diff --git a/geau/DESCRIPTION b/geau/DESCRIPTION
index 6d9acb06af656c0d7dca6b118d2c630950d0223c..e6a397ddec12c2042a2c3e7c7cba64f63b118a86 100644
--- a/geau/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/geau/DESCRIPTION
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: geau
 Title: Utilities very useful to share within geau-inondation team
         person(given = "Frédéric",
diff --git a/geau/R/data.r b/geau/R/data.r
index 11d1c531360be2a0deba1b0c1ec2246b7595970d..0c159185b7c7fa469f84f4d2010d0c68b7f45c46 100644
--- a/geau/R/data.r
+++ b/geau/R/data.r
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 #' A dataset containing the population of commune in so-ii according to INSEE.
-#' @format numeric matrix
+#' @format numeric matrix 78 rows, 33 columns
 #' \describe{
 #'   \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
 #'   \item{column}{year}
diff --git a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
index 5eb7b233cbf3b8b66f9064b5ad1b6e4c1fca97e7..14d4ceb4c92d9f9592f34dcbfc662685d4bd247d 100644
--- a/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
+++ b/geau/R/map_so_ii.r
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #' @return Nothing useful.
-#' @export
+#' @export map_so_ii
 #' @encoding UTF-8
 #' @author Frédéric Grelot
@@ -81,406 +81,477 @@ map_so_ii = function(
     graphics::par(mai = c(.65, .60, .50, .15))
     plot(geau::so_ii_limit, axes = TRUE)
-    if ("catchment" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = "1"
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            as.character(detail), 
-            choices = levels(geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]])
+    ## Plot theme if any
+    theme_legend = switch(
+        EXPR = theme,
+        "catchment" = map_theme_catchment(detail, legend_theme),
+        "catnat" = map_theme_catnat(detail, year, legend_theme),
+        "clc" = map_theme_clc(legend_theme),
+        "collectivity" = map_theme_collectivity(detail, legend_theme),
+        "hydro" = map_theme_hydro(detail, legend_theme),
+        "onrn" = map_theme_onrn(detail, legend_theme),
+        "population" = map_theme_population(year, legend_theme),
+    )
+    if (!missing(dataset)) plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...)
+    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
+    if (bar == TRUE) {
+        terra::sbar(
+            10, c(3.55, 43.47),
+            type = "bar",
+            below = "km",
+            label = c(0, 5, 10),
+            cex = .8
-        selection  = geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]] == detail
-        geometry = geau::so_ii_catchment[["geometry"]][selection]
-        catchment = as.factor(geau::so_ii_catchment[["catchment_name"]][selection])
-        color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(catchment), "Pastel 1", alpha = .3)
-        color = color_legend[catchment]
-        border = "grey80"
-        lwd = 2
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = sprintf("Bassin versant"),
-            legend = levels(catchment),
-            x = "topright",
+    }
+    if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) {
+        dataset_legend = c(
+            x = "bottomright",
             cex = .8,
             bg = "white",
             inset = 0.01,
-            fill = color_legend,
-            border = border
-        )
-        if (detail == "3") rm(theme_legend)
-        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, lwd = lwd, add = TRUE)
+            dataset_legend)
+        do.call(graphics::legend, dataset_legend)
-    if ("catnat" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
+    if (legend_theme == TRUE && exists("theme_legend", inherits = FALSE)) {
+        if (!is.null(theme_legend[["text.width"]])) {
+            text_legend = theme_legend[["legend"]]
+            theme_legend[["legend"]] = rep("", length(text_legend))
-        detail = match.arg(
-            detail, 
-            dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]],
-            several.ok = TRUE
-        )
-        border = NA
-        color = NA
-        if (!missing(year)) {
-            year = match.arg(
-                as.character(year),
-                dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["period"]]
-            )
-            border = "grey80"
-            catnat = apply(
-                geau::so_ii_catnat[, year, detail, drop = FALSE],
-                1:2,
-                sum
-            )
-            color = ifelse(
-                catnat > 0,
-                scales::alpha("grey80", .5),
-                NA
-            )
-            theme_legend = list(
-                title = sprintf("Cat-Nat %s", year),
-                legend = c("Sans d\u00e9claration", "Avec d\u00e9claration"),
-                x = "topright",
-                cex = .8,
-                bg = "white",
-                inset = 0.01,
-                fill = unique(color),
-                border = border
+        temp = do.call(graphics::legend, theme_legend)
+        if (!is.null(theme_legend[["text.width"]])) {
+            graphics::text(
+                x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]],
+                y = temp[["text"]][["y"]],
+                labels = text_legend,
+                pos = 2
+    }
-        plot(
-            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
-            border = border,
-            col = color,
-            add = TRUE
-        )
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+map_theme_catchment = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "1"
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail), 
+        choices = levels(geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]])
+    )
-    if ("clc" %in% theme) {
-        plot(
-            geau::so_ii_clc[["geometry"]],
-            border = NA,
-            col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
-            add = TRUE
-        )
+    selection  = geau::so_ii_catchment[["degre"]] == detail
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_catchment[["geometry"]][selection]
+    catchment = as.factor(geau::so_ii_catchment[["catchment_name"]][selection])
+    color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(catchment), "Pastel 1", alpha = .3)
+    color = color_legend[catchment]
+    border = "grey80"
+    lwd = 2
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = sprintf("Bassin versant"),
+        legend = levels(catchment),
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border
+    )
+    plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, lwd = lwd, add = TRUE)
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = "CLC (2018)",
-            legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
-            x = "topright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
-        )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE && detail != "3") {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
-    if ("collectivity" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = "none"
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            detail, 
-            c("none", "syble", "symbo", "epci", "syndicate")
-        )
+map_theme_catnat = function(detail, year, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        detail, 
+        dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]],
+        several.ok = TRUE
+    )
+    theme_legend = NULL
+    border = NA
+    color = NA
+    if (!missing(year)) {
         border = "grey80"
-        color = NA
+        color_none = color
+        color_with = scales::alpha("grey80", .5)
+        legend_title  = switch(
+            EXPR = as.character(length(detail)),
+            "3" = "Cat Nat",
+            sprintf("Cat Nat [%s]", paste(sort(detail), collapse = " & "))
+        )
+        year = match.arg(
+            as.character(year),
+            dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["period"]]
+        )
+        catnat = apply(
+            geau::so_ii_catnat[, year, detail, drop = FALSE],
+            1:2,
+            sum
+        )
+        color = ifelse(
+            catnat > 0,
+            color_with,
+            color_none
+        )
         theme_legend = list(
-            title = "Caract\u00e9ristiques des communes",
-            legend = "Commune",
+            title = sprintf("%s %s", legend_title, year),
+            legend = c("Sans d\u00e9claration", "Avec d\u00e9claration"),
             x = "topright",
             cex = .8,
             bg = "white",
             inset = 0.01,
-            fill = color,
+            fill = c(color_none, color_with),
             border = border
-        geometry = geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]]
-        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
-        if (detail %in% c("syble", "syndicate")) {
-            color_legend = scales::alpha("orange", .3)
-            color = ifelse(
-                geau::so_ii_collectivity[["syble"]],
-                color_legend,
-                NA
-            )
-            plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
-            theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYBLE")
-            theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend)  
-        }
-        if (detail %in% c("symbo", "syndicate")) {
-            color_legend = scales::alpha("green", .3)
-            color = ifelse(
-                geau::so_ii_collectivity[["symbo"]],
-                color_legend,
-                NA
-            )
-            plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
-            theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYMBO")
-            theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend) 
-        }
-        if (detail == "epci") {
-            epci = as.factor(geau::so_ii_collectivity[["epci_name"]])
-            color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(epci), "Lisbon", alpha = .3)
-            color = color_legend[epci]
-            plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
-            theme_legend[["legend"]] = levels(epci)
-            theme_legend[["fill"]] = color_legend
-        }
-    if ("hydro" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = "none"
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            as.character(detail),
-            choices = c(
-                "none",
-                levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]),
-                levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])
-            )
-        )
-        color = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
-        bg = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
-        border = NA
-        selection = seq(nrow(geau::so_ii_hydro))
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = sprintf("R\u00e9seau hydrographique"),
-            legend = "\u00e9l\u00e9ment du r\u00e9seau",
-            x = "topright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            col = color,
-            lwd = 1
-        )
-        if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])) {
-            selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]]) == detail
-            theme_legend[["legend"]] = detail
-        }
-        if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]])) {
-            selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]) <= detail
-        }
-        geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
-        lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][selection])
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
+        border = border,
+        col = color,
+        add = TRUE
+    )
-        plot(geometry, col = color, lwd = lwd, border = border, add = TRUE)
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
-    if ("onrn" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(detail)) {
-            detail = "cost"
-        }
-        detail = match.arg(
-            as.character(detail),
-            sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_onrn)[1:8])
-        )
+map_theme_clc = function(add_legend) {
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_clc[["geometry"]],
+        border = NA,
+        col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
+        add = TRUE
+    )
-        onrn_palette = switch(
-            EXPR = detail,
-            "n_catnat"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "freq_sin"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "cost"      = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "cost_hab"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "cost_mean" = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "ratio"     = scales::colour_ramp(c("green", "white", "red"), alpha = .5),
-            "balance"   = scales::colour_ramp(c("red", "white", "green"), alpha = .5),
-            "ppri_year" = scales::colour_ramp(c("grey80", "grey50"), alpha = .5),
-            NULL
-        )
-        onrn_trans = switch(
-            EXPR = detail,
-            "n_catnat"  = scales::identity_trans(),
-            "freq_sin"  = scales::identity_trans(),
-            "cost"      = scales::sqrt_trans(),
-            "cost_hab"  = scales::sqrt_trans(),
-            "cost_mean" = scales::sqrt_trans(),
-            "ratio"     = scales::sqrt_trans(),
-            "balance"   = scales::modulus_trans(.5),
-            "ppri_year" = scales::identity_trans(),
-            NULL
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = "CLC (2018)",
+        legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
+    )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_collectivity = function(detail, add_legend)  {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "none"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        detail, 
+        c("none", "syble", "symbo", "epci", "syndicate")
+    )
+    border = "grey80"
+    color = NA
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = "Caract\u00e9ristiques des communes",
+        legend = "Commune",
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color,
+        border = border
+    )
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]]
+    plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+    if (detail %in% c("syble", "syndicate")) {
+        color_legend = scales::alpha("orange", .3)
+        color = ifelse(
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["syble"]],
+            color_legend,
+            NA
-        onrn_range = switch(
-            EXPR = detail,
-            "ratio"     = c(0, 4),
-            "balance"   = max(abs(range(geau::so_ii_onrn[["balance"]]))) * c(-1, 1),
-            NULL
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYBLE")
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend)  
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("symbo", "syndicate")) {
+        color_legend = scales::alpha("green", .3)
+        color = ifelse(
+            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["symbo"]],
+            color_legend,
+            NA
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = c(theme_legend[["legend"]], "SYMBO")
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = c(theme_legend[["fill"]], color_legend) 
+    }
+    if (detail == "epci") {
+        epci = as.factor(geau::so_ii_collectivity[["epci_name"]])
+        color_legend = grDevices::hcl.colors(nlevels(epci), "Lisbon", alpha = .3)
+        color = color_legend[epci]
+        plot(geometry, border = border, col = color, add = TRUE)
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = levels(epci)
+        theme_legend[["fill"]] = color_legend
+    }
-        color = scales::cscale(
-            c(onrn_range, geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]),
-            onrn_palette,
-            trans = onrn_trans)
-        if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
-            color = color[-seq(onrn_range)]
-        }
-        border = "grey80"
-        plot(
-            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
-            border = border,
-            col = color,
-            add = TRUE
-        )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
-        if (sprintf("%s_min", detail) %in% names(geau::so_ii_onrn)) {
-            selection = c(detail, sprintf("%s_min", detail), sprintf("%s_max", detail))
-            temp = unique(geau::so_ii_onrn[selection])
-            temp = temp[order(temp[[detail]]), ]
-            text_legend = gsub("0 - 0", "0",
-                sprintf(
-                    "%s - %s",
-                    temp[[sprintf("%s_min", detail)]],
-                    temp[[sprintf("%s_max", detail)]]
-                )
-            )
-            value_legend = temp[[detail]]
-        }
-        if (detail %in% c("n_catnat", "ppri_year")) {
-            value_legend = round(
-                seq(
-                    min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
-                    max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
-                    length.out = 5
-                )
-            )
-            text_legend = value_legend
-        }
-        if (detail %in% c("balance")) {
-            value_legend = unique(
-                c(
-                    seq(min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), 0, length.out = 4),
-                    seq(0, max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), length.out = 4)
-                )
-            )
-            text_legend = formatC(
-                as.integer(signif(round(value_legend), 2)),
-                big.mark = " "
-            )
-        }
-        color_legend = scales::cscale(
-                c(onrn_range, value_legend),
-                onrn_palette,
-                trans = onrn_trans
-            )
-        if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
-            color_legend = color_legend[-seq(onrn_range)]
-        }
-        title_onrn = switch(
-            EXPR = detail,
-            "n_catnat"  = "N arr\u00eat\u00e9s Cat-Nat (ONRN)",
-            "freq_sin"  = "Sinistre / Risque [1995-2018]",
-            "cost"      = "Co\u00fbt cumul\u00e9 (\u20AC) [1995-2018]",
-            "cost_hab"  = "Co\u00fbt / hab (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
-            "cost_mean" = "Co\u00fbt / sinistre (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
-            "ratio"     = "Co\u00fbt / Prime [1995-2018]",
-            "balance"   = "Co\u00fbt - Prime (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
-            "ppri_year" = "Ann\u00e9e des PPRI",
-            NULL
+map_theme_hydro = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "none"
+    }
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail),
+        choices = c(
+            "none",
+            levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]),
+            levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])
+    )
+    color = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
+    bg = scales::alpha("blue", .3)
+    border = NA
+    selection = seq(nrow(geau::so_ii_hydro))
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = sprintf("R\u00e9seau hydrographique"),
+        legend = "\u00e9l\u00e9ment du r\u00e9seau",
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        col = color,
+        lwd = 1
+    )
+    if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]])) {
+        selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["type"]]) == detail
+        theme_legend[["legend"]] = detail
+    }
+    if (detail %in% levels(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]])) {
+        selection  = as.character(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]]) <= detail
+    }
+    geometry = geau::so_ii_hydro[["geometry"]][selection]
+    lwd = 4 - as.numeric(geau::so_ii_hydro[["degre"]][selection])
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = title_onrn,
-            legend = text_legend,
-            x = "topright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            fill = color_legend,
-            border = border
-        )
-        rm(text_legend)
+    plot(geometry, col = color, lwd = lwd, border = border, add = TRUE)
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+map_theme_onrn = function(detail, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(detail)) {
+        detail = "cost"
+    detail = match.arg(
+        as.character(detail),
+        sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_onrn)[1:8])
+    )
-    if ("population" %in% theme) {
-        if (missing(year)) {
-            year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1)
-        }
-        year = match.arg(
-            as.character(year),
-            sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population))
+    onrn_palette = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "freq_sin"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost"      = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost_hab"  = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "cost_mean" = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "ratio"     = scales::colour_ramp(c("green", "white", "red"), alpha = .5),
+        "balance"   = scales::colour_ramp(c("red", "white", "green"), alpha = .5),
+        "ppri_year" = scales::colour_ramp(c("grey80", "grey50"), alpha = .5),
+        NULL
+    )
+    onrn_trans = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = scales::identity_trans(),
+        "freq_sin"  = scales::identity_trans(),
+        "cost"      = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "cost_hab"  = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "cost_mean" = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "ratio"     = scales::sqrt_trans(),
+        "balance"   = scales::modulus_trans(.5),
+        "ppri_year" = scales::identity_trans(),
+        NULL
+    )
+    onrn_range = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "ratio"     = c(0, 4),
+        "balance"   = max(abs(range(geau::so_ii_onrn[["balance"]]))) * c(-1, 1),
+        NULL
+    )
+    color = scales::cscale(
+        c(onrn_range, geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]),
+        onrn_palette,
+        trans = onrn_trans)
+    if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
+        color = color[-seq(onrn_range)]
+    }
+    border = "grey80"
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
+        border = border,
+        col = color,
+        add = TRUE
+    )
+    if (sprintf("%s_min", detail) %in% names(geau::so_ii_onrn)) {
+        selection = c(detail, sprintf("%s_min", detail), sprintf("%s_max", detail))
+        temp = unique(geau::so_ii_onrn[selection])
+        temp = temp[order(temp[[detail]]), ]
+        text_legend = gsub("0 - 0", "0",
+            sprintf(
+                "%s - %s",
+                temp[[sprintf("%s_min", detail)]],
+                temp[[sprintf("%s_max", detail)]]
+            )
-        population_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5)
-        color = matrix(
-            scales::cscale(
-                geau::so_ii_population,
-                population_palette,
-                trans = scales::log_trans()),
-            nrow = nrow(geau::so_ii_population),
-            dimnames = dimnames(geau::so_ii_population)
+        value_legend = temp[[detail]]
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("n_catnat", "ppri_year")) {
+        value_legend = round(
+            seq(
+                min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
+                max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]], na.rm = TRUE),
+                length.out = 5
+            )
-        border = "grey80"
-        plot(
-            geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
-            border = border,
-            col = color[ , year],
-            add = TRUE
+        text_legend = value_legend
+    }
+    if (detail %in% c("balance")) {
+        value_legend = unique(
+            c(
+                seq(min(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), 0, length.out = 4),
+                seq(0, max(geau::so_ii_onrn[[detail]]), length.out = 4)
+            )
-        value_legend = c(100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000)
-        color_legend = scales::cscale(
-                c(range(geau::so_ii_population), value_legend),
-                population_palette,
-                trans = scales::log_trans()
-            )[-(1:2)]
         text_legend = formatC(
-            as.integer(value_legend),
+            as.integer(signif(round(value_legend), 2)),
             big.mark = " "
-        theme_legend = list(
-            title = sprintf("Population %s", year),
-            legend = rep("", length(text_legend)),
-            x = "topright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            fill = color_legend,
-            border = border,
-            text.width = graphics::strwidth(utils::tail(text_legend, 1))
+    }
+    color_legend = scales::cscale(
+            c(onrn_range, value_legend),
+            onrn_palette,
+            trans = onrn_trans
+    if (length(onrn_range) > 0) {
+        color_legend = color_legend[-seq(onrn_range)]
+    title_onrn = switch(
+        EXPR = detail,
+        "n_catnat"  = "N arr\u00eat\u00e9s Cat-Nat (ONRN)",
+        "freq_sin"  = "Sinistre / Risque [1995-2018]",
+        "cost"      = "Co\u00fbt cumul\u00e9 (\u20AC) [1995-2018]",
+        "cost_hab"  = "Co\u00fbt / hab (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "cost_mean" = "Co\u00fbt / sinistre (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "ratio"     = "Co\u00fbt / Prime [1995-2018]",
+        "balance"   = "Co\u00fbt - Prime (\u20ac) [1995-2018]",
+        "ppri_year" = "Ann\u00e9e des PPRI",
+        NULL
+    )
-    if (!missing(dataset)) plot(dataset[["geometry"]], add = TRUE, ...)
-    plot(geau::so_ii_limit, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = title_onrn,
+        legend = text_legend,
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border
+    )
-    if (bar == TRUE) {
-        terra::sbar(
-            10, c(3.55, 43.47),
-            type = "bar",
-            below = "km",
-            label = c(0, 5, 10),
-            cex = .8
-        )
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
-    if (!is.null(dataset_legend)) {
-        dataset_legend = c(
-            x = "bottomright",
-            cex = .8,
-            bg = "white",
-            inset = 0.01,
-            dataset_legend)
-        do.call(graphics::legend, dataset_legend)
+map_theme_population = function(year, add_legend) {
+    if (missing(year)) {
+        year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1)
+    year = match.arg(
+        as.character(year),
+        sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population))
+    )
+    population_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5)
+    color = matrix(
+        scales::cscale(
+            geau::so_ii_population,
+            population_palette,
+            trans = scales::log_trans()),
+        nrow = nrow(geau::so_ii_population),
+        dimnames = dimnames(geau::so_ii_population)
+    )
+    border = "grey80"
+    plot(
+        geau::so_ii_collectivity[["geometry"]],
+        border = border,
+        col = color[ , year],
+        add = TRUE
+    )
+    max_pop = max(geau::so_ii_population[ , year])
+    min_pop = min(geau::so_ii_population[ , year])
+    value_legend = unique(c(
+        min_pop,
+        10^(ceiling(log(min_pop)/log(10)):floor(log(max_pop)/log(10))),
+        max_pop
+    ))
+    color_legend = scales::cscale(
+            c(range(geau::so_ii_population), value_legend),
+            population_palette,
+            trans = scales::log_trans()
+        )[-(1:2)]
+    text_legend = formatC(
+        as.integer(value_legend),
+        big.mark = " "
+    )
-    if (legend_theme == TRUE && exists("theme_legend", inherits = FALSE)) {
-        temp = do.call(graphics::legend, theme_legend)
-        if (exists("text_legend", inherits = FALSE)) {
-            graphics::text(
-                x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]],
-                y = temp[["text"]][["y"]],
-                labels = text_legend,
-                pos = 2
-            )
-        }
-    }
+    theme_legend = list(
+        title = sprintf("Population %s", year),
+        legend = text_legend,
+        x = "topright",
+        cex = .8,
+        bg = "white",
+        inset = 0.01,
+        fill = color_legend,
+        border = border,
+        text.width = graphics::strwidth(utils::tail(text_legend, 1))
+    )
-    return(invisible(NULL))
+    if (add_legend == TRUE) {
+        return(theme_legend)
+    } else {
+        return(NULL)
+    }
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R
index a6118f04c855831408a5c626149c9d49c877cf57..3fb1f76b88734743a7e6745b37e661caa9053f9c 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_onrn.R
@@ -4,25 +4,11 @@ so_ii_onrn = read.csv2(
     row.names = 1
-class(so_ii_population) = "data.frame"
-rownames(so_ii_population) = so_ii_population[["CODGEO"]]
-selection = grep(
-    colnames(so_ii_population),
-    value = TRUE
-so_ii_population = as.matrix(
-    so_ii_population[geau::so_ii_scope, selection]
-year = gsub("PMUN", "20", selection)
-year = gsub("PTOT", "19", year)
-year = gsub("1919", "19", year)
-year = gsub("1918", "18", year)
-dimnames(so_ii_population)[[2]] = year
+so_ii_onrn = so_ii_onrn[geau::so_ii_scope, ]
 # updating datasets
 # actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
 actual = setwd("geau")
-usethis::use_data(so_ii_population, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
+usethis::use_data(so_ii_onrn, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
diff --git a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
index a771c06304b70495be2fb2a1afd1e8d74fb31555..48c33714989d3607a51eb4201d7295f742eacee3 100644
--- a/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
+++ b/geau/data-raw/so_ii_population.R
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ so_ii_population = readxl::read_xlsx(
 class(so_ii_population) = "data.frame"
 rownames(so_ii_population) = so_ii_population[["CODGEO"]]
 selection = grep(
     value = TRUE
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ so_ii_population = as.matrix(
     so_ii_population[geau::so_ii_scope, selection]
 year = gsub("PMUN", "20", selection)
+year = gsub("PSDC", "19", year)
 year = gsub("PTOT", "19", year)
 year = gsub("1919", "19", year)
 year = gsub("1918", "18", year)
diff --git a/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda b/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda
index bc3a1b17f4b91879f41c30609c3c58215fe403f4..40b9f762816882b26cb8a91b2948dbdab5d9a6ed 100644
Binary files a/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda and b/geau/data/so_ii_population.rda differ
diff --git a/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd b/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
index e2fd7371abdf02717f458323fab18ebc9d262bdc..7719fce8ccb0614e5ae5da951da6cea92ef16a4d 100644
--- a/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
+++ b/geau/man/so_ii_population.Rd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \title{Population for so-ii}
-numeric matrix
+numeric matrix 78 rows, 33 columns
 \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}