# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from queue import Queue from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5.QtCore import ( QTranslator, QEvent ) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QMainWindow, QApplication, QAction, QFileDialog, ) from PyQt5.uic import loadUi from View.ASubWindow import WindowToolKit from View.ListedSubWindow import ListedSubWindow from View.DummyWindow import DummyWindow from View.Configure.Window import ConfigureWindow from View.Study.Window import NewStudyWindow from View.About.Window import AboutWindow from View.Network.Window import NetworkWindow from View.Geometry.Window import GeometryWindow from View.BoundaryCondition.Window import BoundaryConditionWindow from View.LateralContribution.Window import LateralContributionWindow from View.InitialConditions.Window import InitialConditionsWindow from View.Stricklers.Window import StricklersWindow from View.Sections.Window import SectionsWindow from View.SolverParameters.Window import SolverParametersWindow from Model.Study import Study no_model_action = [ "action_menu_new", "action_menu_open", "action_menu_import_mage", "action_menu_import_rubarbe", "action_toolBar_open", ] model_action = [ "action_menu_close", "action_menu_edit", "action_menu_save", "action_menu_save_as", "action_toolBar_close", "action_toolBar_save", ] other_model_action = [ "action_toolBar_run_solver", "action_toolBar_kill_solver" ] define_model_action = [ "action_toolBar_network", "action_toolBar_geometry", "action_toolBar_mesh", "action_toolBar_run_meshing_tool", "action_toolBar_boundary_cond", "action_toolBar_lateral_contrib", "action_toolBar_spills", "action_toolBar_sections", "action_toolBar_stricklers", "action_toolBar_building", "action_toolBar_initial_cond", ] action = ( no_model_action + model_action + define_model_action ) class ApplicationWindow(QMainWindow, ListedSubWindow, WindowToolKit): def __init__(self, conf=None): super(ApplicationWindow, self).__init__() # App Configuration self.conf = conf # Model self.model = None # UI self.ui = loadUi( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ui", "MainWindow.ui"), self ) self.init_callback() self.default_style() self.trans = QTranslator(self) #self.ui.retranslateUi() def set_title(self): if self.model is not None: self.setWindowTitle(f"PAMHYR - {self.model.name}") else: self.setWindowTitle("PAMHYR") def enable_actions(self, action:str, enable:bool): """Enable of disable an action componant Args: action: Action to enable/disable enable: True to Enable, or False to disable Returns: Nothing """ self.findChild(QAction, action).setEnabled(enable) def init_callback(self): """Connect action to callback function Returns: Nothing """ actions = { # Menu action "action_menu_config": self.open_configure, "action_menu_new": self.open_new_study, "action_menu_edit": self.open_edit_study, "action_menu_open": self.open_model, "action_menu_save": self.save_study, "action_menu_save_as": self.save_as_study, ## Help "action_menu_about": self.open_about, # ToolBar action "action_toolBar_quit": self.close, "action_toolBar_open": self.open_model, "action_toolBar_save": self.save_study, "action_toolBar_close": self.close_model, "action_toolBar_run_solver": self.open_dummy, "action_toolBar_kill_solver": self.open_dummy, "action_toolBar_listing": self.open_dummy, ## Current actions "action_toolBar_network": self.open_network, "action_toolBar_geometry": self.open_geometry, "action_toolBar_mesh": lambda: self.open_dummy("Mesh"), "action_toolBar_run_meshing_tool": self.open_solver_parameters, "action_toolBar_boundary_cond": self.open_boundary_cond, "action_toolBar_lateral_contrib": self.open_lateral_contrib, "action_toolBar_spills": lambda: self.open_dummy("Deversement"), "action_toolBar_stricklers": self.open_stricklers, "action_toolBar_sections": self.open_sections, "action_toolBar_building": lambda: self.open_dummy("Ouvrages"), "action_toolBar_initial_cond": self.open_initial_conditions, } for action in actions: self.findChild(QAction, action)\ .triggered.connect(actions[action]) # action.triggered.connect(actions[action]) def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.retranslateUi() super(ApplicationWindow, self).changeEvent(event) def default_style(self): """Set default window style Returns: Nothing """ self.update_enable_action() # Maximise window self.showMaximized() ######### # MODEL # ######### def get_model(self): return self.model def set_model(self, model): self.model = model self.update_enable_action() self.set_title() def close_model(self): self.model = None self.update_enable_action() self.set_title() def update_enable_action(self): """Update status of action componante Update status of action componant, enable or disable in function of model state Returns: Nothing """ no_model = self.model is None for action in no_model_action: self.enable_actions(action, no_model) for action in define_model_action + other_model_action: self.enable_actions(action, not no_model) for action in model_action: self.enable_actions(action, not no_model) ############ # FEATURES # ############ def save_study(self): """Save current study Save current study, if study as no associate file, open a file dialog. Returns: Nothing """ if self.model.filename == "": file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save File", "", "Pamhyr(*.pkl)" ) if file_name[-4:] == ".pkl": self.model.filename = file_name else: self.model.filename = file_name + ".pkl" self.model.save() def save_as_study(self): """Save current study as new file Save current study as new file, if study as no associate file, open a file dialog. Returns: Nothing """ file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save File", "", "Pamhyr(*.pkl)" ) if file_name[-4:] == ".pkl": self.model.filename = file_name else: self.model.filename = file_name + ".pkl" self.model.save() ############# # SUBWINDOW # ############# def open_configure(self): """Open configure window Open PamHyr configure window Returns: Nothing """ self.config = ConfigureWindow(conf=self.conf, parent=self) self.config.show() def open_about(self): """Open about window Open a new window with information about PamHyr Returns: Nothing """ self.about = AboutWindow(parent=self) self.about.show() def open_model(self): """Open file dialog to select saved model Returns: Nothing """ if self.model is None: dialog = QFileDialog(self) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.FileMode.ExistingFile) dialog.setDefaultSuffix(".pkl") #dialog.setFilter(dialog.filter() | QtCore.QDir.Hidden) dialog.setNameFilters(['PamHyr (*.pkl)']) if dialog.exec_(): file_name = dialog.selectedFiles() self.set_model(Study.open(file_name[0])) print(f"[MainWindow] Open Study : {self.model.name}") def open_new_study(self): """Open dialog to set new study Returns: Nothing """ if self.model is None: self.new_study = NewStudyWindow(parent=self) self.new_study.show() def open_edit_study(self): """Open dialog to set new study Returns: Nothing """ if not self.model is None: self.new_study = NewStudyWindow(study=self.model, parent=self) self.new_study.show() def open_network(self): """Open network dialog Returns: Nothing """ if (self.model is not None and not self.sub_win_exists("River network")): self.network = NetworkWindow(model=self.model, parent=self) self.network.show() def open_geometry(self): """Open geometry window Returns: Nothing """ if (self.model is not None and self.model.river.has_current_reach()): geometry = GeometryWindow(model=self.model, parent=self) geometry.show() else: self.message_box("Please select a reach", "Geometry edition need a reach selected " "into river network window to work on it") def open_boundary_cond(self): self.bound = BoundaryConditionWindow(study = self.model, parent = self) self.bound.show() def open_lateral_contrib(self): self.lateral = LateralContributionWindow(study = self.model, parent = self) self.lateral.show() def open_stricklers(self): self.strick = StricklersWindow( study = self.model, config = self.conf, parent = self ) self.strick.show() def open_sections(self): self.sections = SectionsWindow( study = self.model, parent = self ) self.sections.show() def open_initial_conditions(self): if self.model.river.has_current_reach(): self.initial = InitialConditionsWindow( study = self.model, parent = self ) self.initial.show() def open_solver_parameters(self): self.params = SolverParametersWindow( study = self.model, parent = self ) self.params.show() # TODO: Delete me ! ############### # DUMMY STUFF # ############### def open_dummy(self, title="Dummy"): self.dummy = DummyWindow( title=title if type(title) is str else "Dummy", parent=self ) self.dummy.show()