import importlib from OhmPi.config import OHMPI_CONFIG import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads # noqa from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn # noqa from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008 # noqa from digitalio import Direction # noqa import minimalmodbus # noqa import time import numpy as np import os from OhmPi.hardware import TxAbstract, RxAbstract controller_module = importlib.import_module(f'{OHMPI_CONFIG["hardware"]["controller"]["model"]}') TX_CONFIG = OHMPI_CONFIG['rx'] RX_CONFIG = OHMPI_CONFIG['tx'] # hardware limits voltage_min = 10. # mV voltage_max = 4500. RX_CONFIG['voltage_min'] = voltage_min # mV RX_CONFIG['voltage_max'] = voltage_max TX_CONFIG['current_min'] = voltage_min / (TX_CONFIG['R_shunt'] * 50) # mA TX_CONFIG['current_max'] = voltage_max / (TX_CONFIG['R_shunt'] * 50) TX_CONFIG['default_voltage'] = 5. # V TX_CONFIG['voltage_max'] = 50. # V TX_CONFIG['dps_switch_on_warm_up'] = 4. # 4 seconds def _gain_auto(channel): """Automatically sets the gain on a channel Parameters ---------- channel : ads.ADS1x15 Instance of ADS where voltage is measured. Returns ------- gain : float Gain to be applied on ADS1115. """ gain = 2 / 3 if (abs(channel.voltage) < 2.040) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 1.0): gain = 2 elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 1.0) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.500): gain = 4 elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 0.500) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.250): gain = 8 elif abs(channel.voltage) < 0.250: gain = 16 return gain class Tx(TxAbstract): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update({'board_name': os.path.basename(__file__).rstrip('.py')}) super().__init__(**kwargs) self._voltage = kwargs.pop('voltage', TX_CONFIG['default_voltage']) self.controller = kwargs.pop('controller', controller_module.Controller()) # I2C connexion to MCP23008, for current injection self.mcp_board = MCP23008(self.controller.bus, address=TX_CONFIG['mcp_board_address']) # ADS1115 for current measurement (AB) self._adc_gain = 2/3 self._ads_current_address = 0x48 self._ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.controller.bus, gain=self.adc_gain, data_rate=860, address=self._ads_current_address) # Relays for pulse polarity self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0) self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1) self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self.polarity = 0 # DPH 5005 Digital Power Supply self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dps + self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dps - self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self.turn_on() time.sleep(TX_CONFIG['dps_switch_on_warm_up']) self.DPS = minimalmodbus.Instrument(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', slaveaddress=1) # port name, address (decimal) self.DPS.serial.baudrate = 9600 # Baud rate 9600 as listed in doc self.DPS.serial.bytesize = 8 # self.DPS.serial.timeout = 1. # greater than 0.5 for it to work self.DPS.debug = False # self.DPS.serial.parity = 'N' # No parity self.DPS.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU # RTU mode self.DPS.write_register(0x0001, 1000, 0) # max current allowed (100 mA for relays) : # (last number) 0 is for mA, 3 is for A # I2C connexion to MCP23008, for current injection self.pin4 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(4) # Ohmpi_run self.pin4.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self.pin4.value = True'TX battery: {self.tx_bat:.1f} V') self.turn_off() @property def adc_gain(self): return self._adc_gain @adc_gain.setter def adc_gain(self, value): assert value in [2/3, 2, 4, 8, 16] self._adc_gain = value self._ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.controller.bus, gain=self.adc_gain, data_rate=860, address=self._ads_current_address) self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting TX ADC gain to {value}') def adc_gain_auto(self): gain = _gain_auto(AnalogIn(self._ads_current, ads.P0)) self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting TX ADC gain automatically to {gain}') self.adc_gain = gain def current_pulse(self, **kwargs): super().current_pulse(**kwargs) self.exec_logger.warning(f'Current pulse is not implemented for the {TX_CONFIG["model"]} board') @property def current(self): """ Gets the current IAB in Amps """ return AnalogIn(self._ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / (50 * TX_CONFIG['R_shunt']) # noqa measure current @ current.setter def current(self, value): assert TX_CONFIG['current_min'] <= value <= TX_CONFIG['current_max'] self.exec_logger.warning(f'Current pulse is not implemented for the {TX_CONFIG["model"]} board') def inject(self, state='on'): super().inject(state=state) if state=='on': self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1) # DPS5005 on else: self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off @property def polarity(self): return super().polarity @polarity.setter def polarity(self, value): super().polarity(value) if value==1: self.pin0.value = True self.pin1.value = False elif value==-1: self.pin0.value = False self.pin1.value = True else: self.pin0.value = False self.pin1.value = False #time.sleep(0.001) # TODO: check max switching time of relays @property def voltage(self): return self._voltage @voltage.setter def voltage(self, value): if value > TX_CONFIG['voltage_max']: self.exec_logger.warning(f'Sorry, cannot inject more than {TX_CONFIG["voltage_max"]} V, ' f'set it back to {TX_CONFIG["default_voltage"]} V (default value).') value = TX_CONFIG['default_voltage'] if value < 0.: self.exec_logger.warning(f'Voltage should be given as a positive number. ' f'Set polarity to -1 to reverse voltage...') value = np.abs(value) self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, value, 2) def turn_off(self): super().turn_off() self.pin2.value = False self.pin3.value = False def turn_on(self): super().turn_on() self.pin2.value = True self.pin3.value = True @property def tx_bat(self): tx_bat = self.DPS.read_register(0x05, 2) if tx_bat < 12.: self.soh_logger.debug(f'Low TX Battery: {tx_bat:.1f} V') return tx_bat def voltage_pulse(self, voltage=TX_CONFIG['default_voltage'], length=None, polarity=None): """ Generates a square voltage pulse Parameters ---------- voltage: float, optional Voltage to apply in volts, tx_v_def is applied if omitted. length: float, optional Length of the pulse in seconds polarity: 1,0,-1 Polarity of the pulse """ if length is None: length = self.inj_time if polarity is None: polarity = self.polarity self.polarity = polarity self.voltage(voltage) self.exec_logger.debug(f'Voltage pulse of {polarity*voltage:.3f} V for {length:.3f} s') self.inject(state='on') time.sleep(length) self.inject(state='off') class Rx(RxAbstract): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update({'board_name': os.path.basename(__file__).rstrip('.py')}) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.controller = kwargs.pop('controller', controller_module.Controller()) # ADS1115 for voltage measurement (MN) self._ads_voltage_address = 0x49 self._adc_gain = 2/3 self._ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.controller.bus, gain=self._adc_gain, data_rate=860, address=self._ads_voltage_address) @property def adc_gain(self): return self._adc_gain @adc_gain.setter def adc_gain(self, value): assert value in [2/3, 2, 4, 8, 16] self._adc_gain = value self._ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.controller.bus, gain=self.adc_gain, data_rate=860, address=self._ads_voltage_address) self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting RX ADC gain to {value}') def adc_gain_auto(self): gain_0 = _gain_auto(AnalogIn(self._ads_voltage, ads.P0)) gain_2 = _gain_auto(AnalogIn(self._ads_voltage, ads.P2)) gain = np.min([gain_0, gain_2])[0] self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting TX ADC gain automatically to {gain}') self.adc_gain = gain @property def voltage(self): """ Gets the voltage VMN in Volts """ u0 = AnalogIn(self._ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. u2 = AnalogIn(self._ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. u = np.max([u0,u2]) * (np.heaviside(u0-u2, 1.) * 2 - 1.) # gets the max between u0 & u2 and set the sign self.exec_logger.debug(f'Reading voltages {u0} V and {u2} V on RX. Returning {u} V') return u