You can access the window to define and edit the river network with into the menu _River Network > Edit river network_ or with the river network button on main Pamhyr2 window.
![River network window](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/doc/images/wiki/network_window.png)
On river network window you can:
- add and delete nodes
- add or delete reaches between nodes
- rename nodes and reaches
By default, you are in **moving mode**, this mode able to move on the network with left-click or mode network node.
If you click on the add button ![add](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/src/View/ui/ressources/gtk-add.png), you enter in **addition mode**. This mode, able to add nodes and reaches with a simple left-click on the grey zone at the centre of window.
Finally, if you click the delete button ![del](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/theophile.terraz/pamhyr/-/raw/master/src/View/ui/ressources/gtk-remove.png), you entre in **deletion mode**. You can delete nodes and reaches with a left-click.
**Click again on the current mode button, to return to moving mode.**
The first table at window bottom present the list of reaches, these reaches are automatically named like "[source node] -> [destination nodes]". The second table present the list of nodes, there are also automatically named like "Node [ID]". But you can define your own name for nodes and reaches.
It's also possible to add or delete nodes and reaches with right-click on an item. In addition, you can disable reaches with right-click, in this case these reaches are displayed as grey and must be ignored at solver running.
**Finally, if in moving mode you left-click on a reach, you selected this reach as the current reach.** This reach is now displayed with a light blue (in the previous example, the reach "Node 2 -> Downstream 1" is the current reach). |
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