\item{ppri_state}{State of the last PPRI.}
+\item{ppri_state_sub}{Some details on the state of the last PPRI.}
+\item{ppri_state_age}{State of the last PPRI for age information.}
+\item{ppri_age_min}{Lower boundary for the age of the PPRI.}
+\item{ppri_age_min}{Upper boundary for the age of the PPRI..}
+A dataset containing part of the information available at the ONRN for so-ii
+communities. The information chosen is exclusively related to floods. It is
+mainly related to impacts and therefore to the claims in from the Cat-Nat
+system. These data on claims are taken from the CCR, the others from the
+gaspar database.
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
index e2fd7371abdf02717f458323fab18ebc9d262bdc..7719fce8ccb0614e5ae5da951da6cea92ef16a4d 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \title{Population for so-ii}
-numeric matrix
+numeric matrix 78 rows, 33 columns
 \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_scope.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_scope.Rd
index ad9328056d38f4c9e9c46d8e2ed0d425bf9d3bb4..270cf442bc19555c283abef0f203eeaa47d32d15 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_scope.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_scope.Rd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \title{Local collectivities included in so-ii}
-a vector of 69 INSEE code
+a vector of 78 INSEE code
diff --git a/map/map_so_ii.R b/map/map_so_ii.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 2283457c9f1b9ec607f97f6eb6fa28f3d2bff000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/map/map_so_ii.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Data to be included in library
-so_ii = readRDS("data-common/data/so-ii/so-ii_perim.rds")
-so_ii_clc = readRDS("data-common/data/so-ii/so-ii_clc.rds")
-# Map
-map_so_ii = function(dataset, dataset_legend = NULL, theme = "clc", bar = TRUE, path = NULL, ...) {
-    if (!is.null(path)) {
-        switch(
-            EXPR = tolower(tools::file_ext(path)),
-            "pdf" = pdf(path),
-            "png" = png(path),
-            error(sprintf("%s not recognized", tolower(tools::file_ext(path))))
-        )
-    }
-    ## Init map
-    par(mai = c(.65, .60, .50, .15))
-    plot(so_ii, axes = TRUE)
-    plot(so_ii, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
-    if ("clc" %in% theme) {
-        color_clc = scales::alpha(c("red3", "darkolivegreen3", "darkgreen", "#4C90B4", "lightblue"), .2)
-        color = as.character(cut(
-            as.integer(substr(so_ii_clc[["code_18"]], 1, 1)), 
-            breaks = 5,
-            labels = color_clc))
-        plot(so_ii_clc$geometry, border = NA, col = color, add = TRUE)
-    }
-    plot(dataset$geometry, add = TRUE, ...)
-    if (bar == TRUE) {
-        terra::sbar(10, c(3.55, 43.47), type = "bar", below = "km", label = c(0, 5, 10), cex = .8)
-    }
-    if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) {
-        dataset_legend = c(
-            x = "bottomright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            dataset_legend)
-        do.call(legend, dataset_legend)
-    }
-    if (!is.null(path)) invisible(dev.off())
-# Data to be plot
-dataset = rio::import("data-common/table/so-ii/rex-2020.ods", which = 1)
-dataset = dataset[!is.na(dataset$latitude), ]
-dataset = sf::st_as_sf(dataset, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = "WGS84")
-# Color
-bg = rep(NA, nrow(dataset))
-bg[dataset[["viticulture"]]] = "deeppink4"
-bg[dataset[["habitant"]]] = "cornflowerblue"
-col = "black"
-cex = 1.4
-pch = 21
-# Legend
-dataset_legend = list(
-    title = "Enquêtes du REX 19 septembre 2020",
-    legend = c("Agriculteurs", "Habitants membre ROI"),
-    pch = 21,
-    pt.bg = c("deeppink4", "cornflowerblue"),
-    pt.cex = 1.4
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.pdf", bg = bg, cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.png", bg = bg, cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.pdf", bg = bg, pch = 22)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/map/map_so_ii.rmd b/map/map_so_ii.rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdfde9550b9df8eafb65194cd19d7a237e33fe20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map/map_so_ii.rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+```{r library}
+```{r update-theme}
+path = "data-common/figure/so-ii/map/theme/so-ii-%s.pdf"
+map_so_ii(theme = "osm", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "osm"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", path = sprintf(path, "collectivity"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", theme_legend = TRUE, detail = "syndicate", path = sprintf(path, "syndicate"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", theme_legend = TRUE, detail = "epci", path = sprintf(path, "epci"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "clc", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "clc"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "population"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = 1931, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "population-1931"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = 2018:2019, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "population-last"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = 2014:2019, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "population-last-5"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "catnat"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", year = 2000:2019, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "catnat-2000-2019"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", year = 2021, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "catnat-2021"))
+map_so_ii(so_ii_hydro[as.character(so_ii_hydro$degre) <= 1, ], col = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "blue"))(.5), border = NA, theme = "catchment", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "catchment"))
+map_so_ii(so_ii_hydro[as.character(so_ii_hydro$degre) <= 2, ], col = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "blue"))(.5), border = NA, theme = "catchment", detail = 2, theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "catchment_sub"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "freq_sin", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "freq_sin"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "cost"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost_hab", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "cost_hab"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost_mean", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "cost_mean"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "ratio", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "ratio"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "balance", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "balance"))
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "ppri_year", theme_legend = TRUE, path = sprintf(path, "ppri_year"))
+```{r update-rex-example}
+path = "data-common/figure/so-ii/map/rex/so-ii-%s.pdf"
+dataset = readODS::read_ods("data-common/table/so-ii/rex-2020-09-19-enquete.ods")
+dataset = sf::st_as_sf(dataset, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = "WGS84")
+pch = c(
+    "habitant" = 21,
+    "agriculteur" = 24
+color = c(
+    "cereale" = "yellow",
+    "habitant" = "black",
+    "viticulture" = "purple",
+    "maraichage" = "red"
+cex = 2
+    dataset,
+    main = "Contact",
+    pch = pch[dataset[["statut"]]],
+    bg = color[dataset[["activite"]]],
+    cex = 2,
+    theme = "clc"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/map_so_ii.rmd b/map_so_ii.rmd
index b77ea05555b2049509db4395312065b02bf9a597..0502e4a37e17d6b89dcd2fa55657e6daf6dd54a7 100644
--- a/map_so_ii.rmd
+++ b/map_so_ii.rmd
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+map_so_ii(theme = "osm")
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity")
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", detail = "syndicate")
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", detail = "syble")
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", detail = "symbo")
+map_so_ii(theme = "collectivity", detail = "epci", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "clc")
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = "2006", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = c(2006, 2019), theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "population", year = c(1876, 2019), detail ="relative", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", detail = "nappe", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", detail = "inondation", year = 2003, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "catnat", detail = "inondation", year = 2003:2014, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "hydro")
+map_so_ii(theme = "hydro", detail = 2)
+map_so_ii(theme = "hydro", detail = "river")
+map_so_ii(theme = "catchment")
+map_so_ii(theme = "catchment", detail = 2, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "catchment", detail = 3, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "n_catnat", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "freq_sin", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost_hab", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "cost_mean", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "ratio", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "balance", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(theme = "onrn", detail = "ppri_year", theme_legend = TRUE)
 # Can only work if data-common is a symbolic link
 # Data to be plotted
@@ -24,11 +57,11 @@ dataset_legend = list(
     pt.cex = cex
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", legend_theme = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, hazard = "nappe", legend_theme = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", legend_theme = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, hazard = "nappe", theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", theme_legend = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-clc.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-catnat.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
-map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-population.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", legend_theme = TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-clc.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", year = 2020, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-catnat.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, theme_legend = TRUE)
+map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-population.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", theme_legend = TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script/admin_express.R b/script/admin_express.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..626120f9805b76278f9741c96e7f960f5e7e8576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/admin_express.R
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Functions
+# Data
+input_dir = geau::current_version("data-common/data/IGN/ADMIN-EXPRESS/version")
+commune = sf::st_read(file.path(input_dir, "COMMUNE.shp"))
+commune = sf::st_drop_geometry(commune)
+commune = commune[c("NOM", "NOM_M", "INSEE_COM", "INSEE_DEP", "INSEE_REG", "SIREN_EPCI")]
+names(commune) = c("commune_name", "commune_nam_cap", "commune", "departement", "region", "epci")
+rownames(commune) = commune[["commune"]]
+commune = commune[geau::so_ii_scope, ]
+commune_so_ii = read.csv2(geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/commune"))
+commune_so_ii = merge(commune_so_ii[c("commune", "syble", "symbo")], commune)
+epci = sf::st_read(file.path(input_dir, "EPCI.shp"))
+epci = sf::st_drop_geometry(epci)
+names(epci) = c("id", "epci", "epci_name", "epci_nature")
+rownames(epci) = epci[["epci"]]
+epci = epci[unique(commune[["epci"]]), c("epci", "epci_name", "epci_nature")]
+# Save
+today = Sys.Date()
+    commune_so_ii,
+    sprintf("data-common/so-ii/commune/commune-%s.csv", today),
+    row.names = FALSE
+    epci,
+    sprintf("data-common/so-ii/epci/epci-%s.csv", today),
+    row.names = FALSE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script/onrn.R b/script/onrn.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8c9688c614566108d5b442191749a2a12ad5e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/onrn.R
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Libraries
+# library(geau)
+# library(sf)
+# Updating data from remote 
+## Local
+today = Sys.Date()
+archive_dir = sprintf("data-common/data/ONRN/archive/%s", today)
+dir.create(archive_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
+## Remote
+remote_dir = "https://files.georisques.fr/onrn"
+archive = c(
+    "ONRN_Population_EAIP_CE",
+    "ONRN_Population_EAIP_SM",
+    "ONRN_Emprise_totale_bat_EAIP_CE",
+    "ONRN_Emprise_totale_bat_EAIP_SM",
+    "ONRN_Emprise_habitations_sans_etage_EAIP_CE",
+    "ONRN_Emprise_habitations_sans_etage_EAIP_SM",
+    "ONRN_Entreprises_EAIP",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_nbReco_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_CoutMoyen_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_CoutCommune_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_Frequence_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_SsurP_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_CoutParHabitant_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_nbReco_Inondation",
+    "sinistralite/ONRN_nbReco_Inondation",
+    "ONRN_Avancement_PPRNI",
+    "ONRN_Anciennete_PPRNI"
+## Download
+    utils::download.file,
+    url = file.path(remote_dir, sprintf("%s.zip", archive)),
+    destfile = file.path(archive_dir, gsub("sinistralite/", "", sprintf("%s.zip", archive))),
+    method = "wget"
+## Unzip
+    utils::unzip,
+    zipfile = file.path(archive_dir, gsub("sinistralite/", "", sprintf("%s.zip", archive))),
+    exdir = file.path(archive_dir, "raw")
+## Convert to UTF-8
+onrn_raw = file.path(archive_dir, "raw")
+for(f in dir(onrn_raw, pattern = ".csv")) {
+    system(sprintf("iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 %s -o %s", file.path(onrn_raw, f), file.path(onrn_raw, "temp.csv")))
+    system(sprintf("mv %s %s", file.path(onrn_raw, "temp.csv"), file.path(onrn_raw, f)))
+## Remove pdf
+unlink(dir(onrn_raw, pattern = ".pdf", full.names = TRUE))
+# Treatment
+## Selection
+selection = geau::so_ii_scope
+## Nombre reconnaissance Cat-Nat "ONRN_nbRecos_Inon"
+pattern = "ONRN_nbRecos_Inon"
+variable = "n_catnat"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+temp[[variable]][temp[[variable]] == "Pas de reconnaissance"] = 0
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = temp
+### Fréquence sinistre: "ONRN_FreqMoyenne_Inon"
+pattern = "ONRN_FreqMoyenne_Inon"
+variable = "freq_sin"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+conversion = data.frame(
+	freq_sin = c("Pas de sinistre ou de risque répertoriés à CCR", "Entre 0 et 1 ‰", "Entre 1 et 2 ‰", "Entre 2 et 5 ‰", "Entre 5 et 10 ‰", "Plus de 10 ‰"),
+	freq_sin_min = c(0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10)/1000,
+	freq_sin_max = c(0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 1000)/1000)
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+temp[[variable]] = (temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]) / 2
+temp[[variable]][temp[["freq_sin_max"]] == 1] = 1.5 * temp[[2]][temp[["freq_sin_max"]] == 1]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### Coût des inondations: "ONRN_CoutCum_Inon"
+pattern = "ONRN_CoutCum_Inon"
+variable = "cost"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+conversion = data.frame(
+	cost = c(
+		"Pas de sinistre répertorié à CCR",
+		"Entre 0 k€ et 100 k€",
+		"Entre 100 k€ et 500 k€",
+		"Entre 500 k€ et 2 M€",
+		"Entre 2 M€ et 5 M€",  
+		"Entre 5 M€ et 10 M€",
+		"Entre 10 M€ et 50 M€",
+		"Entre 50 M€ et 100 M€", 
+		"Supérieur à 100 M€"
+    ),
+	cost_min = c(0, 0, 1e5, 5e5, 2e6, 5e6, 10e6, 50e6, 100e6),
+	cost_max = c(0, 1e5, 5e5, 2e6, 5e6, 10e6, 50e6, 100e6, +Inf)
+all(unique(temp[[variable]]) %in% conversion[[variable]])
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+temp[[variable]] = (temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]) / 2
+temp[[variable]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])] = 1.5 * temp[[2]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### Coût moyen des inondations: "ONRN_CtMoyen_Inon"
+pattern = "ONRN_CtMoyen_Inon"
+variable = "cost_mean"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+conversion = data.frame(
+	cost_mean = c(
+		"Pas de sinistre répertorié à CCR",
+		"Entre 0 et 2,5 k€",
+		"Entre 2,5 et 5 k€",
+		"Entre 5 et 10 k€",
+		"Entre 10 et 20k€",
+		"Plus de 20 k€"
+    ),
+	cost_mean_min = c(0, 0, 2.5e3, 5e3, 10e3, 20e3),
+	cost_mean_max = c(0, 2.5e3, 5e3, 10e3, 20e3, +Inf)
+all(unique(temp[[variable]]) %in% conversion[[variable]])
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+temp[[variable]] = (temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]) / 2
+temp[[variable]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])] = 1.5 * temp[[2]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### Coût par habitant des inondations: "ONRN_CoutInon_parHabitant"
+pattern = "ONRN_CoutInon_parHabitant"
+variable = "cost_hab"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+conversion = data.frame(
+	cost_hab = c(
+		"Pas de sinistre répertorié à CCR",
+		"Moins de 100 €/habitant",
+		"Entre 100 € et 500€/habitant",
+		"Entre 500 € et 1 k€/habitant",
+		"Entre 1 k€ € et 10 k€/habitant",
+		"Supérieur à 10 k€/habitant",
+        NA
+    ),
+	cost_hab_min = c(0, 0, 100, 500, 1000, 10000, NA),
+	cost_hab_max = c(0, 100, 500, 1000, 10000, +Inf, NA)
+all(unique(temp[[variable]]) %in% conversion[[variable]])
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+temp[[variable]] = (temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]) / 2
+temp[[variable]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])] = 1.5 * temp[[2]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### Sinistre sur Prime des inondations : "ONRN_SsurP_Inon"
+pattern = "ONRN_SsurP_Inon"
+variable = "ratio"
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame", col_types = "text")[c(1, 3)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+conversion = data.frame(
+	ratio = c(
+		"Pas de sinistre ou de prime répertoriés à CCR",
+		"Entre 0 et 10 %",
+		"Entre 10 et 50 %",
+		"Entre 50 et 100%",
+		"Entre 100 et 200 %",                           
+		"Plus de 200%"),
+	ratio_min = c(0, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2),
+	ratio_max = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, +Inf))
+all(unique(temp[[variable]]) %in% conversion[[variable]])
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+temp[[variable]] = (temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]) / 2
+temp[[variable]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])] = 1.5 * temp[[2]][is.infinite(temp[[variable]])]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### PPRI approuvé: "PPRi_anciennete_avancement"
+pattern = "PPRi_anciennete_avancement"
+variable = c("ppri_year", "ppri_state", "ppri_state_sub", "ppri_age_ori")
+temp = rio::import(
+    dir(onrn_raw, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
+    setclass = "data.frame")[c(1, 8, 7, 2, 9)]
+names(temp) = c("commune", variable)
+variable = "state"
+conversion = data.frame(
+	ppri_age_ori = c(
+		"Approuvé depuis moins de 5 ans",
+		"Approuvé entre 5 et 10 ans",
+		"Approuvé entre 10 et 20 ans",
+		"Approuvé depuis plus de 20 ans",
+		"Prescrit depuis moins de 4 ans",
+		"Prescrit depuis plus de 4 ans"
+    ),
+	ppri_state_age = c("approuve", "approuve", "approuve", "approuve", "prescrit", "prescrit"),
+	ppri_age_min = c(0,  5, 10,   20, 0,   4),
+	ppri_age_max = c(5, 10, 20, +Inf, 4, +Inf)
+all(unique(temp[[variable]]) %in% conversion[[variable]])
+temp = merge(temp, conversion, all.x = TRUE)[-1]
+rownames(temp) = temp[["commune"]]
+temp = temp[selection, ]
+temp[["commune"]] = selection
+result = merge(result, temp, by = "commune", all.x = TRUE)
+### Bilan Sinistre - Prime : estimation
+# result = read.csv2(geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/onrn"))
+#### Some data to compute premium per habitant
+pop_france = 66992159 # INSEE (2018)
+premium_france = 1670000000 # (CCR2019a pour 2018)
+premium_hab = premium_france / pop_france
+#### Need to compute cumulative population
+period = seq(1995, 2018)
+available = as.integer(dimnames(geau::so_ii_population)[[2]])
+selection = as.character(available[sapply(period, function(x){which.min(abs(available - x))})])
+pop_commune = rowSums(geau::so_ii_population[, selection])
+result[["balance"]] = (1 - result[["ratio"]]) * pop_commune * premium_hab
+result = result[c(
+    "commune", "n_catnat", "freq_sin", "cost", "cost_mean", "cost_hab", "ratio", "balance",
+    "ppri_year", "ppri_state", "ppri_state_sub", "ppri_state_age", "ppri_age_min", "ppri_age_max",
+    "freq_sin_min", "freq_sin_max", "cost_min", "cost_max", "cost_mean_min", "cost_mean_max",
+    "cost_hab_min", "cost_hab_max", "ratio_min", "ratio_max"
+write.csv2(result, sprintf("data-common/so-ii/onrn/onrn-%s.csv", today), row.names = FALSE)
+# write.csv2(result, geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/onrn"), row.names = FALSE)
+unlink(onrn_raw, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
diff --git a/script/topage.R b/script/topage.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72984ddd0e6f65d3bdc88b55b1aab74d034c8715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/topage.R
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Libraries
+# Waterbody
+## Data
+waterbody = sf::st_read(geau::current_version("data-common/data/topage/plan_eau", "shp"))
+waterbody = sf::st_transform(waterbody, crs = st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit))
+waterbody = waterbody[
+    lengths(sf::st_intersects(waterbody, geau::so_ii_limit)) > 0,
+    c("CdOH", "TopoOH")
+names(waterbody) = c("id", "name", "geometry")
+waterbody = sf::st_intersection(waterbody, geau::so_ii_limit)
+## Save
+sf::st_write(waterbody, "data-common/so-ii/topage/2021-09/plan_eau.shp", append = FALSE)
+# Catchment
+## Functions
+prepare_catchment = function (sf_data, name, degre) {
+    selection = sf_data[[sprintf("detail_%s", degre)]] == name
+    sf::st_sf(
+        "id" = NA,
+        "catchment_name" = name,
+        "degre" = degre,
+        "geometry" = sf::st_union(sf_data[selection, ])
+    )
+## Data
+input_dir = geau::current_version("data-common/data/topage/bassin_versant")
+catchment = sf::st_read(file.path(input_dir, "06_Rhone-Mediterranee_BassinVersantTopographique.shp"))
+classification = read.csv2(geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/topage", "bassin"))
+## Treatments
+### CRS
+if (!sf::st_crs(catchment) == sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit)) {
+    catchment = sf::st_transform(catchment, crs = sf::st_crs(geau::so_ii_limit))
+### Selection & renaming
+selection_col = c("CdOH", "geometry")
+selection_row = classification[["id"]]
+catchment = catchment[catchment[["CdOH"]] %in% unlist(unname(selection_row)), selection_col]
+names(catchment) = c("id", "geometry")
+catchment = merge(catchment, classification)
+### Making catchments
+detail_1 = do.call(rbind,
+    lapply(
+        unique(catchment[[sprintf("detail_%s", 1)]]),
+        prepare_catchment,
+        sf_data = catchment,
+        degre = 1
+    )
+detail_2 = do.call(rbind,
+    lapply(
+        unique(catchment[[sprintf("detail_%s", 2)]]),
+        prepare_catchment,
+        sf_data = catchment,
+        degre = 2
+    )
+detail_3 = catchment[c("id", "catchment_name")]
+detail_3[["degre"]] = "3"
+detail_3 = detail_3[names(detail_1)]
+catchment = do.call(rbind, list(detail_1, detail_2, detail_3))
+### Save
+    catchment,
+    "data-common/so-ii/topage/2021-09/bassin_versant.shp",
+    append = FALSE