use,var,units,description 0,Plot,, 0,Latin,, 0,Quadrat,,Quadrat designation. 0,gx,,The x coordinate within the plot relative to one edge of the plot. 0,gy,,The y plot coordinate. 0,TreeID,,The unique tree identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain in matching trees. 0,Tag,,Tag number used in the field. 0,StemID,,The unique stem identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain in matching stems. 0,StemTag,,Tag number on the individual stem 0,Census,,The numeric identifier of the census. 0,DBH,,Diameter of one stem on the tree the stem whose stemID is given. 0,HOM,,The height-of-measure 0,Date,,The date on which a tree was measured. 0,Codes,,The codes for the measurement as recorded in the field. 0,Stem,,The number of living stems on the date of measurement. 0,Status,,"An abbreviated version of status, for compatibility with earlier versions of functions in the CTSF R package: A, D, M, P"