diff --git a/src/View/InitialConditions/PlotDKP.py b/src/View/InitialConditions/PlotDKP.py
index 23752aef6a77dd3bd47336d4bdc6d95a89dbc124..58a83219e3afea0ccc3672433ded6550a080f17e 100644
--- a/src/View/InitialConditions/PlotDKP.py
+++ b/src/View/InitialConditions/PlotDKP.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class PlotDKP(APlot):
-            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "Draft (m)"),
+            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "Elevation (m)"),
             color='green', fontsize=11
diff --git a/src/View/Results/PlotAC.py b/src/View/Results/PlotAC.py
index 7c882e6e9f937e7c040355f25ebd83f96a802e3a..f0e4b0e287ae351699c5a531aba8aae22f5db797 100644
--- a/src/View/Results/PlotAC.py
+++ b/src/View/Results/PlotAC.py
@@ -15,3 +15,101 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from tools import timer
+from View.Plot.APlot import APlot
+from PyQt5.QtCore import (
+    QCoreApplication
+_translate = QCoreApplication.translate
+class PlotAC(APlot):
+    def __init__(self, canvas=None, results=None,
+                 reach_id=0, profile_id=0,
+                 toolbar=None):
+        super(PlotAC, self).__init__(
+            canvas=canvas,
+            data=results,
+            toolbar=toolbar
+        )
+        self._current_timestamp = max(results.get("timestamps"))
+        self._current_reach_id = reach_id
+        self._current_profile_id = profile_id
+    @property
+    def results(self):
+        return self.data
+    @timer
+    def draw(self, highlight=None):
+        self.canvas.axes.cla()
+        self.canvas.axes.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
+        if self.results is None:
+            return
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlabel(
+            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "X (m)"),
+            color='green', fontsize=11
+        )
+        self.canvas.axes.set_ylabel(
+            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "Elevation (m)"),
+            color='green', fontsize=11
+        )
+        reach = self.results.river.reach(self._current_reach_id)
+        profile = reach.profile(self._current_profile_id)
+        x = profile.geometry.get_station()
+        z = profile.geometry.z()
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlim(
+            left = min(x), right = max(x)
+        )
+        self.line_kp, = self.canvas.axes.plot(
+            x, z,
+            linestyle="solid",
+            lw=1.8,
+            color='grey',
+        )
+        kp = reach.geometry.get_kp()
+        # Water elevation
+        water_z = profile.get_ts_key(self._current_timestamp, "Z")
+        self.canvas.axes.plot(
+            [min(x),  max(x)], [water_z, water_z],
+            lw=1., color='b',
+        )
+        x_z = list(map(lambda _: water_z, x))
+        self.canvas.axes.fill_between(
+            x, z, water_z,
+            where=z <= water_z,
+            color='blue', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True
+        )
+        self.canvas.figure.tight_layout()
+        self.canvas.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
+        if self.toolbar is not None:
+            self.toolbar.update()
+    def set_reach(self, reach_id):
+        self._current_reach_id = reach_id
+        self._current_profile_id = 0
+        self.draw()
+    def set_profile(self, profile_id):
+        self._current_profile_id = profile_id
+        self.draw()
+    def set_timestamp(self, timestamp):
+        self._current_timestamp = timestamp
+        self.draw()
+    def update(self):
+        self.draw()
diff --git a/src/View/Results/PlotKPC.py b/src/View/Results/PlotKPC.py
index c044d35e7fa1e8fc98645d0f0f6861887a5d008f..4d7f69a6d02b858c78704b09707ff67fed7177ca 100644
--- a/src/View/Results/PlotKPC.py
+++ b/src/View/Results/PlotKPC.py
@@ -15,3 +15,98 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from tools import timer
+from View.Plot.APlot import APlot
+from PyQt5.QtCore import (
+    QCoreApplication
+_translate = QCoreApplication.translate
+class PlotKPC(APlot):
+    def __init__(self, canvas=None, results=None,
+                 reach_id=0, profile_id=0,
+                 toolbar=None):
+        super(PlotKPC, self).__init__(
+            canvas=canvas,
+            data=results,
+            toolbar=toolbar
+        )
+        self._current_timestamp = max(results.get("timestamps"))
+        self._current_reach_id = reach_id
+        self._current_profile_id = profile_id
+    @property
+    def results(self):
+        return self.data
+    @timer
+    def draw(self, highlight=None):
+        self.canvas.axes.cla()
+        self.canvas.axes.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
+        if self.results is None:
+            return
+        reach = self.results.river.reach(self._current_reach_id)
+        self.canvas.axes.set_ylabel(
+            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "Elevation (m)"),
+            color='green', fontsize=11
+        )
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlabel(
+            _translate("MainWindow_reach", "KP (m)"),
+            color='green', fontsize=11
+        )
+        kp = reach.geometry.get_kp()
+        z_min = reach.geometry.get_z_min()
+        self.canvas.axes.set_xlim(
+            left = min(kp), right = max(kp)
+        )
+        self.line_kp_zmin = self.canvas.axes.plot(
+            kp, z_min,
+            color='grey', lw=1.
+        )
+        if len(reach.geometry.profiles) != 0:
+            kp = reach.geometry.get_kp()
+            # Water elevation
+            water_z = list(
+                map(
+                    lambda p: p.get_ts_key(self._current_timestamp, "Z"),
+                    reach.profiles
+                )
+            )
+            self.canvas.axes.plot(
+                kp, water_z, lw=1.,
+                color='b',
+            )
+        self.canvas.figure.tight_layout()
+        self.canvas.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
+        if self.toolbar is not None:
+            self.toolbar.update()
+    def set_reach(self, reach_id):
+        self._current_reach_id = reach_id
+        self._current_profile_id = 0
+        self.draw()
+    def set_profile(self, profile_id):
+        self._current_profile_id = profile_id
+        self.draw()
+    def set_timestamp(self, timestamp):
+        self._current_timestamp = timestamp
+        self.draw()
+    def update(self):
+        self.draw()
diff --git a/src/View/Results/PlotXY.py b/src/View/Results/PlotXY.py
index a0af6a2d81a91c0e6cbcf4632e15d2d3b2e5e18f..905692a3d31a8f1cf3eb94536184e61e1568146b 100644
--- a/src/View/Results/PlotXY.py
+++ b/src/View/Results/PlotXY.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class PlotXY(APlot):
         self.line_xy = [
                 x, y, lw=1.,
-                color='b' if kp_min <= kp <= kp_max else 'r',
+                color='b' if kp_min <= kp <= kp_max else 'grey',
                 markersize=3, marker='+'
             for x, y, kp in zip(
diff --git a/src/View/Results/Window.py b/src/View/Results/Window.py
index dbf335f004344810dd0d759630028af57e8491d6..4ae5293e43938d26940a7fcc85c0129d7b1ea8de 100644
--- a/src/View/Results/Window.py
+++ b/src/View/Results/Window.py
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
 from View.Plot.MplCanvas import MplCanvas
 from View.Results.PlotXY import PlotXY
+from View.Results.PlotAC import PlotAC
+from View.Results.PlotKPC import PlotKPC
 from View.Results.Table import TableModel
 from View.Results.translate import *
 from View.Stricklers.Window import StricklersWindow
@@ -112,9 +115,11 @@ class ResultsWindow(ASubMainWindow, ListedSubWindow):
         self._slider_profile = self.find(QSlider, f"verticalSlider_profile")
         default_reach = self._results.river.reach(0)
         self._slider_profile.setMaximum(len(default_reach.profiles) - 1)
+        self._slider_profile.setValue(0)
         self._slider_time = self.find(QSlider, f"horizontalSlider_time")
         self._slider_time.setMaximum(len(self._timestamps) - 1)
+        self._slider_time.setValue(len(self._timestamps) - 1)
     def setup_graph(self):
         self.canvas = MplCanvas(width=5, height=4, dpi=100)
@@ -137,18 +142,28 @@ class ResultsWindow(ASubMainWindow, ListedSubWindow):
         self.plot_layout_2 = self.find(QVBoxLayout, "verticalLayout_2")
-        # self.plot_2 = PlotStricklers(
-        #     canvas = self.canvas_2,
-        #     data = self._reach,
-        #     toolbar = None
-        # )
-        # self.plot_2.draw()
+        self.plot_kpc = PlotKPC(
+            canvas = self.canvas_2,
+            results = self._results,
+            reach_id = 0,
+            profile_id = 0,
+            toolbar = None
+        )
+        self.plot_kpc.draw()
         self.canvas_3 = MplCanvas(width=5, height=4, dpi=100)
         self.plot_layout_3 = self.find(QVBoxLayout, "verticalLayout_3")
+        self.plot_ac = PlotAC(
+            canvas = self.canvas_3,
+            results = self._results,
+            reach_id = 0,
+            profile_id = 0,
+            toolbar = None
+        )
+        self.plot_ac.draw()
     def setup_connections(self):
@@ -177,25 +192,35 @@ class ResultsWindow(ASubMainWindow, ListedSubWindow):
     def update(self, reach_id = None, profile_id = None, timestamp = None):
         if reach_id is not None:
+            self.plot_ac.set_reach(reach_id)
+            self.plot_kpc.set_reach(reach_id)
         if profile_id is not None:
+            self.plot_ac.set_profile(profile_id)
+            self.plot_kpc.set_profile(profile_id)
         if timestamp is not None:
+            self.plot_ac.set_timestamp(timestamp)
+            self.plot_kpc.set_timestamp(timestamp)
+        self.plot_ac.draw()
+        self.plot_kpc.draw()
     def _set_current_reach(self):
         table = self.find(QTableView, f"tableView_reach")
         indexes = table.selectedIndexes()
-        self.update(reach_id = indexes[0])
+        self.update(reach_id = indexes[0].row())
     def _set_current_profile(self):
         table = self.find(QTableView, f"tableView_profile")
         indexes = table.selectedIndexes()
-        self.update(profile_id = indexes[0])
+        ind = indexes[0].row()
+        self.update(profile_id = ind)
+        self._slider_profile.setValue(ind)
     def _set_current_profile_slider(self):
         pid = self._slider_profile.value()