diff --git a/http_interface.py b/http_interface.py
index 992118261ed9f05e07523b30fcd67bf17b2ac579..1bb87a0fbc24412fa80e314abe58668837ef4e63 100644
--- a/http_interface.py
+++ b/http_interface.py
@@ -2,24 +2,28 @@ from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
 import os
 import json
 import uuid
-from config import CONTROL_CONFIG
 from termcolor import colored
-import threading
 import pandas as pd
 import shutil
-import zmq # to write on TCP
+import time
+import threading
+import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt_client
+import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
 hostName = ""  # for AP mode (not AP-STA)
 serverPort = 8080
 # https://gist.github.com/MichaelCurrie/19394abc19abd0de4473b595c0e37a3a
-tcp_port = CONTROL_CONFIG['tcp_port']
-context = zmq.Context()
-socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
-print(colored(f'Sending commands and listening on tcp port {tcp_port}.'))
+ctrl_broker = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']
+publisher_config = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG.copy()
+publisher_config['topic'] = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']
+print(colored(f"Sending commands control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']} on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker."))
+cmd_id = None
+rdic = {}
 class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
     # because we use SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, we do not need to implement
@@ -36,25 +40,64 @@ class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
     #     with open(os.path.join('.', self.path[1:]), 'r') as f:
     #         self.wfile.write(bytes(f.read(), "utf-8"))
+    # def __init__(self):
+    #     super().__init__(self)
+    #     # set controller
+    #     self.controller = mqtt_client.Client(f"ohmpi_{OHMPI_CONFIG['id']}_listener", clean_session=False)  # create new instance
+    #     print(colored(f"Connecting to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']} on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker", 'blue'))
+    #     trials = 0
+    #     trials_max = 10
+    #     broker_connected = False
+    #     while trials < trials_max:
+    #         try:
+    #             self.controller.username_pw_set(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['auth'].get('username'),
+    #                                             MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['auth']['password'])
+    #             self.controller.connect(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname'])
+    #             trials = trials_max
+    #             broker_connected = True
+    #         except Exception as e:
+    #             print(f'Unable to connect control broker: {e}')
+    #             print('trying again to connect to control broker...')
+    #             time.sleep(2)
+    #             trials += 1
+    #     if broker_connected:
+    #         print(f"Subscribing to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']}")
+    #         self.controller.subscribe(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic'], MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['qos'])
+    #     else:
+    #         print(f"Unable to connect to control broker on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']}")
+    #         self.controller = None
+    #     self.cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._control)
+    #
+    # def _control(self):
+    #     def on_message(client, userdata, message):
+    #         global cmd_id, rdic
+    #
+    #         command = message.payload.decode('utf-8')
+    #         print(f'Received command {command}')
+    #         # self.process_commands(command)
+    #         if 'reply' in command.keys and command['cmd_id'] == cmd_id :
+    #             rdic = command['reply']
+    #
+    #     self.controller.on_message = on_message
+    #     self.controller.loop_start()
+    #     while True:
+    #         time.sleep(.1)
     def do_POST(self):
+        global cmd_id, rdic
         cmd_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
-        global socket
+        # global socket
         # global ohmpiThread, status, run
         dic = json.loads(self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['Content-Length'])))
-        rdic = {} # response dictionnary
+        rdic = {} # response dictionary
         if dic['cmd'] == 'start':
-            #ohmpi.measure()
-            socket.send_string(json.dumps({
-                'cmd_id': cmd_id,
-                'cmd': 'start'
-            }))
+            payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'start'})
+            publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config)
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'stop':
             # ohmpi.stop()
-            socket.send_string(json.dumps({
-                'cmd_id': cmd_id,
-                'cmd': 'stop'
-            }))
+            payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'stop'})
+            publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config)
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'getData':
             # get all .csv file in data folder
             fnames = [fname for fname in os.listdir('data/') if fname[-4:] == '.csv']
@@ -77,36 +120,17 @@ class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'update_settings':
             # ohmpi.stop()
-            socket.send_string(json.dumps({
-                'cmd_id': cmd_id,
-                'cmd': 'update_settings',
-                'args': dic['config']
-            }))
+            payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'update_settings', 'args': dic['config']})
             cdic = dic['config']
-            """
-            ohmpi.pardict['nb_electrodes'] = int(cdic['nbElectrodes'])
-            ohmpi.pardict['injection_duration'] = float(cdic['injectionDuration'])
-            ohmpi.pardict['nbr_meas'] = int(cdic['nbMeasurements'])
-            ohmpi.pardict['nb_stack'] = int(cdic['nbStack'])
-            ohmpi.pardict['sequence_delay'] = int(cdic['sequenceDelay'])
-            if cdic['sequence'] != '':
-                with open('sequence.txt', 'w') as f:
-                    f.write(cdic['sequence'])
-                ohmpi.read_quad('sequence.txt')
-                print('new sequence set.')
-            print('setConfig', ohmpi.pardict)
-            """
+            publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config)
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'invert':
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'getResults':
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'rsCheck':
             # ohmpi.rs_check()
-            socket.send_string(json.dumps({
-                'cmd_id': cmd_id,
-                'cmd': 'rs_check'
-            }))
+            payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'rs_check'})
+            publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config)
             fnames = sorted([fname for fname in os.listdir('data/') if fname[-7:] == '_rs.csv'])
             df = pd.read_csv('data/' + fnames[-1])
             ddic = {
@@ -121,7 +145,7 @@ class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
             os.system('shutdown now -h')
         elif dic['cmd'] == 'restart':
             print('shutting down...')
-            os.system('reboot')
+            os.system('reboot')  # NOTE: on machine running the interface?  or on rpi?
             # command not found
             rdic['response'] = 'command not found'
@@ -130,16 +154,16 @@ class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
         rdic['status'] = 'unknown'  # socket_out.
         # wait for reply
-        message = socket.recv()
-        print('+++////', message)
-        rdic['data'] = message.decode('utf-8')
+        #message = socket.recv()
+        #print('+++////', message)
+        # rdic['data'] = message.decode('utf-8')
         while False:
             message = socket.recv()
             print(f'Received command: {message}')
             e = None
-                decoded_message = json.loads(message.decode('utf-8'))
+                decoded_message = json.loads(message))
                 cmd = decoded_message.pop('cmd', None)
                 args = decoded_message.pop('args', None)
                 status = False