From 2b170c4c2cd85df822a4179d427d58529de1c8f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "louis.heraut" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 20:44:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Cleaned and commented

 plotting/info.R   | 140 -------
 plotting/layout.R | 245 ++++++++----
 plotting/map.R    |   1 +
 plotting/matrix.R |   8 +-
 plotting/other.R  | 239 ------------
 plotting/time.R   | 949 ----------------------------------------------
 6 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 1405 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 plotting/info.R
 delete mode 100644 plotting/other.R
 delete mode 100644 plotting/time.R

diff --git a/plotting/info.R b/plotting/info.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 9759946..0000000
--- a/plotting/info.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# \\\
-# Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1
-# *1   INRAE, France
-# This file is part of ash R toolbox.
-# ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ash R toolbox.  If not, see <>.
-# ///
-# plotting/info.R
-info_panel = function(list_df2plot, df_meta, df_shapefile, codeLight, df_data_code=NULL) {
-    if (!is.null(df_data_code)) {
-        hyd = hydrogramme(df_data_code,
-                          margin=margin(t=3, r=0, b=0, l=5, unit="mm"))
-    } else {
-        hyd = void
-    }
-    # databin = list_df2plot[[1]]$data[list_df2plot[[1]]$data$code == codeLight,]
-    # yearLast = format(databin$Date[nrow(databin)], "%Y")
-    # yearFirst = format(databin$Date[1], "%Y")
-    # Nyear = as.numeric(yearLast) - as.numeric(yearFirst) + 1  
-    map =  map_panel(list_df2plot,
-                     df_meta,
-                     df_shapefile=df_shapefile,
-                     codeLight=codeLight,
-                     margin=margin(t=5, r=2, b=0, l=0, unit="mm"),
-                     showSea=FALSE,
-                     verbose=FALSE)
-    df_meta_code = df_meta[df_meta$code == codeLight,]
-    nom = df_meta_code$nom
-    nom = gsub("-", "-&nbsp;", nom)
-    duration = as.numeric(format(as.Date(df_meta_code$fin), "%Y")) -
-        as.numeric(format(as.Date(df_meta_code$debut), "%Y"))
-    debut = format(as.Date(df_meta_code$debut), "%d/%m/%Y")
-    fin = format(as.Date(df_meta_code$fin), "%d/%m/%Y")
-    text1 = paste(
-        "<b>", codeLight, '</b>  -  ', nom,
-        sep='')
-    text2 = paste(
-        "<b>",
-        "Gestionnaire : ", df_meta_code$gestionnaire, "<br>",
-        "Région hydro : ", df_meta_code$region_hydro,
-        "</b>",
-        sep='')
-    text3 = paste(
-        "<b>",
-        "Superficie : ", df_meta_code$surface_km2_BH, "  [km<sup>2</sup>] <br>",
-        "Altitude : ", df_meta_code$altitude_m_BH, "  [m]<br>",
-        "X = ", df_meta_code$L93X_m_BH, "  [m ; Lambert 93]<br>",
-        "Y = ", df_meta_code$L93Y_m_BH, "  [m ; Lambert 93]",
-        "</b>",
-        sep='')
-    text4 = paste(
-        "<b>",
-        "Date de début : ", debut, "<br>",
-        "Date de fin : ", fin, "<br>",
-        "Nombre d'années : ", duration, "  [ans]", "<br>",
-        "Taux de lacunes : ", signif(df_meta_code$tLac100, 2), "  [%]",
-        "</b>",
-        sep='')
-    gtext1 = richtext_grob(text1,
-                           x=0, y=1,
-                           margin=unit(c(t=5, r=5, b=10, l=5), "mm"),
-                           hjust=0, vjust=1,
-                           gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=14))
-    gtext2 = richtext_grob(text2,
-                           x=0, y=1,
-                           margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=5), "mm"),
-                           hjust=0, vjust=1,
-                           gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontsize=8))
-    gtext3 = richtext_grob(text3,
-                           x=0, y=1,
-                           margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=5), "mm"),
-                           hjust=0, vjust=1,
-                           gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontsize=9))
-    gtext4 = richtext_grob(text4,
-                           x=0, y=1,
-                           margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"),
-                           hjust=0, vjust=1,
-                           gp=gpar(col="grey20", fontsize=9))
-    void = void +
-        theme(plot.background=element_rect(fill=NA, color="#EC4899"),
-              plot.margin=margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0, unit="mm"))
-    P = list(gtext1, gtext2, gtext3, gtext4, hyd, map)
-    # P = list(void, void, void, void, void, void, void)
-    LM = matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 6,
-                  # 7, 7, 7, 6,
-                  2, 2, 5, 6,
-                  # 2, 2, 5, 6,
-                  3, 4, 5, 6,
-                  3, 4, 5, 6),
-                nrow=4, 
-                byrow=TRUE)
-    heights = rep(1, times=nrow(LM))
-    # heights[2] = 0.1
-    heights[2] = 0.8
-    plot = grid.arrange(grobs=P,
-                        layout_matrix=LM,
-                        heights=heights)
-    return(plot)
diff --git a/plotting/layout.R b/plotting/layout.R
index 2cdc9a5..9c53437 100644
--- a/plotting/layout.R
+++ b/plotting/layout.R
@@ -40,11 +40,10 @@ library(rgdal)
 # Sourcing R file
-source('plotting/time.R', encoding='latin1')
-source('plotting/info.R', encoding='latin1')
+source('plotting/datasheet.R', encoding='latin1')
 source('plotting/map.R', encoding='latin1')
 source('plotting/matrix.R', encoding='latin1')
-source('plotting/other.R', encoding='latin1')
+source('plotting/break.R', encoding='latin1')
@@ -84,22 +83,64 @@ theme_ash =
 ### 1.2. Color palette
-palette_perso = c('#0f3b57',
+palette_perso = c('#0f3b57', # cold
-                  '#e2dac6', #mid
+                  '#e2dac6', # mid
-                  '#7e392f')
+                  '#7e392f') # hot
-## 2. LAYOUT
-datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, isplot=c('datasheet', 'matrix', 'map'), figdir='', filedir_opt='', filename_opt='', variable='', df_trend=NULL, p_threshold=0.1, unit2day=365.25, type='', trend_period=NULL, mean_period=NULL, axis_xlim=NULL, missRect=FALSE, time_header=NULL, info_header=TRUE, info_ratio=1, time_ratio=2, var_ratio=3, df_shapefile=NULL) {
+### 2.1. Void plot
+# A plot completly blank
+void = ggplot() + geom_blank(aes(1,1)) +
+    theme(
+        plot.background = element_blank(), 
+        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
+        panel.border = element_blank(),
+        panel.background = element_blank(),
+        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
+        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+        axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
+        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
+        axis.line = element_blank()
+    )
+### 2.2. Circle
+# Allow to draw circle in ggplot2 with a radius and a center position
+gg_circle = function(r, xc, yc, color="black", fill=NA, ...) {
+    x = xc + r*cos(seq(0, pi, length.out=100))
+    ymax = yc + r*sin(seq(0, pi, length.out=100))
+    ymin = yc + r*sin(seq(0, -pi, length.out=100))
+    annotate("ribbon", x=x, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color=color,
+             fill=fill, ...)
+## 3. LAYOUT
+# Generates a PDF that gather datasheets, map and summarize matrix about the trend analyses realised on selected stations
+datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix,
+                             isplot=c('datasheet', 'matrix', 'map'),
+                             figdir='', filedir_opt='', filename_opt='',
+                             variable='', df_trend=NULL,
+                             p_threshold=0.1, unit2day=365.25, type='',
+                             trend_period=NULL, mean_period=NULL,
+                             axis_xlim=NULL, missRect=FALSE,
+                             time_header=NULL, info_header=TRUE,
+                             info_ratio=1, time_ratio=2, var_ratio=3,
+                             df_shapefile=NULL) {
+    # Name of the document
     outfile = "Panels"
+    # If there is an option to mention in the filename it adds it
     if (filename_opt != '') {
         outfile = paste(outfile, '_', filename_opt, sep='')
+    # Add the 'pdf' extensionto the name
     outfile = paste(outfile, '.pdf', sep='')
     # If there is not a dedicated figure directory it creats one
@@ -108,16 +149,22 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, isplot=c('datashee
+    # Names of a temporary directory to store all the independent pages
     outdirTmp = file.path(outdir, 'tmp')
+    # Creates it if it does not exist
     if (!(file.exists(outdirTmp))) {
+    # If it already exists it deletes the pre-existent directory
+    # and recreates one
     } else {
         unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE)
+    # Number of variable studied
     nbp = length(df_data)
+    # Convert data tibble to list of tibble if it is not the case
     if (all(class(df_data) != 'list')) {
         df_data = list(df_data)
@@ -125,15 +172,20 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, isplot=c('datashee
     if (all(class(df_trend) != 'list')) {
         df_trend = list(df_trend)
         if (length(df_trend) == 1) {
             df_trend = replicate(nbp, df_trend)
     if (all(class(p_threshold) != 'list')) {
         p_threshold = list(p_threshold)
+        # If there is only one value
         if (length(p_threshold) == 1) {
+            # Replicates the value the number of times that there
+            # is of studied variables
             p_threshold = replicate(nbp, p_threshold)
+    # Same
     if (all(class(unit2day) != 'list')) {
         unit2day = list(unit2day)
         if (length(unit2day) == 1) {
@@ -152,38 +204,34 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, isplot=c('datashee
             missRect = replicate(nbp, missRect)
+    # Creates a blank list to store all the data of each type of plot
     list_df2plot = vector(mode='list', length=nbp)
-    # minTrend = c()
-    # maxTrend = c()
+    # For all the type of graph / number of studied variables
     for (i in 1:nbp) {
+        # Creates a list that gather all the info for one type of graph
         df2plot = list(data=df_data[[i]], 
-        # okTrend = df_trend[[i]]$trend[df_trend[[i]]$p <= p_threshold[[i]]]
-        # minTrend[i] = min(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
-        # maxTrend[i] = max(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
+        # Stores it
         list_df2plot[[i]] = df2plot
+    # If datasheets needs to be plot
     if ('datasheet' %in% isplot) {
-        time_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, info_header=info_header, time_header=time_header, layout_matrix=layout_matrix, info_ratio=info_ratio, time_ratio=time_ratio, var_ratio=var_ratio, outdirTmp=outdirTmp)
+        datasheet_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, info_header=info_header, time_header=time_header, layout_matrix=layout_matrix, info_ratio=info_ratio, time_ratio=time_ratio, var_ratio=var_ratio, outdirTmp=outdirTmp)
+    # If summarize matrix needs to be plot
     if ('matrix' %in% isplot) {
         matrix_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, mean_period,
                       slice=12, outdirTmp=outdirTmp, A3=TRUE)
+    # If map needs to be plot
     if ('map' %in% isplot) {
@@ -193,170 +241,225 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, isplot=c('datashee
                   margin=margin(t=5, r=0, b=5, l=5, unit="mm"))
-    # PDF combine
+    # Combine independant pages into one PDF
     pdf_combine(input=file.path(outdirTmp, list.files(outdirTmp)),
                 output=file.path(outdir, outfile))
-    # unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE)
-### 3.1. Color on colorbar
+### 4.1. Color on colorbar
+# Returns a color of a palette corresponding to a value included
+# between the min and the max of the variable
 get_color = function (value, min, max, ncolor=256, palette_name='perso', reverse=FALSE) {
+    # If the value is a NA return NA color
+    if ( {
+        return (NA)
+    }
+    # If the palette chosen is the personal ones
     if (palette_name == 'perso') {
         colorList = palette_perso
+    # Else takes the palette corresponding to the name given
     } else {
         colorList = brewer.pal(11, palette_name)
+    # Gets the number of discrete colors in the palette
     nSample = length(colorList)
+    # Recreates a continuous color palette
     palette = colorRampPalette(colorList)(ncolor)
+    # Separates it in the middle to have a cold and a hot palette
     Sample_hot = 1:(as.integer(nSample/2)+1)
     Sample_cold = (as.integer(nSample/2)+1):nSample
     palette_hot = colorRampPalette(colorList[Sample_hot])(ncolor)
     palette_cold = colorRampPalette(colorList[Sample_cold])(ncolor)
+    # Reverses the palette if it needs to be
     if (reverse) {
         palette = rev(palette)
         palette_hot = rev(palette_hot)
         palette_cold = rev(palette_cold)
-    if ( {
-        return (NA)
-    }
+    # Computes the absolute max
     maxAbs = max(abs(max), abs(min))
+    # If the value is negative
     if (value < 0) {
+        # Gets the relative position of the value in respect
+        # to its span
         idNorm = (value + maxAbs) / maxAbs
+        # The index corresponding
         id = round(idNorm*(ncolor - 1) + 1, 0)
+        # The associated color
         color = palette_cold[id]
+    # Same if it is a positive value
     } else {
         idNorm = value / maxAbs
         id = round(idNorm*(ncolor - 1) + 1, 0)
         color = palette_hot[id]
-### 3.2. Colorbar
+### 4.2. Colorbar
+# Returns the colorbar but also positions, labels and colors of some
+# ticks along it 
 get_palette = function (min, max, ncolor=256, palette_name='perso', reverse=FALSE, nbTick=10) {
+    # If the palette chosen is the personal ones
     if (palette_name == 'perso') {
         colorList = palette_perso
+    # Else takes the palette corresponding to the name given
     } else {
         colorList = brewer.pal(11, palette_name)
+    # Gets the number of discrete colors in the palette
     nSample = length(colorList)
+    # Recreates a continuous color palette
     palette = colorRampPalette(colorList)(ncolor)
+    # Separates it in the middle to have a cold and a hot palette
     Sample_hot = 1:(as.integer(nSample/2)+1)
     Sample_cold = (as.integer(nSample/2)+1):nSample
     palette_hot = colorRampPalette(colorList[Sample_hot])(ncolor)
     palette_cold = colorRampPalette(colorList[Sample_cold])(ncolor)
+    # Reverses the palette if it needs to be
     if (reverse) {
         palette = rev(palette)
         palette_hot = rev(palette_hot)
         palette_cold = rev(palette_cold)
-    }  
+    }
+    # If the min and the max are below zero
     if (min < 0 & max < 0) {
+        # The palette show is only the cold one
         paletteShow = palette_cold
+    # If the min and the max are above zero
     } else if (min > 0 & max > 0) {
+        # The palette show is only the hot one
         paletteShow = palette_hot
+    # Else it is the entire palette that is shown
     } else {
         paletteShow = palette
+    # The position of ticks is between 0 and 1
     posTick = seq(0, 1, length.out=nbTick)
+    # Blank vector to store corresponding labels and colors
     labTick = c()
     colTick = c()
+    # For each tick
     for (i in 1:nbTick) {
+        # Computes the graduation between the min and max
         lab = (i-1)/(nbTick-1) * (max - min) + min
-        labTick = c(labTick, lab)
+        # Gets the associated color
         col = get_color(lab, min=min, max=max,
-            colTick = c(colTick, col)
+        # Stores them
+        labTick = c(labTick, lab)
+        colTick = c(colTick, col)
-    return(list(palette=paletteShow, posTick=posTick,
-                labTick=labTick, colTick=colTick))
+    # List of results
+    res = list(palette=paletteShow, posTick=posTick,
+               labTick=labTick, colTick=colTick)
+    return(res)
-### 3.3. Palette tester 
+### 4.3. Palette tester
+# Allows to display the current personal palette
 palette_tester = function (n=256) {
+    # An arbitrary x vector
     X = 1:n
+    # All the same arbitrary y position to create a colorbar
     Y = rep(0, times=n)
+    # Recreates a continuous color palette
     palette = colorRampPalette(palette_perso)(n)
+    # Open a plot
     p = ggplot() + 
-    theme(
-        plot.background = element_blank(), 
-        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
-        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
-        panel.border = element_blank(),
-        panel.background = element_blank(),
-        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
-        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
-        axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
-        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
-        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
-        axis.line = element_blank()
-    ) +
+        # Make the theme blank
+        theme(
+            plot.background = element_blank(), 
+            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
+            panel.border = element_blank(),
+            panel.background = element_blank(),
+            axis.title.x = element_blank(),
+            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+            axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
+            axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+            axis.ticks = element_blank(),
+            axis.line = element_blank()
+        ) +
+        # Plot the palette
         geom_line(aes(x=X, y=Y), color=palette[X], size=60) +
         scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0))
+    # Saves the plot
            filename=paste('palette_test', '.pdf', sep=''),
            width=10, height=10, units='cm', dpi=100)
-## 4. OTHER
-### 4.1. Number formatting
+### 5.1. Number formatting
+# Returns the power of ten of the scientific expression of a value
 get_power = function (value) {
+    # Do not care about the sign
+    value = abs(value)
-    if (value > 1) {
+    # If the value is greater than one
+    if (value >= 1) {
+        # The magnitude is the number of character of integer part
+        # of the value minus one
         power = nchar(as.character(as.integer(value))) - 1
+    # If the value is less than one
     } else {
+        # Extract the decimal part
         dec = gsub('0.', '', as.character(value), fixed=TRUE)
+        # Number of decimal with zero
         ndec = nchar(dec)
+        # Number of decimal without zero
         nnum = nchar(as.character(as.numeric(dec)))
+        # Compute the power of ten associated
         power = -(ndec - nnum + 1)
-### 4.2. Pourcentage of variable
+### 5.2. Pourcentage of variable
+# Returns the value corresponding of a certain percentage of a
+# data serie
 gpct = function (pct, L, ref=NULL, shift=FALSE) {
+    # If no reference for the serie is given
     if (is.null(ref)) {
+        # The minimum of the serie is computed
         minL = min(L, na.rm=TRUE)
+    # If a reference is specified
     } else {
+        # The reference is the minimum
         minL = ref
+    # Gets the max
     maxL = max(L, na.rm=TRUE)
+    # And the span
     spanL = maxL - minL
+    # Computes the value corresponding to the percentage
     xL = pct/100 * as.numeric(spanL)
+    # If the value needs to be shift by its reference
     if (shift) {
         xL = xL + minL
diff --git a/plotting/map.R b/plotting/map.R
index 185cde0..564635a 100644
--- a/plotting/map.R
+++ b/plotting/map.R
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+## 1. MAP PANEL
 map_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, df_shapefile, idPer=1, outdirTmp='', codeLight=NULL, margin=NULL, showSea=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) {
diff --git a/plotting/matrix.R b/plotting/matrix.R
index a76c9e8..69468df 100644
--- a/plotting/matrix.R
+++ b/plotting/matrix.R
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 matrix_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, mean_period, slice=NULL, outdirTmp='', outnameTmp='matrix', title=NULL, A3=FALSE) {
     nbp = length(list_df2plot)
@@ -770,17 +771,12 @@ matrix_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, mean_period, slice
                 height = 21
                 dpi = 100
-            # print('ggg')
                    filename=paste(outnameTmp, '_', fL, imat, '.pdf',
-                   width=width, height=height, units='cm', dpi=dpi)
-            # print('hhh')
+                   width=width, height=height, units='cm', dpi=dpi)            
diff --git a/plotting/other.R b/plotting/other.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 491513b..0000000
--- a/plotting/other.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# \\\
-# Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1
-# *1   INRAE, France
-# This file is part of ash R toolbox.
-# ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ash R toolbox.  If not, see <>.
-# ///
-# plotting/other.R
-hydrogramme = function (df_data_code, margin=NULL) {
-    monthData = as.numeric(format(df_data_code$Date, "%m"))
-    monthMean = c()
-    for (i in 1:12) {
-        data = df_data_code$Qm3s[monthData == i]
-        monthMean[i] = mean(data, na.rm=TRUE)
-    }
-    monthNum = 1:12
-    monthName = c("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J",
-                  "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D")
-    # monthName = factor(monthName, levels=monthName)
-    hyd = ggplot() + theme_ash +
-        theme(
-            # plot.background=element_rect(fill=NA, color="#EC4899"),
-            panel.border=element_blank(),
-            axis.text.x=element_text(margin=unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
-                                     vjust=1, hjust=0.5),
-            axis.ticks.x=element_blank(),
-            axis.line.y=element_line(color='grey85', size=0.3),
-            plot.title=element_text(size=8, vjust=-1.5, 
-                                    hjust=-1E-3, color='grey40')) +
-        ggtitle(bquote(bold('Q')~~'['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*']'))
-    if (is.null(margin)) {
-        hyd = hyd + 
-            theme(plot.margin=margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0, unit="mm"))
-    } else {
-        hyd = hyd + 
-            theme(plot.margin=margin)
-    }
-    hyd = hyd +
-        geom_bar(aes(x=monthNum, y=monthMean), 
-                 stat='identity',
-                 fill="grey70",
-                 width=0.75, size=0.2) +
-        scale_x_continuous(breaks=monthNum,
-                           labels=monthName,
-                           limits=c(0, max(monthNum)+0.5),
-                           expand=c(0, 0)) + 
-        scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, max(monthMean)),
-                           expand=c(0, 0))
-    return (hyd)
-histogram = function (data_bin, df_meta, figdir='', filedir_opt='') {
-    # Get all different stations code
-    Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
-    nCode = length(Code)
-    # If there is not a dedicated figure directory it creats one
-    outdir = file.path(figdir, filedir_opt, sep='')
-    if (!(file.exists(outdir))) {
-        dir.create(outdir)
-    }
-    datebreak = 10
-    dateminbreak = 1
-    res_hist = hist(data_bin, breaks='years', plot=FALSE)
-    counts = res_hist$counts
-    counts_pct = counts/nCode * 100
-    breaks = as.Date(res_hist$breaks)
-    mids = as.Date(res_hist$mids)
-    p = ggplot() + theme_ash +
-    theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_line(color='grey85', size=0.15),
-          axis.title.y=element_blank()) +
-        geom_bar(aes(x=mids, y=counts_pct), 
-                 stat='identity',
-                 fill="#00A3A8") +
-        scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(as.character(datebreak), 
-                                       'year', sep=' '),
-                     date_minor_breaks=paste(as.character(dateminbreak), 
-                                             'year', sep=' '),
-                     guide='axis_minor',
-                     date_labels="%Y",
-                     limits=c(min(data_bin)-years(0), 
-                              max(data_bin)+years(0)),
-                     expand=c(0, 0)) +
-        scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,
-                                    max(counts_pct)*1.1),
-                           expand=c(0, 0))
-    ggsave(plot=p, 
-           path=outdir,
-           filename=paste('hist_break_date', '.pdf', sep=''),
-           width=10, height=10, units='cm', dpi=100)
-cumulative = function (data_bin, df_meta, dyear=10, figdir='', filedir_opt='') {
-    # Get all different stations code
-    Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
-    nCode = length(Code)
-    # If there is not a dedicated figure directory it creats one
-    outdir = file.path(figdir, filedir_opt, sep='')
-    if (!(file.exists(outdir))) {
-        dir.create(outdir)
-    }
-    datebreak = 10
-    dateminbreak = 1
-    res_hist = hist(data_bin, breaks='years', plot=FALSE)
-    counts = res_hist$counts
-    cumul = cumsum(counts)
-    cumul_pct = cumul/nCode * 100
-    breaks = as.Date(res_hist$breaks)
-    mids = as.Date(res_hist$mids)
-    mids = c(mids[1] - years(dyear), mids[1] - years(1),
-               mids,
-               mids[length(mids)] + years(dyear)) 
-    cumul_pct = c(0, 0, 
-                  cumul_pct,
-                  cumul_pct[length(cumul_pct)])
-    mids = mids + months(6)
-    breaks = breaks + 1
-    breaks = breaks[-length(breaks)]
-    DB = c()
-    for (i in 1:length(breaks)) {
-        DB = c(DB, rep(breaks[i], times=counts[i]))
-    }
-    q50 = as.Date(quantile(DB, probs=0.5)) + years(1)
-    print(paste('mediane :', q50))
-    p = ggplot() + theme_ash +
-    theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_line(color='grey85', size=0.15),
-          axis.title.y=element_blank()) +
-        geom_line(aes(x=mids, y=cumul_pct), 
-                  color="#00A3A8") +
-        geom_line(aes(x=c(q50, q50), y=c(0, 100)), 
-                  color="wheat", 
-                  lty='dashed') +
-        scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(as.character(datebreak), 
-                                       'year', sep=' '),
-                     date_minor_breaks=paste(as.character(dateminbreak), 
-                                             'year', sep=' '),
-                     guide='axis_minor',
-                     date_labels="%Y",
-                     limits=c(min(mids)-years(0), 
-                              max(mids)+years(0)),
-                     expand=c(0, 0)) +
-        scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-1, 101),
-                           expand=c(0, 0))
-    ggsave(plot=p, 
-           path=outdir,
-           filename=paste('cumul_break_date', '.pdf', sep=''),
-           width=10, height=10, units='cm', dpi=100)
-void = ggplot() + geom_blank(aes(1,1)) +
-    theme(
-        plot.background = element_blank(), 
-        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
-        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
-        panel.border = element_blank(),
-        panel.background = element_blank(),
-        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
-        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
-        axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
-        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
-        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
-        axis.line = element_blank()
-    )
-gg_circle = function(r, xc, yc, color="black", fill=NA, ...) {
-    x = xc + r*cos(seq(0, pi, length.out=100))
-    ymax = yc + r*sin(seq(0, pi, length.out=100))
-    ymin = yc + r*sin(seq(0, -pi, length.out=100))
-    annotate("ribbon", x=x, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color=color, fill=fill, ...)
diff --git a/plotting/time.R b/plotting/time.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cbe8f2..0000000
--- a/plotting/time.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
-# \\\
-# Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1
-# *1   INRAE, France
-# This file is part of ash R toolbox.
-# ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ash R toolbox.  If not, see <>.
-# ///
-# plotting/datasheet.R
-time_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, info_header, time_header, layout_matrix, info_ratio, time_ratio, var_ratio, outdirTmp) {
-    # Number of type/variable
-    nbp = length(list_df2plot)
-    # Get all different stations code
-    Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
-    nCode = length(Code)
-    df_trend = list_df2plot[[1]]$trend
-    # Convert 'trend_period' to list
-    trend_period = as.list(trend_period)
-    # Number of trend period
-    nPeriod_trend = length(trend_period)
-    nPeriod_max = 0
-    for (code in Code) {
-        df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
-        Start = df_trend_code$period_start
-        UStart = levels(factor(Start))
-        End = df_trend_code$period_end
-        UEnd = levels(factor(End))
-        nPeriod = max(length(UStart), length(UEnd))
-        if (nPeriod > nPeriod_max) {
-            nPeriod_max = nPeriod
-        }
-    }
-    Start_code = vector(mode='list', length=nCode)
-    End_code = vector(mode='list', length=nCode)
-    Code_code = vector(mode='list', length=nCode)
-    Periods_code = vector(mode='list', length=nCode)
-    for (j in 1:nCode) {
-        code = Code[j]
-        df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
-        Start = df_trend_code$period_start
-        UStart = levels(factor(Start))
-        End = df_trend_code$period_end
-        UEnd = levels(factor(End))
-        nPeriod = max(length(UStart), length(UEnd))
-        Periods = c()
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            Periods = append(Periods, 
-                             paste(Start[i],
-                                   End[i],
-                                   sep=' / '))
-        }
-        Start_code[[j]] = Start
-        End_code[[j]] = End
-        Code_code[[j]] = code
-        Periods_code[[j]] = Periods
-    }
-    TrendMean_code = array(rep(1, nPeriod_trend*nbp*nCode),
-                           dim=c(nPeriod_trend, nbp, nCode))
-    for (j in 1:nPeriod_max) {
-        for (k in 1:nCode) {
-            code = Code[k]
-            for (i in 1:nbp) {
-                df_data = list_df2plot[[i]]$data
-                df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
-                p_threshold = list_df2plot[[i]]$p_threshold
-                df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,] 
-                df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
-                Start = Start_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                End = End_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                Periods = Periods_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                df_data_code_per =
-                    df_data_code[df_data_code$Date >= Start 
-                                 & df_data_code$Date <= End,]
-                df_trend_code_per = 
-                    df_trend_code[df_trend_code$period_start == Start 
-                                  & df_trend_code$period_end == End,]
-                Ntrend = nrow(df_trend_code_per)
-                if (Ntrend > 1) {
-                    df_trend_code_per = df_trend_code_per[1,]
-                }
-                dataMean = mean(df_data_code_per$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)
-                trendMean = df_trend_code_per$trend / dataMean
-                if (df_trend_code_per$p <= p_threshold){
-                    TrendMean_code[j, i, k] = trendMean
-                } else {
-                    TrendMean_code[j, i, k] = NA
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    minTrendMean = apply(TrendMean_code, c(1, 2), min, na.rm=TRUE)
-    maxTrendMean = apply(TrendMean_code, c(1, 2), max, na.rm=TRUE)
-    for (code in Code) {
-        # Print code of the station for the current plotting
-        print(paste("Datasheet for station :", code))
-        nbh = as.numeric(info_header) + as.numeric(!is.null(time_header))
-        nbg = nbp + nbh 
-        P = vector(mode='list', length=nbg)
-        if (info_header) {
-            time_header_code = time_header[time_header$code == code,]
-            Hinfo = info_panel(list_df2plot, 
-                               df_meta,
-                               df_shapefile=df_shapefile,
-                               codeLight=code,
-                               df_data_code=time_header_code)
-            P[[1]] = Hinfo
-            # P[[1]] = void
-        }
-        if (!is.null(time_header)) {
-            time_header_code = time_header[time_header$code == code,]
-            axis_xlim = c(min(time_header_code$Date),
-                          max(time_header_code$Date))
-            Htime = time_panel_alone(time_header_code, df_trend_code=NULL,
-                               trend_period=trend_period, missRect=TRUE,
-                               unit2day=365.25, type='Q', grid=TRUE, first=FALSE)
-            P[[2]] = Htime
-        }
-        # map = map_panel()
-        nbcol = ncol(as.matrix(layout_matrix))
-        for (i in 1:nbp) {
-            df_data = list_df2plot[[i]]$data
-            df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
-            p_threshold = list_df2plot[[i]]$p_threshold
-            unit2day = list_df2plot[[i]]$unit2day
-            missRect = list_df2plot[[i]]$missRect
-            type = list_df2plot[[i]]$type
-            df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,] 
-            df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
-            color = c()
-            # for (j in 1:nrow(df_trend_code)) {
-            grey = 85
-            for (j in 1:nPeriod_max) {
-                if (df_trend_code$p[j] <= p_threshold){
-                    # color_res = get_color(df_trend_code$trend[j], 
-                    # minTrend[i],
-                    # maxTrend[i], 
-                    # palette_name='perso',
-                    # reverse=TRUE)
-                    Start = Start_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                    End = End_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                    Periods = Periods_code[Code_code == code][[1]][j]
-                    df_data_code_per =
-                        df_data_code[df_data_code$Date >= Start 
-                                     & df_data_code$Date <= End,]
-                    df_trend_code_per = 
-                        df_trend_code[df_trend_code$period_start == Start 
-                                      & df_trend_code$period_end == End,]
-                    Ntrend = nrow(df_trend_code_per)
-                    if (Ntrend > 1) {
-                        df_trend_code_per = df_trend_code_per[1,]
-                    }
-                    dataMean = mean(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)
-                    trendMean = df_trend_code_per$trend / dataMean
-                    color_res = get_color(trendMean, 
-                                          minTrendMean[j, i],
-                                          maxTrendMean[j, i],
-                                          palette_name='perso',
-                                          reverse=TRUE)
-                    colortmp = color_res 
-                } else {  
-                    colortmp = paste('grey', grey, sep='')
-                    grey = grey - 10
-                }
-                color = append(color, colortmp)                
-            }
-            p = time_panel_alone(df_data_code, df_trend_code, type=type,
-                           p_threshold=p_threshold, missRect=missRect,
-                           trend_period=trend_period,
-                           mean_period=mean_period, axis_xlim=axis_xlim, 
-                           unit2day=unit2day, grid=FALSE, last=(i > nbp-nbcol),
-                           color=color)
-            P[[i+nbh]] = p 
-        }   
-        layout_matrix = as.matrix(layout_matrix)
-        nel = nrow(layout_matrix)*ncol(layout_matrix)
-        idNA = which(, arr.ind=TRUE)
-        layout_matrix[idNA] = seq(max(layout_matrix, na.rm=TRUE) + 1,
-                                  max(layout_matrix, na.rm=TRUE) + 1 +
-                                  nel)
-        layout_matrix_H = layout_matrix + nbh
-        info_ratio_scale = info_ratio
-        time_ratio_scale = time_ratio
-        var_ratio_scale = var_ratio
-        ndec_info = 0
-        ndec_time = 0
-        ndec_var = 0
-        if (info_ratio_scale != round(info_ratio_scale)) {
-            ndec_info = nchar(gsub('^[0-9]+.', '',
-                                   as.character(info_ratio_scale)))
-        }
-        if (time_ratio_scale != round(time_ratio_scale)) {
-            ndec_time = nchar(gsub('^[0-9]+.', '',
-                                   as.character(time_ratio_scale)))
-        }
-        if (var_ratio_scale != round(var_ratio_scale)) {
-            ndec_var = nchar(gsub('^[0-9]+.', '',
-                                  as.character(var_ratio_scale)))
-        }
-        ndec = max(c(ndec_info, ndec_time, ndec_var))
-        info_ratio_scale = info_ratio_scale * 10^ndec
-        time_ratio_scale = time_ratio_scale * 10^ndec
-        var_ratio_scale = var_ratio_scale * 10^ndec
-        LM = c()
-        LMcol = ncol(layout_matrix_H)
-        LMrow = nrow(layout_matrix_H)
-        for (i in 1:(LMrow+nbh)) {
-            if (info_header & i == 1) {
-                # LM = rbind(LM, rep(i, times=LMcol))
-                LM = rbind(LM,
-                           matrix(rep(rep(i, times=LMcol),
-                                      times=info_ratio_scale),
-                                  ncol=LMcol, byrow=TRUE))
-            } else if (!is.null(time_header) & i == 2) {
-                LM = rbind(LM,
-                           matrix(rep(rep(i, times=LMcol),
-                                      times=time_ratio_scale),
-                                  ncol=LMcol, byrow=TRUE))
-            } else {
-                LM = rbind(LM, 
-                           matrix(rep(layout_matrix_H[i-nbh,],
-                                      times=var_ratio_scale),
-                                  ncol=LMcol, byrow=TRUE))
-            }}
-        plot = grid.arrange(grobs=P, layout_matrix=LM)
-        # plot = grid.arrange(rbind(cbind(ggplotGrob(P[[2]]), ggplotGrob(P[[2]])), cbind(ggplotGrob(P[[3]]), ggplotGrob(P[[3]]))), heights=c(1/3, 2/3))
-        # Saving
-        ggsave(plot=plot, 
-               path=outdirTmp,
-               filename=paste(as.character(code), '.pdf', sep=''),
-               width=21, height=29.7, units='cm', dpi=100)
-    }
-time_panel_alone = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missRect=FALSE, unit2day=365.25, trend_period=NULL, mean_period=NULL, axis_xlim=NULL, grid=TRUE, last=FALSE, first=FALSE, color=NULL) {
-    # If 'type' is square root apply it to data
-    if (type == 'sqrt(Q)') {
-        df_data_code$Qm3s = sqrt(df_data_code$Qm3s)
-    }
-    # Compute max of flow
-    maxQ = max(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)
-    # Get the magnitude of the max of flow
-    power = get_power(maxQ) 
-    # Normalize the max flow by it's magnitude
-    maxQtmp = maxQ/10^power
-    # Compute the spacing between y ticks
-    if (maxQtmp >= 5) {
-        dbrk = 1.0
-    } else if (maxQtmp < 5 & maxQtmp >= 3) {
-        dbrk = 0.5
-    } else if (maxQtmp < 3 & maxQtmp >= 2) {
-        dbrk = 0.4
-    } else if (maxQtmp < 2 & maxQtmp >= 1) {
-        dbrk = 0.2
-    } else if (maxQtmp < 1) {
-        dbrk = 0.1
-    }
-    # Get the spacing in the right magnitude
-    dbrk = dbrk * 10^power
-    # Fix the accuracy for label
-    accuracy = NULL
-    # Time span in the unit of time
-    dDate = as.numeric(df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)] -
-                       df_data_code$Date[1]) / unit2day
-    # Compute the spacing between x ticks
-    if (dDate >= 100) {
-        datebreak = 25
-        dateminbreak = 5
-    } else if (dDate < 100 & dDate >= 50) {
-        datebreak = 10
-        dateminbreak = 1
-    } else if (dDate < 50) {
-        datebreak = 5
-        dateminbreak = 1
-    }
-    # Open new plot
-    p = ggplot() + theme_ash
-    # If it is the lats plot of the pages or not
-    if (last) {
-        if (first) {
-            p = p +
-                theme(plot.margin=margin(5, 5, 5, 5, unit="mm"))
-        } else {
-            p = p +
-                theme(plot.margin=margin(0, 5, 5, 5, unit="mm"))
-        }
-    # If it is the first plot of the pages or not
-    } else {
-        if (first) {
-            p = p +
-                theme(plot.margin=margin(5, 5, 0, 5, unit="mm"))
-        } else {
-            p = p +
-                theme(plot.margin=margin(0, 5, 0, 5, unit="mm"))
-        }
-    } 
-    ## Sub period background ##
-    if (!is.null(trend_period)) {
-        # trend_period = as.list(trend_period)
-        # Imin = 10^99
-        # for (per in trend_period) {
-        #     I = interval(per[1], per[2])
-        #     if (I < Imin) {
-        #         Imin = I
-        #         trend_period_min = as.Date(per)
-        #     }
-        # }
-        # p = p + 
-        #     geom_rect(aes(xmin=min(df_data_code$Date),
-        #                   ymin=0, 
-        #                   xmax=trend_period_min[1],
-        #                   ymax= maxQ*1.1),
-        #               linetype=0, fill='grey97') +
-        #     geom_rect(aes(xmin=trend_period_min[2],
-        #                   ymin=0, 
-        #                   xmax=max(df_data_code$Date), 
-        #                   ymax= maxQ*1.1),
-        #               linetype=0, fill='grey97') 
-        # Convert trend period to list if it is not
-        trend_period = as.list(trend_period)
-        # Fix a disproportionate minimum for period
-        Imin = 10^99
-        # For all the sub period of analysis in 'trend_period'
-        for (per in trend_period) {
-            # Compute time interval of period
-            I = interval(per[1], per[2])
-            # If it is the smallest interval
-            if (I < Imin) {
-                # Store it
-                Imin = I
-                # Fix min period of analysis
-                trend_period_min = as.Date(per)
-            }
-        }
-        # Search for the index of the closest existing date 
-        # to the start of the min period of analysis
-        idMinPer = which.min(abs(df_data_code$Date - trend_period_min[1]))
-        # Same for the end of the min period of analysis
-        idMaxPer = which.min(abs(df_data_code$Date - trend_period_min[2]))
-        # Get the start and end date associated
-        minPer = df_data_code$Date[idMinPer]
-        maxPer = df_data_code$Date[idMaxPer]
-        # If it is not a flow or sqrt of flow time serie
-        if (type != 'sqrt(Q)' & type != 'Q') {
-            # If there is an 'axis_lim'
-            if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                # If the temporary start of period is smaller 
-                # than the fix start of x axis limit
-                if (minPer < axis_xlim[1]) {
-                    # Set the start of the period to the start of
-                    # the x axis limit
-                    minPer = axis_xlim[1]
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        # If it is not a flow or sqrt of flow time serie
-        if (type != 'sqrt(Q)' & type != 'Q') {
-            # If there is an 'axis_lim'
-            if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                # If the temporary end of period plus one year 
-                # is smaller than the fix end of x axis limit
-                if (maxPer + years(1) < axis_xlim[2]) {
-                    # Add one year the the temporary end of period
-                    maxPer = maxPer + years(1)
-                } else {
-                    # Set the start of the period to the start of
-                    # the x axis limit
-                    maxPer = axis_xlim[2]
-                }
-                # Add one year the the temporary end of period
-                # if there is no 'axis_lim'
-            } else {
-                    maxPer = maxPer + years(1)
-            }
-        }
-        # Draw rectangle to delimiting the sub period
-        p = p + 
-            geom_rect(aes(xmin=minPer,
-                          ymin=0, 
-                          xmax=maxPer,
-                          ymax= maxQ*1.1),
-                      linetype=0, fill='grey97')
-    }
-    ## Mean step ##
-    # If there is a 'mean_period'
-    if (!is.null(mean_period)) {
-        # Convert 'mean_period' to list
-        mean_period = as.list(mean_period)
-        # Number of mean period
-        nPeriod_mean = length(mean_period)
-        # Blank tibble to store variable in order to plot
-        # rectangle for mean period
-        plot_mean = tibble()
-        # Blank tibble to store variable in order to plot
-        # upper limit of rectangle for mean period
-        plot_line = tibble()
-        # For all mean period
-        for (j in 1:nPeriod_mean) {
-            # Get the current start and end of the sub period
-            Start_mean = mean_period[[j]][1]
-            End_mean = mean_period[[j]][2]
-            # Extract the data corresponding to this sub period
-            df_data_code_per =
-                df_data_code[df_data_code$Date >= Start_mean 
-                             & df_data_code$Date <= End_mean,]
-            # Min for the sub period
-            xmin = min(df_data_code_per$Date)
-            # If the min over the sub period is greater
-            # than the min of the entier period and
-            # it is not the first sub period
-            if (xmin > min(df_data_code$Date) & j != 1) {
-                # Substract 6 months to be in the middle of
-                # the previous year
-                xmin = xmin - months(6)
-            }
-            # If it is not a flow or sqrt of flow time serie and
-            # it is the first period
-            if (type != 'sqrt(Q)' & type != 'Q' & j == 1) {
-                # If there is an x axis limit
-                if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                    # If the min of the period is before the x axis min
-                    if (xmin < axis_xlim[1]) {
-                        # The min for the sub period is the x axis
-                        xmin = axis_xlim[1]
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            # Max for the sub period
-            xmax = max(df_data_code_per$Date)
-            # If the max over the sub period is smaller
-            # than the max of the entier period and
-            # it is not the last sub period
-            if (xmax < max(df_data_code$Date) & j != nPeriod_mean) {
-                # Add 6 months to be in the middle of
-                # the following year
-                xmax = xmax + months(6)
-            }
-            # If it is not a flow or sqrt of flow time serie and
-            # it is the last period
-            if (type != 'sqrt(Q)' & type != 'Q' & j == nPeriod_mean) {
-                # If there is an x axis limit
-                if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                    # If the max of the period plus 1 year
-                    # is smaller thant the max of the x axis limit
-                    if (xmax + years(1) < axis_xlim[2]) {
-                        # Add one year to the max to include
-                        # the entire last year graphically
-                        xmax = xmax + years(1)
-                    } else {
-                        # The max of this sub period is the max
-                        # of the x axis limit
-                        xmax = axis_xlim[2]
-                    }
-                    # If there is no axis limit
-                } else {
-                    # Add one year to the max to include
-                    # the entire last year graphically
-                    xmax = xmax + years(1)
-                }
-            }
-            # Mean of the flow over the sub period
-            ymax = mean(df_data_code_per$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)
-            # Create temporary tibble with variable
-            # to create rectangle for mean step
-            plot_meantmp = tibble(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, 
-                                  ymin=0, ymax=ymax, period=j)
-            # Bind it to the main tibble to store it with other period
-            plot_mean = bind_rows(plot_mean, plot_meantmp)
-            # Create vector for the upper limit of the rectangle
-            abs = c(xmin, xmax)
-            ord = c(ymax, ymax)
-            # Create temporary tibble with variable
-            # to create upper limit for rectangle
-            plot_linetmp = tibble(abs=abs, ord=ord, period=j)
-            # Bind it to the main tibble to store it with other period
-            plot_line =  bind_rows(plot_line, plot_linetmp)
-        }
-        # Plot rectangles
-        p = p + 
-            geom_rect(data=plot_mean,
-                      aes(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, 
-                          xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax),
-                      linetype=0, fill='grey93')
-        # Plot upper line for rectangle
-        p = p +
-            geom_line(data=plot_line,
-                      aes(x=abs, y=ord, group=period),
-                      color='grey85',
-                      size=0.15)
-        # for all the sub periods except the last one
-        for (i in 1:(nPeriod_mean-1)) {
-            # The y limit of rectangle is the max of
-            # the two neighboring mean step rectangle
-            yLim = max(c(plot_mean$ymax[i], plot_mean$ymax[i+1]))
-            # The x limit is the x max of the ith rectangle
-            xLim = plot_mean$xmax[i]
-            # Make a tibble to store data
-            plot_lim = tibble(x=c(xLim, xLim), y=c(0, yLim))
-            # Plot the limit of rectangles
-            p = p + 
-                geom_line(data=plot_lim, aes(x=x, y=y),
-                          linetype='dashed', size=0.15, color='grey85') 
-        }
-    }
-    ### Grid ###
-    if (grid) {
-        # If there is no axis limit
-        if (is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-            # The min and the max is set by
-            # the min and the max of the date data 
-            xmin = min(df_data_code$Date)
-            xmax = max(df_data_code$Date)
-        } else {
-            # Min and max is set with the limit axis parameter
-            xmin = axis_xlim[1]
-            xmax = axis_xlim[2]
-        }
-        # Create a vector for all the y grid position
-        ygrid = seq(0, maxQ*10, dbrk)
-        # Blank vector to store position
-        ord = c() 
-        abs = c()
-        # For all the grid element
-        for (i in 1:length(ygrid)) {
-            # Store grid position
-            ord = c(ord, rep(ygrid[i], times=2))
-            abs = c(abs, xmin, xmax)
-        }
-        # Create a tibble to store all the position
-        plot_grid = tibble(abs=as.Date(abs), ord=ord)
-        # Plot the y grid
-        p = p +
-            geom_line(data=plot_grid, 
-                      aes(x=abs, y=ord, group=ord),
-                      color='grey85',
-                      size=0.15)
-    }
-    ### Data ###
-    # If it is a square root flow or flow
-    if (type == 'sqrt(Q)' | type == 'Q') {
-        # Plot the data as line
-        p = p +
-            geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
-                      color='grey20',
-                      size=0.3,
-                      lineend="round")
-    } else {
-        # Plot the data as point
-        p = p +
-            geom_point(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
-                       shape=21, color='grey50', fill='grey97', size=1)
-    }
-    ### Missing data ###
-    # If the option is TRUE
-    if (missRect) {
-        # Remove NA data
-        NAdate = df_data_code$Date[$Qm3s)]
-        # Get the difference between each point of date data without NA
-        dNAdate = diff(NAdate)
-        # If difference of day is not 1 then
-        # it is TRUE for the beginning of each missing data period 
-        NAdate_Down = NAdate[append(Inf, dNAdate) != 1]
-        # If difference of day is not 1 then
-        # it is TRUE for the ending of each missing data period 
-        NAdate_Up = NAdate[append(dNAdate, Inf) != 1]
-        # Plot the missing data period
-        p = p +
-            geom_rect(aes(xmin=NAdate_Down, 
-                          ymin=0, 
-                          xmax=NAdate_Up, 
-                          ymax=maxQ*1.1),
-                      linetype=0, fill='Wheat', alpha=0.4)
-    }
-    ### Trend ###
-    # If there is trends
-    if (!is.null(df_trend_code)) {
-        # Extract starting period of trends
-        Start = df_trend_code$period_start
-        # Get the name of the different period
-        UStart = levels(factor(Start))
-        # Same for ending
-        End = df_trend_code$period_end
-        UEnd = levels(factor(End))
-        # Compute the max of different start and end
-        # so the number of different period
-        nPeriod_trend = max(length(UStart), length(UEnd))
-        # Blank tibble to store trend data and legend data
-        plot_trend = tibble()
-        leg_trend = tibble()
-        # For all the different period
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            # Get the trend associated to the first period
-            df_trend_code_per = 
-                df_trend_code[df_trend_code$period_start == Start[i] 
-                              & df_trend_code$period_end == End[i],]
-            # Number of trend selected
-            Ntrend = nrow(df_trend_code_per)
-            # If the number of trend is greater than a unique one
-            if (Ntrend > 1) {
-                # Extract only the first hence it is the same period
-                df_trend_code_per = df_trend_code_per[1,]
-            }            
-            # Search for the index of the closest existing date 
-            # to the start of the trend period of analysis
-            iStart = which.min(abs(df_data_code$Date - Start[i]))
-            # Same for the end
-            iEnd = which.min(abs(df_data_code$Date - End[i]))
-            # Get the start and end date associated
-            xmin = df_data_code$Date[iStart]
-            xmax = df_data_code$Date[iEnd]
-            # If there is a x axis limit
-            if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                # If the min of the current period
-                # is smaller than the min of the x axis limit
-                if (xmin < axis_xlim[1]) {
-                    # The min of the period is the min
-                    # of the x axis limit
-                    xmin = axis_xlim[1]
-                }
-                # Same for end
-                if (xmax > axis_xlim[2]) {
-                    xmax = axis_xlim[2]
-                } 
-            }
-            # Create vector to store x data
-            abs = c(xmin, xmax)
-            # Convert the number of day to the unit of the period
-            abs_num = as.numeric(abs) / unit2day
-            # Compute the y of the trend
-            ord = abs_num * df_trend_code_per$trend +
-                df_trend_code_per$intercept
-            # Create temporary tibble with variable to plot trend
-            # for each period
-            plot_trendtmp = tibble(abs=abs, ord=ord, period=i)
-            # Bind it to the main tibble to store it with other period
-            plot_trend = bind_rows(plot_trend, plot_trendtmp)
-            # If there is a x axis limit
-            if (!is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-                # The x axis limit is selected
-                codeDate = axis_xlim
-            } else {
-                # The entire date data is selected
-                codeDate = df_data_code$Date
-            }
-            # The flow data is extract
-            codeQ = df_data_code$Qm3s
-            # Position of the x beginning and end of the legend symbol
-            x = gpct(2, codeDate, shift=TRUE)
-            xend = x + gpct(3, codeDate)
-            # Position of the y beginning and end of the legend symbol
-            dy = gpct(7, codeQ, ref=0)
-            y = gpct(100, codeQ, ref=0) - (i-1)*dy
-            yend = y
-            # Position of x for the beginning of the associated text
-            xt = xend + gpct(1, codeDate)
-            # Position of the background rectangle of the legend
-            xminR = x - gpct(1, codeDate)
-            yminR = y - gpct(4, codeQ, ref=0)
-            xmaxR = x + gpct(24, codeDate)
-            ymaxR = y + gpct(5, codeQ, ref=0)
-            # Get the tendance analyse
-            trend = df_trend_code_per$trend
-            # Compute the magnitude of the trend
-            power = get_power(trend)
-            # Convert it to character
-            powerC = as.character(power)
-            # Get the power of ten of magnitude
-            brk = 10^power
-            # Convert trend to character for sientific expression
-            trendC = as.character(round(trend / brk, 2))
-            # Create temporary tibble with variable to plot legend
-            leg_trendtmp = tibble(x=x, xend=xend, 
-                                  y=y, yend=yend, 
-                                  xt=xt,
-                                  trendC=trendC,
-                                  powerC=powerC,
-                                  xminR=xminR, yminR=yminR,
-                                  xmaxR=xmaxR, ymaxR=ymaxR,
-                                  period=i)
-            # Bind it to the main tibble to store it with other period
-            leg_trend = bind_rows(leg_trend, leg_trendtmp)  
-        }
-        # For all periods
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            # Extract the trend of the current sub period
-            leg_trend_per = leg_trend[leg_trend$period == i,]
-            # Plot the background for legend
-            p = p +
-                geom_rect(data=leg_trend_per,
-                          aes(xmin=xminR, 
-                              ymin=yminR, 
-                              xmax=xmaxR, 
-                              ymax=ymaxR),
-                          linetype=0, fill='white', alpha=0.5)
-        }
-        # For all periods
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            # Extract the trend of the current sub period
-            leg_trend_per = leg_trend[leg_trend$period == i,]
-            # Get the character variable for naming the trend
-            trendC = leg_trend_per$trendC
-            powerC = leg_trend_per$powerC
-            # Create the name of the trend
-            label = bquote(bold(.(trendC)~'x'~'10'^{.(powerC)})~'['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'.'*an^{-1}*']')
-            # Plot the trend symbole and value of the legend
-            p = p +
-                annotate("segment",
-                         x=leg_trend_per$x, xend=leg_trend_per$xend,
-                         y=leg_trend_per$y, yend=leg_trend_per$yend,
-                         color=color[i],
-                         linetype='solid',
-                         lwd=1) +
-                annotate("text",
-                         label=label, size=3,
-                         x=leg_trend_per$xt, y=leg_trend_per$y, 
-                         hjust=0, vjust=0.4,
-                         color=color[i])
-        }
-        # For all periods
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            # Extract the trend of the current sub period
-            plot_trend_per = plot_trend[plot_trend$period == i,]
-            # Plot the line of white background of each trend
-            p = p + 
-                geom_line(data=plot_trend_per, 
-                          aes(x=abs, y=ord),
-                          color='white',
-                          linetype='solid',
-                          size=1.5,
-                          lineend="round")
-        }
-        # For all periods
-        for (i in 1:nPeriod_trend) {
-            # Extract the trend of the current sub period
-            plot_trend_per = plot_trend[plot_trend$period == i,]
-            # Plot the line of trend
-            p = p + 
-                geom_line(data=plot_trend_per, 
-                          aes(x=abs, y=ord),
-                          color=color[i],
-                          linetype='solid',
-                          size=0.75,
-                          lineend="round")
-        }
-    }
-    # Title
-    p = p +
-        ggtitle(bquote(bold(.(type))~~'['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*']'))
-    # If the is no x axis limit
-    if (is.null(axis_xlim)) {
-        # Parameters of the x axis contain the limit of the date data
-        p = p +
-            scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(
-                             as.character(datebreak), 
-                             'year', sep=' '),
-                         date_minor_breaks=paste(
-                             as.character(dateminbreak), 
-                             'year', sep=' '),
-                         guide='axis_minor',
-                         date_labels="%Y",
-                         limits=c(min(df_data_code$Date), 
-                                  max(df_data_code$Date)),
-                         expand=c(0, 0))
-    } else {
-        # Parameters of the x axis contain the x axis limit
-        p = p +
-            scale_x_date(date_breaks=paste(
-                             as.character(datebreak), 
-                             'year', sep=' '),
-                         date_minor_breaks=paste(
-                             as.character(dateminbreak), 
-                             'year', sep=' '),
-                         guide='axis_minor',
-                         date_labels="%Y",
-                         limits=axis_xlim,
-                         expand=c(0, 0))
-    }
-    # Parameters of the y axis
-    p = p +
-        scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, maxQ*10, dbrk),
-                           limits=c(0, maxQ*1.1),
-                           expand=c(0, 0),
-                           labels=label_number(accuracy=accuracy))
-    return(p)