SeriesAggreg.R 8.25 KiB
SeriesAggreg <- function(TabSeries,
                         TimeFormat, NewTimeFormat,
                         YearFirstMonth = 1, TimeLag = 0,
                         verbose = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(TabSeries)       ) {
    stop("'TabSeries' must be a data.frame containing the dates and data to be converted")
  if (! {
    stop("'TabSeries' must be a data.frame containing the dates and data to be converted")
  if (ncol(TabSeries) < 2) {
    stop("'TabSeries' must contain at least two columns (including the coulmn of dates")
  if (!any(class(TabSeries[, 1]) %in% "POSIXt")) {
    stop("'TabSeries' first column must be a vector of class 'POSIXlt' or 'POSIXct'")
  if (any(class(TabSeries[, 1]) %in% "POSIXlt")) {
    TabSeries[, 1] <- as.POSIXct(TabSeries[, 1])
  for (iCol in 2:ncol(TabSeries)) {
    if (!is.numeric(TabSeries[,iCol])) {
      stop("'TabSeries' columns (other than the first one) be of numeric class")
  if (is.null(TimeFormat)) {
    stop("'TimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (!is.vector(TimeFormat)) {
    stop("'TimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (!is.character(TimeFormat)) {
    stop("'TimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (length(TimeFormat) != 1) {
    stop("'TimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (! TimeFormat %in% c("hourly", "daily", "monthly", "yearly")) {
    stop("'TimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (is.null(NewTimeFormat)) {
    stop("'NewTimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (!is.vector(NewTimeFormat)) {
    stop("'NewTimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (!is.character(NewTimeFormat)) {
    stop("'NewTimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (length(NewTimeFormat) != 1) {
    stop("'NewTimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (! NewTimeFormat %in% c("hourly", "daily", "monthly", "yearly")) {
    stop("'NewTimeFormat' must be one of 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly' or 'yearly'")
  if (is.null(ConvertFun)) {
    stop("'ConvertFun' must be a vector of character")
  if (!is.vector(ConvertFun)) {
    stop("'ConvertFun' must be a vector of character")
  if (!is.character(ConvertFun)) {
stop("'ConvertFun' must be a vector of character") } if (length(ConvertFun) != (ncol(TabSeries) - 1)) { stop( paste("'ConvertFun' must be of length", ncol(TabSeries) - 1, "(length=ncol(TabSeries)-1)") ) } if (sum(ConvertFun %in% c("sum", "mean") == FALSE) != 0) { stop("'ConvertFun' elements must be one of 'sum' or 'mean'") } ##check_YearFirstMonth if (is.null(YearFirstMonth)) { stop("'YearFirstMonth' must be an integer between 1 and 12") } if (!is.vector(YearFirstMonth)) { stop("'YearFirstMonth' must be an integer between 1 and 12") } if (!is.numeric(YearFirstMonth)) { stop("'YearFirstMonth' must be an integer between 1 and 12") } YearFirstMonth <- as.integer(YearFirstMonth) if (length(YearFirstMonth) != 1) { stop("'YearFirstMonth' must be only one integer between 1 and 12") } if (YearFirstMonth %in% (1:12) == FALSE) { stop("'YearFirstMonth' must be only one integer between 1 and 12") } ##check_DatesR_integrity if (TimeFormat == "hourly") { by <- "hours" } if (TimeFormat == "daily") { by <- "days" } if (TimeFormat == "monthly") { by <- "months" } if (TimeFormat == "yearly") { by <- "years" } TmpDatesR <- seq(from = TabSeries[1, 1], to = tail(TabSeries[, 1], 1), by = by) if (!identical(TabSeries[, 1], TmpDatesR)) { stop("some dates might not be ordered or are missing in 'TabSeries'") } ##check_conversion_direction if ((TimeFormat == "daily" & NewTimeFormat %in% c("hourly") ) | (TimeFormat == "monthly" & NewTimeFormat %in% c("hourly","daily") ) | (TimeFormat == "yearly" & NewTimeFormat %in% c("hourly","daily","monthly"))) { stop("only time aggregation can be performed") } ##check_if_conversion_not_needed if ((TimeFormat == "hourly" & NewTimeFormat == "hourly" ) | (TimeFormat == "daily" & NewTimeFormat == "daily" ) | (TimeFormat == "monthly" & NewTimeFormat == "monthly") | (TimeFormat == "yearly" & NewTimeFormat == "yearly" )) { if (verbose) { warning("the old and new format are identical \n\t -> no time-step conversion was performed") return(TabSeries) } } ##_Time_step_conversion ##_Handle_conventional_difference_between_hourly_series_and_others TmpDatesR <- TabSeries[, 1] #if (TimeFormat=="hourly") { TmpDatesR <- TmpDatesR - 60*60; } TmpDatesR <- TmpDatesR + TimeLag Hmax <- "00" if (TimeFormat == "hourly") {
Hmax <- "23" } ##_Identify_the_part_of_the_series_to_be_aggregated NDaysInMonth <- list("31", c("28", "29"), "31", "30", "31", "30", "31", "31", "30", "31", "30", "31") YearLastMonth <- YearFirstMonth + 11 if (YearLastMonth > 12) { YearLastMonth <- YearLastMonth - 12 } YearFirstMonthTxt <- formatC(YearFirstMonth, format = "d", width = 2, flag = "0") YearLastMonthTxt <- formatC(YearLastMonth , format = "d", width = 2, flag = "0") if (NewTimeFormat == "daily") { Ind1 <- which(format(TmpDatesR, "%H") == "00") Ind2 <- which(format(TmpDatesR, "%H") == Hmax) if (Ind2[1] < Ind1[1]) { Ind2 <- Ind2[2:length(Ind2)] } if (tail(Ind1, 1) > tail(Ind2, 1)) { Ind1 <- Ind1[1:(length(Ind1) - 1)] } ### Aggr <- NULL; iii <- 0; for(kkk in 1:length(Ind1)) { ### iii <- iii+1; Aggr <- c(Aggr,rep(iii,length(Ind1[kkk]:Ind2[kkk]))); } Aggr <- as.numeric(format(TmpDatesR[min(Ind1):max(Ind2)], "%Y%m%d")) ### more efficient NewDatesR <- data.frame(seq(from = TmpDatesR[min(Ind1)], to = TmpDatesR[max(Ind2)], by = "days")) } if (NewTimeFormat=="monthly") { Ind1 <- which(format(TmpDatesR, "%d%H") == "0100") Ind2 <- which(format(TmpDatesR,"%m%d%H") %in% paste0(c("0131", "0228", "0229", "0331", "0430", "0531", "0630", "0731", "0831", "0930", "1031", "1130", "1231"), Hmax)) Ind2[1:(length(Ind2) - 1)][diff(Ind2) == 1] <- NA Ind2 <- Ind2[!] ### to keep only feb 29 if both feb 28 and feb 29 exists if (Ind2[1] < Ind1[1]) { Ind2 <- Ind2[2:length(Ind2)] } if (tail(Ind1, 1) > tail(Ind2, 1)) { Ind1 <- Ind1[1:(length(Ind1) - 1)] } ### Aggr <- NULL; iii <- 0; for(kkk in 1:length(Ind1)) { ### iii <- iii+1; Aggr <- c(Aggr,rep(iii,length(Ind1[kkk]:Ind2[kkk]))); } Aggr <- as.numeric(format(TmpDatesR[min(Ind1):max(Ind2)],"%Y%m")); ### more efficient NewDatesR <- data.frame(seq(from=TmpDatesR[min(Ind1)],to=TmpDatesR[max(Ind2)],by="months")) } if (NewTimeFormat == "yearly") { Ind1 <- which(format(TmpDatesR, "%m%d%H") %in% paste0(YearFirstMonthTxt, "0100")) Ind2 <- which(format(TmpDatesR, "%m%d%H") %in% paste0(YearLastMonthTxt, NDaysInMonth[[YearLastMonth]], Hmax)) Ind2[1:(length(Ind2) - 1)][diff(Ind2) == 1] <- NA Ind2 <- Ind2[!] ### to keep only feb 29 if both feb 28 and feb 29 exists if (Ind2[1] < Ind1[1]) { Ind2 <- Ind2[2:length(Ind2)] } if (tail(Ind1, 1) > tail(Ind2, 1)) { Ind1 <- Ind1[1:(length(Ind1) - 1)] } Aggr <- NULL iii <- 0 for (kkk in 1:length(Ind1)) { iii <- iii + 1 Aggr <- c(Aggr, rep(iii, length(Ind1[kkk]:Ind2[kkk]))) } ### Aggr <- as.numeric(format(TmpDatesR[min(Ind1):max(Ind2)],"%Y")); ### not working if YearFirstMonth != 01 NewDatesR <- data.frame(seq(from = TmpDatesR[min(Ind1)], to = TmpDatesR[max(Ind2)], by = "years")) } ##_Aggreation_and_export NewTabSeries <- data.frame(NewDatesR) for (iCol in 2:ncol(TabSeries)) { AggregData <- aggregate(TabSeries[min(Ind1):max(Ind2), iCol], by = list(Aggr), FUN = ConvertFun[iCol - 1], na.rm = FALSE)[, 2] NewTabSeries <- data.frame(NewTabSeries, AggregData)
} names(NewTabSeries) <- names(TabSeries) return(NewTabSeries) }