To edit frictions coefficient of the current reach click in menu *Hydraulics > Edit friction*.
The geometry edition window contains a table with the list of friction section defined by the begin KP, end KP and two Stricklers coefficient.
![Frictions window](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/doc/images/wiki/frictions_window.png){width=80%}
# Define Stricklers coefficient
To edit the Stricklers coefficients list click on edit button ![edit](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/src/View/ui/ressources/edit.png){height=20px}, a new window will appear. In this window, you can define new Stricklers coefficients, the name and comment are optional.
![Stricklers window](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/doc/images/wiki/stricklers_window.png){width=80%}
_The section "Application Stricklers" are not available yet._