CreateCalibOptions.R 14.2 KB
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CreateCalibOptions <- function(FUN_MOD,
                               FUN_CALIB = Calibration_Michel,
                               FUN_TRANSFO = NULL,
                               FixedParam = NULL,
                               SearchRanges = NULL,
                               StartParamList = NULL,
                               StartParamDistrib = NULL) {
  ObjectClass <- NULL
    FUN_MOD     <-
    FUN_CALIB   <-
    if(!is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
      FUN_TRANSFO <-
    if (!is.logical(IsHyst) | length(IsHyst) != 1L) {
      stop("'IsHyst' must be a logical of length 1")
    if (!is.logical(IsIntStore) | length(IsIntStore) != 1L) {
      stop("'IsIntStore' must be a logical of length 1")
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR4H")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR5H")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR4J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR5J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR6J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR2M")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "GR1A")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeige)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeige")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeigeGR4H")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeigeGR5H")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeigeGR4J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeigeGR5J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "CemaNeigeGR6J")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (IsHyst) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "hysteresis")
    if (IsIntStore) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "interception")
      stop("incorrect 'FUN_MOD' for use in 'CreateCalibOptions'")
    if (identical(FUN_CALIB, Calibration_Michel)) {
      ObjectClass <- c(ObjectClass, "HBAN")
      BOOL <- TRUE
    if (!BOOL) {
      stop("incorrect 'FUN_CALIB' for use in 'CreateCalibOptions'")
    if (is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
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      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4H) |
          identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4H)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4H
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5H) |
          identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5H)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5H
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR4J) |
          identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR4J
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR5J) |
          identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR5J)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR5J
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR6J) |
          identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR6J
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR2M)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR2M
      if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_GR1A)) {
        FUN1 <- TransfoParam_GR1A
	  if (identical(FUN_MOD, RunModel_CemaNeige)) {
          FUN1 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst
        } else {
          FUN1 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige
      if (is.null(FUN1)) {
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      if (IsHyst) {
        FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeigeHyst
      } else {
        FUN2 <- TransfoParam_CemaNeige
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      if (sum(ObjectClass %in% c("GR4H", "GR5H", "GR4J", "GR5J", "GR6J", "GR2M", "GR1A", "CemaNeige")) > 0) {
        FUN_TRANSFO <- FUN1
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      } else {
	     if (IsHyst) {
           FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
             Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
               ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
             ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
             NParam   <- ncol(ParamIn)
             ParamOut[, 1:(NParam - 4)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam - 4)], Direction)
             ParamOut[, (NParam - 3):NParam] <- FUN2(ParamIn[, (NParam - 3):NParam], Direction)
		} else {
          FUN_TRANSFO <- function(ParamIn, Direction) {
            Bool <- is.matrix(ParamIn)
              ParamIn <- rbind(ParamIn)
            ParamOut <- NA * ParamIn
            NParam   <- ncol(ParamIn)
            if (NParam <= 3) {
              ParamOut[, 1:(NParam - 2)] <- FUN1(cbind(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam - 2)]), Direction)
            } else {
              ParamOut[, 1:(NParam - 2)] <- FUN1(ParamIn[, 1:(NParam - 2)], Direction)
            ParamOut[, (NParam - 1):NParam] <- FUN2(ParamIn[, (NParam - 1):NParam], Direction)
    if (is.null(FUN_TRANSFO)) {
    if ("GR4H" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 4
    if ("GR5H" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 5
    if ("GR4J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 4
    if ("GR5J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 5
    if ("GR6J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 6
    if ("GR2M" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 2
    if ("GR1A" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 1
    if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 2
    if ("CemaNeigeGR5H" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 7
    if ("CemaNeigeGR4J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 6
    if ("CemaNeigeGR5J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 7
    if ("CemaNeigeGR6J" %in% ObjectClass) {
      NParam <- 8
    if (IsHyst) {
      NParam <- NParam + 2
    if (is.null(FixedParam)) {
      FixedParam <- rep(NA, NParam)
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Delaigue Olivier committed
    } else {
      if (!is.vector(FixedParam)) {
        stop("FixedParam must be a vector")
      if (length(FixedParam) != NParam) {
        stop("Incompatibility between 'FixedParam' length and 'FUN_MOD'")
        stop("At least one parameter must be not set (NA)")
        warning("You have not set any parameter in 'FixedParam'")
    if (is.null(SearchRanges)) {
      ParamT <-  matrix(c(rep(-9.99, NParam), rep(+9.99, NParam)),
                        ncol = NParam, byrow = TRUE)
      SearchRanges <- TransfoParam(ParamIn = ParamT, Direction = "TR", FUN_TRANSFO = FUN_TRANSFO)
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Delaigue Olivier committed
    } else {
      if (!is.matrix(SearchRanges)) {
      if (!is.numeric(SearchRanges)) {
        stop("'SearchRanges' must be a matrix of numeric values")
      if (sum( != 0) {
        stop("'SearchRanges' must not include NA values")
      if (nrow(SearchRanges) != 2) {
      if (ncol(SearchRanges) != NParam) {
        stop("Incompatibility between 'SearchRanges' ncol and 'FUN_MOD'")
    if (("HBAN"  %in% ObjectClass & is.null(StartParamList) & is.null(StartParamDistrib))) {
      if ("GR4H" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.12, -1.18, +4.34, -9.69,
                           +5.58, -0.85, +4.74, -9.47,
                           +6.01, -0.50, +5.14, -8.87), ncol = 4,  byrow = TRUE)
      if (("GR5H" %in% ObjectClass) & ("interception" %in% ObjectClass)) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.46, -1.25, +4.04, -9.53, -9.34,
                           +3.74, -0.41, +4.78, -8.94, -3.33,
                           +4.29, +0.16, +5.39, -7.39, +3.33),ncol=5,byrow=TRUE);
      if (("GR5H" %in% ObjectClass) & !("interception" %in% ObjectClass)) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.28, -0.39, +4.14, -9.54, -7.49,
                           +3.62, -0.19, +4.80, -9.00, -6.31,
                           +4.01, -0.04, +5.43, -7.53, -5.33), ncol=5,byrow=TRUE); 
      if ("GR4J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.13, -1.60, +3.03, -9.05,
                           +5.51, -0.61, +3.74, -8.51,
                           +6.07, -0.02, +4.42, -8.06),  ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("GR5J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.17, -1.13, +3.08, -9.37, -7.45,
                           +5.55, -0.46, +3.75, -9.09, -4.69,
                           +6.10, -0.11, +4.43, -8.60, -0.66), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("GR6J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.60, -1.00, +3.30, -9.10, -0.90, +3.00,
                           +3.90, -0.50, +4.10, -8.70, +0.10, +4.00,
                           +4.50, +0.50, +5.00, -8.10, +1.10, +5.00), ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("GR2M" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.03, -7.15,
                           +5.22, -6.74,
      if ("GR1A" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(-1.69,

      if ("CemaNeige" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(-9.96, +6.63,
                           -9.14, +6.90,
                           +4.10, +7.21), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("CemaNeigeGR4H" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.12, -1.18, +4.34, -9.69, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +5.58, -0.85, +4.74, -9.47, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +6.01, -0.50, +5.14, -8.87, +4.10, +7.21), ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
      if (("CemaNeigeGR5H" %in% ObjectClass) & ("interception" %in% ObjectClass)) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.46, -1.25, +4.04, -9.53, -9.34, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +3.74, -0.41, +4.78, -8.94, -3.33, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +4.29, +0.16, +5.39, -7.39, +3.33, +4.10, +7.21),ncol=7,byrow=TRUE);
      if (("CemaNeigeGR5H" %in% ObjectClass) & !("interception" %in% ObjectClass)) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.28, -0.39, +4.14, -9.54, -7.49, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +3.62, -0.19, +4.80, -9.00, -6.31, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +4.01, -0.04, +5.43, -7.53, -5.33, +4.10, +7.21), ncol=7,byrow=TRUE); 
      if ("CemaNeigeGR4J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.13, -1.60, +3.03, -9.05, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +5.51, -0.61, +3.74, -8.51, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +6.07, -0.02, +4.42, -8.06, +4.10, +7.21), ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("CemaNeigeGR5J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+5.17, -1.13, +3.08, -9.37, -7.45, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +5.55, -0.46, +3.75, -9.09, -4.69, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +6.10, -0.11, +4.43, -8.60, -0.66, +4.10, +7.21), ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("CemaNeigeGR6J" %in% ObjectClass) {
        ParamT <- matrix(c(+3.60, -1.00, +3.30, -9.10, -0.90, +3.00, -9.96, +6.63,
                           +3.90, -0.50, +4.10, -8.70, +0.10, +4.00, -9.14, +6.90,
                           +4.50, +0.50, +5.00, -8.10, +1.10, +5.00, +4.10, +7.21), ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)

        ParamTHyst <- matrix(c(-7.00, -7.00,
                               -0.00, -0.00,
                               +7.00, +7.00), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      StartParamList    <- NULL
      StartParamDistrib <- TransfoParam(ParamIn = ParamT, Direction = "TR", FUN_TRANSFO = FUN_TRANSFO)
    if ("HBAN" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(StartParamList)) {
      if (!is.matrix(StartParamList)) {
        stop("'StartParamList' must be a matrix")
      if (!is.numeric(StartParamList)) {
        stop("'StartParamList' must be a matrix of numeric values")
      if (sum( != 0) {
        stop("'StartParamList' must not include NA values")
      if (ncol(StartParamList) != NParam) {
        stop("Incompatibility between 'StartParamList' ncol and 'FUN_MOD'")
    if ("HBAN" %in% ObjectClass & !is.null(StartParamDistrib)) {
      if (!is.matrix(StartParamDistrib)) {
        stop("'StartParamDistrib' must be a matrix")
      if (!is.numeric(StartParamDistrib[1, ])) {
        stop("'StartParamDistrib' must be a matrix of numeric values")
      if (sum([1, ])) != 0) {
        stop("'StartParamDistrib' must not include NA values on the first line")
      if (ncol(StartParamDistrib) != NParam) {
        stop("Incompatibility between 'StartParamDistrib' ncol and 'FUN_MOD'")
    CalibOptions <- list(FixedParam = FixedParam, SearchRanges = SearchRanges)
    if (!is.null(StartParamList)) {
      CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions, list(StartParamList = StartParamList))
    if (!is.null(StartParamDistrib)) {
      CalibOptions <- c(CalibOptions, list(StartParamDistrib = StartParamDistrib))
    class(CalibOptions) <- c("CalibOptions", ObjectClass)