From 1ea6fd7c54e35ffdf4bf9341bd02135aef976fd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Antoine Rouby <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 09:41:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Script: Fix missing files and minor change.

 src/Scripts/ | 289 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/View/  |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 290 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/Scripts/

diff --git a/src/Scripts/ b/src/Scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..065c1234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# -- Pamhyr
+# Copyright (C) 2023  INRAE
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import logging
+from ctypes import (
+    cdll,
+    byref, Structure,
+    c_char_p, c_wchar_p,
+    create_string_buffer,
+    POINTER, c_void_p,
+    c_int, c_double, c_bool
+from Scripts.AScript import AScript
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+bief_lib = None
+c_init_bief_from_geo_file = None
+c_get_nb_sections = None
+c_get_nb_points_section = None
+c_set_bief_name = None
+c_st_to_m_compl = None
+c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal = None
+c_update_pk = None
+c_output_bief = None
+# Binding initialisation #
+def init_clib(lib_path):
+    global bief_lib
+    bief_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path)
+    init_c_init_bief_from_geo_file(bief_lib)
+    init_c_get_nb_sections(bief_lib)
+    init_c_get_nb_points_section(bief_lib)
+    init_c_set_bief_name(bief_lib)
+    init_c_st_to_m_compl(bief_lib)
+    init_c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal(bief_lib)
+    init_c_update_pk(bief_lib)
+    init_c_output_bief(bief_lib)
+def init_c_init_bief_from_geo_file(bief_lib):
+    global c_init_bief_from_geo_file
+    c_init_bief_from_geo_file = getattr(
+        bief_lib, 'c_init_bief_from_geo_file'
+    )
+    c_init_bief_from_geo_file.argtypes = [
+        c_char_p, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)
+    ]
+    c_init_bief_from_geo_file.restype = None
+def init_c_get_nb_sections(bief_lib):
+    global c_get_nb_sections
+    c_get_nb_sections = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_get_nb_sections')
+    c_get_nb_sections.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int)]
+    c_get_nb_sections.restype = None
+def init_c_get_nb_points_section(bief_lib):
+    global c_get_nb_points_section
+    c_get_nb_points_section = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_get_nb_points_section')
+    c_get_nb_points_section.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
+    c_get_nb_points_section.restype = None
+def init_c_set_bief_name(bief_lib):
+    global c_set_bief_name
+    c_set_bief_name = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_set_bief_name')
+    c_set_bief_name.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+    c_set_bief_name.restype = None
+def init_c_st_to_m_compl(bief_lib):
+    global c_st_to_m_compl
+    c_st_to_m_compl = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_st_to_m_compl')
+    c_st_to_m_compl.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int), c_char_p, c_char_p]
+    c_st_to_m_compl.restype = None
+def init_c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal(bief_lib):
+    global c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal
+    c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal = getattr(
+        bief_lib, 'c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal'
+    )
+    c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal.argtypes = [
+        POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int),
+        c_char_p, c_char_p,
+        POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_bool),
+        POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_bool)
+    ]
+    c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal.restype = None
+def init_c_update_pk(bief_lib):
+    global c_update_pk
+    c_update_pk = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_update_pk')
+    c_update_pk.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+    c_update_pk.restype = None
+def init_c_output_bief(bief_lib):
+    global c_output_bief
+    c_output_bief = getattr(bief_lib, 'c_output_bief')
+    c_output_bief.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+    c_output_bief.restype = None
+def init_bief_from_geo_file(name, with_charriage, with_water):
+"! call init_bief_from_geo_file:")
+    cname = create_string_buffer(name.encode())
+    c_init_bief_from_geo_file(
+        cname,
+        byref(c_int(with_charriage)),
+        byref(c_int(with_water))
+    )
+# Binding functions #
+def get_nb_sections():
+    nb_sections = c_int(0)
+    c_get_nb_sections(byref(nb_sections))
+    return nb_sections.value
+def get_nb_points_section(section):
+    nb_points = c_int(0)
+    c_get_nb_points_section(byref(c_int(section)), byref(nb_points))
+    return nb_points.value
+def set_bief_name(name):
+"! call set_bief_name: {repr(name)}")
+    cname = create_string_buffer(name.encode())
+    c_set_bief_name(cname)
+def st_to_m_compl(npoints, tag1='   ', tag2='   '):
+"! call st_to_m_compl: {npoints}")
+    cnpoints = c_int(npoints)
+    ctag1 = create_string_buffer(tag1.encode())
+    ctag2 = create_string_buffer(tag2.encode())
+    c_st_to_m_compl(byref(cnpoints), ctag1, ctag2)
+def interpolate_profils_pas_transversal(limite1, limite2,
+                                        directrice1, directrice2,
+                                        pas, lplan=False,
+                                        lm=3, lineaire=False):
+"! call interpolate_profils_pas_transversal:")
+    climite1 = c_int(limite1)
+    climite2 = c_int(limite2)
+    cpas = c_double(pas)
+    clplan = c_bool(lplan)
+    clm = c_int(lm)
+    clineaire = c_bool(lineaire)
+    cdirectrice1 = create_string_buffer(directrice1.encode())
+    cdirectrice2 = create_string_buffer(directrice2.encode())
+    c_interpolate_profils_pas_transversal(
+        byref(climite1), byref(climite2),
+        cdirectrice1, cdirectrice2,
+        byref(cpas), byref(clplan),
+        byref(clm), byref(clineaire)
+    )
+def update_pk(directrice):
+"! call update_pk:")
+    cdirectrice = create_string_buffer(directrice.encode())
+    c_update_pk(cdirectrice)
+def output_bief(name):
+"! call output_bief:")
+    cname = create_string_buffer(name.encode())
+    c_output_bief(cname)
+# Script #
+class MageMesh(AScript):
+    name = "MageMesh"
+    description = "Mesh ST file to M"
+    def usage(self):
+            f"Usage : {self._args[0]} {self._args[1]} " +
+            "<SO_FILE> <ST_FILE> <STEP>"
+        )
+    def run(self):
+        if len(self._args) < 5:
+            return 1
+        try:
+            so = self._args[2]
+            st = self._args[3]
+            step = float(self._args[4])
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error(f"Argument format error: {e}")
+            return 2
+        try:
+            init_clib(so)
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error(f"Bindings failed: {e}")
+            return 3
+        self.meshing(st, step)
+        return 0
+    def meshing(self, st_file: str, step: float):
+        workdir = self.get_workdir(st_file)
+        file_name = st_file.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+        reach_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
+        # Open
+        init_bief_from_geo_file(st_file, 0, 0)
+        set_bief_name(reach_name)
+        ns = get_nb_sections()
+        npts_max = max(
+            map(
+                lambda i: get_nb_points_section(i),
+                range(1, ns)
+            )
+        )
+        # Transform
+        st_to_m_compl(npts_max, 'rg', 'rd')
+        interpolate_profils_pas_transversal(
+            1, ns,
+            'un', 'np',
+            step
+        )
+        update_pk("un")
+        # Save
+"Saved meshing geometry to {file_name}.M")
+        output_bief(f"{file_name}.M")
+    def get_workdir(self, file):
+        workdir = os.path.abspath(
+            os.path.dirname(file)
+        )
+        os.makedirs(workdir, exist_ok=True)
+"Set working dir to {workdir}")
+        return workdir
diff --git a/src/View/ b/src/View/
index ac1bef12..e48b4803 100644
--- a/src/View/
+++ b/src/View/
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class ApplicationWindow(QMainWindow, ListedSubWindow, WindowToolKit):
             "", "Pamhyr(*.pamhyr)"
-        if  file_name.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] == ".pamhyr":
+        if file_name.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] == ".pamhyr":
             self._study.filename = file_name
             self._study.filename = file_name + ".pamhyr"