To edit the geometry of the current reach click on geometry button or in menu _Geometry > Edit geometry_.
# Edit geometry
The geometry edition window contains a table with the list of cross-sections and tree plot with different view. The first one is an X/Y representation, the second one is an KP/Elevation view and the last one is a view of the current cross-section selected on the table with also the previous and next cross-sections if exists.
You can create each cross-section by hand with the add button ![add]( or import an `.ST` file with the _import_ button.
You can select a cross-section and click on the edit button ![edit]({height=20px} to modify it. In this case, a new window appears. On this window you have a table of cross-section points. You can add, delete and modify points coordinate and name.
:bulb: You can paste data from a spreadsheet program like LibreOffice.
# Meshed geometry (optional)
It is possible to use the mage meshing function to create a new meshed geometry with the _meshing_ button. _At this point, this option as no arguments._