# \\\ # Copyright 2021-2022 Louis Héraut*1 # # *1 INRAE, France # louis.heraut@inrae.fr # # This file is part of ash R toolbox. # # ash R toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # ash R toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ash R toolbox. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # /// # # # plotting/layout.R # # Regroups general parameters about plotting like the theme used ang # color management. It mainly deals with the calling to specific # plotting functions and the organisation of each plot for the # generation of the PDF. # Usefull library library(ggplot2) library(scales) library(qpdf) library(gridExtra) library(gridtext) library(dplyr) library(grid) library(ggh4x) library(RColorBrewer) library(rgdal) library(shadowtext) library(png) # Sourcing R file source('plotting/datasheet.R', encoding='UTF-8') source('plotting/map.R', encoding='UTF-8') source('plotting/matrix.R', encoding='UTF-8') source('plotting/break.R', encoding='UTF-8') source('plotting/tools.R', encoding='UTF-8') ## 1. PERSONALISATION ________________________________________________ ### 1.1. Personal theme ______________________________________________ theme_ash = theme( # White background panel.background=element_rect(fill='white'), # Font text=element_text(family='sans'), # Border of plot panel.border = element_rect(color="grey85", fill=NA, size=0.7), # Grid panel.grid.major.x=element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y=element_blank(), # Ticks marker axis.ticks.x=element_line(color='grey75', size=0.3), axis.ticks.y=element_line(color='grey75', size=0.3), # Ticks label axis.text.x=element_text(color='grey40'), axis.text.y=element_text(color='grey40'), # Ticks length axis.ticks.length=unit(1.5, 'mm'), # Ticks minor ggh4x.axis.ticks.length.minor=rel(0.5), # Title plot.title=element_blank(), # Axis title axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_text(size=9, vjust=1.2, hjust=0.5, color='grey20'), # Axis line axis.line.x=element_blank(), axis.line.y=element_blank(), ) ### 1.2. Color palette _______________________________________________ palette_perso = c('#0f3b57', # cold '#1d7881', '#80c4a9', '#e2dac6', # mid '#fadfad', '#d08363', '#7e392f') # hot ## 2. USEFUL GENERICAL PLOT __________________________________________ ### 2.1. Void plot ___________________________________________________ # A plot completly blank void = ggplot() + geom_blank(aes(1,1)) + theme( plot.background = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank() ) ### 2.2. Contour void plot ___________________________________________ # A plot completly blank with a contour contour = void + theme(plot.background=element_rect(fill=NA, color="#EC4899"), plot.margin=margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0, unit="mm")) ## 3. LAYOUT _________________________________________________________ # Generates a PDF that gather datasheets, map and summarize matrix about the trend analyses realised on selected stations datasheet_layout = function (df_data, df_meta, layout_matrix, toplot=c('datasheet', 'matrix', 'map'), figdir='', filedir_opt='', filename_opt='', variable='', df_trend=NULL, alpha=0.1, unit2day=365.25, var='', type='', glose=NULL, trend_period=NULL, mean_period=NULL, colorForce=FALSE, axis_xlim=NULL, missRect=TRUE, time_header=NULL, info_header=NULL, foot_note=TRUE, info_height=2.8, time_ratio=2, var_ratio=3, foot_height=1.25, df_shapefile=NULL, resources_path=NULL, logo_dir=NULL, AEAGlogo_file=NULL, INRAElogo_file=NULL, FRlogo_file=NULL) { # Name of the document outfile = "Panels" # If there is an option to mention in the filename it adds it if (filename_opt != '') { outfile = paste(outfile, '_', filename_opt, sep='') } # Add the 'pdf' extensionto the name outfile = paste(outfile, '.pdf', sep='') # If there is not a dedicated figure directory it creats one outdir = file.path(figdir, filedir_opt, sep='') if (!(file.exists(outdir))) { dir.create(outdir) } # Names of a temporary directory to store all the independent pages outdirTmp = file.path(outdir, 'tmp') # Creates it if it does not exist if (!(file.exists(outdirTmp))) { dir.create(outdirTmp) # If it already exists it deletes the pre-existent directory # and recreates one } else { unlink(outdirTmp, recursive=TRUE) dir.create(outdirTmp) } # Number of type/variable nbp = length(df_data) # Convert data tibble to list of tibble if it is not the case if (all(class(df_data) != 'list')) { df_data = list(df_data) } if (all(class(df_trend) != 'list')) { df_trend = list(df_trend) if (length(df_trend) == 1) { df_trend = replicate(nbp, df_trend) }} if (all(class(alpha) != 'list')) { alpha = list(alpha) # If there is only one value if (length(alpha) == 1) { # Replicates the value the number of times that there # is of studied variables alpha = replicate(nbp, alpha) }} # Same if (all(class(unit2day) != 'list')) { unit2day = list(unit2day) if (length(unit2day) == 1) { unit2day = replicate(nbp, unit2day) }} if (all(class(var) != 'list')) { var = list(var) if (length(var) == 1) { var = replicate(nbp, var) }} if (all(class(glose) != 'list')) { glose = list(glose) if (length(glose) == 1) { glose = replicate(nbp, glose) }} if (all(class(type) != 'list')) { type = list(type) if (length(type) == 1) { type = replicate(nbp, type) }} if (all(class(missRect) != 'list')) { missRect = list(missRect) if (length(missRect) == 1) { missRect = replicate(nbp, missRect) }} # Creates a blank list to store all the data of each type of plot list_df2plot = vector(mode='list', length=nbp) # For all the type of graph / number of studied variables for (i in 1:nbp) { # Creates a list that gather all the info for one type of graph df2plot = list(data=df_data[[i]], trend=df_trend[[i]], alpha=alpha[[i]], unit2day=unit2day[[i]], var=var[[i]], type=type[[i]], glose=glose[[i]], missRect=missRect[[i]]) # Stores it list_df2plot[[i]] = df2plot } df_page = tibble(section='Sommaire', subsection=NA, n=1) # If map needs to be plot if ('map' %in% toplot) { df_page = map_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, idPer_trend=length(trend_period), trend_period=trend_period, mean_period=mean_period, colorForce=colorForce, df_shapefile=df_shapefile, foot_note=foot_note, foot_height=foot_height, resources_path=resources_path, logo_dir=logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file=AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file=INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file=FRlogo_file, outdirTmp=outdirTmp, df_page=df_page) } # If summarize matrix needs to be plot if ('matrix' %in% toplot) { df_page = matrix_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period, mean_period, colorForce=colorForce, slice=19, outdirTmp=outdirTmp, A3=TRUE, foot_note=foot_note, foot_height=foot_height, resources_path=resources_path, logo_dir=logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file=AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file=INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file=FRlogo_file, df_page=df_page) } # If datasheets needs to be plot if ('datasheet' %in% toplot) { df_page = datasheet_panel(list_df2plot, df_meta, trend_period=trend_period, mean_period=mean_period, colorForce=colorForce, info_header=info_header, time_header=time_header, foot_note=foot_note, layout_matrix=layout_matrix, info_height=info_height, time_ratio=time_ratio, var_ratio=var_ratio, foot_height=foot_height, resources_path=resources_path, logo_dir=logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file=AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file=INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file=FRlogo_file, outdirTmp=outdirTmp, df_page=df_page) } summary_panel(df_page, foot_note, foot_height, resources_path, logo_dir=logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file, outdirTmp) # Combine independant pages into one PDF details = file.info(list.files(outdirTmp, full.names=TRUE)) details = details[with(details, order(as.POSIXct(mtime))),] listfile_path = rownames(details) summary_path = listfile_path[length(listfile_path)] listfile_path = listfile_path[-length(listfile_path)] listfile_path = c(summary_path, listfile_path) pdf_combine(input=listfile_path, output=file.path(outdir, outfile)) } ## 4. PDF ORGANISATION PANEL _________________________________________ ### 4.1. Summary _____________________________________________________ summary_panel = function (df_page, foot_note, foot_height, resources_path, logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file, outdirTmp) { text_title = paste( "<b>Analyse de Stationnarité Hydrologique</b>", sep='') text_subtitle = paste( "Bassin Adour-Garonnne", sep='') Sec_name = rle(df_page$section)$values nSec = length(Sec_name) text_sum1 = '' text_page1 = '' text_sum2 = '' text_page2 = '' nline = 0 nline_max = 58 for (idS in 1:nSec) { sec_name = Sec_name[idS] subSec_name = rle(df_page$subsection[df_page$section == sec_name])$values n_page = df_page$n[df_page$section == sec_name][1] line = paste("<b>", idS, ". ", sec_name, "</b>", "<br>", sep='') page = paste("<b>p.", n_page, "</b><br>", sep='') if (nline <= nline_max) { text_sum1 = paste(text_sum1, line, sep='') text_page1 = paste(text_page1, page, sep='') } else { text_sum2 = paste(text_sum2, line, sep='') text_page2 = paste(text_page2, page, sep='') } nline = nline + 1 nSSec = length(subSec_name) for (idSS in 1:nSSec) { subsec_name = subSec_name[idSS] if (!is.na(subsec_name)) { n_page = df_page$n[df_page$section == sec_name & df_page$subsection == subsec_name][1] line = paste("<b>", idS, ".", idSS, ".</b> ", subsec_name, "<br>", sep='') page = paste("p.", n_page, "<br>", sep='') if (nline <= nline_max) { text_sum1 = paste(text_sum1, line, sep='') text_page1 = paste(text_page1, page, sep='') } else { text_sum2 = paste(text_sum2, line, sep='') text_page2 = paste(text_page2, page, sep='') } nline = nline + 1 } } if (nline <= nline_max) { text_sum1 = paste(text_sum1, "<br>", sep='') text_page1 = paste(text_page1, "<br>", sep='') } else { text_sum2 = paste(text_sum2, "<br>", sep='') text_page2 = paste(text_page2, "<br>", sep='') } nline = nline + 1 } # text_sum1 = gsub(" ", "<span style='color:white'>_</span>", # text_sum1) text_sum1 = gsub('[.]', '.', text_sum1) text_page1 = gsub('[.]', '.', text_page1) # text_sum2 = gsub(" ", "<span style='color:white'>_</span>", # text_sum2) text_sum2 = gsub('[.]', '.', text_sum2) text_page2 = gsub('[.]', '.', text_page2) # Converts all texts to graphical object in the right position gtitle = richtext_grob(text_title, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=20)) gsubtitle = richtext_grob(text_subtitle, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=15)) gsum1 = richtext_grob(text_sum1, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=10)) gpage1 = richtext_grob(text_page1, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=10)) gsum2 = richtext_grob(text_sum2, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=10)) gpage2 = richtext_grob(text_page2, x=0, y=1, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=0, vjust=1, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=10)) # If there is a foot note if (foot_note) { footName = 'sommaire' foot = foot_panel(footName, 1, resources_path, logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file, foot_height) P = list(gtitle, gsubtitle, gsum1, gpage1, gsum2, gpage2, foot) LM = matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE) } else { foot_height = 0 P = list(gtitle, gsubtitle, gsum1, gpage1, gsum2, gpage2) LM = matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE) } id_title = 1 id_subtitle = 2 id_page1 = 4 id_page2 = 6 id_foot = 7 LMcol = ncol(LM) LMrow = nrow(LM) LM = rbind(rep(99, times=LMcol), LM, rep(99, times=LMcol)) LMrow = nrow(LM) LM = cbind(rep(99, times=LMrow), LM, rep(99, times=LMrow)) LMcol = ncol(LM) title_height = 0.75 subtitle_height = 1.25 margin_size = 0.5 page_width = 2 height = 29.7 width = 21 row_height = (height - 2*margin_size - foot_height - title_height - subtitle_height) / (LMrow - 5) Hcut = LM[, 2] heightLM = rep(row_height, times=LMrow) heightLM[Hcut == id_title] = title_height heightLM[Hcut == id_subtitle] = subtitle_height heightLM[Hcut == id_foot] = foot_height heightLM[Hcut == 99] = margin_size col_width = (width - 2*margin_size - 2*page_width) / (LMcol - 4) Wcut = LM[4,] widthLM = rep(col_width, times=LMcol) widthLM[Wcut == id_page1 | Wcut == id_page2] = page_width widthLM[Wcut == 99] = margin_size # Arranges the graphical object plot = grid.arrange(grobs=P, layout_matrix=LM, heights=heightLM, widths=widthLM) # Saves the plot ggsave(plot=plot, path=outdirTmp, filename=paste('sommaire', '.pdf', sep=''), width=width, height=height, units='cm', dpi=100) } ### 4.2. Foot note panel______________________________________________ foot_panel = function (name, n_page, resources_path, logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file, INRAElogo_file, FRlogo_file, foot_height) { text_page = paste( name, " <b>p. ", n_page, "</b>", sep='') text_date = paste ( format(Sys.Date(), "%B %Y"), sep='') # Converts all texts to graphical object in the right position gtext_page = richtext_grob(text_page, x=1, y=0, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=1, vjust=0.5, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=8)) gtext_date = richtext_grob(text_date, x=1, y=0.55, margin=unit(c(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0), "mm"), hjust=1, vjust=0.5, gp=gpar(col="#00A3A8", fontsize=6)) AEAGlogo_path = file.path(resources_path, logo_dir, AEAGlogo_file) INRAElogo_path = file.path(resources_path, logo_dir, INRAElogo_file) FRlogo_path = file.path(resources_path, logo_dir, FRlogo_file) AEAGlogo_img = readPNG(AEAGlogo_path) AEAGlogo_grob = rasterGrob(AEAGlogo_img, y=0.49, vjust=0.5, width=unit(0.7*foot_height, "cm")) INRAElogo_img = readPNG(INRAElogo_path) INRAElogo_grob = rasterGrob(INRAElogo_img, y=0.565, vjust=0.5, width=unit(1.08*foot_height, "cm")) FRlogo_img = readPNG(FRlogo_path) FRlogo_grob = rasterGrob(FRlogo_img, x=0, hjust=0, width=unit(1*foot_height, "cm")) P = list(void, FRlogo_grob, INRAElogo_grob, AEAGlogo_grob, gtext_page, gtext_date) # Creates the matrix layout LM = matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) # And sets the relative width of each plot widths = rep(1, times=ncol(LM)) widths[2] = 0.2 widths[3] = 0.25 widths[4] = 0.2 # Arranges all the graphical objetcs plot = grid.arrange(grobs=P, layout_matrix=LM, widths=widths) # Return the plot object return (plot) }