diff --git a/Ohmpi_4elec_mqtt.py b/Ohmpi_4elec_mqtt.py
index 743501536bd17731f3306cde8589de54688ce19c..1ab34294ca025c7a62cbe5b77f95a25f14631903 100644
--- a/Ohmpi_4elec_mqtt.py
+++ b/Ohmpi_4elec_mqtt.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ try:
-from pandas import DataFrame
+# from pandas import DataFrame
 from datetime import datetime
 import time
 import numpy as np
@@ -230,28 +230,23 @@ def run_measurement(nb_stack, injection_deltat, r_shunt, coefp2, coefp3):
         #print(['time stop=',((2*(end_delay-start_delay)-(end_calc-start_delay)))])
     # return averaged values
 #     cpu= CPUTemperature()
-    output = DataFrame({
-        "time": [datetime.now()],
-        "A": [(1)],
-        "B": [(2)],
-        "M": [(3)],
-        "N": [(4)],
+    output = {
+        "time": datetime.now(),
+        "A": (1),
+        "B": (2),
+        "M": (3),
+        "N": (4),
         "inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000,
-        "Vmn [mV]": [(sum_vmn / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1))],
-        "I [mA]": [(injection_current / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1))],
-        "R [ohm]": [(sum_vmn / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1) / (injection_current / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1)))],
-        "Ps [mV]": [(sum_ps / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1))],
-        "nbStack": [nb_stack],
-        "CPU temp [°C]": [cpu.temperature],
-        "Time [s]": [(-start_time + time.time())],
-        "Integer [-]": [integer]
-      # Dead time equivalent to the duration of the current injection pulse   
-    })
-    output = output.round(2)
-    print(output.to_string())
+        "Vmn [mV]": (sum_vmn / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1)),
+        "I [mA]": (injection_current / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1)),
+        "R [ohm]": (sum_vmn / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1) / (injection_current / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1))),
+        "Ps [mV]": (sum_ps / (3 + 2 * nb_stack - 1)),
+        "nbStack": nb_stack,
+        "CPU temp [°C]": cpu.temperature,
+        "Time [s]": (-start_time + time.time()),
+        "Integer [-]": integer}
+    # output = output.round(2)
+    print(output) # .to_string())
     return output
@@ -260,13 +255,14 @@ def append_and_save(data_path, last_measurement):
     """Save data"""
     if path.isfile(data_path):
         # Load data file and append data to it
-        with open(data_path, 'a') as f:
-            last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=False)
+        # with open(data_path, 'a') as f:
+        #    last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=False)
+        pass
         # create data file and add headers
-        with open(data_path, 'a') as f:
-            last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=True)
+        # with open(data_path, 'a') as f:
+        #    last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=True)
+        pass
 Main loop
@@ -275,7 +271,7 @@ for g in range(0, pardict.get("nbr_meas")):  # for time-lapse monitoring
     current_measurement = run_measurement(pardict.get("stack"), pardict.get("injection_duration"), 
                                           OHMPI_CONFIG['R_shunt'], OHMPI_CONFIG['coef_p2'], OHMPI_CONFIG['coef_p3'])
     append_and_save(pardict.get("export_path"), current_measurement)
-    msg = f'Resitivity: {current_measurement.iloc[-1]["R [ohm]"]:.2f} ohm'
+    msg = f'Resitivity: {current_measurement["R [ohm]"]:.2f} ohm'
     mqtt_client.publish(measurement_topic, msg)
     time.sleep(pardict.get("sequence_delay"))  # waiting next measurement (time-lapse)
diff --git a/Pipfile b/Pipfile
index 19f26fb8d5e0c41d4873394636142b8b81e95e3c..4c69a3bc4a2383ea892207e3c90e76e7614092f4 100644
--- a/Pipfile
+++ b/Pipfile
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@ url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
 verify_ssl = true
-jupyterlab = "*"
-sphinx-rtd-theme = "*"
-recommonmark = "*"
-sphinx-pdj-theme = "*"
-paho-mqtt = "*"
 numpy = "*"
-pandas = "*"
+# cython = "*"
+# pandas = "*"
+paho-mqtt = "*"
 pytz = "*"
 six = "*"
+gpiozero = "*"
+adafruit-blinka = "*"
+adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15 = "*"
+adafruit-circuitpython-tca9548a = "*"
+adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx = "*"
+termcolor ="*"
-python_version = "3.8"
+python_version = "3.9"
diff --git a/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_console.ipynb b/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_console.ipynb
index 482796e85b96f5028dae24025174e72020a4094a..bd421061974ba41edc9abd091ef9efe44abf613e 100644
--- a/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_console.ipynb
+++ b/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_console.ipynb
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "client_id = 'ohmpi_console_sn_0001'\n",
-    "measurements_topic = 'measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001'"
+    "client_id = 'ohmpi_sn_001'\n",
+    "control_topic = 'cmd_ohmpi_sn_001'\n",
+    "measurements_topic = 'measurements_ohmpi_sn_001'"
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@
     "    print(f'message received {m}')\n",
     "    print(f'topic: {message.topic}')\n",
     "    print(f'qos: {message.qos}')\n",
-    "    print(f'retain flag: {message.retain}')"
+    "    print(f'retain flag: {message.retain}')\n",
+    "    client.publish(measurements_topic, f'{m} 45 ohm.m')"
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
      "name": "stdout",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "Subscribing to topic measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n"
+      "Subscribing to topic cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n"
@@ -122,13 +124,13 @@
    "source": [
-    "print(\"Subscribing to topic\", measurements_topic)\n",
-    "client.subscribe(measurements_topic)"
+    "print(\"Subscribing to topic\", control_topic)\n",
+    "client.subscribe(control_topic)"
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 9,
+   "execution_count": null,
    "id": "eaa7d034-5383-4ece-a824-f763ce214760",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [
@@ -136,24 +138,120 @@
      "name": "stdout",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "message received Resitivity: 215.22 ohm\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 21:26:23 : measure resistivity 0 with array 1 4 2 3\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:24 : measure resistivity 1 with array 2 5 3 4\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:25 : measure resistivity 2 with array 3 6 4 5\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:26 : measure resistivity 3 with array 4 7 5 6\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:27 : measure resistivity 4 with array 5 8 6 7\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:28 : measure resistivity 5 with array 6 9 7 8\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:29 : measure resistivity 6 with array 7 10 8 9\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:30 : measure resistivity 7 with array 8 11 9 10\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:31 : measure resistivity 8 with array 9 12 10 11\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:32 : measure resistivity 9 with array 10 13 11 12\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:33 : measure resistivity 10 with array 11 14 12 13\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:34 : measure resistivity 11 with array 12 15 13 14\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:35 : measure resistivity 12 with array 13 16 14 15\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "message received Resitivity: 214.94 ohm\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 21:26:36 : measure resistivity 13 with array 14 17 15 16\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:37 : measure resistivity 14 with array 15 18 16 17\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:38 : measure resistivity 15 with array 16 19 17 18\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:39 : measure resistivity 16 with array 17 20 18 19\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:40 : measure resistivity 17 with array 18 21 19 20\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:41 : measure resistivity 18 with array 19 22 20 21\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:42 : measure resistivity 19 with array 20 23 21 22\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:43 : measure resistivity 20 with array 21 24 22 23\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:44 : measure resistivity 21 with array 22 25 23 24\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:45 : measure resistivity 22 with array 23 26 24 25\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:46 : measure resistivity 23 with array 24 27 25 26\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:47 : measure resistivity 24 with array 25 28 26 27\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "message received 21:26:48 : measure resistivity 25 with array 26 29 27 28\n",
+      "topic: cmd_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n"
    "source": [
-    "time.sleep(60)"
+    "time.sleep(45)"
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 10,
+   "execution_count": null,
    "id": "9bd768aa-c4d3-429e-b667-6e981bd28353",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
diff --git a/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_controller.ipynb b/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_controller.ipynb
index b9c425cf4fde2a0683f25c72298a5cacd8cb36c9..da0954dd3fc177e43fbdb8d07a3993c6e1573b54 100644
--- a/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_controller.ipynb
+++ b/basic_mqtt_ohmpi_controller.ipynb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 1,
+   "execution_count": 7,
    "id": "daf2041b-1df9-42de-a385-f450a826c96f",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 2,
+   "execution_count": 8,
    "id": "013806a6",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
     "sequence = './ABMN.txt'\n",
     "broker_address = \"mg3d-dev.umons.ac.be\"\n",
     "client_id = \"ohmpi-controller_01\"\n",
-    "control_topic = 'cmd_ohmpi_sn_0001'\n",
-    "measurements_topic = 'measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001'"
+    "control_topic = 'cmd_ohmpi_sn_001'\n",
+    "measurements_topic = 'measurements_ohmpi_sn_001'"
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 3,
+   "execution_count": 9,
    "id": "c07183bf",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
        "[155 rows x 1 columns]"
-     "execution_count": 3,
+     "execution_count": 9,
      "metadata": {},
      "output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 4,
+   "execution_count": 10,
    "id": "8fc857ba-bbcf-4f99-a30f-84fd14ddb2d0",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 5,
+   "execution_count": 11,
    "id": "c27d85eb",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 6,
+   "execution_count": 12,
    "id": "06e424ff-cd1d-4756-bf53-cfbca4628e73",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
-     "execution_count": 6,
+     "execution_count": 12,
      "metadata": {},
      "output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 7,
+   "execution_count": 13,
    "id": "819fb8f9",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
        "(0, 1)"
-     "execution_count": 7,
+     "execution_count": 13,
      "metadata": {},
      "output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 8,
+   "execution_count": 14,
    "id": "519791a6",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [
@@ -220,429 +220,860 @@
      "name": "stdout",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "publishing 21:55:13 : measure resistivity 0 with array 1 4 2 3\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:27 : measure resistivity 0 with array 1 4 2 3\n",
       "(0, 2)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:14 : measure resistivity 1 with array 2 5 3 4\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:28 : measure resistivity 1 with array 2 5 3 4\n",
       "(0, 3)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:15 : measure resistivity 2 with array 3 6 4 5\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:29 : measure resistivity 2 with array 3 6 4 5\n",
       "(0, 4)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:16 : measure resistivity 3 with array 4 7 5 6\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:30 : measure resistivity 3 with array 4 7 5 6\n",
       "(0, 5)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:17 : measure resistivity 4 with array 5 8 6 7\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:31 : measure resistivity 4 with array 5 8 6 7\n",
       "(0, 6)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:18 : measure resistivity 5 with array 6 9 7 8\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:32 : measure resistivity 5 with array 6 9 7 8\n",
       "(0, 7)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:19 : measure resistivity 6 with array 7 10 8 9\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:33 : measure resistivity 6 with array 7 10 8 9\n",
       "(0, 8)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:20 : measure resistivity 7 with array 8 11 9 10\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:34 : measure resistivity 7 with array 8 11 9 10\n",
       "(0, 9)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:21 : measure resistivity 8 with array 9 12 10 11\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:35 : measure resistivity 8 with array 9 12 10 11\n",
       "(0, 10)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:22 : measure resistivity 9 with array 10 13 11 12\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:36 : measure resistivity 9 with array 10 13 11 12\n",
       "(0, 11)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:23 : measure resistivity 10 with array 11 14 12 13\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:37 : measure resistivity 10 with array 11 14 12 13\n",
       "(0, 12)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:24 : measure resistivity 11 with array 12 15 13 14\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:38 : measure resistivity 11 with array 12 15 13 14\n",
       "(0, 13)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:25 : measure resistivity 12 with array 13 16 14 15\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:39 : measure resistivity 12 with array 13 16 14 15\n",
       "(0, 14)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:26 : measure resistivity 13 with array 14 17 15 16\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:40 : measure resistivity 13 with array 14 17 15 16\n",
       "(0, 15)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:27 : measure resistivity 14 with array 15 18 16 17\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:41 : measure resistivity 14 with array 15 18 16 17\n",
       "(0, 16)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:28 : measure resistivity 15 with array 16 19 17 18\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:42 : measure resistivity 15 with array 16 19 17 18\n",
       "(0, 17)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:29 : measure resistivity 16 with array 17 20 18 19\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:43 : measure resistivity 16 with array 17 20 18 19\n",
       "(0, 18)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:30 : measure resistivity 17 with array 18 21 19 20\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:44 : measure resistivity 17 with array 18 21 19 20\n",
       "(0, 19)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:31 : measure resistivity 18 with array 19 22 20 21\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:45 : measure resistivity 18 with array 19 22 20 21\n",
       "(0, 20)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:32 : measure resistivity 19 with array 20 23 21 22\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:46 : measure resistivity 19 with array 20 23 21 22\n",
       "(0, 21)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:33 : measure resistivity 20 with array 21 24 22 23\n",
+      "message received 16:14:46 : measure resistivity 19 with array 20 23 21 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:47 : measure resistivity 20 with array 21 24 22 23\n",
       "(0, 22)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:34 : measure resistivity 21 with array 22 25 23 24\n",
+      "message received 16:14:47 : measure resistivity 20 with array 21 24 22 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:48 : measure resistivity 21 with array 22 25 23 24\n",
       "(0, 23)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:35 : measure resistivity 22 with array 23 26 24 25\n",
+      "message received 16:14:48 : measure resistivity 21 with array 22 25 23 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:49 : measure resistivity 22 with array 23 26 24 25\n",
       "(0, 24)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:36 : measure resistivity 23 with array 24 27 25 26\n",
+      "message received 16:14:49 : measure resistivity 22 with array 23 26 24 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:50 : measure resistivity 23 with array 24 27 25 26\n",
       "(0, 25)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:37 : measure resistivity 24 with array 25 28 26 27\n",
+      "message received 16:14:50 : measure resistivity 23 with array 24 27 25 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:51 : measure resistivity 24 with array 25 28 26 27\n",
       "(0, 26)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:38 : measure resistivity 25 with array 26 29 27 28\n",
+      "message received 16:14:51 : measure resistivity 24 with array 25 28 26 27 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:52 : measure resistivity 25 with array 26 29 27 28\n",
       "(0, 27)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:39 : measure resistivity 26 with array 27 30 28 29\n",
+      "message received 16:14:52 : measure resistivity 25 with array 26 29 27 28 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:53 : measure resistivity 26 with array 27 30 28 29\n",
       "(0, 28)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:40 : measure resistivity 27 with array 28 31 29 30\n",
+      "message received 16:14:53 : measure resistivity 26 with array 27 30 28 29 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:54 : measure resistivity 27 with array 28 31 29 30\n",
       "(0, 29)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:41 : measure resistivity 28 with array 29 32 30 31\n",
+      "message received 16:14:54 : measure resistivity 27 with array 28 31 29 30 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:55 : measure resistivity 28 with array 29 32 30 31\n",
       "(0, 30)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:42 : measure resistivity 29 with array 1 7 3 5\n",
+      "message received 16:14:55 : measure resistivity 28 with array 29 32 30 31 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:56 : measure resistivity 29 with array 1 7 3 5\n",
       "(0, 31)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:43 : measure resistivity 30 with array 2 8 4 6\n",
+      "message received 16:14:56 : measure resistivity 29 with array 1 7 3 5 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:57 : measure resistivity 30 with array 2 8 4 6\n",
       "(0, 32)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:44 : measure resistivity 31 with array 3 9 5 7\n",
+      "message received 16:14:57 : measure resistivity 30 with array 2 8 4 6 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:58 : measure resistivity 31 with array 3 9 5 7\n",
       "(0, 33)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:45 : measure resistivity 32 with array 4 10 6 8\n",
+      "message received 16:14:58 : measure resistivity 31 with array 3 9 5 7 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:14:59 : measure resistivity 32 with array 4 10 6 8\n",
       "(0, 34)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:46 : measure resistivity 33 with array 5 11 7 9\n",
+      "message received 16:14:59 : measure resistivity 32 with array 4 10 6 8 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:00 : measure resistivity 33 with array 5 11 7 9\n",
       "(0, 35)\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:47 : measure resistivity 34 with array 6 12 8 10\n",
+      "message received 16:15:00 : measure resistivity 33 with array 5 11 7 9 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:01 : measure resistivity 34 with array 6 12 8 10\n",
       "(0, 36)\n",
-      "message received TEST 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:01 : measure resistivity 34 with array 6 12 8 10 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:48 : measure resistivity 35 with array 7 13 9 11\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:02 : measure resistivity 35 with array 7 13 9 11\n",
       "(0, 37)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:48 : measure resistivity 35 with array 7 13 9 11 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:02 : measure resistivity 35 with array 7 13 9 11 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:49 : measure resistivity 36 with array 8 14 10 12\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:03 : measure resistivity 36 with array 8 14 10 12\n",
       "(0, 38)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:49 : measure resistivity 36 with array 8 14 10 12 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:03 : measure resistivity 36 with array 8 14 10 12 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:50 : measure resistivity 37 with array 9 15 11 13\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:04 : measure resistivity 37 with array 9 15 11 13\n",
       "(0, 39)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:50 : measure resistivity 37 with array 9 15 11 13 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:04 : measure resistivity 37 with array 9 15 11 13 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:51 : measure resistivity 38 with array 10 16 12 14\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:05 : measure resistivity 38 with array 10 16 12 14\n",
       "(0, 40)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:51 : measure resistivity 38 with array 10 16 12 14 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:05 : measure resistivity 38 with array 10 16 12 14 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:52 : measure resistivity 39 with array 11 17 13 15\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:06 : measure resistivity 39 with array 11 17 13 15\n",
       "(0, 41)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:52 : measure resistivity 39 with array 11 17 13 15 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:06 : measure resistivity 39 with array 11 17 13 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:53 : measure resistivity 40 with array 12 18 14 16\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:07 : measure resistivity 40 with array 12 18 14 16\n",
       "(0, 42)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:53 : measure resistivity 40 with array 12 18 14 16 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:07 : measure resistivity 40 with array 12 18 14 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:54 : measure resistivity 41 with array 13 19 15 17\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:08 : measure resistivity 41 with array 13 19 15 17\n",
       "(0, 43)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:54 : measure resistivity 41 with array 13 19 15 17 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:08 : measure resistivity 41 with array 13 19 15 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:55 : measure resistivity 42 with array 14 20 16 18\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:09 : measure resistivity 42 with array 14 20 16 18\n",
       "(0, 44)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:55 : measure resistivity 42 with array 14 20 16 18 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:09 : measure resistivity 42 with array 14 20 16 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:56 : measure resistivity 43 with array 15 21 17 19\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:10 : measure resistivity 43 with array 15 21 17 19\n",
       "(0, 45)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:56 : measure resistivity 43 with array 15 21 17 19 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:10 : measure resistivity 43 with array 15 21 17 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:57 : measure resistivity 44 with array 16 22 18 20\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:11 : measure resistivity 44 with array 16 22 18 20\n",
       "(0, 46)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:57 : measure resistivity 44 with array 16 22 18 20 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:11 : measure resistivity 44 with array 16 22 18 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:58 : measure resistivity 45 with array 17 23 19 21\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:12 : measure resistivity 45 with array 17 23 19 21\n",
       "(0, 47)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:58 : measure resistivity 45 with array 17 23 19 21 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:12 : measure resistivity 45 with array 17 23 19 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:55:59 : measure resistivity 46 with array 18 24 20 22\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:13 : measure resistivity 46 with array 18 24 20 22\n",
       "(0, 48)\n",
-      "message received 21:55:59 : measure resistivity 46 with array 18 24 20 22 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:13 : measure resistivity 46 with array 18 24 20 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:00 : measure resistivity 47 with array 19 25 21 23\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:14 : measure resistivity 47 with array 19 25 21 23\n",
       "(0, 49)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:00 : measure resistivity 47 with array 19 25 21 23 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:14 : measure resistivity 47 with array 19 25 21 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:01 : measure resistivity 48 with array 20 26 22 24\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:15 : measure resistivity 48 with array 20 26 22 24\n",
       "(0, 50)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:01 : measure resistivity 48 with array 20 26 22 24 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:15 : measure resistivity 48 with array 20 26 22 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:02 : measure resistivity 49 with array 21 27 23 25\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:16 : measure resistivity 49 with array 21 27 23 25\n",
       "(0, 51)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:02 : measure resistivity 49 with array 21 27 23 25 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:16 : measure resistivity 49 with array 21 27 23 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:03 : measure resistivity 50 with array 22 28 24 26\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:17 : measure resistivity 50 with array 22 28 24 26\n",
       "(0, 52)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:03 : measure resistivity 50 with array 22 28 24 26 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:17 : measure resistivity 50 with array 22 28 24 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:04 : measure resistivity 51 with array 23 29 25 27\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:18 : measure resistivity 51 with array 23 29 25 27\n",
       "(0, 53)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:04 : measure resistivity 51 with array 23 29 25 27 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:18 : measure resistivity 51 with array 23 29 25 27 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:05 : measure resistivity 52 with array 24 30 26 28\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:19 : measure resistivity 52 with array 24 30 26 28\n",
       "(0, 54)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:05 : measure resistivity 52 with array 24 30 26 28 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:19 : measure resistivity 52 with array 24 30 26 28 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:06 : measure resistivity 53 with array 25 31 27 29\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:20 : measure resistivity 53 with array 25 31 27 29\n",
       "(0, 55)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:06 : measure resistivity 53 with array 25 31 27 29 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:20 : measure resistivity 53 with array 25 31 27 29 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:07 : measure resistivity 54 with array 26 32 28 30\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:21 : measure resistivity 54 with array 26 32 28 30\n",
       "(0, 56)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:07 : measure resistivity 54 with array 26 32 28 30 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:21 : measure resistivity 54 with array 26 32 28 30 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:08 : measure resistivity 55 with array 1 10 4 7\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:22 : measure resistivity 55 with array 1 10 4 7\n",
       "(0, 57)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:08 : measure resistivity 55 with array 1 10 4 7 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:22 : measure resistivity 55 with array 1 10 4 7 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:09 : measure resistivity 56 with array 2 11 5 8\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:23 : measure resistivity 56 with array 2 11 5 8\n",
       "(0, 58)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:09 : measure resistivity 56 with array 2 11 5 8 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:23 : measure resistivity 56 with array 2 11 5 8 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:10 : measure resistivity 57 with array 3 12 6 9\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:24 : measure resistivity 57 with array 3 12 6 9\n",
       "(0, 59)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:10 : measure resistivity 57 with array 3 12 6 9 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:24 : measure resistivity 57 with array 3 12 6 9 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:11 : measure resistivity 58 with array 4 13 7 10\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:25 : measure resistivity 58 with array 4 13 7 10\n",
       "(0, 60)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:11 : measure resistivity 58 with array 4 13 7 10 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:25 : measure resistivity 58 with array 4 13 7 10 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:12 : measure resistivity 59 with array 5 14 8 11\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:26 : measure resistivity 59 with array 5 14 8 11\n",
       "(0, 61)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:12 : measure resistivity 59 with array 5 14 8 11 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:26 : measure resistivity 59 with array 5 14 8 11 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:13 : measure resistivity 60 with array 6 15 9 12\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:27 : measure resistivity 60 with array 6 15 9 12\n",
       "(0, 62)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:13 : measure resistivity 60 with array 6 15 9 12 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:27 : measure resistivity 60 with array 6 15 9 12 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:14 : measure resistivity 61 with array 7 16 10 13\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:28 : measure resistivity 61 with array 7 16 10 13\n",
       "(0, 63)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:14 : measure resistivity 61 with array 7 16 10 13 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:28 : measure resistivity 61 with array 7 16 10 13 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:15 : measure resistivity 62 with array 8 17 11 14\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:29 : measure resistivity 62 with array 8 17 11 14\n",
       "(0, 64)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:15 : measure resistivity 62 with array 8 17 11 14 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:29 : measure resistivity 62 with array 8 17 11 14 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:16 : measure resistivity 63 with array 9 18 12 15\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:30 : measure resistivity 63 with array 9 18 12 15\n",
       "(0, 65)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:16 : measure resistivity 63 with array 9 18 12 15 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:30 : measure resistivity 63 with array 9 18 12 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:17 : measure resistivity 64 with array 10 19 13 16\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:31 : measure resistivity 64 with array 10 19 13 16\n",
       "(0, 66)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:17 : measure resistivity 64 with array 10 19 13 16 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:31 : measure resistivity 64 with array 10 19 13 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:18 : measure resistivity 65 with array 11 20 14 17\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:32 : measure resistivity 65 with array 11 20 14 17\n",
       "(0, 67)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:18 : measure resistivity 65 with array 11 20 14 17 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:32 : measure resistivity 65 with array 11 20 14 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:19 : measure resistivity 66 with array 12 21 15 18\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:33 : measure resistivity 66 with array 12 21 15 18\n",
       "(0, 68)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:19 : measure resistivity 66 with array 12 21 15 18 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:33 : measure resistivity 66 with array 12 21 15 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:20 : measure resistivity 67 with array 13 22 16 19\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:34 : measure resistivity 67 with array 13 22 16 19\n",
       "(0, 69)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:20 : measure resistivity 67 with array 13 22 16 19 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:34 : measure resistivity 67 with array 13 22 16 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:22 : measure resistivity 68 with array 14 23 17 20\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:35 : measure resistivity 68 with array 14 23 17 20\n",
       "(0, 70)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:22 : measure resistivity 68 with array 14 23 17 20 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:35 : measure resistivity 68 with array 14 23 17 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:23 : measure resistivity 69 with array 15 24 18 21\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:36 : measure resistivity 69 with array 15 24 18 21\n",
       "(0, 71)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:23 : measure resistivity 69 with array 15 24 18 21 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:36 : measure resistivity 69 with array 15 24 18 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:24 : measure resistivity 70 with array 16 25 19 22\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:37 : measure resistivity 70 with array 16 25 19 22\n",
       "(0, 72)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:24 : measure resistivity 70 with array 16 25 19 22 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:37 : measure resistivity 70 with array 16 25 19 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:25 : measure resistivity 71 with array 17 26 20 23\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:38 : measure resistivity 71 with array 17 26 20 23\n",
       "(0, 73)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:25 : measure resistivity 71 with array 17 26 20 23 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:38 : measure resistivity 71 with array 17 26 20 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:26 : measure resistivity 72 with array 18 27 21 24\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:39 : measure resistivity 72 with array 18 27 21 24\n",
       "(0, 74)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:26 : measure resistivity 72 with array 18 27 21 24 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:39 : measure resistivity 72 with array 18 27 21 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:27 : measure resistivity 73 with array 19 28 22 25\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:40 : measure resistivity 73 with array 19 28 22 25\n",
       "(0, 75)\n",
-      "message received 21:56:27 : measure resistivity 73 with array 19 28 22 25 45 ohm.m\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
+      "message received 16:15:40 : measure resistivity 73 with array 19 28 22 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
       "qos: 0\n",
       "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:28 : measure resistivity 74 with array 20 29 23 26\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:41 : measure resistivity 74 with array 20 29 23 26\n",
       "(0, 76)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:29 : measure resistivity 75 with array 21 30 24 27\n",
+      "message received 16:15:41 : measure resistivity 74 with array 20 29 23 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:42 : measure resistivity 75 with array 21 30 24 27\n",
       "(0, 77)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:30 : measure resistivity 76 with array 22 31 25 28\n",
+      "message received 16:15:42 : measure resistivity 75 with array 21 30 24 27 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:43 : measure resistivity 76 with array 22 31 25 28\n",
       "(0, 78)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:31 : measure resistivity 77 with array 23 32 26 29\n",
+      "message received 16:15:43 : measure resistivity 76 with array 22 31 25 28 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:44 : measure resistivity 77 with array 23 32 26 29\n",
       "(0, 79)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:32 : measure resistivity 78 with array 1 13 5 9\n",
+      "message received 16:15:44 : measure resistivity 77 with array 23 32 26 29 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:45 : measure resistivity 78 with array 1 13 5 9\n",
       "(0, 80)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:33 : measure resistivity 79 with array 2 14 6 10\n",
+      "message received 16:15:45 : measure resistivity 78 with array 1 13 5 9 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:46 : measure resistivity 79 with array 2 14 6 10\n",
       "(0, 81)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:34 : measure resistivity 80 with array 3 15 7 11\n",
+      "message received 16:15:46 : measure resistivity 79 with array 2 14 6 10 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:47 : measure resistivity 80 with array 3 15 7 11\n",
       "(0, 82)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:35 : measure resistivity 81 with array 4 16 8 12\n",
+      "message received 16:15:47 : measure resistivity 80 with array 3 15 7 11 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:48 : measure resistivity 81 with array 4 16 8 12\n",
       "(0, 83)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:36 : measure resistivity 82 with array 5 17 9 13\n",
+      "message received 16:15:48 : measure resistivity 81 with array 4 16 8 12 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:49 : measure resistivity 82 with array 5 17 9 13\n",
       "(0, 84)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:37 : measure resistivity 83 with array 6 18 10 14\n",
+      "message received 16:15:49 : measure resistivity 82 with array 5 17 9 13 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:50 : measure resistivity 83 with array 6 18 10 14\n",
       "(0, 85)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:38 : measure resistivity 84 with array 7 19 11 15\n",
+      "message received 16:15:50 : measure resistivity 83 with array 6 18 10 14 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:51 : measure resistivity 84 with array 7 19 11 15\n",
       "(0, 86)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:39 : measure resistivity 85 with array 8 20 12 16\n",
+      "message received 16:15:51 : measure resistivity 84 with array 7 19 11 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:52 : measure resistivity 85 with array 8 20 12 16\n",
       "(0, 87)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:40 : measure resistivity 86 with array 9 21 13 17\n",
+      "message received 16:15:52 : measure resistivity 85 with array 8 20 12 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:53 : measure resistivity 86 with array 9 21 13 17\n",
       "(0, 88)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:41 : measure resistivity 87 with array 10 22 14 18\n",
+      "message received 16:15:53 : measure resistivity 86 with array 9 21 13 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:54 : measure resistivity 87 with array 10 22 14 18\n",
       "(0, 89)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:42 : measure resistivity 88 with array 11 23 15 19\n",
+      "message received 16:15:54 : measure resistivity 87 with array 10 22 14 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:55 : measure resistivity 88 with array 11 23 15 19\n",
       "(0, 90)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:43 : measure resistivity 89 with array 12 24 16 20\n",
+      "message received 16:15:55 : measure resistivity 88 with array 11 23 15 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:56 : measure resistivity 89 with array 12 24 16 20\n",
       "(0, 91)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:44 : measure resistivity 90 with array 13 25 17 21\n",
+      "message received 16:15:56 : measure resistivity 89 with array 12 24 16 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:57 : measure resistivity 90 with array 13 25 17 21\n",
       "(0, 92)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:45 : measure resistivity 91 with array 14 26 18 22\n",
+      "message received 16:15:57 : measure resistivity 90 with array 13 25 17 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:58 : measure resistivity 91 with array 14 26 18 22\n",
       "(0, 93)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:46 : measure resistivity 92 with array 15 27 19 23\n",
+      "message received 16:15:58 : measure resistivity 91 with array 14 26 18 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:15:59 : measure resistivity 92 with array 15 27 19 23\n",
       "(0, 94)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:47 : measure resistivity 93 with array 16 28 20 24\n",
+      "message received 16:15:59 : measure resistivity 92 with array 15 27 19 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:00 : measure resistivity 93 with array 16 28 20 24\n",
       "(0, 95)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:48 : measure resistivity 94 with array 17 29 21 25\n",
+      "message received 16:16:00 : measure resistivity 93 with array 16 28 20 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:01 : measure resistivity 94 with array 17 29 21 25\n",
       "(0, 96)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:49 : measure resistivity 95 with array 18 30 22 26\n",
+      "message received 16:16:01 : measure resistivity 94 with array 17 29 21 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:02 : measure resistivity 95 with array 18 30 22 26\n",
       "(0, 97)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:50 : measure resistivity 96 with array 19 31 23 27\n",
+      "message received 16:16:02 : measure resistivity 95 with array 18 30 22 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:03 : measure resistivity 96 with array 19 31 23 27\n",
       "(0, 98)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:51 : measure resistivity 97 with array 20 32 24 28\n",
+      "message received 16:16:03 : measure resistivity 96 with array 19 31 23 27 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:04 : measure resistivity 97 with array 20 32 24 28\n",
       "(0, 99)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:52 : measure resistivity 98 with array 1 16 6 11\n",
+      "message received 16:16:04 : measure resistivity 97 with array 20 32 24 28 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:05 : measure resistivity 98 with array 1 16 6 11\n",
       "(0, 100)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:53 : measure resistivity 99 with array 2 17 7 12\n",
+      "message received 16:16:05 : measure resistivity 98 with array 1 16 6 11 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:06 : measure resistivity 99 with array 2 17 7 12\n",
       "(0, 101)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:54 : measure resistivity 100 with array 3 18 8 13\n",
+      "message received 16:16:06 : measure resistivity 99 with array 2 17 7 12 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:07 : measure resistivity 100 with array 3 18 8 13\n",
       "(0, 102)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:55 : measure resistivity 101 with array 4 19 9 14\n",
+      "message received 16:16:07 : measure resistivity 100 with array 3 18 8 13 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:08 : measure resistivity 101 with array 4 19 9 14\n",
       "(0, 103)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:56 : measure resistivity 102 with array 5 20 10 15\n",
+      "message received 16:16:08 : measure resistivity 101 with array 4 19 9 14 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:09 : measure resistivity 102 with array 5 20 10 15\n",
       "(0, 104)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:57 : measure resistivity 103 with array 6 21 11 16\n",
+      "message received 16:16:09 : measure resistivity 102 with array 5 20 10 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:10 : measure resistivity 103 with array 6 21 11 16\n",
       "(0, 105)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:58 : measure resistivity 104 with array 7 22 12 17\n",
+      "message received 16:16:10 : measure resistivity 103 with array 6 21 11 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:11 : measure resistivity 104 with array 7 22 12 17\n",
       "(0, 106)\n",
-      "publishing 21:56:59 : measure resistivity 105 with array 8 23 13 18\n",
+      "message received 16:16:11 : measure resistivity 104 with array 7 22 12 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:12 : measure resistivity 105 with array 8 23 13 18\n",
       "(0, 107)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:00 : measure resistivity 106 with array 9 24 14 19\n",
+      "message received 16:16:12 : measure resistivity 105 with array 8 23 13 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:13 : measure resistivity 106 with array 9 24 14 19\n",
       "(0, 108)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:01 : measure resistivity 107 with array 10 25 15 20\n",
+      "message received 16:16:13 : measure resistivity 106 with array 9 24 14 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:14 : measure resistivity 107 with array 10 25 15 20\n",
       "(0, 109)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:02 : measure resistivity 108 with array 11 26 16 21\n",
+      "message received 16:16:14 : measure resistivity 107 with array 10 25 15 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:15 : measure resistivity 108 with array 11 26 16 21\n",
       "(0, 110)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:03 : measure resistivity 109 with array 12 27 17 22\n",
+      "message received 16:16:15 : measure resistivity 108 with array 11 26 16 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:16 : measure resistivity 109 with array 12 27 17 22\n",
       "(0, 111)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:04 : measure resistivity 110 with array 13 28 18 23\n",
+      "message received 16:16:16 : measure resistivity 109 with array 12 27 17 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:17 : measure resistivity 110 with array 13 28 18 23\n",
       "(0, 112)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:05 : measure resistivity 111 with array 14 29 19 24\n",
+      "message received 16:16:17 : measure resistivity 110 with array 13 28 18 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:18 : measure resistivity 111 with array 14 29 19 24\n",
       "(0, 113)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:06 : measure resistivity 112 with array 15 30 20 25\n",
+      "message received 16:16:18 : measure resistivity 111 with array 14 29 19 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:19 : measure resistivity 112 with array 15 30 20 25\n",
       "(0, 114)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:07 : measure resistivity 113 with array 16 31 21 26\n",
+      "message received 16:16:19 : measure resistivity 112 with array 15 30 20 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:20 : measure resistivity 113 with array 16 31 21 26\n",
       "(0, 115)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:08 : measure resistivity 114 with array 17 32 22 27\n",
+      "message received 16:16:20 : measure resistivity 113 with array 16 31 21 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:21 : measure resistivity 114 with array 17 32 22 27\n",
       "(0, 116)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:09 : measure resistivity 115 with array 1 19 7 13\n",
+      "message received 16:16:21 : measure resistivity 114 with array 17 32 22 27 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:22 : measure resistivity 115 with array 1 19 7 13\n",
       "(0, 117)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:10 : measure resistivity 116 with array 2 20 8 14\n",
+      "message received 16:16:22 : measure resistivity 115 with array 1 19 7 13 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:23 : measure resistivity 116 with array 2 20 8 14\n",
       "(0, 118)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:11 : measure resistivity 117 with array 3 21 9 15\n",
+      "message received 16:16:23 : measure resistivity 116 with array 2 20 8 14 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:24 : measure resistivity 117 with array 3 21 9 15\n",
       "(0, 119)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:12 : measure resistivity 118 with array 4 22 10 16\n",
+      "message received 16:16:24 : measure resistivity 117 with array 3 21 9 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:25 : measure resistivity 118 with array 4 22 10 16\n",
       "(0, 120)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:13 : measure resistivity 119 with array 5 23 11 17\n",
+      "message received 16:16:25 : measure resistivity 118 with array 4 22 10 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:26 : measure resistivity 119 with array 5 23 11 17\n",
       "(0, 121)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:14 : measure resistivity 120 with array 6 24 12 18\n",
+      "message received 16:16:26 : measure resistivity 119 with array 5 23 11 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:27 : measure resistivity 120 with array 6 24 12 18\n",
       "(0, 122)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:15 : measure resistivity 121 with array 7 25 13 19\n",
+      "message received 16:16:27 : measure resistivity 120 with array 6 24 12 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:28 : measure resistivity 121 with array 7 25 13 19\n",
       "(0, 123)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:16 : measure resistivity 122 with array 8 26 14 20\n",
+      "message received 16:16:28 : measure resistivity 121 with array 7 25 13 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:29 : measure resistivity 122 with array 8 26 14 20\n",
       "(0, 124)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:17 : measure resistivity 123 with array 9 27 15 21\n",
+      "message received 16:16:29 : measure resistivity 122 with array 8 26 14 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:30 : measure resistivity 123 with array 9 27 15 21\n",
       "(0, 125)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:18 : measure resistivity 124 with array 10 28 16 22\n",
+      "message received 16:16:30 : measure resistivity 123 with array 9 27 15 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:31 : measure resistivity 124 with array 10 28 16 22\n",
       "(0, 126)\n",
-      "publishing 21:57:19 : measure resistivity 125 with array 11 29 17 23\n",
-      "(0, 127)\n"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "ename": "KeyboardInterrupt",
-     "evalue": "",
-     "output_type": "error",
-     "traceback": [
-      "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
-      "\u001b[0;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m                         Traceback (most recent call last)",
-      "\u001b[0;32m/tmp/ipykernel_156611/4011469085.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m      5\u001b[0m     \u001b[0mpub\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mclient\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mpublish\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcontrol_topic\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcommand\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m      6\u001b[0m     \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mpub\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 7\u001b[0;31m     \u001b[0mtime\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0msleep\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m",
-      "\u001b[0;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m: "
+      "message received 16:16:31 : measure resistivity 124 with array 10 28 16 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:32 : measure resistivity 125 with array 11 29 17 23\n",
+      "(0, 127)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:32 : measure resistivity 125 with array 11 29 17 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:33 : measure resistivity 126 with array 12 30 18 24\n",
+      "(0, 128)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:33 : measure resistivity 126 with array 12 30 18 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:34 : measure resistivity 127 with array 13 31 19 25\n",
+      "(0, 129)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:34 : measure resistivity 127 with array 13 31 19 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:35 : measure resistivity 128 with array 14 32 20 26\n",
+      "(0, 130)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:35 : measure resistivity 128 with array 14 32 20 26 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:36 : measure resistivity 129 with array 1 22 8 15\n",
+      "(0, 131)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:36 : measure resistivity 129 with array 1 22 8 15 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:37 : measure resistivity 130 with array 2 23 9 16\n",
+      "(0, 132)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:37 : measure resistivity 130 with array 2 23 9 16 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:38 : measure resistivity 131 with array 3 24 10 17\n",
+      "(0, 133)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:38 : measure resistivity 131 with array 3 24 10 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:39 : measure resistivity 132 with array 4 25 11 18\n",
+      "(0, 134)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:39 : measure resistivity 132 with array 4 25 11 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:40 : measure resistivity 133 with array 5 26 12 19\n",
+      "(0, 135)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:40 : measure resistivity 133 with array 5 26 12 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:41 : measure resistivity 134 with array 6 27 13 20\n",
+      "(0, 136)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:41 : measure resistivity 134 with array 6 27 13 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:42 : measure resistivity 135 with array 7 28 14 21\n",
+      "(0, 137)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:42 : measure resistivity 135 with array 7 28 14 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:43 : measure resistivity 136 with array 8 29 15 22\n",
+      "(0, 138)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:43 : measure resistivity 136 with array 8 29 15 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:44 : measure resistivity 137 with array 9 30 16 23\n",
+      "(0, 139)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:44 : measure resistivity 137 with array 9 30 16 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:45 : measure resistivity 138 with array 10 31 17 24\n",
+      "(0, 140)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:45 : measure resistivity 138 with array 10 31 17 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:46 : measure resistivity 139 with array 11 32 18 25\n",
+      "(0, 141)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:46 : measure resistivity 139 with array 11 32 18 25 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:47 : measure resistivity 140 with array 1 25 9 17\n",
+      "(0, 142)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:47 : measure resistivity 140 with array 1 25 9 17 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:48 : measure resistivity 141 with array 2 26 10 18\n",
+      "(0, 143)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:48 : measure resistivity 141 with array 2 26 10 18 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:49 : measure resistivity 142 with array 3 27 11 19\n",
+      "(0, 144)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:49 : measure resistivity 142 with array 3 27 11 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:50 : measure resistivity 143 with array 4 28 12 20\n",
+      "(0, 145)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:50 : measure resistivity 143 with array 4 28 12 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:51 : measure resistivity 144 with array 5 29 13 21\n",
+      "(0, 146)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:51 : measure resistivity 144 with array 5 29 13 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:52 : measure resistivity 145 with array 6 30 14 22\n",
+      "(0, 147)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:52 : measure resistivity 145 with array 6 30 14 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:53 : measure resistivity 146 with array 7 31 15 23\n",
+      "(0, 148)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:53 : measure resistivity 146 with array 7 31 15 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:54 : measure resistivity 147 with array 8 32 16 24\n",
+      "(0, 149)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:54 : measure resistivity 147 with array 8 32 16 24 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:55 : measure resistivity 148 with array 1 28 10 19\n",
+      "(0, 150)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:55 : measure resistivity 148 with array 1 28 10 19 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:56 : measure resistivity 149 with array 2 29 11 20\n",
+      "(0, 151)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:56 : measure resistivity 149 with array 2 29 11 20 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:57 : measure resistivity 150 with array 3 30 12 21\n",
+      "(0, 152)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:57 : measure resistivity 150 with array 3 30 12 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:58 : measure resistivity 151 with array 4 31 13 22\n",
+      "(0, 153)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:58 : measure resistivity 151 with array 4 31 13 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:16:59 : measure resistivity 152 with array 5 32 14 23\n",
+      "(0, 154)\n",
+      "message received 16:16:59 : measure resistivity 152 with array 5 32 14 23 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:17:00 : measure resistivity 153 with array 1 31 11 21\n",
+      "(0, 155)\n",
+      "message received 16:17:00 : measure resistivity 153 with array 1 31 11 21 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n",
+      "publishing 16:17:01 : measure resistivity 154 with array 2 32 12 22\n",
+      "(0, 156)\n",
+      "message received 16:17:01 : measure resistivity 154 with array 2 32 12 22 45 ohm.m\n",
+      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_001\n",
+      "qos: 0\n",
+      "retain flag: 0\n"
@@ -658,7 +1089,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
+   "execution_count": 9,
    "id": "b6ae4967",
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
@@ -668,29 +1099,10 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
+   "execution_count": 10,
    "id": "1517fe4d-b9b3-43b5-a72c-ed691f8f71e2",
    "metadata": {},
-   "outputs": [
-    {
-     "name": "stdout",
-     "output_type": "stream",
-     "text": [
-      "message received Resitivity: 215.17 ohm\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
-      "qos: 0\n",
-      "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "message received Resitivity: 214.98 ohm\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
-      "qos: 0\n",
-      "retain flag: 0\n",
-      "message received Resitivity: 215.12 ohm\n",
-      "topic: measurements_ohmpi_sn_0001\n",
-      "qos: 0\n",
-      "retain flag: 0\n"
-     ]
-    }
-   ],
+   "outputs": [],
    "source": [
diff --git a/ohmpi_param.json b/ohmpi_param.json
index cda9a16697b658b4f57a287040ec967811961927..76c7b73bd1fc28e415e694d48b6e211667d1cf63 100644
--- a/ohmpi_param.json
+++ b/ohmpi_param.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "nb_electrodes": 64,
-    "injection_duration": 4,
+    "injection_duration": 1,
     "nbr_meas": 100,
     "sequence_delay": 1,
     "stack": 1,