diff --git a/ohmpi.py b/ohmpi.py
index 9b9a967169ab350f76aff1291791a5fbc72f5139..1a587b8e8de81ef41f0c4a07bf4384db10125448 100644
--- a/ohmpi.py
+++ b/ohmpi.py
@@ -433,10 +433,7 @@ class OhmPi(object):
             For a constant value, just set the tx_volt.
         tx_volt : float, optional
             (V3.0 only) If specified, voltage will be imposed. If 0, we will look
-            for the best voltage. If the best Tx cannot be found, no
-            measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
-        best_tx_injtime : float, optional
-            (V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
+            for the best voltage.
         cmd_id : str, optional
             Unique command identifier
@@ -447,351 +444,45 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         if quad is None:
             quad = [0, 0, 0, 0]
-        if self.on_pi: # TODO : Remove this condition?
-            if nb_stack is None:
-                nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
-            if injection_duration is None:
+        if nb_stack is None:
+            nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
+        if injection_duration is None:
                 injection_duration = self.settings['injection_duration']
-            tx_volt = float(tx_volt)
-            # inner variable initialization
-            sum_i = 0
-            sum_vmn = 0
-            sum_ps = 0
-            # # let's define the pin again as if we run through measure()
-            # # as it's run in another thread, it doesn't consider these
-            # # and this can lead to short circuit!
-            #
-            # self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
-            # self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-            # self.pin0.value = False
-            # self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
-            # self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-            # self.pin1.value = False
-            # self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) #IHM on mesaurement
-            # self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-            # self.pin7.value = False
-            # if self.sequence is None:
-#                 if self.idps:
-#                     # self.switch_dps('on')
-#                     self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dsp +
-#                     self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-#                     self.pin2.value = True
-#                     self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dsp -
-#                     self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-#                     self.pin3.value = True
-#                     time.sleep(4)
-#             self.pin5 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(5) #IHM on mesaurement
-#             self.pin5.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-#             self.pin5.value = True
-#             self.pin6 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(6) #IHM on mesaurement
-#             self.pin6.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-#             self.pin6.value = False
-#             self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) #IHM on mesaurement
-#             self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
-#             self.pin7.value = False
-#             if self.idps:
-#                 if self.DPS.read_register(0x05,2) < 11:
-#                     self.pin7.value = True# max current allowed (100 mA for relays) #voltage
-#             # get best voltage to inject AND polarity
-#             if self.idps:
-#                 tx_volt, polarity, Rab = self._compute_tx_volt(
-#                     best_tx_injtime=best_tx_injtime, strategy=strategy, tx_volt=tx_volt)
-#                 self.exec_logger.debug(f'Best VAB found is {tx_volt:.3f}V')
-#             else:
-#                 polarity = 1
-#                 Rab = None
-#             # first reset the gain to 2/3 before trying to find best gain (mode 0 is continuous)
-#             self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
-#                                            address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
-#             self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
-#                                            address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
-#             # turn on the power supply
-#             start_delay = None
-#             end_delay = None
-#             out_of_range = False
-#             if self.idps:
-#                 if not np.isnan(tx_volt):
-#                     self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, tx_volt, 2)  # set tx voltage in V
-#                     self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
-#                     time.sleep(0.3)
-#                 else:
-#                     self.exec_logger.debug('No best voltage found, will not take measurement')
-#                     out_of_range = True
-#             if not out_of_range:  # we found a Vab in the range so we measure
-#                 if autogain:
-#                     # compute autogain
-#                     gain_voltage = []
-#                     for n in [0,1]:  # make short cycle for gain computation
-#                         self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
-#                                                        address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
-#                         if n == 0:
-#                             self.pin0.value = True
-#                             self.pin1.value = False
-#                             if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                                 self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
-#                         else:
-#                             self.pin0.value = False
-#                             self.pin1.value = True  # current injection nr2
-#                             if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                                 self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
-#                         time.sleep(injection_duration)
-#                         gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
-#                         if polarity > 0:
-#                             if n == 0:
-#                                 gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
-#                             else:
-#                                 gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
-#                         else:
-#                             if n == 0:
-#                                 gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
-#                             else:
-#                                 gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
-#                         self.pin0.value = False
-#                         self.pin1.value = False
-#                         time.sleep(injection_duration)
-#                         if n == 0:
-#                             gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
-#                         else:
-#                             gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
-#                         if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                             self.pin6.value = False # IHM current injection led off
-#                     self.exec_logger.debug(f'Gain current: {gain_current:.3f}, gain voltage: {gain_voltage[0]:.3f}, '
-#                                            f'{gain_voltage[1]:.3f}')
-#                     self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860,
-#                                                 address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
-#                 self.pin0.value = False
-#                 self.pin1.value = False
-#                 # one stack = 2 half-cycles (one positive, one negative)
-#                 pinMN = 0 if polarity > 0 else 2  # noqa
-#                 # sampling for each stack at the end of the injection
-#                 sampling_interval = 10  # ms    # TODO: make this a config option
-#                 self.nb_samples = int(injection_duration * 1000 // sampling_interval) + 1  #TODO: check this strategy
-#                 # full data for waveform
-#                 fulldata = []
-#                 #  we sample every 10 ms (as using AnalogIn for both current
-#                 # and voltage takes about 7 ms). When we go over the injection
-#                 # duration, we break the loop and truncate the meas arrays
-#                 # only the last values in meas will be taken into account
-#                 start_time = time.time()  # start counter
-#                 for n in range(0, nb_stack * 2):  # for each half-cycles
-#                     # current injection
-#                     if (n % 2) == 0:
-#                         self.pin0.value = True
-#                         self.pin1.value = False
-#                         if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
-#                             self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=np.min(gain_voltage), data_rate=860,
-#                                                            address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
-#                     else:
-#                         self.pin0.value = False
-#                         self.pin1.value = True  # current injection nr2
-#                         if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
-#                             self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=np.min(gain_voltage),data_rate=860,
-#                                                            address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
-#                     self.exec_logger.debug(f'Stack {n} {self.pin0.value} {self.pin1.value}')
-#                     if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                         self.pin6.value = True  # IHM current injection led on
-#                     # measurement of current i and voltage u during injection
-#                     meas = np.zeros((self.nb_samples, 3)) * np.nan
-#                     start_delay = time.time()  # stating measurement time
-#                     dt = 0
-#                     k = 0
-#                     for k in range(0, self.nb_samples):
-#                         # reading current value on ADS channels
-#                         meas[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
-#                         if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                             if pinMN == 0:
-#                                 meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000
-#                             else:
-#                                 meas[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000
-#                         elif self.board_version == '22.10':
-#                             meas[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000
-#                         # else:
-#                         #    self.exec_logger.debug('Unknown board')
-#                         time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
-#                         dt = time.time() - start_delay  # real injection time (s)
-#                         meas[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
-#                         if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
-#                             break
-#                     # stop current injection
-#                     self.pin0.value = False
-#                     self.pin1.value = False
-# #                     if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
-# #                             self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage[2],data_rate=860,
-# #                                                            address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
-#                     self.pin6.value = False# IHM current injection led on
-#                     end_delay = time.time()
-#                     # truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples  #TODO: check why
-#                     meas = meas[:k + 1]
-#                     # measurement of current i and voltage u during off time
-#                     measpp = np.zeros((meas.shape[0], 3)) * np.nan
-#                     start_delay = time.time()  # stating measurement time
-#                     dt = 0
-#                     for k in range(0, measpp.shape[0]):
-#                         # reading current value on ADS channels
-#                         measpp[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
-#                         if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-#                             if pinMN == 0:
-#                                 measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
-#                             else:
-#                                 measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1
-#                         elif self.board_version == '22.10':
-#                             measpp[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000.
-#                         else:
-#                             self.exec_logger.debug('unknown board')
-#                         time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
-#                         dt = time.time() - start_delay  # real injection time (s)
-#                         measpp[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
-#                         if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
-#                             break
-#                     end_delay = time.time()
-#                     # truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples
-#                     measpp = measpp[:k + 1]
-#                     # we alternate on which ADS1115 pin we measure because of sign of voltage
-#                     if pinMN == 0:
-#                         pinMN = 2  # noqa
-#                     else:
-#                         pinMN = 0  # noqa
-#                     # store data for full wave form
-#                     fulldata.append(meas)
-#                     fulldata.append(measpp)
-#                 # TODO get battery voltage and warn if battery is running low
-#                 # TODO send a message on SOH stating the battery level
-#                 # let's do some calculation (out of the stacking loop)
-#                 # i_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
-#                 # vmn_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
-#                 i_stack, vmn_stack = [], []
-#                 # select appropriate window length to average the readings
-#                 window = int(np.min([f.shape[0] for f in fulldata[::2]]) // 3)
-#                 for n, meas in enumerate(fulldata[::2]):
-#                     # take average from the samples per stack, then sum them all
-#                     # average for the last third of the stacked values
-#                     #  is done outside the loop
-#                     i_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 0])
-#                     vmn_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 1])
-#                     sum_i = sum_i + (np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3):, 0]))
-#                     vmn1 = np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3), 1])
-#                     if (n % 2) == 0:
-#                         sum_vmn = sum_vmn - vmn1
-#                         sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
-#                     else:
-#                         sum_vmn = sum_vmn + vmn1
-#                         sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
-#             else:
-#                 sum_i = np.nan
-#                 sum_vmn = np.nan
-#                 sum_ps = np.nan
-#                 fulldata = None
-#             if self.idps:
-#                 self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, 0, 2)  # reset to 0 volt
-#                 self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0)  # DPS5005 off
-#             # reshape full data to an array of good size
-#             # we need an array of regular size to save in the csv
-#             if not out_of_range:
-#                 fulldata = np.vstack(fulldata)
-#                 # we create a big enough array given nb_samples, number of
-#                 # half-cycles (1 stack = 2 half-cycles), and twice as we
-#                 # measure decay as well
-#                 a = np.zeros((nb_stack * self.nb_samples * 2 * 2, 3)) * np.nan
-#                 a[:fulldata.shape[0], :] = fulldata
-#                 fulldata = a
-#             else:
-#                 np.array([[]])
-#             vmn_stack_mean = np.mean([np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)])
-#             vmn_std =np.sqrt(np.std(vmn_stack[::2])**2 + np.std(vmn_stack[1::2])**2) # np.sum([np.std(vmn_stack[::2]),np.std(vmn_stack[1::2])])
-#             i_stack_mean = np.mean(i_stack)
-#             i_std = np.mean(np.array([np.std(i_stack[::2]), np.std(i_stack[1::2])]))
-#             r_stack_mean = vmn_stack_mean / i_stack_mean
-#             r_stack_std = np.sqrt((vmn_std/vmn_stack_mean)**2 + (i_std/i_stack_mean)**2) * r_stack_mean
-#             ps_stack_mean = np.mean(np.array([np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]))
-            # create a dictionary and compute averaged values from all stacks
-            # if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
-            # d = {
-            #     "time": datetime.now().isoformat(),
-            #     "A": quad[0],
-            #     "B": quad[1],
-            #     "M": quad[2],
-            #     "N": quad[3],
-            #     "inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000. if not out_of_range else 0.,
-            #     "Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #     "I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #     "R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
-            #     "Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #     "nbStack": nb_stack,
-            #     "Tx [V]": tx_volt if not out_of_range else 0.,
-            #     "CPU temp [degC]": self._hw.cpu_temperature,
-            #     "Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
-            #     "fulldata": fulldata,
-            #     "I_stack [mA]": i_stack_mean,
-            #     "I_std [mA]": i_std,
-            #     "I_per_stack [mA]": np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
-            #     "Vmn_stack [mV]": vmn_stack_mean,
-            #     "Vmn_std [mV]": vmn_std,
-            #     "Vmn_per_stack [mV]": np.array([np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1))[0] / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]),
-            #     "R_stack [ohm]": r_stack_mean,
-            #     "R_std [ohm]": r_stack_std,
-            #     "R_per_stack [Ohm]": np.mean([np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]) / np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
-            #     "PS_per_stack [mV]":  np.array([np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
-            #     "PS_stack [mV]": ps_stack_mean,
-            #     "R_ab [ohm]": Rab
-            # }
-                # print(np.array([(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]))
-            # elif self.board_version == '22.10':
-            #     d = {
-            #         "time": datetime.now().isoformat(),
-            #         "A": quad[0],
-            #         "B": quad[1],
-            #         "M": quad[2],
-            #         "N": quad[3],
-            #         "inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000. if not out_of_range else 0.,
-            #         "Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #         "I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #         "R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
-            #         "Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
-            #         "nbStack": nb_stack,
-            #         "Tx [V]": tx_volt if not out_of_range else 0.,
-            #         "CPU temp [degC]": CPUTemperature().temperature,
-            #         "Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
-            #         "fulldata": fulldata,
-            #     }
-            d = {}
-        else:  # for testing, generate random data
-            d = {'time': datetime.now().isoformat(), 'A': quad[0], 'B': quad[1], 'M': quad[2], 'N': quad[3],
-                 'R [ohm]': np.abs(np.random.randn(1)).tolist()}
+        tx_volt = float(tx_volt)
+        self.switch_mux_on(quad, cmd_id)
+        self._hw.vab_square_wave(tx_volt, cycle_length=injection_duration*2, cycles=nb_stack)
+        self.switch_mux_off(quad, cmd_id)
+        d = {
+            "time": datetime.now().isoformat(),
+            "A": quad[0],
+            "B": quad[1],
+            "M": quad[2],
+            "N": quad[3],
+            "inj time [ms]": injection_duration,  # NOTE: check this
+            # "Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
+            # "I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
+            # "R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
+            "Ps [mV]": self._hw.sp,
+            "nbStack": nb_stack,
+            "Tx [V]": tx_volt,
+            "CPU temp [degC]": self._hw.controller.cpu_temperature,
+            "Nb samples [-]": len(self._hw.readings),  # TODO: use only samples after a delay in each pulse
+            "fulldata": self._hw.readings[:,[0,-2,-1]],
+            # "I_stack [mA]": i_stack_mean,
+            # "I_std [mA]": i_std,
+            # "I_per_stack [mA]": np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
+            # "Vmn_stack [mV]": vmn_stack_mean,
+            # "Vmn_std [mV]": vmn_std,
+            # "Vmn_per_stack [mV]": np.array([np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1))[0] / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]),
+            # "R_stack [ohm]": r_stack_mean,
+            # "R_std [ohm]": r_stack_std,
+            # "R_per_stack [Ohm]": np.mean([np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]) / np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
+            # "PS_per_stack [mV]":  np.array([np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
+            # "PS_stack [mV]": ps_stack_mean,
+            # "R_ab [ohm]": Rab
+        }
         # to the data logger
         dd = d.copy()
@@ -808,9 +499,6 @@ class OhmPi(object):
         dd['cmd_id'] = str(cmd_id)
-        # self.pin5.value = False #IHM led on measurement off
-        # if self.sequence is None :
-        #     self.switch_dps('off')
         return d