From 2e7db5ce92fcd47a9daa128f3340b76d623d6d61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "louis.heraut" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:03:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] DEB new name new computation foot note

 plotting/layout.R    |   7 +-
 plotting/map.R       |   2 +-
 plotting/matrix.R    |   2 +-
 processing/analyse.R | 300 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 processing/format.R  |   2 +-
 script.R             |  44 ++++---
 6 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plotting/layout.R b/plotting/layout.R
index 66b49f6..c96ccb2 100644
--- a/plotting/layout.R
+++ b/plotting/layout.R
@@ -135,8 +135,9 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix,
                              type='', trend_period=NULL,
                              mean_period=NULL, axis_xlim=NULL,
                              missRect=FALSE, time_header=NULL,
-                             info_header=TRUE, info_ratio=1,
-                             time_ratio=2, var_ratio=3,
+                             info_header=TRUE, foot_note=FALSE,
+                             info_ratio=1, time_ratio=2,
+                             var_ratio=3, foot_ratio=0.5,
                              df_shapefile=NULL) {
     # Name of the document
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix,
     # If datasheets needs to be plot
     if ('datasheet' %in% toplot) {
-        datasheet_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, info_header=info_header, time_header=time_header, layout_matrix=layout_matrix, info_ratio=info_ratio, time_ratio=time_ratio, var_ratio=var_ratio, outdirTmp=outdirTmp)
+        datasheet_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, info_header=info_header, time_header=time_header, foot_note=foot_note, layout_matrix=layout_matrix, info_ratio=info_ratio, time_ratio=time_ratio, var_ratio=var_ratio, foot_ratio=foot_ratio, outdirTmp=outdirTmp)
diff --git a/plotting/map.R b/plotting/map.R
index 31acce4..3c48c4b 100644
--- a/plotting/map.R
+++ b/plotting/map.R
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ map_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, df_shapefile, idPer=1, outdirTmp=''
         if (verbose) {
             # Prints the name of the map
             print(paste('Map for variable : ', var,
-                        "   (", round(i/nbp*100, 1), " %)", 
+                        "   (", round(i/nbp*100, 0), " %)", 
diff --git a/plotting/matrix.R b/plotting/matrix.R
index aeeb47b..84bebd1 100644
--- a/plotting/matrix.R
+++ b/plotting/matrix.R
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ matrix_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, mean_period, slice
                             ' for region : ', fL,
                             "   (",
                             round((ifL + nfL*(itype-1)) / (nfL*2) * 100,
-                                  1),
+                                  0),
                             " %)", 
diff --git a/processing/analyse.R b/processing/analyse.R
index 248fd7a..8bc6530 100644
--- a/processing/analyse.R
+++ b/processing/analyse.R
@@ -291,196 +291,170 @@ get_VCN10trend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
     return (res_VCN10trend)
-### 1.4. tINI date
-which_underfirst = function (L, UpLim) {
+### 1.4. DEB date
+which_underfirst = function (L, UpLim, select_longest=TRUE) {
     ID = which(L <= UpLim)
-    dID = diff(ID)
-    dID = c(10, dID)
-    IDjump = which(dID != 1)
-    Njump = length(IDjump)
-    Periods = vector(mode='list', length=Njump)
-    Nperiod = c()
-    for (i in 1:Njump) {
+    if (select_longest) {
+        dID = diff(ID)
+        dID = c(10, dID)
-        idStart = IDjump[i]
+        IDjump = which(dID != 1)
+        Njump = length(IDjump)
-        if (i < Njump) {
-            idEnd = IDjump[i+1] - 1
-        } else {
-            idEnd = length(ID)
+        Periods = vector(mode='list', length=Njump)
+        Nperiod = c()
+        for (i in 1:Njump) {
+            idStart = IDjump[i]
+            if (i < Njump) {
+                idEnd = IDjump[i+1] - 1
+            } else {
+                idEnd = length(ID)
+            }
+            period = ID[idStart:idEnd]
+            Periods[[i]] = period
+            Nperiod = c(Nperiod, length(period))
-        period = ID[idStart:idEnd]
-        Periods[[i]] = period
-        Nperiod = c(Nperiod, length(period))
+        period_max = Periods[[which.max(Nperiod)]]
+        id = period_max[1]
+    } else {
+        id = ID[1]
-    period_max = Periods[[which.max(Nperiod)]]
-    id = period_max[1]
     return (id)
-get_tINItrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
+get_DEBtrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan, thresold_type='VCN10', select_longest=TRUE) {
     # Get all different stations code
     Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
     # Gets the number of station
     nCode = length(Code)
-    # # Blank tibble to store the data averaged
-    # df_data_roll = tibble() 
-    # # For all the code
-    # for (code in Code) {
-    #     # Get the data associated to the code
-    #     df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
-    #     # Perform the roll mean of the flow over 10 days
-    #     df_data_roll_code = tibble(Date=df_data_code$Date,
-    #                                Value=rollmean(df_data_code$Value, 
-    #                                               10,
-    #                                               fill=NA),
-    #                                code=code)
-    #     # Store the results
-    #     df_data_roll = bind_rows(df_data_roll, df_data_roll_code)
-    # }
+    # Blank tibble to store the data averaged
+    df_data_roll = tibble() 
+    # For all the code
+    for (code in Code) {
+        # Get the data associated to the code
+        df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
+        # Perform the roll mean of the flow over 10 days
+        df_data_roll_code = tibble(Date=df_data_code$Date,
+                                   Value=rollmean(df_data_code$Value, 
+                                                  10,
+                                                  fill=NA),
+                                   code=code)
+        # Store the results
+        df_data_roll = bind_rows(df_data_roll, df_data_roll_code)
+    }
+    # Removes incomplete data from time series
+    df_data = remove_incomplete_data(df_data,
+                                     df_meta=df_meta,
+                                     yearLac_pct=1)
+    # Samples the data
+    df_data = sampling_data(df_data,
+                            df_meta=df_meta,
+                            sampleSpan=sampleSpan)
+    # Removes incomplete data from the averaged time series
+    df_data_roll = remove_incomplete_data(df_data_roll,
+                                          df_meta=df_meta,
+                                          yearLac_pct=1)
+    # Samples the data
+    df_data_roll = sampling_data(df_data_roll,
+                                 df_meta=df_meta,
+                                 sampleSpan=sampleSpan)
     # Make sure to convert the period to a list
     period = as.list(period)
     # Set the max interval period as the minimal possible
     Imax = 0
     # Blank tibble for data to return
-    df_tINItrendB = tibble()
+    df_DEBtrendB = tibble()
     # For all periods
     for (per in period) {
-        df_tINIEx = tibble()
-        df_tINIlist = list(data=tibble(), info=tibble())
+        if (thresold_type == 'QNj') {
+            # Prepare the data to fit the entry of extract.Var
+            df_QTlist = prepare(df_data,
+                                colnamegroup=c('code'))
+        } else if (thresold_type == 'VCN10') {
+            # Prepare the data to fit the entry of extract.Var
+            df_QTlist = prepare(df_data_roll,
+                                colnamegroup=c('code'))
+        }
+        # Compute the yearly mean over the data
+        df_QTEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_QTlist,
+                              funct=min,
+                              timestep='year',
+                               period=per,
+                              pos.datetime=1,
+                              na.rm=TRUE)
+        df_QT = summarise(group_by(df_QTEx, group1),
+                          values=max(values, na.rm=TRUE))
+        # Renames the column of group of trend results
+        colnames(df_QT) = c('group', 'Thresold')
+        df_QT = full_join(df_QT, df_QTlist$info, by='group')
+        df_QT = df_QT[-1]
+        # print(df_QT)
+        df_DEBEx = tibble()
+        df_DEBlist = list(data=tibble(), info=tibble())
         # For all the code
         for (k in 1:nCode) {
             # Gets the code
             code = Code[k]
-            # print(code)
             # Get the data associated to the code
             df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,]
-            # Perform the roll mean of the flow over 10 days
-            df_data_roll_code = tibble(Date=df_data_code$Date,
-                                       Value=rollmean(df_data_code$Value, 
-                                                      10,
-                                                      fill=NA),
-                                       code=code)
-            per.start = df_meta$start_year[df_meta$code == code]
-            per.start = paste(sprintf("%02d", per.start), '-01', sep='')
-            # print('aa')
-            # Removes incomplete data from time series
-            df_data_code = remove_incomplete_data(df_data_code,
-                                                  df_meta=NULL,
-                                                  yearLac_pct=1,
-                                                  yearStart=per.start,
-                                                  Code=code)
-            # Samples the data
-            df_data_code = sampling_data(df_data_code,
-                                         df_meta=NULL,
-                                         sampleSpan=sampleSpan,
-                                         Code=code)
-            # Removes incomplete data from the averaged time series
-            df_data_roll_code =
-                remove_incomplete_data(df_data_roll_code,
-                                       df_meta=NULL,
-                                       yearLac_pct=1,
-                                       yearStart=per.start,
-                                       Code=code)
-            # Samples the data
-            df_data_roll_code = sampling_data(df_data_roll_code,
-                                              df_meta=NULL,
-                                              sampleSpan=sampleSpan,
-                                              Code=code)
-            # print('bb')
+            # Get the averaged data associated to the code
+            df_data_roll_code = df_data_roll[df_data_roll$code == code,]
             # Prepare the data to fit the entry of extract.Var
-            df_QNAlist_code = prepare(df_data_code,
+            df_DEBlist_code = prepare(df_data_roll_code,
-            # print('cc')
+            QT_code = df_QT$Thresold[df_QT$code == code]
-            # Compute the yearly mean over the data
-            df_QNAEx_code = extract.Var(data.station=df_QNAlist_code,
-                                        funct=min,
-                                        timestep='year',
+            # Compute the yearly min over the averaged data
+            df_DEBEx_code = extract.Var(data.station=df_DEBlist_code,
+                                        funct=which_underfirst,
-                                        per.start=per.start,
+                                        timestep='year',
-                                        na.rm=TRUE)
+                                        UpLim=QT_code,
+                                        select_longest=select_longest)
-            # print('dd')
+            df_DEBEx_code$group1 = k
+            df_DEBlist_code$data$group = k
+            df_DEBlist_code$info$group = k
-            QNAmax = max(df_QNAEx_code$values, na.rm=TRUE)
+            # Converts index of the DEB to the julian date associated
+            df_DEBEx_code = prepare_date(df_DEBEx_code,
+                                          df_DEBlist_code)
-            # print('ee')
-            # Prepare the data to fit the entry of extract.Var
-            df_tINIlist_code = prepare(df_data_roll_code,
-                                       colnamegroup=c('code'))
-            # print('ff')
-            # Compute the yearly min over the averaged data
-            df_tINIEx_code = extract.Var(data.station=df_tINIlist_code,
-                                         funct=which_underfirst,
-                                         period=per,
-                                         per.start=per.start,
-                                         timestep='year',
-                                         pos.datetime=1,
-                                         UpLim=QNAmax)
-            # print('gg')
-            # print(df_tINIEx_code)
-            df_tINIEx_code$group1 = k
-            df_tINIlist_code$data$group = k
-            df_tINIlist_code$info$group = k
-            # Converts index of the tINI to the julian date associated
-            df_tINIEx_code = prepare_date(df_tINIEx_code,
-                                          df_tINIlist_code,
-                                          per.start=per.start)
-            # print('hh')
-            # print(df_tINIEx_code)
             # Store the results
-            df_tINIEx = bind_rows(df_tINIEx, df_tINIEx_code)
+            df_DEBEx = bind_rows(df_DEBEx, df_DEBEx_code)
-            df_tINIlist$data = bind_rows(df_tINIlist$data,
-                                         df_tINIlist_code$data)
-            df_tINIlist$info = bind_rows(df_tINIlist$info,
-                                         df_tINIlist_code$info)
-            # print('ii')
+            df_DEBlist$data = bind_rows(df_DEBlist$data,
+                                         df_DEBlist_code$data)
+            df_DEBlist$info = bind_rows(df_DEBlist$info,
+                                         df_DEBlist_code$info)
-        # print('11')
         # Compute the trend analysis
-        df_tINItrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_tINIEx,
+        df_DEBtrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_DEBEx,
         # Get the associated time interval
@@ -489,27 +463,25 @@ get_tINItrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
         if (I > Imax) {
             # Store it and the associated data and info           
             Imax = I
-            df_tINIlistB = df_tINIlist
-            df_tINIExB = df_tINIEx
+            df_DEBlistB = df_DEBlist
+            df_DEBExB = df_DEBEx
-        # print(per.start)
         # Specify the period of analyse
-        df_tINItrend = get_period(per, df_tINItrend, df_tINIEx,
-                                   df_tINIlist)
+        df_DEBtrend = get_period(per, df_DEBtrend, df_DEBEx,
+                                   df_DEBlist)
         # Store the trend
-        df_tINItrendB = bind_rows(df_tINItrendB, df_tINItrend)
+        df_DEBtrendB = bind_rows(df_DEBtrendB, df_DEBtrend)
     # Clean results of trend analyse
-    res_tINItrend = clean(df_tINItrendB, df_tINIExB, df_tINIlistB)
-    return (res_tINItrend)
+    res_DEBtrend = clean(df_DEBtrendB, df_DEBExB, df_DEBlistB)    
+    return (res_DEBtrend)
-### 1.5. tMID date
+### 1.5. CEN date
 # Realises the trend analysis of the date of the minimum 10 day
 # average flow over the year (VCN10) hydrological variable
-get_tMIDtrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
+get_CENtrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
     # Get all different stations code
     Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
@@ -543,24 +515,24 @@ get_tMIDtrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
     # Set the max interval period as the minimal possible
     Imax = 0
     # Blank tibble for data to return
-    df_tMIDtrendB = tibble()
+    df_CENtrendB = tibble()
     # For all periods
     for (per in period) {
         # Prepare the data to fit the entry of extract.Var
-        df_tMIDlist = prepare(df_data_roll, colnamegroup=c('code'))
+        df_CENlist = prepare(df_data_roll, colnamegroup=c('code'))
         # Compute the yearly min over the averaged data
-        df_tMIDEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_tMIDlist,
+        df_CENEx = extract.Var(data.station=df_CENlist,
-        # Converts index of the tMID to the julian date associated
-        df_tMIDEx = prepare_date(df_tMIDEx, df_tMIDlist)
+        # Converts index of the CEN to the julian date associated
+        df_CENEx = prepare_date(df_CENEx, df_CENlist)
         # Compute the trend analysis
-        df_tMIDtrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_tMIDEx,
+        df_CENtrend = Estimate.stats(data.extract=df_CENEx,
         # Get the associated time interval
@@ -569,19 +541,19 @@ get_tMIDtrend = function (df_data, df_meta, period, p_thresold, sampleSpan) {
         if (I > Imax) {
             # Store it and the associated data and info           
             Imax = I
-            df_tMIDlistB = df_tMIDlist
-            df_tMIDExB = df_tMIDEx
+            df_CENlistB = df_CENlist
+            df_CENExB = df_CENEx
         # Specify the period of analyse
-        df_tMIDtrend = get_period(per, df_tMIDtrend, df_tMIDEx,
-                                   df_tMIDlist)
+        df_CENtrend = get_period(per, df_CENtrend, df_CENEx,
+                                   df_CENlist)
         # Store the trend
-        df_tMIDtrendB = bind_rows(df_tMIDtrendB, df_tMIDtrend)
+        df_CENtrendB = bind_rows(df_CENtrendB, df_CENtrend)
     # Clean results of trend analyse
-    res_tMIDtrend = clean(df_tMIDtrendB, df_tMIDExB, df_tMIDlistB)
-    return (res_tMIDtrend)
+    res_CENtrend = clean(df_CENtrendB, df_CENExB, df_CENlistB)
+    return (res_CENtrend)
diff --git a/processing/format.R b/processing/format.R
index 911ff77..731578b 100644
--- a/processing/format.R
+++ b/processing/format.R
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ reprepare = function(df_XEx, df_Xlist, colnamegroup=NULL) {
 prepare_date = function(df_XEx, df_Xlist, per.start="01-01") {
     df_dateStart = summarise(group_by(df_Xlist$data, group),
-                                Date = min(Date))
+                                Date=min(Date))
     # filter(group_by(df_Xlist$data, group), Date == min(Date))
     df_dateStart$Date_julian = NA
diff --git a/script.R b/script.R
index 472e788..6a9125b 100644
--- a/script.R
+++ b/script.R
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ filename =
         # "P0885010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
         # "O5055010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
         # "O0384010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
-        # "S4214010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
-        # "Q7002910_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
-        "O3035210_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
-        "O0554010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
-        "O1584610_HYDRO_QJM.txt"
+        # "S4214010_HYDRO_QJM.txt"
+        "Q7002910_HYDRO_QJM.txt"
+        # "O3035210_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
+        # "O0554010_HYDRO_QJM.txt",
+        # "O1584610_HYDRO_QJM.txt"
@@ -245,17 +245,19 @@ res_VCN10trend = get_VCN10trend(df_data, df_meta,
 # Start date for low water trend
-res_tINItrend = get_tINItrend(df_data, df_meta, 
-                              period=trend_period,
-                              p_thresold=p_thresold,
-                              sampleSpan=sampleSpan)
-# res_tINItrend = read_listofdf(resdir, 'res_tINItrend')
+res_DEBtrend = get_DEBtrend(df_data, df_meta, 
+                            period=trend_period,
+                            p_thresold=p_thresold,
+                            sampleSpan=sampleSpan,
+                            thresold_type='VCN10',
+                            select_longest=TRUE)
+# res_DEBtrend = read_listofdf(resdir, 'res_DEBtrend')
 # Center date for low water trend
-res_tMIDtrend = get_tMIDtrend(df_data, df_meta, 
-                              period=trend_period,
-                              p_thresold=p_thresold,
-                              sampleSpan=sampleSpan)
+res_CENtrend = get_CENtrend(df_data, df_meta, 
+                            period=trend_period,
+                            p_thresold=p_thresold,
+                            sampleSpan=sampleSpan)
 ### 3.3. Break analysis
 # df_break = get_break(res_QAtrend$data, df_meta)
@@ -301,20 +303,20 @@ datasheet_layout(toplot=c(
-                              res_tINItrend$data,
-                              res_tMIDtrend$data),
+                              res_DEBtrend$data,
+                              res_CENtrend$data),
-                               res_tINItrend$trend,
-                               res_tMIDtrend$trend),
+                               res_DEBtrend$trend,
+                               res_CENtrend$trend),
-                          'tINI',
-                          'tMID'),
+                          'DEB',
+                          'CEN'),
@@ -329,9 +331,11 @@ datasheet_layout(toplot=c(
+                 foot_note=TRUE,
+                 foot_ratio=0.5,