unknown authored6569e47f
title: "First run of the model"
author: "David Dorchies"
date: "20 mai 2020"
output: html_document
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Load parameters of GR4 run-off model
Data comes from calibration of ClimAware project with naturalised flows.
ClimAwareParams <- readr::read_csv(
file = "https://stratus.irstea.fr/d/0b18e688851a45478f7a/files/?p=/climaware_hydro/Ident_NAT_P0P0.txt&dl=1"
The lag and route parameters of TGR are expressed as time delay in hours corresponding to the delay time between the farest upstream inlet and the outlet of the sub-basin. Almost all sub basin has only a lag parameter. The only exception is for La Marne à Noisiel (NOISI_17) that has a routing parameter which can be approximated to a single lag parameter equals to .
This lag parameter has to be converted in a speed in m/s used in the airGR lag model:
# Convert TGR routing parameter into speed
params <- merge(ginet, ClimAwareParams, by.x = "id", by.y = "id_sgl")
for(id in girop$id) {
# Maximum connection length with upstream nodes
UpstrNodes <- which(ginet$down == id & !is.na(ginet$down))
if(length(UpstrNodes) > 0) {
maxLength <- max(ginet$length[UpstrNodes])
params$LAG <- maxLength / ((params$Tau0 + params$K0) * 3600)
sLag <- "LAG"
} else {
sLag <- NULL
girop$params[girop$id == id] <- list(params[params$id == id, c("S", "IGF", "KR", "T", sLag)])
Run the SD model for the whole basin
# Time settings
IndPeriod_Run <- seq(
which(gits$date == (gits$date[1] + months(12))), # Set aside warm-up period
length(gits$date)) # Until the end of the time series
IndPeriod_WarmUp = seq(1,IndPeriod_Run[1]-1)
OutputsModels <- RunModelGriwrm(
ginet, girop, gits,
IndPeriod_Run = IndPeriod_Run,
IndPeriod_WarmUp = IndPeriod_WarmUp
Plot the result for each basin
function(x) {
plot(OutputsModels[[x]], Qobs = gits[[x]]$Qobs[IndPeriod_Run] , main = x)