diff --git a/processing/extract.R b/processing/extract.R
index 78df646799563a45fa6adb46f34bdf0ec4d78681..4f7f383f2191aeaff1fb9621336a3020c337e120 100644
--- a/processing/extract.R
+++ b/processing/extract.R
@@ -178,29 +178,37 @@ extract_info = function (computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=TRUE) {
     # Get the file path to the data
     file_path = file.path(computer_data_path, filedir, filename)
-    # Extract all the header
-    infotxt = c(readLines(file_path, n=41))
-    # Create a tibble with all the information needed
-    df_info =
-        tibble(code=trimws(substr(infotxt[11], 38, nchar(infotxt[11]))),
-               nom=trimws(substr(infotxt[12], 39, nchar(infotxt[12]))),
-               territoire=trimws(substr(infotxt[13], 39, nchar(infotxt[13]))),
-               L93X=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 38, 50)),
-               L93Y=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 52, 63)),
-               surface=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[19], 38, 50)),
-               statut=iStatut[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 38, 50))],
-               finalite=iFinalite[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 52, 56))],
-               type=iType[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 58, 58))],
-               influence=iInfluence[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 60, 60))],
-               debit=iDebit[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 62, 62))],
-               QBE=iQBE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 72, 72))],
-               QME=iQME[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 74, 74))],
-               QHE=iQHE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 76, 76))],
-               file_path=file_path
-               )
-    return (df_info)
+    if (file.exists(file_path)) {
+        # Extract all the header
+        infotxt = c(readLines(file_path, n=41))
+        # Create a tibble with all the information needed
+        df_info =
+            tibble(code=trimws(substr(infotxt[11], 38, nchar(infotxt[11]))),
+                   nom=trimws(substr(infotxt[12], 39, nchar(infotxt[12]))),
+                   territoire=trimws(substr(infotxt[13], 39, nchar(infotxt[13]))),
+                   L93X=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 38, 50)),
+                   L93Y=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 52, 63)),
+                   surface=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[19], 38, 50)),
+                   statut=iStatut[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 38, 50))],
+                   finalite=iFinalite[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 52, 56))],
+                   type=iType[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 58, 58))],
+                   influence=iInfluence[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 60, 60))],
+                   debit=iDebit[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 62, 62))],
+                   QBE=iQBE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 72, 72))],
+                   QME=iQME[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 74, 74))],
+                   QHE=iQHE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 76, 76))],
+                   file_path=file_path
+                   )
+        return (df_info)
+    } else {
+        print(paste('filename', file_path, 'do not exist'))
+        return (NULL)
+    }
 # Example
@@ -270,24 +278,31 @@ extract_data = function (computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=TRUE) {
     # Get the file path to the data
     file_path = file.path(computer_data_path, filedir, filename)
-    # Extract the data as a data frame
-    df_data = read.table(file_path,
-                         header=TRUE,
-                         na.strings=c('     -99', ' -99.000'),
-                         sep=';',
-                         skip=41)[,1:2]    
-    # Extract all the information for the station
-    df_info = extract_info(computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=FALSE)
-    # Get the code of the station
-    code = df_info$code
-    # Create a tibble with the date as Date class and the code of the station
-    df_data = tibble(Date=as.Date(as.character(df_data$Date),
-                                  format="%Y%m%d"),
-                     df_data[-1],
-                     code=code)
-    return (df_data)
+    if (file.exists(file_path)) {
+        # Extract the data as a data frame
+        df_data = read.table(file_path,
+                             header=TRUE,
+                             na.strings=c('     -99', ' -99.000'),
+                             sep=';',
+                             skip=41)[,1:2]    
+        # Extract all the information for the station
+        df_info = extract_info(computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=FALSE)
+        # Get the code of the station
+        code = df_info$code
+        # Create a tibble with the date as Date class and the code of the station
+        df_data = tibble(Date=as.Date(as.character(df_data$Date),
+                                      format="%Y%m%d"),
+                         df_data[-1],
+                         code=code)
+        return (df_data)
+    } else {
+        print(paste('filename', file_path, 'do not exist'))
+        return (NULL)
+    }
 # Example
diff --git a/script_install.R b/script_install.R
index aa217d6a7a079ba9682d5da821511d21c1164d13..c8cdf2addf85d4cd2473243ee6260b940fdf7488 100644
--- a/script_install.R
+++ b/script_install.R
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ install.packages("tools")