From 8c95fd2e8e2a9ef5d70863cc84ee20b9cb0d0ff7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: su530201 <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2023 12:27:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Adds mux switching from OhmPiHardware

 .../           |  25 ++-                            | 121 +++++++++++++-                                      | 154 +++---------------          |  14 +-                                      |  25 +++
 5 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hardware_components/ b/hardware_components/
index 5522a437..4cf08d44 100644
--- a/hardware_components/
+++ b/hardware_components/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 import numpy as np
 from OhmPi.logging_setup import create_stdout_logger
 import time
+from threading import Barrier
 class ControllerAbstract(ABC):
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ class MuxAbstract(ABC):
                     self.cabling.update({k: (v[1], k[1])})
         self.exec_logger.debug(f'{self.board_id} cabling: {self.cabling}')
         self.addresses = kwargs.pop('addresses', None)
+        self.barrier = kwargs.pop('barrier', None)
     def _get_addresses(self):
@@ -63,6 +65,15 @@ class MuxAbstract(ABC):
     def reset(self):
+    @property
+    def barrier(self):
+        return self.barrier
+    @barrier.setter
+    def barrier(self, value):
+        assert isinstance(value, Barrier)
+        self.barrier = value
     def switch(self, elec_dict=None, state='on'):
         """Switch a given list of electrodes with different roles.
         Electrodes with a value of 0 will be ignored.
@@ -96,11 +107,19 @@ class MuxAbstract(ABC):
                                            'This could create an over-voltage in the RX! Switching aborted.')
-            # if all ok, then switch the electrodes
+            # if all ok, then wait for the barrier to open, then switch the electrodes
+            if self.barrier is not None:
+                self.exec_logger.debug(f'{self.board_id} waiting to switch.')
+                self.barrier.wait()
             for role in elec_dict:
                 for elec in elec_dict[role]:
-                    if elec > 0:
-                        self.switch_one(elec, role, state)
+                    if elec > 0:  # Is this condition related to electrodes to infinity?
+                        if (elec, role) in self.cabling.keys():
+                            self.switch_one(elec, role, state)
+                        else:
+                            self.exec_logger.debug(f'{self.board_id} skipping switching {(elec, role)} because it is'
+                                                   f'is not in board cabling')
+            self.exec_logger.debug(f'{self.board_id} switching done.')
             self.exec_logger.warning(f'Missing argument for {self.board_name}.switch: elec_dict is None.')
diff --git a/ b/
index 56c6774f..42d3ace4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 import importlib
 import datetime
 import time
 import numpy as np
 from OhmPi.logging_setup import create_stdout_logger
 from OhmPi.config import HARDWARE_CONFIG
-from threading import Thread, Event
+from threading import Thread, Event, Barrier
 controller_module = importlib.import_module(f'OhmPi.hardware.{HARDWARE_CONFIG["controller"]["model"]}')
 tx_module = importlib.import_module(f'OhmPi.hardware.{HARDWARE_CONFIG["tx"]["model"]}')
@@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ class OhmPiHardware:
                                                     cabling = self._cabling)})
         self.readings = np.array([])  # time series of acquired data
         self._start_time = None  # time of the beginning of a readings acquisition
         self._pulse = 0  # pulse number
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ class OhmPiHardware:
+    def _set_mux_barrier(self):
+        self.mux_barrier = Barrier(len(self.mux)+1)
+        for mux in self.mux:
+            mux.barrier = self.mux_barrier
     def pulses(self):
         pulses = {}
@@ -228,4 +233,114 @@ class OhmPiHardware:
         if not append:
         for i in range(n_pulses):
-            self._vab_pulse(self, length=lengths[i], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, polarity=polarities[i], append=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+            self._vab_pulse(self, length=lengths[i], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, polarity=polarities[i], append=True)
+    # _______________________________________________
+    def switch_dps(self, state='off'):
+        """Switches DPS on or off.
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            state : str
+                'on', 'off'
+            """
+        if state == 'on':
+            self.tx.turn_on()
+        else:
+            self.tx.turn_off()
+            if state != 'off':
+                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unknown state {state} for DPS switching. switching off...')
+    def switch_mux(self, electrodes, roles=None, state='off'):
+        """Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        electrodes : list
+            List of integers representing the electrode ids.
+        roles : list, optional
+            List of roles of electrodes, optional
+        state : str, optional
+            Either 'on' or 'off'.
+        """
+        if roles is None:
+            roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
+        if len(electrodes) == len(roles):
+            # TODO: Check that we don't set incompatible roles to the same electrode
+            elec_dict = {i: [] for i in roles}
+            for i in range(len(electrodes)):
+                elec_dict[roles[i]].append(electrodes[i])
+            mux_workers = []
+            for mux in self.mux:
+                # start a new thread to perform some work
+                mux_workers.append(Thread(target=mux.switch, kwargs={'elec_dict': elec_dict}))
+            for mux_worker in mux_workers:
+                mux_worker.start()
+            self.mux_barrier.wait()
+            for mux_worker in mux_workers:
+                mux_worker.join()
+        else:
+            self.exec_logger.error(
+                'Unable to switch electrodes: number of electrodes and number of roles do not match!')
+    def test_mux(self, activation_time=1.0, channel=None, bypass_check=False):
+        """Interactive method to test the multiplexer.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        activation_time : float, optional
+            Time in seconds during which the relays are activated.
+        channel : tuple, optional
+            (electrode_nr, role) to test.
+        bypass_check : bool, optional
+            if True, test will be conducted even if several mux boards are connected to the same electrode with the same role
+        """
+        self.reset_mux()
+        if channel is None:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+        # choose with MUX board
+        # tca = adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(self.i2c, address)
+        #
+        # # ask use some details on how to proceed
+        # a = input('If you want try 1 channel choose 1, if you want try all channels choose 2!')
+        # if a == '1':
+        #     print('run channel by channel test')
+        #     electrode = int(input('Choose your electrode number (integer):'))
+        #     electrodes = [electrode]
+        # elif a == '2':
+        #     electrodes = range(1, 65)
+        # else:
+        #     print('Wrong choice !')
+        #     return
+        #
+        #     # run the test
+        # for electrode_nr in electrodes:
+        #     # find I2C address of the electrode and corresponding relay
+        #     # considering that one MCP23017 can cover 16 electrodes
+        #     i2c_address = 7 - (electrode_nr - 1) // 16  # quotient without rest of the division
+        #     relay_nr = electrode_nr - (electrode_nr // 16) * 16 + 1
+        #
+        #     if i2c_address is not None:
+        #         # select the MCP23017 of the selected MUX board
+        #         mcp2 = MCP23017(tca[i2c_address])
+        #         mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
+        #
+        #         # activate relay for given time
+        #         mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = True
+        #         print('electrode:', electrode_nr, ' activated...', end='', flush=True)
+        #         time.sleep(activation_time)
+        #         mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = False
+        #         print(' deactivated')
+        #         time.sleep(activation_time)
+        # print('Test finished.')
+    def reset_mux(self):
+        """Switches off all multiplexer relays.
+        """
+        self.exec_logger.debug('Resetting all mux boards ...')
+        for mux in self.mux:
+            mux.reset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 6c38c1e2..85893355 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1107,52 +1107,7 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use interrupt instead.', DeprecationWarning)
-    def _switch_mux(self, electrode_nr, state, role):
-        """Selects the right channel for the multiplexer cascade for a given electrode.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        electrode_nr : int
-            Electrode index to be switched on or off.
-        state : str
-            Either 'on' or 'off'.
-        role : str
-            Either 'A', 'B', 'M' or 'N', so we can assign it to a MUX board.
-        """
-        if not self.use_mux or not self.on_pi:
-            if not self.on_pi:
-                self.exec_logger.warning('Cannot reset mux while in simulation mode...')
-            else:
-                self.exec_logger.warning('You cannot use the multiplexer because use_mux is set to False.'
-                                         ' Set use_mux to True to use the multiplexer...')
-        elif self.sequence is None and not self.use_mux:
-            self.exec_logger.warning('Unable to switch MUX without a sequence')
-        else:
-            # choose with MUX board
-            tca = adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(self.i2c, self.board_addresses[role])
-            # find I2C address of the electrode and corresponding relay
-            # considering that one MCP23017 can cover 16 electrodes
-            i2c_address = 7 - (electrode_nr - 1) // 16  # quotient without rest of the division
-            relay_nr = (electrode_nr-1) - ((electrode_nr-1) // 16) * 16
-            if i2c_address is not None:
-                # select the MCP23017 of the selected MUX board
-                mcp2 = MCP23017(tca[i2c_address])
-                mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr).direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
-                if state == 'on':
-                    mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr).value = True
-                else:
-                    mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr).value = False
-                self.exec_logger.debug(f'Switching relay {relay_nr} '
-                                       f'({str(hex(self.board_addresses[role]))}) {state} for electrode {electrode_nr}')
-            else:
-                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to address electrode nr {electrode_nr}')
-    def switch_dps(self,state='off'):
+    def switch_dps(self, state='off'):
         """Switches DPS on or off.
@@ -1160,20 +1115,7 @@ class OhmPi(object):
             state : str
                 'on', 'off'
-        self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dsp -
-        self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-        self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dsp -
-        self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-        if state == 'on':
-            self.pin2.value = True
-            self.pin3.value = True
-            self.exec_logger.debug(f'Switching DPS on')
-            time.sleep(4)
-        elif state == 'off':
-            self.pin2.value = False
-            self.pin3.value = False
-            self.exec_logger.debug(f'Switching DPS off')
+        self._hw.switch_dps(state=state)
     def switch_mux_on(self, quadrupole, cmd_id=None):
         """Switches on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.
@@ -1185,14 +1127,8 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         quadrupole : list of 4 int
             List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.
-        roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
-        # another check to be sure A != B
-        if quadrupole[0] != quadrupole[1]:
-            for i in range(0, 4):
-                if quadrupole[i] > 0:
-                    self._switch_mux(quadrupole[i], 'on', roles[i])
-        else:
-            self.exec_logger.error('Not switching MUX : A == B -> short circuit risk detected!')
+        self._hw.switch_mux_on(electrodes=quadrupole, state='on')
     def switch_mux_off(self, quadrupole, cmd_id=None):
         """Switches off multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.
@@ -1204,59 +1140,25 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         quadrupole : list of 4 int
             List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.
-        roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
-        for i in range(0, 4):
-            if quadrupole[i] > 0:
-                self._switch_mux(quadrupole[i], 'off', roles[i])
-    # def test_mux(self, activation_time=1.0, address=0x70):  TODO: add this in the MUX code
-    #     """Interactive method to test the multiplexer.
-    #
-    #     Parameters
-    #     ----------
-    #     activation_time : float, optional
-    #         Time in seconds during which the relays are activated.
-    #     address : hex, optional
-    #         Address of the multiplexer board to test (e.g. 0x70, 0x71, ...).
-    #     """
-    #     self.use_mux = True
-    #     self.reset_mux()
-    #
-    #     # choose with MUX board
-    #     tca = adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(self.i2c, address)
-    #
-    #     # ask use some details on how to proceed
-    #     a = input('If you want try 1 channel choose 1, if you want try all channels choose 2!')
-    #     if a == '1':
-    #         print('run channel by channel test')
-    #         electrode = int(input('Choose your electrode number (integer):'))
-    #         electrodes = [electrode]
-    #     elif a == '2':
-    #         electrodes = range(1, 65)
-    #     else:
-    #         print('Wrong choice !')
-    #         return
-    #
-    #         # run the test
-    #     for electrode_nr in electrodes:
-    #         # find I2C address of the electrode and corresponding relay
-    #         # considering that one MCP23017 can cover 16 electrodes
-    #         i2c_address = 7 - (electrode_nr - 1) // 16  # quotient without rest of the division
-    #         relay_nr = electrode_nr - (electrode_nr // 16) * 16 + 1
-    #
-    #         if i2c_address is not None:
-    #             # select the MCP23017 of the selected MUX board
-    #             mcp2 = MCP23017(tca[i2c_address])
-    #             mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
-    #
-    #             # activate relay for given time
-    #             mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = True
-    #             print('electrode:', electrode_nr, ' activated...', end='', flush=True)
-    #             time.sleep(activation_time)
-    #             mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = False
-    #             print(' deactivated')
-    #             time.sleep(activation_time)
-    #     print('Test finished.')
+        self._hw.switch_mux(electrodes=quadrupole, state='off')
+    def test_mux(self, activation_time=1.0, mux=None): # TODO: add this in the MUX code
+        """Interactive method to test the multiplexer boards.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        activation_time : float, optional
+            Time in seconds during which the relays are activated.
+        address : hex, optional
+            Address of the multiplexer board to test (e.g. 0x70, 0x71, ...).
+        """
+        self.reset_mux() # All muxes should be reset even if we only want to test one otherwise we might create a shortcut
+        if mux is None:
+            self._hw.test_mux(activation_time)
+        else:
+            self._hw.mux[mux].test_mux()
     def reset_mux(self, cmd_id=None):
         """Switches off all multiplexer relays.
@@ -1266,17 +1168,7 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         cmd_id : str, optional
             Unique command identifier
-        if self.on_pi and self.use_mux:
-            roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
-            for i in range(0, 4):
-                for j in range(1, self.max_elec + 1):
-                    self._switch_mux(j, 'off', roles[i])
-            self.exec_logger.debug('All MUX switched off.')
-        elif not self.on_pi:
-            self.exec_logger.warning('Cannot reset mux while in simulation mode...')
-        else:
-            self.exec_logger.warning('You cannot use the multiplexer because use_mux is set to False.'
-                                     ' Set use_mux to True to use the multiplexer...')
+        self._hw.reset_mux()
     def _update_acquisition_settings(self, config):
         warnings.warn('This function is deprecated, use update_settings() instead.', DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/ b/
index c7cba220..6c012876 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import time
 import numpy as np
 import logging
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -7,7 +9,12 @@ from OhmPi.hardware_system import OhmPiHardware
 k = OhmPiHardware()
-# Test #1:
+# Test mux switching
+k.switch_mux(electrodes=[9,10,11,12], roles=['A', 'B', 'M', 'N'], state='on')
+# Test _vab_pulse:
 print('Testing positive _vab_pulse')
 k._vab_pulse(vab=12, length=1., sampling_rate=k.rx.sampling_rate, polarity=1)
 r = k.readings[:,4]/k.readings[:,3]
@@ -19,7 +26,7 @@ r = k.readings[:,4]/k.readings[:,3]
 print(f'Mean resistance: {np.mean(r):.3f} Ohms, Dev. {100*np.std(r)/np.mean(r):.1f} %')
 print(f'sampling rate: {k.rx.sampling_rate:.1f} ms, mean sample spacing: {np.mean(np.diff(k.readings[:,0]))*1000.:.1f} ms')
-# Test #2:
+# Test vab_square_wave:
 print('\n\nTesting vab_square_wave')
 cycle_length = 1.
@@ -47,5 +54,8 @@ print('\nTesting with pulses')
 r = [np.abs((k.pulses[i]['polarity']*k.pulses[i]['vmn']-k.sp)/k.pulses[i]['iab']) for i in k.pulses.keys()]
 for i in range(len(r)):
     print(f'Mean resistance with sp correction for pulse{i}: {np.mean(r[i]):.3f} Ohms, Dev. {100*np.std(r[i])/np.mean(r[i]):.1f} %')
+k.switch_mux(electrodes=[9,10,11,12], roles=['A', 'B', 'M', 'N'], state='off')
 change_config('', verbose=False)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5e192644..537297e1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,31 @@
 import io
 import os
 import shutil
+def update_dict(d, u):
+    """Updates a dictionary by adding elements to collection items associated to existing keys
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    d: dict
+        Dictionary that will be updated
+    u: dict
+        Dictionary that is used to update d
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dict
+        The updated dictionary
+    """
+    for k, v in u.items():
+        if isinstance(v,
+            d[k] = update_dict(d.get(k, {}), v)
+        else:
+            d[k] = v
+    return d
 def get_platform():
     """Gets platform name and checks if it is a raspberry pi