# Table of Contents
[**2. Getting started with Fudaa-LSPIV**](User-Manual/Getting-started-with-Fudaa-LSPIV)
- [Installing the **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** Software](User-Manual/Getting-started-with-Fudaa-LSPIV#minidisc-installing-the-fudaa-lspiv-software)
- [Languages](User-Manual/Getting-started-with-Fudaa-LSPIV#earth_africa-languages)
- [Main Window Architecture](User-Manual/Getting-started-with-Fudaa-LSPIV#map-main-window-architecture)
# :minidisc: Installing the **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** Software
The **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** installation file is available on the following software development platform: https://forge.irstea.fr/projects/fudaa-lspiv/
Starting from version 1.10, Fudaa-LSPIV no longer requires Java installation, which solves many compatibility issues related to different versions of Java. No other prerequisites are necessary.
![imageWindows](uploads/761827befa3c661376b5c39ae45ac46c/imageWindows.png){width="40px"} **Installing and Running Fudaa-LSPIV** _**(Windows)**_:
1. Unzip the installation file fudaa-lspiv-_**{version}**_-win-x64.zip. Replace _**{version}**_ with the software version.
2. Double-click the Fudaa-LSPIV\\fudaa-lspiv.bat file to run Fudaa-LSPIV.
> :thumbsup: You can create a shortcut to this .bat file and set the /icons/fudaa-lspiv.ico file as the icon for this shortcut.
![imageLinux](uploads/537a0ffba6bc368ec65d496cb1a1a30b/imageLinux.png){width="40px"} **Installing and Running Fudaa-LSPIV** _**(Linux)**_:
1. Unzip the installation file fudaa-lspiv-{version}-linux-x64.tar.gz. Replace {version} with the software version.
2. Double-click the Fudaa-LSPIV\\fudaa-lspiv.sh file to run Fudaa-LSPIV.
Uninstalling is done by deleting the Fudaa-LSPIV directory.
**Installation Directory**:
The software is installed in the chosen directory with the following structure:
- **_bin_** folder: contains the executable **_fudaa-lspiv.bat_**, which launches the application;
- **_doc_** folder: contains this **_User Guide_**;
- **_examples_** folder: contains a **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** sample project;
- **_exes_** folder: contains the Fortran executables used for the LSPIV analysis steps;
- **_icons_** folder: contains the icons;
- **_lib_** folder: contains the Java libraries required by the **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** application;
- **_templates_** folder: contains the Excel template for exporting the [gauging report](#exporting-the-gauging-report);
- **_uninstaller_** folder: contains the uninstallation executable.
# :earth_africa: Languages
The default language of the **_Fudaa-LSPIV_** software is French or English, depending on the choice made during installation. You can switch to English via the **_Edit 🡪 Preferences_** menu. In the **_Accessibility 🡪 Language_** tab, choose **_english \[en\]_**, then restart the software.
# :map: Main Window Architecture
The Fudaa-LSPIV software is composed of 5 panels as described in the figure below:
- The menus (panel 1 in the figure) allow access to file creation or opening, or to launching LSPIV processing.
- The quick access bar (panel 2 in the figure) provides shortcuts to the main functions of the menus.
- The graphic toolbar (panel 3 in the figure) allows selections and modifications on the graphical display of views.
- The layers (panel 4 in the figure) display the available layers and allow them to be selected or deselected.
- The graphical view display (panel 5 in the figure) allows the visualization of source or orthorectified images as well as the results of calculations.
> :loudspeaker: _**Note!**_
> Fudaa-LSPIV operates on a layer logic (like GIS software, for example): to work on data, an image, or a result, or to modify the display of data, an image, or a result, you must first select the relevant layer.
-> [**Next Section: 3. Starting a Fudaa-LSPIV Study**](User-Manual/Starting-a-Fudaa-LSPIV-Study) |