BCITRAITS_20101220.csv 1.62 KiB
1GENUSgenus name truncated at 12 letters
1SPECIESspecies name truncated at 12 letters
1FAMILYfamily name truncated at 12 letters
1GRWFRM2Values are as in GRWFRM1 except free-standing species can have multiple values if maximum size varies widely within Panama
1GRWFRM1Values are Climber, HERB, S, U, M and T. S, U, M and T are free-standing species with maximum heights of 5, 10, 20 and > 30 m, respectively.
1SPsix letter species code
1SG60C_AVGg/cm3mean wood specific gravity after drying at 60C (g cm-3)
1SG100C_AVGg/cm3mean wood specific gravity after drying at 100C (g cm-3)
1SG60C_SEMg/cm3standard error of SG60C_AVG (g cm-3)
1SG100C_SEMg/cm3standard error of SG100C_AVG (g cm-3)
1SG60C_Nnumber of individuals sampled for SG60C_AVG
1SG100C_Nnumber of individuals sampled for SG100C_AVG
1SEED_DRYgmean seed dry mass after drying at 60 C (g), where seed is defined to include the endosperm and embryo only
1DBH_AVGmmmean DBH measured in 2005 of up to the six largest individuals in the BCI 50-ha plot (mm)
1HEIGHT_AVGmmean height of up to the six largest individuals in the BCI 50-ha plot (m)
1DIAM_AVGmmean crown diameter of up to the six largest individuals in the BCI 50-ha plot (m)
1DBH_SEMmmone standard error of DBH_AVG (mm)
1HEIGHT_SEMmone standard error of HEIGHT_AVG (m)
1DIAM_SEMmone standard error of DIAM_AVG (m)
1LMALAM_AVDg/m2mean leaf mass per unit area measured for the leaf lamina excluding the petiole and for compound leaves the petiolules (g m-2) for leaves receiving direct sunlight
1LMALAM_SEDg/m2one standard error for LMALAM_AVD (g m-2)