From e2ce457b4bb5ecbe4fde5c845584e32466c5c9a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "louis.heraut" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:59:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Plot aes matrix

 plotting/panel.R       | 433 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 processing/extractBH.R |  36 ++++
 processing/extractNV.R |  38 +++-
 script.R               |  50 ++---
 4 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plotting/panel.R b/plotting/panel.R
index d7d458e..49642ea 100644
--- a/plotting/panel.R
+++ b/plotting/panel.R
@@ -10,216 +10,7 @@ library(ggh4x)
-# Time panel
-panel = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, figdir='', filedir_opt='', filename_opt='', variable='', df_trend=NULL, p_threshold=0.1, unit2day=365.25, type='', period=NULL, missRect=FALSE, time_header=NULL, info_header=TRUE, header_ratio=2) {
-    if (all(class(df_data) != 'list')) {
-        df_data = list(df_data)
-    }
-    nbp = length(df_data)
-    if (all(class(df_trend) != 'list')) {
-        df_trend = list(df_trend)
-        if (length(df_trend) == 1) {
-            df_trend = replicate(nbp, df_trend)
-        }}
-    if (all(class(p_threshold) != 'list')) {
-        p_threshold = list(p_threshold)
-        if (length(p_threshold) == 1) {
-            p_threshold = replicate(nbp, p_threshold)
-        }}
-    if (all(class(unit2day) != 'list')) {
-        unit2day = list(unit2day)
-        if (length(unit2day) == 1) {
-            unit2day = replicate(nbp, unit2day)
-        }}
-    if (all(class(type) != 'list')) {
-        type = list(type)
-        if (length(type) == 1) {
-            type = replicate(nbp, type)
-        }}
-    if (all(class(missRect) != 'list')) {
-        missRect = list(missRect)
-        if (length(missRect) == 1) {
-            missRect = replicate(nbp, missRect)
-        }}
-    list_df2plot = vector(mode='list', length=nbp)
-    minTrend = c()
-    maxTrend = c()
-    nokTrend = c()
-    for (i in 1:nbp) {
-        df2plot = list(data=df_data[[i]], 
-                       trend=df_trend[[i]],
-                       p_threshold=p_threshold[[i]],
-                       unit2day=unit2day[[i]],
-                       type=type[[i]],
-                       missRect=missRect[[i]])
-        okTrend = df_trend[[i]]$p[df_trend[[i]]$p <= p_threshold[[i]]]
-        print(okTrend)
-        minTrend[i] = min(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
-        maxTrend[i] = max(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
-        nokTrend[i] = length(okTrend)
-        list_df2plot[[i]] = df2plot
-    }
-    outfile = "Panels"
-    if (filename_opt != '') {
-        outfile = paste(outfile, '_', filename_opt, sep='')
-    }
-    outfile = paste(outfile, '.pdf', sep='')
-    # If there is not a dedicated figure directory it creats one
-    outdir = file.path(figdir, filedir_opt, sep='')
-    if (!(file.exists(outdir))) {
-        dir.create(outdir)
-    }
-    outdirTmp = file.path(outdir, 'tmp')
-    if (!(file.exists(outdirTmp))) {
-        dir.create(outdirTmp)
-    }
-    # Get all different stations code
-    Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
-    nCode = length(Code)
-    for (code in Code) {
-        # Print code of the station for the current plotting
-        print(paste("Plotting for sation :", code))
-        nbh = as.numeric(info_header) + as.numeric(!is.null(time_header))
-        nbg = nbp + nbh
-        P = vector(mode='list', length=nbg)
-        if (info_header) {
-            Htext = text_panel(code, df_meta)
-            P[[1]] = Htext
-        }
-        if (!is.null(time_header)) {
-            time_header_code = time_header[time_header$code == code,]
-            Htime = time_panel(time_header_code, df_trend_code=NULL,
-                               period=period, missRect=TRUE,
-                               unit2day=365.25, type='Q')
-            P[[2]] = Htime
-        }
-        nbcol = ncol(as.matrix(layout_matrix))
-        for (i in 1:nbp) {
-            df_data = list_df2plot[[i]]$data
-            df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
-            p_threshold = list_df2plot[[i]]$p_threshold
-            unit2day = list_df2plot[[i]]$unit2day
-            missRect = list_df2plot[[i]]$missRect
-            type = list_df2plot[[i]]$type
-            df_data_code = df_data[df_data$code == code,] 
-            df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
-            if (df_trend_code$p <= p_threshold){
-                color_res = get_color(df_trend_code$p, 
-                                      minTrend[i],
-                                      maxTrend[i],
-                                      ncolor=10, 
-                                      palette_name="RdYlBu",
-                                      reverse=TRUE)
-                color = color_res$color
-                palette = color_res$palette
-            } else {            
-                color = NULL
-                palette = NULL
-            }
-            print(paste('min', minTrend[i]))
-            print(df_trend_code$p)
-            print(paste('max', maxTrend[i]))
-            if (i == 1) {print(palette)}
-            print(paste('color', color))
-            print("")
-            p = time_panel(df_data_code, df_trend_code, type=type,
-                           p_threshold=p_threshold, missRect=missRect,
-                           unit2day=unit2day, last=(i > nbp-nbcol),
-                           color=color)
-            P[[i+nbh]] = p
-        }
-        layout_matrix = as.matrix(layout_matrix)
-        nel = nrow(layout_matrix)*ncol(layout_matrix)
-        ##
-        idNA = which(, arr.ind=TRUE)
-        layout_matrix[idNA] = seq(max(layout_matrix, na.rm=TRUE) + 1,
-                                  max(layout_matrix, na.rm=TRUE) + 1 +
-                                  nel)
-        ##
-        layout_matrix_H = layout_matrix + nbh
-        LM = c()
-        LMcol = ncol(layout_matrix_H)
-        LMrow = nrow(layout_matrix_H)
-        for (i in 1:(LMrow+nbh)) {
-            if (i <= nbh) {
-                LM = rbind(LM, rep(i, times=LMcol))
-            } else {
-                LM = rbind(LM, 
-                           matrix(rep(layout_matrix_H[i-nbh,],
-                                      times=header_ratio),
-                                  ncol=LMcol, byrow=TRUE))
-            }}
-        plot = grid.arrange(grobs=P, layout_matrix=LM)
-        # plot = grid.arrange(rbind(cbind(ggplotGrob(P[[2]]), ggplotGrob(P[[2]])), cbind(ggplotGrob(P[[3]]), ggplotGrob(P[[3]]))), heights=c(1/3, 2/3))
-        # Saving
-        ggsave(plot=plot, 
-               path=outdirTmp,
-               filename=paste(as.character(code), '.pdf', sep=''),
-               width=21, height=29.7, units='cm', dpi=100)
-    }
-    pdf_combine(input=file.path(outdirTmp, list.files(outdirTmp)),
-                output=file.path(outdir, outfile))
-    unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE)
-time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missRect=FALSE, unit2day=365.25, period=NULL, norm=TRUE, last=FALSE, color=NULL) {
+time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missRect=FALSE, unit2day=365.25, period=NULL, last=FALSE, color=NULL) {
     if (type == 'sqrt(Q)') {
@@ -238,33 +29,31 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
     dbrk = 10^power
-    ### /!\ PROBLÈME entre 11 et 10 ###
-    if (norm) {
-        df_data_code$Qm3s = df_data_code$Qm3s / dbrk
-        if (!is.null(df_trend_code)) {
-            df_trend_code$p = df_trend_code$p / dbrk
-            df_trend_code$intercept = df_trend_code$intercept / dbrk
-        }
+    df_data_code$Qm3sN = df_data_code$Qm3s / dbrk
-        maxQ = max(df_data_code$Qm3s, na.rm=TRUE)
+    if (!is.null(df_trend_code)) {
-        if (maxQ >= 5) {
-            dbrk = 1.0
-            accuracy = 0.1
-        } else if (maxQ < 5 & maxQ >= 3) {
-            dbrk = 0.5
-            accuracy = 0.1
-        } else if (maxQ < 3 & maxQ >= 2) {
-            dbrk = 0.4
-            accuracy = 0.1
-        } else if (maxQ < 2 & maxQ >= 1) {
-            dbrk = 0.2
-            accuracy = 0.1
-        } else if (maxQ < 1) {
-            dbrk = 0.1
-            accuracy = 0.1
-        }
+        df_trend_code$trendN = df_trend_code$trend / dbrk
+        df_trend_code$interceptN = df_trend_code$intercept / dbrk
+    }
+    maxQN = max(df_data_code$Qm3sN, na.rm=TRUE)
+    if (maxQN >= 5) {
+        dbrk = 1.0
+        accuracy = 0.1
+    } else if (maxQN < 5 & maxQN >= 3) {
+        dbrk = 0.5
+        accuracy = 0.1
+    } else if (maxQN < 3 & maxQN >= 2) {
+        dbrk = 0.4
+        accuracy = 0.1
+    } else if (maxQN < 2 & maxQN >= 1) {
+        dbrk = 0.2
+        accuracy = 0.1
+    } else if (maxQN < 1) {
+        dbrk = 0.1
+        accuracy = 0.1
     dDate = as.numeric(df_data_code$Date[length(df_data_code$Date)] -
@@ -286,8 +75,6 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
     p = ggplot() + 
         # theme_bw() +
-        ggtitle(bquote(.(type)~' ['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'] x'~10^{.(as.character(power))})) +
@@ -325,19 +112,19 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
     if (type == 'sqrt(Q)' | type == 'Q') {
         p = p +
-            geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
+            geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3sN),
     } else {
         p = p +
-            # geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
+            # geom_line(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3sN),
                       # color='grey70') +
-            geom_point(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3s),
+            geom_point(aes(x=df_data_code$Date, y=df_data_code$Qm3sN),
                        shape=1, color='grey20', size=1)
     if (missRect) {
-        NAdate = df_data_code$Date[$Qm3s)]
+        NAdate = df_data_code$Date[$Qm3sN)]
         dNAdate = diff(NAdate)
         NAdate_Down = NAdate[append(Inf, dNAdate) != 1]
         NAdate_Up = NAdate[append(dNAdate, Inf) != 1]
@@ -346,8 +133,8 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
-                          ymax=maxQ*1.1),
-                      linetype=0, fill='Wheat', alpha=0.3)
+                          ymax=maxQN*1.1),
+                      linetype=0, fill='Wheat', alpha=0.4)
     if ((type == 'sqrt(Q)' | type == 'Q') & !is.null(period)) {
@@ -356,13 +143,13 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
-                              ymax= maxQ*1.1),
+                              ymax= maxQN*1.1),
                           linetype=0, fill='grey85', alpha=0.3) +
-                              ymax= maxQ*1.1),
+                              ymax= maxQN*1.1),
                           linetype=0, fill='grey85', alpha=0.3) 
@@ -374,19 +161,31 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
             abs_num = as.numeric(abs) / unit2day
-            ord = abs_num * df_trend_code$trend +
-                df_trend_code$intercept
+            ord = abs_num * df_trend_code$trendN +
+                df_trend_code$interceptN
             if (!is.null(color)) {
                 p = p + 
                     geom_line(aes(x=abs, y=ord), 
-                              color=color)
+                              color=color, 
+                              size=0.7)
             } else {
                 p = p + 
                     geom_line(aes(x=abs, y=ord), 
-        }}
+            p = p +
+                ggtitle(bquote(.(type)~~'['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'] x'~10^{.(as.character(power))}~~~'tendance :'~.(format(df_trend_code$trend, scientific=TRUE, digits=3))~m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'.'*an^{-1}))
+        } else {
+            p = p +
+                ggtitle(bquote(.(type)~' ['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'] x'~10^{.(as.character(power))}))
+        }
+    } else { 
+        p = p +
+            ggtitle(bquote(.(type)~' ['*m^{3}*'.'*s^{-1}*'] x'~10^{.(as.character(power))}))
+    }
     # if (norm) {
@@ -410,8 +209,8 @@ time_panel = function (df_data_code, df_trend_code, type, p_threshold=0.1, missR
                      expand=c(0, 0)) +
-        scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, maxQ*10, dbrk),
-                           limits=c(0, maxQ*1.1),
+        scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, maxQN*10, dbrk),
+                           limits=c(0, maxQN*1.1),
                            expand=c(0, 0),
@@ -425,7 +224,7 @@ text_panel = function(code, df_meta) {
     text = paste(
         "<span style='font-size:18pt'> station <b>", code, "</b></span><br>",
         "nom : ", df_meta_code$nom, "<br>", 
-        "territoire : ", df_meta_code$territoire, "<br>",
+        "région hydrographique : ", df_meta_code$region_hydro, "<br>",
         "position : (", df_meta_code$L93X, "; ", df_meta_code$L93Y, ")", "<br>",
         "surface : ", df_meta_code$surface_km2, " km<sup>2</sup>",
@@ -440,28 +239,104 @@ text_panel = function(code, df_meta) {
-get_color = function (value, min, max, ncolor, palette_name="RdYlBu", reverse=TRUE) {
-    if (min == max) {
-        palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, palette_name))(3)
-        color = palette[2]
-        return(list(color=color, palette=c(color)))
+matrice_panel = function (list_df2plot, df_meta) {
+    nbp = length(list_df2plot)
+    minTrend = c()
+    maxTrend = c()
+    for (i in 1:nbp) {
+        df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
+        p_threshold = list_df2plot[[i]]$p_threshold
+        okTrend = df_trend$trend[df_trend$p <= p_threshold]
+        minTrend[i] = min(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
+        maxTrend[i] = max(okTrend, na.rm=TRUE)
+    }
+    # Get all different stations code
+    Code = levels(factor(df_meta$code))
+    Type_mat = c()
+    Code_mat = c()
+    Color_mat = c()
+    for (code in Code) {
+        for (i in 1:nbp) {
+            df_trend = list_df2plot[[i]]$trend
+            p_threshold = list_df2plot[[i]]$p_threshold
+            type = list_df2plot[[i]]$type
+            Type_mat[i] = as.character(type)
+            Code_mat[i] = code
+            df_trend_code = df_trend[df_trend$code == code,]
+            if (df_trend_code$p <= p_threshold){
+                color_res = get_color(df_trend_code$trend, 
+                                      minTrend[i],
+                                      maxTrend[i],
+                                      palette_name='perso',
+                                      reverse=FALSE)
+                color = color_res$color
+            } else {            
+                color = 'white'
+            }
+            Color_mat[i] = color
+        }
+    mat = ggplot() +
+        geom_tile(aes(x=Type_mat, y=Code_mat, fill=Color_mat))
+    return (mat)
-    palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, palette_name))(ncolor)
+get_color = function (value, min, max, ncolor=256, palette_name='perso', reverse=FALSE) {
+    if (palette_name == 'perso') {
+        palette = colorRampPalette(c(
+            '#1a4157',
+            '#00af9d',
+            '#fbdd7e',
+            '#fdb147',
+            '#fd4659'
+        ))(ncolor)
+    } else {
+        palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, palette_name))(ncolor)
+    }
     if (reverse) {
         palette = rev(palette)
-    idNorm = (value - min) / (max - min)
-    id = round(idNorm*(ncolor-1) + 1, 0)
+    palette_cold = palette[1:as.integer(ncolor/2)]
+    palette_hot = palette[(as.integer(ncolor/2)+1):ncolor]
-    print(idNorm)
-    print(id)
+    ncolor_cold = length(palette_cold)
+    ncolor_hot = length(palette_hot)
-    color = palette[id]
+    if (value < 0) {
+        idNorm = (value - min) / (0 - min)
+        id = round(idNorm*(ncolor_cold - 1) + 1, 0)
+        color = palette_cold[id]
+    } else {
+        idNorm = (value - 0) / (max - 0)
+        id = round(idNorm*(ncolor_hot - 1) + 1, 0)
+        color = palette_hot[id]
+    }
     return(list(color=color, palette=palette))
@@ -480,3 +355,31 @@ void = ggplot() + geom_blank(aes(1,1)) +
         axis.ticks = element_blank(),
         axis.line = element_blank()
+palette_tester = function () {
+    n = 300
+    X = 1:n
+    Y = rep(0, times=n)
+    palette = colorRampPalette(c(
+        '#1a4157',
+        '#00af9d',
+        '#fbdd7e',
+        '#fdb147',
+        '#fd4659'
+    ))(n)
+    p = ggplot() + 
+        geom_line(aes(x=X, y=Y), color=palette[X], size=10) +
+        scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0))
+    ggsave(plot=p,
+           path='/figures',
+           filename=paste('palette_test', '.pdf', sep=''),
+           width=10, height=10, units='cm', dpi=100)
+# palette_teste()
diff --git a/processing/extractBH.R b/processing/extractBH.R
index 93e21ef..2ce4f4b 100644
--- a/processing/extractBH.R
+++ b/processing/extractBH.R
@@ -49,6 +49,40 @@ iQHE = c('0'='qualit
          '2'='qualité hautes eaux douteuse')
+iRegHydro = c('D'='Affluents du Rhin',
+              'E'="Fleuves côtiers de l'Artois-Picardie",
+              'A'='Rhin',
+              'B'='Meuse',
+              'F'='Seine aval (Marne incluse)',
+              'G'='Fleuves côtiers haut normands',
+              'H'='Seine amont',
+              'I'='Fleuves côtiers bas normands',
+              'J'='Bretagne',
+              'K'='Loire',
+              'L'='Loire',
+              'M'='Loire',
+              'N'='Fleuves côtiers au sud de la Loire',
+              'O'='Garonne',
+              'P'='Dordogne',
+              'Q'='Adour',
+              'R'='Charente',
+              'S'="Fleuves côtiers de l'Adour-Garonne",
+              'U'='Saône',
+              'V'='Rhône',
+              'W'='Isère',
+              'X'='Durance',
+              'Y'='Fleuves côtiers du Rhône-Méditérannée et Corse',
+              'Z'='Îles',
+              '1'='Guadeloupe',
+              '2'='Martinique',
+              '5'='Guyane',
+              '6'='Guyane',
+              '7'='Guyane',
+              '8'='Guyane',
+              '9'='Guyane',
+              '4'='Réunion')
 # Get the selection of data from the 'Liste-station_RRSE' file and the BanqueHydro directory
 get_selection = function (computer_data_path, listdir, listname,
                           cnames=c('code','station', 'BV_km2', 'axe_principal_concerne', 'longueur_serie', 'commentaires', 'choix'), 
@@ -190,6 +224,8 @@ extractBH_meta = function (computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=TRUE)
+        df_meta$region_hydro = iRegHydro[substr(df_meta$code, 1, 1)]
         return (df_meta)
     } else {
diff --git a/processing/extractNV.R b/processing/extractNV.R
index 8bf6c24..012084e 100644
--- a/processing/extractNV.R
+++ b/processing/extractNV.R
@@ -3,6 +3,40 @@ library(tools)
+iRegHydro = c('D'='Affluents du Rhin',
+              'E'="Fleuves côtiers de l'Artois-Picardie",
+              'A'='Rhin',
+              'B'='Meuse',
+              'F'='Seine aval (Marne incluse)',
+              'G'='Fleuves côtiers haut normands',
+              'H'='Seine amont',
+              'I'='Fleuves côtiers bas normands',
+              'J'='Bretagne',
+              'K'='Loire',
+              'L'='Loire',
+              'M'='Loire',
+              'N'='Fleuves côtiers au sud de la Loire',
+              'O'='Garonne',
+              'P'='Dordogne',
+              'Q'='Adour',
+              'R'='Charente',
+              'S'="Fleuves côtiers de l'Adour-Garonne",
+              'U'='Saône',
+              'V'='Rhône',
+              'W'='Isère',
+              'X'='Durance',
+              'Y'='Fleuves côtiers du Rhône-Méditérannée et Corse',
+              'Z'='Îles',
+              '1'='Guadeloupe',
+              '2'='Martinique',
+              '5'='Guyane',
+              '6'='Guyane',
+              '7'='Guyane',
+              '8'='Guyane',
+              '9'='Guyane',
+              '4'='Réunion')
 # Extraction of metadata
 extractNVlist_meta = function (computer_data_path, filedir, listdir, listname, verbose=TRUE) {
@@ -57,7 +91,7 @@ extractNVlist_meta = function (computer_data_path, filedir, listdir, listname, v
                                        paste(df_meta$CODE, '.txt', sep='')),
-                   source='NV'
+                   source='NV',
         df_meta = bind_rows(df_meta, 
@@ -68,6 +102,8 @@ extractNVlist_meta = function (computer_data_path, filedir, listdir, listname, v
         df_meta = df_meta[order(df_meta$code),]
+        df_meta$region_hydro = iRegHydro[substr(df_meta$code, 1, 1)]
     } else {
         print(paste('filename', list_path, 'do not exist'))
diff --git a/script.R b/script.R
index 9950023..93ba19f 100644
--- a/script.R
+++ b/script.R
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ source('processing/extractNV.R', encoding='latin1')
 source('processing/format.R', encoding='latin1')
 source('processing/analyse.R', encoding='latin1')
 source('plotting/panel.R', encoding='latin1')
-# source('plotting/layout.R')
+source('plotting/layout.R', encoding='latin1')
 # Usefull library
@@ -155,31 +155,31 @@ res_VCN10trend = get_VCN10trend(df_data, df_meta, period)
 # Plot time panel of debit by stations
-# panel(list(df_data, df_data),
-#       layout_matrix=c(1, 2),
-#       df_meta=df_meta,
-#       missRect=list(TRUE, TRUE), 
-#       type=list('Q', 'sqrt(Q)'), 
-#       info_header=TRUE,
-#       time_header=NULL,
-#       header_ratio=3,
-#       figdir=figdir,
-#       filename_opt='time')
-panel(list(res_QAtrend$data, res_QMNAtrend$data,
-           res_VCN10trend$data), 
-      layout_matrix=c(1, 2, 3),
-      df_meta=df_meta, 
-      df_trend=list(res_QAtrend$trend, res_QMNAtrend$trend,
+# panels_layout(list(df_data, df_data),
+#               layout_matrix=c(1, 2),
+#               df_meta=df_meta,
+#               missRect=list(TRUE, TRUE), 
+#               type=list('Q', 'sqrt(Q)'), 
+#               info_header=TRUE,
+#               time_header=NULL,
+#               header_ratio=3,
+#               figdir=figdir,
+#               filename_opt='time')
+panels_layout(list(res_QAtrend$data, res_QMNAtrend$data,
+                   res_VCN10trend$data), 
+              layout_matrix=c(1, 2, 3),
+              df_meta=df_meta, 
+              df_trend=list(res_QAtrend$trend, res_QMNAtrend$trend,
-      type=list(bquote(Q[A]), bquote(Q[MNA]), bquote(V[CN10])),
-      missRect=list(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
-      period=period,
-      info_header=TRUE,
-      time_header=df_data,
-      header_ratio=2,
-      figdir=figdir,
-      filename_opt='')
+              type=list('Q[A]', 'Q[MNA]', 'V[CN10]'),
+              missRect=list(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
+              period=period,
+              info_header=TRUE,
+              time_header=df_data,
+              header_ratio=2,
+              figdir=figdir,
+              filename_opt='')
 ### /!\ Removed 185 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path) -> remove NA ###