from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import os import json import uuid from config import MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG, OHMPI_CONFIG from termcolor import colored import pandas as pd import shutil import time import threading import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt_client import paho.mqtt.publish as publish hostName = "" # for AP mode (not AP-STA) serverPort = 8080 # ctrl_broker = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname'] publisher_config = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG.copy() publisher_config['topic'] = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic'] publisher_config.pop('ctrl_topic') print(colored(f"Sending commands control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']} on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker.")) cmd_id = None rdic = {} class MyServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): # because we use SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, we do not need to implement # the do_GET() method (if we use the BaseHTTPRequestHandler, we would need to) # def do_GET(self): # # normal get for wepages (not so secure!) # print(self.command) # print(self.headers) # print(self.request) # self.send_response(200) # self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") # self.end_headers() # with open(os.path.join('.', self.path[1:]), 'r') as f: # self.wfile.write(bytes(, "utf-8")) def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): super().__init__(request, client_address, server) # set controller self.controller = mqtt_client.Client(f"ohmpi_{OHMPI_CONFIG['id']}_listener", clean_session=False) # create new instance print(colored(f"Connecting to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']} on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker", 'blue')) trials = 0 trials_max = 10 broker_connected = False while trials < trials_max: try: self.controller.username_pw_set(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['auth'].get('username'), MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['auth']['password']) self.controller.connect(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']) trials = trials_max broker_connected = True except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to connect control broker: {e}') print('trying again to connect to control broker...') time.sleep(2) trials += 1 if broker_connected: print(f"Subscribing to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']}") self.controller.subscribe(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic'], MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['qos']) else: print(f"Unable to connect to control broker on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']}") self.controller = None self.cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._control) def _control(self): def on_message(client, userdata, message): global cmd_id, rdic command = message.payload.decode('utf-8') print(f'Received command {command}') # self.process_commands(command) if 'reply' in command.keys and command['cmd_id'] == cmd_id : rdic = command self.controller.on_message = on_message self.controller.loop_start() while True: time.sleep(.1) def do_POST(self): global cmd_id, rdic cmd_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # global socket # global ohmpiThread, status, run dic = json.loads(['Content-Length']))) rdic = {} # response dictionary if dic['cmd'] == 'start': payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'start'}) publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config) elif dic['cmd'] == 'stop': # ohmpi.stop() payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'stop'}) publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config) elif dic['cmd'] == 'getData': # get all .csv file in data folder fnames = [fname for fname in os.listdir('data/') if fname[-4:] == '.csv'] ddic = {} for fname in fnames: if (fname.replace('.csv', '') not in dic['surveyNames'] and fname != 'readme.txt' and '_rs' not in fname): df = pd.read_csv('data/' + fname) ddic[fname.replace('.csv', '')] = { 'a': df['A'].tolist(), 'b': df['B'].tolist(), 'm': df['M'].tolist(), 'n': df['N'].tolist(), 'rho': df['R [ohm]'].tolist(), } rdic['data'] = ddic elif dic['cmd'] == 'removeData': shutil.rmtree('data') os.mkdir('data') elif dic['cmd'] == 'update_settings': # ohmpi.stop() if 'sequence' in dic['config'].keys and dic['config']['sequence'] is not None: sequence = dic['config']['sequence'] dic['config'].pop('sequence', None) payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'set_sequence', 'args': sequence}) payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'update_settings', 'args': dic['config']}) cdic = dic['config'] publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config) elif dic['cmd'] == 'invert': pass elif dic['cmd'] == 'getResults': pass elif dic['cmd'] == 'rsCheck': # ohmpi.rs_check() payload = json.dumps({'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'cmd': 'rs_check'}) publish.single(payload=payload, **publisher_config) fnames = sorted([fname for fname in os.listdir('data/') if fname[-7:] == '_rs.csv']) df = pd.read_csv('data/' + fnames[-1]) ddic = { 'AB': (df['A'].astype('str') + '-' + df['B'].astype(str)).tolist(), 'res': df['RS [kOhm]'].tolist() } rdic['data'] = ddic elif dic['cmd'] == 'download': shutil.make_archive('data', 'zip', 'data') elif dic['cmd'] == 'shutdown': print('shutting down...') os.system('shutdown now -h') elif dic['cmd'] == 'restart': print('shutting down...') os.system('reboot') # NOTE: on machine running the interface? or on rpi? else: # command not found rdic['response'] = 'command not found' # rdic['status'] = ohmpi.status rdic['status'] = 'unknown' # socket_out. # wait for reply #message = socket.recv() #print('+++////', message) # rdic['data'] = message.decode('utf-8') """ while False: message = socket.recv() print(f'Received command: {message}') e = None try: decoded_message = json.loads(message)) cmd = decoded_message.pop('cmd', None) args = decoded_message.pop('args', None) status = False e = None if cmd is not None and cmd_id is decoded_message.pop('cmd_id', None): print('reply=', decoded_message) except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to decode command {message}: {e}') """ self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(rdic), 'utf8')) if __name__ == "__main__": webServer = HTTPServer((hostName, serverPort), MyServer) print("Server started http://%s:%s" % (hostName, serverPort)) try: webServer.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass webServer.server_close() print("Server stopped.")