An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Delaigue Olivier authored67cc8964
# Usefull library
# General information on station
iStatut = c('0'='inconnu',
'1'='station avec signification hydrologique',
'2'='station sans signification hydrologique',
'3'="station d'essai")
iFinalite = c('0'='inconnue',
'1'="hydrométrie générale",
'2'='alerte de crue',
'3'="hydrométrie générale et alerte de crue",
'4'="gestion d'ouvrage",
'5'='police des eaux',
'6'="suivi d'étiage",
'7'='bassin expérimental',
iType = c('0'='inconnu',
'1'='une échelle',
'2'='deux échelles, station mère',
'3'='deux échelles, station fille',
'4'='débits mesurés',
iInfluence = c('0'='inconnue',
'1'='nulle ou faible',
'2'='en étiage seulement',
'3'='forte en toute saison')
iDebit = c('0'='reconstitué',
'1'="réel (prise en compte de l'eau rajoutée ou retirée du bassin selon aménagements)",
iQBE = c('0'='qualité basses eaux inconnue',
'1'='qualité basses eaux bonne',
'2'='qualité basses eaux douteuse')
iQME = c('0'='qualité moyennes eaux inconnue',
'1'='qualité moyennes eaux bonne',
'2'='qualité moyennes eaux douteuse')
iQHE = c('0'='qualité hautes eaux inconnue',
'1'='qualité hautes eaux bonne',
'2'='qualité hautes eaux douteuse')
# Get the selection of data from the 'Liste-station_RRSE' file and the BanqueHydro directory
get_selection = function (computer_data_path, listdir, listname,
cnames=c('code','station', 'BV_km2', 'axe_principal_concerne', 'longueur_serie', 'commentaires', 'choix'),
cisnum=c('BV_km2', 'longueur_serie')) {
# Get the file path to the data
list_path = file.path(computer_data_path, listdir, listname)
# Extract the data as a data frame
# df_list = read.table(list_path,
# header=TRUE,
# sep=';',
# dec=',',
# quote='',
# skip=0,
# nrows=3,
# strip.white=TRUE,
# comment.char="",
# colClasses=c("character",
# "character",
# "numeric",
# "character",
# "numeric",
# "character",
# "character"))
sample_data = read_docx(list_path)
content = docx_summary(sample_data)
table_cells <- content %>% filter(content_type == "table cell")
table_data <- table_cells %>% filter(!is_header) %>% select(row_id, cell_id, text)
# Split data into individual columns
splits <- split(table_data, table_data$cell_id)
splits <- lapply(splits, function(x) x$text)
# Combine columns back together in wide format
df_list <- bind_cols(splits)
df_list = df_list[-1,]
names(df_list) = cnames
for (c in cisnum) {
df_list$c = as.numeric(sub(",", ".",
pull(df_list, c)))
df_selec = df_list[df_list$choix == 'A garder' | df_list$choix == 'Ajout',]
df_selec = bind_cols(df_selec,
filename=paste(df_selec$code, '_HYDRO_QJM.txt', sep=''))
return (df_selec)
# Example
# df_selec = get_selection(
# "/home/louis/Documents/bouleau/INRAE/CDD_stationnarite/data",
# "liste_station",
# "Liste-station_RRSE.docx",
# cnames=c('code','station',
# 'BV_km2',
# 'axe_principal_concerne',
# 'longueur_serie',
# 'commentaires',
# 'choix'),
# cisnum=c('BV_km2',
# 'longueur_serie'))
# Extraction of information
extract_info = function (computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=TRUE) {
# Convert the filename in vector
filename = c(filename)
# If the filename is 'all' or regroup more than one filename
if (all(filename == 'all') | length(filename) > 1) {
# If the filename is 'all'
if (all(filename == 'all')) {
# Create a filelist to store all the filename
filelist = c()
# Get all the filename in the data directory selected
filelist_tmp = list.files(file.path(computer_data_path,
# For all the filename in the directory selected
for (f in filelist_tmp) {
# If the filename extention is 'txt'
if (file_ext(f) == 'txt') {
# Store the filename in the filelist
filelist = c(filelist, f)
# If the filename regroup more than one filename
} else if (length(filename > 1)) {
# The filelist correspond to the filename
filelist = filename
# Create a blank data frame
df_info = data.frame()
# For all the file in the filelist
for (f in filelist) {
# Concatenate by raw data frames created by this function when filename correspond to only one filename
df_info = rbind(df_info,
# Set the rownames by default (to avoid strange numbering)
rownames(df_info) = NULL
return (df_info)
# Get the filename from the vector
filename = filename[1]
# Print information if asked
if (verbose) {
print(paste("extraction of info for file :", filename))
# Get the file path to the data
file_path = file.path(computer_data_path, filedir, filename)
# Extract all the header
infotxt = c(readLines(file_path, n=41))
# Create a tibble with all the information needed
df_info =
tibble(code=trimws(substr(infotxt[11], 38, nchar(infotxt[11]))),
nom=trimws(substr(infotxt[12], 39, nchar(infotxt[12]))),
territoire=trimws(substr(infotxt[13], 39, nchar(infotxt[13]))),
L93X=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 38, 50)),
L93Y=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[16], 52, 63)),
surface=as.numeric(substr(infotxt[19], 38, 50)),
statut=iStatut[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 38, 50))],
finalite=iFinalite[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 52, 56))],
type=iType[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 58, 58))],
influence=iInfluence[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 60, 60))],
debit=iDebit[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 62, 62))],
QBE=iQBE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 72, 72))],
QME=iQME[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 74, 74))],
QHE=iQHE[trimws(substr(infotxt[26], 76, 76))],
return (df_info)
# Example
# df_info = extract_info(
# "/home/louis/Documents/bouleau/INRAE/CDD_stationnarite/data",
# '',
# c('H5920011_HYDRO_QJM.txt', 'K4470010_HYDRO_QJM.txt'))
# Extraction of data
extract_data = function (computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=TRUE) {
# Convert the filename in vector
filename = c(filename)
# If the filename is 'all' or regroup more than one filename
if (all(filename == 'all') | length(filename) > 1) {
# If the filename is 'all'
if (all(filename == 'all')) {
# Create a filelist to store all the filename
filelist = c()
# Get all the filename in the data directory selected
filelist_tmp = list.files(file.path(computer_data_path,
# For all the filename in the directory selected
for (f in filelist_tmp) {
# If the filename extention is 'txt'
if (file_ext(f) == 'txt') {
# Store the filename in the filelist
filelist = c(filelist, f)
# If the filename regroup more than one filename
} else if (length(filename > 1)) {
# The filelist correspond to the filename
filelist = filename
# Create a blank data frame
df_data = data.frame()
# For all the file in the filelist
for (f in filelist) {
# Concatenate by raw data frames created by this function when filename correspond to only one filename
df_data = rbind(df_data,
# Set the rownames by default (to avoid strange numbering)
rownames(df_data) = NULL
return (df_data)
# Get the filename from the vector
filename = filename[1]
# Print information if asked
if (verbose) {
print(paste("extraction of data for file :", filename))
# Get the file path to the data
file_path = file.path(computer_data_path, filedir, filename)
# Extract the data as a data frame
df_data = read.table(file_path,
na.strings=c(' -99', ' -99.000'),
# Extract all the information for the station
df_info = extract_info(computer_data_path, filedir, filename, verbose=FALSE)
# Get the code of the station
code = df_info$code
# Create a tibble with the date as Date class and the code of the station
df_data = tibble(Date=as.Date(as.character(df_data$Date),
return (df_data)
# Example
# df_data = extract_data(
# "/home/louis/Documents/bouleau/INRAE/CDD_stationnarite/data",
# '',
# c('H5920011_HYDRO_QJM.txt', 'K4470010_HYDRO_QJM.txt'))