frun_GR4H.f 11.31 KiB
!    Subroutines relative to the annual GR4H model
! TITLE   : airGR
! FILE    : frun_GR4H.f
! Original code: C. Perrin
! Cleaning and formatting for airGR: L. Coron
! Further cleaning: G. Thirel
! Creation date: 2003
! Last modified: 25/11/2019
! Perrin, C., C. Michel and V. Andréassian (2003). Improvement of a 
! parsimonious model for streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 
! 279(1-4), 275-289, doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(03)00225-7. 
! Quick description of public procedures:
!         1. frun_gr4h
!         2. MOD_GR4H
      SUBROUTINE frun_gr4h(LInputs,InputsPrecip,InputsPE,NParam,Param,
     &                     NStates,StateStart,NOutputs,IndOutputs,
     &                     Outputs,StateEnd)
! Subroutine that initializes GR4H, get its parameters, performs the call 
! to the MOD_GR4H subroutine at each time step, and stores the final states
! Inputs
!       LInputs      ! Integer, length of input and output series
!       InputsPrecip ! Vector of real, input series of total precipitation [mm/hour]
!       InputsPE     ! Vector of real, input series of potential evapotranspiration (PE) [mm/hour]
!       NParam       ! Integer, number of model parameters
!       Param        ! Vector of real, parameter set
!       NStates      ! Integer, number of state variables
!       StateStart   ! Vector of real, state variables used when the model run starts (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
!       NOutputs     ! Integer, number of output series
!       IndOutputs   ! Vector of integer, indices of output series
! Outputs      
!       Outputs      ! Vector of real, output series
!       StateEnd     ! Vector of real, state variables at the end of the model run (store levels [mm] and Unit Hydrograph (UH) storages [mm])
      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: frun_gr4h
      Implicit None
      !! dummies
      ! in
      integer, intent(in) :: LInputs,NParam,NStates,NOutputs
      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs), intent(in) :: InputsPrecip
      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs), intent(in) :: InputsPE
      doubleprecision, dimension(NParam),  intent(in) :: Param
      doubleprecision, dimension(NStates), intent(in) :: StateStart
      integer, dimension(NOutputs),        intent(in) :: IndOutputs
      ! out
      doubleprecision, dimension(NStates), intent(out) :: StateEnd
      doubleprecision, dimension(LInputs,NOutputs), 
     & intent(out) :: Outputs
      !! locals
      integer :: I,K
      integer, parameter :: NH=480,NMISC=30
      doubleprecision, dimension(2)    :: St
      doubleprecision, dimension(NH)   :: StUH1, OrdUH1
      doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH) :: StUH2, OrdUH2
doubleprecision, dimension(NMISC) :: MISC doubleprecision :: D,P1,E,Q !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initializations !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialization of model states using StateStart St=0. StUH1=0. StUH2=0. ! initialization of model states using StateStart St(1) = StateStart(1) St(2) = StateStart(2) DO I=1,NH StUH1(I)=StateStart(7+I) ENDDO DO I=1,2*NH StUH2(I)=StateStart(7+I+NH) ENDDO ! parameter values ! Param(1) : production store capacity (X1 - PROD) [mm] ! Param(2) : intercatchment exchange coefficient (X2 - CES) [mm/hour] ! Param(3) : routing store capacity (X3 - ROUT) [mm] ! Param(4) : time constant of unit hydrograph (X4 - TB) [hour] !computation of UH ordinates OrdUH1 = 0. OrdUH2 = 0. D=1.25 CALL UH1_H(OrdUH1,Param(4),D) CALL UH2_H(OrdUH2,Param(4),D) ! initialization of model outputs Q = -999.999 MISC = -999.999 ! StateEnd = -999.999 !initialization made in R ! Outputs = -999.999 !initialization made in R !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Time loop !-------------------------------------------------------------- DO k=1,LInputs P1=InputsPrecip(k) E =InputsPE(k) ! Q = -999.999 ! MISC = -999.999 ! model run on one time step CALL MOD_GR4H(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q,MISC) ! storage of outputs DO I=1,NOutputs Outputs(k,I)=MISC(IndOutputs(I)) ENDDO ENDDO ! model states at the end of the run StateEnd(1) = St(1) StateEnd(2) = St(2) DO K=1,NH StateEnd(7+K)=StUH1(K) ENDDO DO K=1,2*NH StateEnd(7+NH+K)=StUH2(K) ENDDO RETURN
ENDSUBROUTINE !################################################################################################################################ !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE MOD_GR4H(St,StUH1,StUH2,OrdUH1,OrdUH2,Param,P1,E,Q, &MISC) ! Calculation of streamflow on a single time step (hour) with the GR4H model ! Inputs: ! St Vector of real, model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! StUH1 Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! StUH2 Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! OrdUH1 Vector of real, ordinates in UH1 [-] ! OrdUH2 Vector of real, ordinates in UH2 [-] ! Param Vector of real, model parameters [various units] ! P1 Real, value of rainfall during the time step [mm] ! E Real, value of potential evapotranspiration during the time step [mm] ! Outputs: ! St Vector of real, model states in stores at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! StUH1 Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 1 at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! StUH2 Vector of real, model states in Unit Hydrograph 2 at the beginning of the time step [mm] ! Q Real, value of simulated flow at the catchment outlet for the time step [mm/hour] ! MISC Vector of real, model outputs for the time step [mm/hour] !********************************************************************** Implicit None !! locals integer, parameter :: NParam=4,NMISC=30,NH=480 doubleprecision :: A,EN,ER,PN,PR,PS,WS,tanHyp doubleprecision :: PERC,PRHU1,PRHU2,EXCH,QR,QD doubleprecision :: AE,AEXCH1,AEXCH2 integer :: K doubleprecision, parameter :: B=0.9 doubleprecision, parameter :: stored_val=759.69140625 doubleprecision :: expWS, TWS, Sr, Rr ! speed-up !! dummies ! in doubleprecision, dimension(NParam), intent(in) :: Param doubleprecision, intent(in) :: P1,E doubleprecision, dimension(NH), intent(inout) :: OrdUH1 doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH), intent(inout) :: OrdUH2 ! inout doubleprecision, dimension(2), intent(inout) :: St doubleprecision, dimension(NH), intent(inout) :: StUH1 doubleprecision, dimension(2*NH), intent(inout) :: StUH2 ! out doubleprecision, intent(out) :: Q doubleprecision, dimension(NMISC), intent(out) :: MISC A=Param(1) ! Interception and production store IF(P1.LE.E) THEN EN=E-P1 PN=0. WS=EN/A IF(WS.GT.13.) WS=13. ! speed-up expWS = exp(2.*WS)
TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.) Sr = St(1)/A ER=St(1)*(2.-Sr)*TWS/(1.+(1.-Sr)*TWS) ! ER=X(2)*(2.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+(1.-X(2)/A)*tanHyp(WS)) ! end speed-up AE=ER+P1 St(1)=St(1)-ER PR=0. ELSE EN=0. AE=E PN=P1-E WS=PN/A IF(WS.GT.13.)WS=13. ! speed-up expWS = exp(2.*WS) TWS = (expWS - 1.)/(expWS + 1.) Sr = St(1)/A PS=A*(1.-Sr*Sr)*TWS/(1.+Sr*TWS) ! PS=A*(1.-(X(2)/A)**2.)*tanHyp(WS)/(1.+X(2)/A*tanHyp(WS)) ! end speed-up PR=PN-PS St(1)=St(1)+PS ENDIF ! Percolation from production store IF(St(1).LT.0.) St(1)=0. ! speed-up ! (21/4)**4 = 759.69140625 = stored_val Sr = St(1)/Param(1) Sr = Sr * Sr Sr = Sr * Sr PERC=St(1)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Sr/stored_val))) ! PERC=X(2)*(1.-(1.+(X(2)/(21./4.*Param(1)))**4.)**(-0.25)) ! end speed-up St(1)=St(1)-PERC PR=PR+PERC ! Split of effective rainfall into the two routing components PRHU1=PR*B PRHU2=PR*(1.-B) ! Convolution of unit hydrograph UH1 DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(NH-1,INT(Param(4)+1.))) StUH1(K)=StUH1(K+1)+OrdUH1(K)*PRHU1 ENDDO StUH1(NH)=OrdUH1(NH)*PRHU1 ! Convolution of unit hydrograph UH2 DO K=1,MAX(1,MIN(2*NH-1,2*INT(Param(4)+1.))) StUH2(K)=StUH2(K+1)+OrdUH2(K)*PRHU2 ENDDO StUH2(2*NH)=OrdUH2(2*NH)*PRHU2 ! Potential intercatchment semi-exchange ! speed-up Rr = St(2)/Param(3) EXCH=Param(2)*Rr*Rr*Rr*SQRT(Rr) ! EXCH=Param(2)*(X(1)/Param(3))**3.5 ! end speed-up ! Routing store AEXCH1=EXCH IF((St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH).LT.0.) AEXCH1=-St(2)-StUH1(1)
St(2)=St(2)+StUH1(1)+EXCH IF(St(2).LT.0.) St(2)=0. ! speed-up Rr = St(2)/Param(3) Rr = Rr * Rr Rr = Rr * Rr QR=St(2)*(1.-1./SQRT(SQRT(1.+Rr))) ! QR=X(1)*(1.-(1.+(X(1)/Param(3))**4.)**(-1./4.)) ! end speed-up St(2)=St(2)-QR ! Runoff from direct branch QD AEXCH2=EXCH IF((StUH2(1)+EXCH).LT.0.) AEXCH2=-StUH2(1) QD=MAX(0.d0,StUH2(1)+EXCH) ! Total runoff Q=QR+QD IF(Q.LT.0.) Q=0. ! Variables storage MISC( 1)=E ! PE ! [numeric] observed potential evapotranspiration [mm/hour] MISC( 2)=P1 ! Precip ! [numeric] observed total precipitation [mm/hour] MISC( 3)=St(1) ! Prod ! [numeric] production store level (St(1)) [mm] MISC( 4)=AE ! AE ! [numeric] actual evapotranspiration [mm/hour] MISC( 5)=PERC ! Perc ! [numeric] percolation (PERC) [mm/hour] MISC( 6)=PR ! PR ! [numeric] PR=PN-PS+PERC [mm/hour] MISC( 7)=StUH1(1) ! Q9 ! [numeric] outflow from UH1 (Q9) [mm/hour] MISC( 8)=StUH2(1) ! Q1 ! [numeric] outflow from UH2 (Q1) [mm/hour] MISC( 9)=St(2) ! Rout ! [numeric] routing store level (St(2)) [mm] MISC(10)=EXCH ! Exch ! [numeric] potential semi-exchange between catchments (EXCH) [mm/hour] MISC(11)=AEXCH1+AEXCH2 ! AExch ! [numeric] actual total exchange between catchments (AEXCH1+AEXCH2) [mm/hour] MISC(12)=QR ! QR ! [numeric] outflow from routing store (QR) [mm/hour] MISC(13)=QD ! QD ! [numeric] outflow from UH2 branch after exchange (QD) [mm/hour] MISC(14)=Q ! Qsim ! [numeric] simulated outflow at catchment outlet [mm/hour] ENDSUBROUTINE