diff --git a/ohmpi/hardware_components/mb_2023_0_X.py b/ohmpi/hardware_components/mb_2023_0_X.py
index f490edff6a7213479484585becf8791b47a350b2..d130f209229dac14ed46e90a661e06e7355f6f46 100644
--- a/ohmpi/hardware_components/mb_2023_0_X.py
+++ b/ohmpi/hardware_components/mb_2023_0_X.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ SPECS = {'RX': {'voltage_adc_voltage_min': 10., 'voltage_adc_voltage_max': 4500.
                 'data_rate': 860.},
          'TX': {'current_adc_voltage_min': 10., 'bias': 0., 'injection_voltage_max': 12000., 'low_battery': 12000.,
                 'tx_mcp_board_address': 0x20, 'data_rate': 860., 'comptatible_power_sources': ['pwr_batt', 'dps5005'],
-                'r_shunt'}}
+                'r_shunt': 2., 'activation_delay': 0.005, 'release_delay': 0.001}}
 # TODO: move low_battery spec in pwr
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Tx(TxAbstract):
         if kwargs['pwr'] not in SPECS['TX']['compatible_power_sources']:
             self.exec_logger.warning(f'Incompatible power source specified check config')
             assert kwargs['pwr'] in SPECS['TX']
-        self.pwr = None  # TODO: set a list of compatible power system with the tx
+        #self.pwr = None  # TODO: set a list of compatible power system with the tx
         self._voltage = kwargs.pop('voltage', TX_CONFIG['default_voltage'])
         self.voltage_adjustable = False
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ class Tx(TxAbstract):
         self.pin4.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
         self.pin4.value = True
-        self._latency = kwargs.pop('latency', TX_CONFIG['latency'])
         self._bias = kwargs.pop('bias', TX_CONFIG['bias'])
@@ -190,15 +189,15 @@ class Tx(TxAbstract):
         if polarity == 1:
             self.pin0.value = True
             self.pin1.value = False
-            time.sleep(0.005)  # Max turn on time of 211EH relays = 5ms
+            time.sleep(SPECS['TX']['activation_delay'])  # Max turn on time of 211EH relays = 5ms
         elif polarity == -1:
             self.pin0.value = False
             self.pin1.value = True
-            time.sleep(0.005)  # Max turn on time of 211EH relays = 5ms
+            time.sleep(SPECS['TX']['activation_delay'])  # Max turn on time of 211EH relays = 5ms
             self.pin0.value = False
             self.pin1.value = False
-            time.sleep(0.001)  # Max turn off time of 211EH relays = 1ms
+            time.sleep(SPECS['TX']['release_delay'])  # Max turn off time of 211EH relays = 1ms
     def turn_off(self):
diff --git a/ohmpi/utils.py b/ohmpi/utils.py
index 6d2b718d36018af8ab37e49404178c368c07aab4..70ab93dc1b22fde7498d0da35ef72be188709b95 100644
--- a/ohmpi/utils.py
+++ b/ohmpi/utils.py
@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@ import shutil
 import collections.abc
 import numpy as np
+def enforce_specs(kwargs, specs, key):
+    kwargs.update({key: kwargs.pop(key, specs[key]['default'])})
+    s = specs.copy()
+    min_value = s[key].pop('min', -np.inf)
+    s[key]['min'] = min_value
+    max_value = s[key].pop('max', np.inf)
+    s[key]['max'] = max_value
+    if kwargs[key] < min_value:
+        kwargs[key] = min_value
+    elif kwargs[key] > max_value:
+        kwargs[key] = max_value
+    return kwargs
 def update_dict(d, u):
     """Updates a dictionary by adding elements to collection items associated to existing keys