[:fr: French version](home-fr)
# Documentation
- [:fr: French version](home-fr)
- [:gb: English version](home) |
Pamhyr2 is the fully rebuilt version of the PAMHyR modelling platform. It is developed using [Python](https://www.python.org/), [PyQt](https://pypi.org/project/PyQt5/) and [Matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/). Pamhyr2 is [free and open-source](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/blob/master/LICENSE), multilingual (fr/en), cross-platform (Linux, Windows) and design to be generic enough to accept various one-dimensional solvers. Pamhyr2 includes and enhances all the features from the previous version: multiple-reach modelling, geometry definition from cross-section data, initial and boundary conditions, friction coefficients, hydraulic structures, lateral inflow, punctual intake and the results' visualization window. In addition, this version includes new features such as bed-load and bed evolution.
:warning: *This is work in progress project and documentation.*
## Installation
It's recommand to install Pamhyr2 from packages and not from sources. Let see the installation process for your OS:
- [GNU/Linux](home/en/Install on GNULinux)
- [Windows](home/en/Install on Windows)
## Modelling
This section present each features to modelling a river with Pamhyr2.
### River modeling base
- [Create/Edit study](home/en/Create-or-open-a-study)
- [River network](home/en/River-network)
- [Geometry](home/en/Geometry)
### Hydraulics
- [Boundary conditions](home/en/Boundary-conditions)
- [Lateral contribution](home/en/Lateral-contributions)
- [Friction](home/en/Friction)
- [Initial conditions](home/en/Initial-conditions)
- [Reservoirs](home/en/Reservoirs)
- [Hydraulic structures](home/en/Hydraulic-structures)
### Sediments
- [Sediment Layer](home/en/Sediment-Layer)
## Solvers
- [Solver configuration](home/en/Solver-configuration)
- [Solver numerical parameters](home/en/Solver-numerical-parameters)
- [Run a solver](home/en/Run-a-solver)
## Explore results
- [Results](home/en/Results)
# Publications
- Rouby, PA., Camenen, B., Pénard, L., Kieffer, L., Terraz, T. (2024). Pamhyr2: A Graphical User Interface for 1D Hydro-Sedimentary Modelling of Rivers. In: Gourbesville, P., Caignaert, G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics—SimHydro 2023 Volume 2. SimHydro 2023. Springer Water. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4076-5_33 |