\newpage % Description of the traits and tree growth data formatting for workshop on traits and competitive interactions # Introduction This document describes the data structure and the main R functions available so far for the data formatting for the working group on traits and competition.  # Structure of data for analysis For the analysis we need for each ecoregion country (or big tropical plot) a list with three elements. ## First element is a data.frame for individual tree data with columns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var numeric units description --------- --------- ------- ------------------------------------------------ obs.id 0 a unique identifier of observqtion (if multiple observation for a same tree) tree.id 0 a unique identifier of each tree sp 0 the species code sp.name 0 cluster 0 plot 0 the plot code ecocode 0 the ecoregion code (trying to merge similar ecoregion to have ecoregion with enough observation per ecoregion) D 1 cm diameter growth G 1 mm/yr the diameter growth rate dead 1 a dummy variable 0 alive 1 dead year 1 yr the number of year for the growth measurement htot 1 m the height of the individual for the data base for which it is availble to compute max height per species Lon 1 deg Longitude of the plot in WGS84 Lat 1 deg Latitude of teh plots in WGS84 perc.dead 1 the percentage of dead computed on each plot to exlude plot with perturbation (equal 1 for plot with known perturbation) weights 1 /mm2 the weigths of the tree to have an estimation of basal area per m^2 census 1 0 the name of the year of the census 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Second element is a data.frame competition index with columns - $tree.id$ a unique identifier of each tree - $ecocode$ the species code - one column per species with the name as in the species code $sp$ in the previous the plot code - $BATOT.COMPET$ the sum of the basal area of all species ## Third element is a data.frame for the species traits data with columns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var numeric units description ------------------ --------- ------- ------------------------------------------------- sp 0 the species code used in other tables Latin_name 0 the latin name of the species Leaf.N.mean 1 mg/g Leaf Nitrogen per mass Seed.mass.mean 1 mg seed mass SLA.mean 1 mm2/mg specific leaf area Wood.density.mean 1 mg/mm3 wood density Max.height.mean 1 from NFI data I compute the 99% quantile in m and the same columns with ,sd, instead of ,mean, with either the mean sd within species if species mean or the mean sd with genus if genus mean because no species data a dummy variable with true or false if genus mean Leaf.N.sd 1 Seed.mass.sd 1 SLA.sd 1 Wood.density.sd 1 Max.height.sd 1 Leaf.N.exp 1 Seed.mass.exp 1 SLA.exp 1 Wood.density.exp 1 Leaf.N.genus 1 Seed.mass.genus 1 SLA.genus 1 Wood.density.genus 1 Leaf.N.nobs 1 Seed.mass.nobs 1 SLA.nobs 1 Wood.density.nobs 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the same columns with $sd$ instead of $mean$ with either the mean sd within species if species mean or the mean sd with genus if genus mean because no species data a dummy variable with true or false if genus mean # Competition index ## National forest inventory type data We computes the sum of basal area (BA) per plot (including the weight of each tree to have a basal area in $m^2/ha$) total and per species without the BA of the target tree (see the R function `BA.SP.FUN` in the file format.function.R). ## Large plot data Need to compute the basal area ($m^2/ha$) per species in the neighborhood of each individuals in given radius $R$. The function `BA.SP.FUN.XY` in the file format.function.R should do that but not tested. # Traits data The objective is to have a table with the species mean of the traits or the genus mean for the traits if no data available. ## TRY data * The TRY data is provided with one row for each variables measured on a single individuals (traits variable and non traits variables). The function `fun.extract.try` (in FUN.TRY.R) extract the traits variables and the non traits variables that we want to create a table with one row per individual (Observation.ID) and one column per traits or non traits variables. * Then we compute for each species (and all its potential synonyms) the mean observation of each traits (in log10) without experimental data if possible or with experimental data if no data. If no data is available for a given species we compute the *genus* mean (and a dummy variable indicating that this is genus mean). The function also compute the traits sd. See function `fun.species.traits` . This function also exclude outlier based on the method used by Kattge et al 2011 (GCB) (see function `fun.out.TF2`). * Then I have computed the mean sd within species (assuming that the within species sd is constant over all species). * So far on the French data I have only list species potential synonyms self build but it would be great to either creates a list of potential synonyms from existing list or alternatively to match the TRY species and the forest inventory species on the same list to have teh same species. ## Other data provided for each data * Need to write a function to compute mean per species for each traits and decide if we use the same species sd for these data sets. ### Ecoregions For the NFI data we will divide the data set by regions with similar ecological conditions. This will allow to estimate the link between competitive interactions and traits within regions of similar conditions and see how the results vary (for instance in the US there is a large variability between the north and the south). This will allow to make comparison with large tropical plot more easy. Then this will help to have smaller data set to speed up the estimation. Please could you either provides a source of ecoregion with a GIS layer that we can use or better directly includes this variable in the data (at the plot level). Similarly in term of climatic variables I was planning to use the best variables available for each data rather than a global data base of lower quality. Could you either give the link of such a data set or better directly do get the variables for each plot. I think that we do not have any ecoregion information that was directly measured in the SFI data. However, we have joint each SFI plot with Olson ecoregions. # Progress --------------------------------------------------------- Data.name Demographic.data -------------------------- ------------------------------ BCI Large 50ha plot with semi spatial localisation of tree with multiple census Fushan Large plot with spatial localisation of tree with multiple census Luquillo Large plot with spatial localisation of tree with multiple census La Chonta Large plot with spatial localisation of tree with multiple census Paracou Large plot with spatial localisation of tree with multiple census Mbaiki Large plot with spatial localisation of tree with multiple census FIA Forest inventory plots in the US Formatting M. Vanderwel to be done Canada Forest inventory plots in Canada Formatting John Caspersen to be done France Forest inventory plots Spain Forest inventory plots check with M Zaval formatting probably done Sweden Forest inventory plots. Formatting to be discuss Switzerland Forest inventory plots. Formatting to be discuss New Zealand Forest inventory plots. Formatting to be discuss (Coomes sub sample) Autralia NSW Kooyman plots Several medium size plots. Formatting in progress CSIRO plots Several medium size plots. Formatting in progress --------------------------------------------------------- Table: Table continues below (continued below) --------------------------------------------- Demo.data.availability Traits.data ------------------------- ------------------- ok Available with data ok Available with data Need to contact Zimmerman Available with data no Available with data ok Available with data Waite Available with data ok TRY ok TRY ok TRY ok TRY ok TRY ok TRY ok Available with data ok Available with data Waite Available with data --------------------------------------------- Table: Table continues below ------------------------------------------------ Traits.data.vailability Abiotic.variables ------------------------- ---------------------- ok topography and/or soil ok topography and/or soil Need to contact Swenson topography and/or soil ok topography and/or soil ok topography and/or soil Waite topography and/or soil ok climate ok climate ok climate ok climate ok climate ok climate ok climate ok climate Waite climate ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Progress.in.formatting.the.data TODO --------------------------------- ----------------------------- demo data ok compute CI adn process traits demo data ok compute CI adn process traits NO send email NO demo and competition index ok Traits ask Ghislain to do Waite ghislain Done Need to add max height from FIA MISSING CENSUS VARIABLE Need to pupdate with new code waite new data with Quebec per ecoregion MISSING CENSUS VARIABLE Done rewrite to format per ecoregion Demo done Competition index and TRY demo ok missing TreeID and mortality demo ok missing mortality, ecoregion demo ok demo and compeitition index Traits ask Ghislain to do ok Waite daniel send email with traits ---------------------------------------------------------------