diff --git a/plotting/panel.R b/plotting/panel.R
index 2d2cc42ea895d5fb5773a3f6907df37b3e95b116..655f691c8c6ede2cc3d08342a80cb0eabe6c4b71 100644
--- a/plotting/panel.R
+++ b/plotting/panel.R
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ library(ggplot2)
 # Time panel
 panel = function (df_data, df_meta, figdir, p_threshold=0.1, filedir_opt='', filename_opt='', variable='', df_trend=NULL, unit2day=365.25, is_sqrt=FALSE, missRect=FALSE) {
     outfile = "Panels"
     if (filename_opt != '') {
@@ -39,106 +40,149 @@ panel = function (df_data, df_meta, figdir, p_threshold=0.1, filedir_opt='', fil
         # Print code of the station for the current plotting
         print(paste("Plotting for sation :", code))
-        df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,] 
-        dDate = df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)] -
-            df_data_code$Date[1]
-        datebreak = round(as.numeric(dDate) / unit2day / 11 , 0)
+        p = time_panel(code, df_data, df_trend, missRect,
+                       p_threshold, unit2day, is_sqrt)
+        gtext = text_panel(code, df_meta)
-        p = ggplot() + theme_bw() +
-            geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
-                      color='black')
+        plot = grid.arrange(gtext, p, void, void, ncol=1, nrow=4, heights=c(1/7, 2/7, 2/7, 2/7))
+        # Saving
+        ggsave(plot=plot, 
+               path=outdirTmp,
+               filename=paste(as.character(code), '.pdf', sep=''),
+               width=21, height=29.7, units='cm', dpi=100)
-        if (missRect) {
-            NAdate = df_data_code$Date[is.na(df_data_code$Qm3s)]
-            dNAdate = diff(NAdate)
-            NAdate_Down = NAdate[append(Inf, dNAdate) != 1]
-            NAdate_Up = NAdate[append(dNAdate, Inf) != 1]
+    }
+    pdf_combine(input=file.path(outdirTmp, list.files(outdirTmp)),
+                output=file.path(outdir, outfile))
+    unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE)
-            p = p +
-                geom_rect(aes(xmin=NAdate_Down, 
-                              ymin=0, 
-                              xmax=NAdate_Up, 
-                              ymax=max(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
-                          linetype=0, fill='Wheat', alpha=0.3)
-        }
-        if (!is.null(df_trend)) {
-            if (df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]$p < p_threshold) {
-                abs = c(df_data_code$Date[1],
-                        df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)])
+time_panel = function (code, df_data, df_trend, missRect, p_threshold, unit2day, is_sqrt) {
-                abs_num = as.numeric(abs)/unit2day
+    df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,] 
-                ord = abs_num * df_trend$trend[df_trend$code == code] +
-                    df_trend$intercept[df_trend$code == code]
+    dDate = df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)] -
+        df_data_code$Date[1]
+    datebreak = round(as.numeric(dDate) / unit2day / 11 , 0)
+    p = ggplot() + theme_bw() +
+        geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
+                  color='black')
+    if (missRect) {
+        NAdate = df_data_code$Date[is.na(df_data_code$Qm3s)]
+        dNAdate = diff(NAdate)
+        NAdate_Down = NAdate[append(Inf, dNAdate) != 1]
+        NAdate_Up = NAdate[append(dNAdate, Inf) != 1]
+        p = p +
+            geom_rect(aes(xmin=NAdate_Down, 
+                          ymin=0, 
+                          xmax=NAdate_Up, 
+                          ymax=max(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
+                      linetype=0, fill='Wheat', alpha=0.3)
+    }
-                p = p + 
-                    geom_line(aes(x=abs, y=ord), 
-                              color='cornflowerblue')
-        }}
-        p = p + 
-            # ggtitle(paste(variable, 'station', 
-                          # as.character(code), sep=' ')) +
-            ylab(expression(paste('débit [', m^{3}, '.', 
-                                  s^{-1}, ']', sep=''))) +
-            xlab('date') + 
-            scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(as.character(datebreak),
-                                           'year', sep=' '),
-                         date_labels="%Y",
-                         limits=c(min(df_data_code$Date), 
-                                  max(df_data_code$Date)),
-                         expand=c(0, 0)) 
-            if (is_sqrt) {
-                p = p +
-                    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 100, 10),
-                                       minor_breaks=seq(0, 100, 5),
-                                       limits=c(0,
-                                                max(df_data_code$Qm3s,
-                                                    na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
-                                       expand=c(0, 0))
-            } else {
-                p = p +
-                    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 10000, 1000),
-                                       minor_breaks=seq(0, 10000, 500),
-                                       limits=c(0, 
-                                                max(df_data_code$Qm3s,
-                                                    na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
-                                       expand=c(0, 0))
-            }
-        df_meta_code = df_meta[df_meta$code == code,]
-        text = textGrob(paste(
-            'station ', code, '\n',
-            'nom : ', df_meta_code$nom, '\t', 
-            'territoire : ', df_meta_code$territoire, '\n',
-            'position : (', df_meta_code$L93X, '; ', df_meta_code$L93Y, ')', '\t',
-            'surface : ', df_meta_code$surface_km2, ' km2',
-            sep=''),
-            just='left',
-            gp=gpar(col="darkgrey", fontsize=10))
-        plot = grid.arrange(text, p, ncol=1, nrow=2, heights=c(1/4, 3/4))
+    if (!is.null(df_trend)) {
+        if (df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]$p < p_threshold) {
-        # Saving
-        ggsave(plot=plot, 
-               path=outdirTmp,
-               filename=paste(as.character(code), '.pdf', sep=''),
-               width=29.7, height=21, units='cm', dpi=100)
+            abs = c(df_data_code$Date[1],
+                    df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)])
+            abs_num = as.numeric(abs)/unit2day
+            ord = abs_num * df_trend$trend[df_trend$code == code] +
+                df_trend$intercept[df_trend$code == code]
+            p = p + 
+                geom_line(aes(x=abs, y=ord), 
+                          color='cornflowerblue')
+        }}
+    p = p + 
+        # ggtitle(paste(variable, 'station', 
+                      # as.character(code), sep=' ')) +
+        ylab(expression(paste('débit [', m^{3}, '.', 
+                              s^{-1}, ']', sep=''))) +
+        xlab('date') + 
+        scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(as.character(datebreak),
+                                       'year', sep=' '),
+                     date_labels="%Y",
+                     limits=c(min(df_data_code$Date), 
+                              max(df_data_code$Date)),
+                     expand=c(0, 0)) 
+    if (is_sqrt) {
+        p = p +
+            scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 100, 10),
+                               minor_breaks=seq(0, 100, 5),
+                               limits=c(0,
+                                        max(df_data_code$Qm3s,
+                                            na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
+                               expand=c(0, 0))
+    } else {
+        p = p +
+            scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 10000, 1000),
+                               minor_breaks=seq(0, 10000, 500),
+                               limits=c(0, 
+                                        max(df_data_code$Qm3s,
+                                            na.rm=TRUE)*1.1),
+                               expand=c(0, 0))
-    # print(list.files(outdirTmp))
-    print(file.path(outdir, outfile))
-    pdf_combine(input=file.path(outdirTmp, list.files(outdirTmp)),
-                output=file.path(outdir, outfile))
-    unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE)
+    p = p +
+        theme(
+            panel.background=element_rect(fill="white"),
+            plot.margin=margin(0, 5, 0, 5, unit="mm"))
+    return(p)
+text_panel = function(code, df_meta) {
+    df_meta_code = df_meta[df_meta$code == code,]
+    text = paste(
+        "<span style='font-size:18pt'> station <b>", code, "</b></span><br>",
+        "nom : ", df_meta_code$nom, "<br>", 
+        "territoire : ", df_meta_code$territoire, "<br>",
+        "position : (", df_meta_code$L93X, "; ", df_meta_code$L93Y, ")", "<br>",
+        "surface : ", df_meta_code$surface_km2, " km<sup>2</sup>",
+        sep='')
+    gtext = richtext_grob(text,
+                          x=0, y=1,
+                          margin=unit(c(5, 5, 5, 5), "mm"),
+                          hjust=0, vjust=1,
+                          gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontsize=12))
+    return(gtext)
+void = ggplot() + geom_blank(aes(1,1)) +
+    theme(
+        plot.background = element_blank(), 
+        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
+        panel.border = element_blank(),
+        panel.background = element_blank(),
+        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
+        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+        axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
+        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
+        axis.line = element_blank()
+    )
diff --git a/script_install.R b/script_install.R
index 268717774b2c2c80f80c801804155e8aa65d82f5..77043ad8e6b597411b65e253f8e9a89754315909 100644
--- a/script_install.R
+++ b/script_install.R
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ install.packages("officer")
 install_github("https://github.com/benRenard/BFunk") #type '1'